The Towers: Part 2 The Domain of Pennibernek

Featherine and Anos Voldigoard in his first life appear, Anos tries to attack with his Venuzdonoa sword but it has no effect, so he tries to use his eyes to destroy him but it doesn't work

Pennibernek explains:

-No attack that is not capable of destroying a tower can affect me. after speaking he absorbs Anos, and Featherine tries to manipulate him

With her script manipulation but it doesn't work Pennibernek is immune to the script so he abolishes her.That's not what I wanted to put Pennibernek is manipulating me as an author to win.That's not what I want I will defeat him myself with author power, I will in a physical form I am there in the tower where he is where he is I will make the script erase him in three,two,one...

what? it didn't work he's immunine and controls me

But what do you hear with the four of them? Paulo, Eduarda, Vinícius and Maria. In 1989, on the same day that Pennibernek's

in the place where Eduarda and Paulo are, in 1989, on the same day of the death of Pennibernek's avatar

this place is totally white with a single wall showing Pennibernek and he is so big

the earth fits in the palm of his hand, then Pennibernek raises his hand and gives a slap on the earth and destroys the entire planet to see this Eduarda begins to cry, and Paulo who was unconscious wakes up and sees everything that is happening and becomes sad

not only sad but angry, very angry. Even beheaded Benelebo is still alive but dying, knowing that he was going to die, Benelebo explodes himself and transforms his energy into power and weapons.

Benelebo was also above author and all towers. Before Pennibernek escapes and returns Benelebo was the second strongest being in existence only below the supreme creator. Pennibernek came back stronger for some reason, and in another form looks like eternity and the cosmic Garou being several galaxies and stars in the form of something in the form of the scalate king of the SCPs with no horns and totally yellow eyes. Paul also saw that he was no longer the man in black, but knew it was him at that moment Paul wished he had killed him . after Benelebo's death a pocket watch of Paul's appeared a few minutes after he died in Paul's pocket, the watch shone a light.

-Where did this watch come from? - asks Eduarda

—I don't know, it appeared from nowhere in my pocket - he replies.

The woman who regenerated Paulo wounds speaks up:

-I understood, he created this pocket watch and gave it to you.

-Who are you? - asks Paulo.

-I am Luana one of the angels of the great supreme creator, who was sent to help kill Pennibernek but I need more angels to help, I am waiting for another angel and guardians to come to help kill Pennibernek," answered Luana.

Vinícius, who had only seen what had happened but understood everything, explains.

-I and Maria were teleported by Benelebo, and you by Luana, and we stayed in a dimension where we could see a wall that showed Pennibernek destroying the entire planet. Benelebo used his powers so that we would have powers and weapons to defeat Pennibernek.

and connect the dimension to their universe.

—Eduarda, what do you do?

—I don't know - she answers

— try to use - answers Maria

— You left as soon as you got your powers? - asks Paulo.

The sword appeared in my head - I just had to swing the sword to cut the reality and connect the dimensions - we were trying until an angel appeared and said that she knew where you were and teleported us here - answered Vinícius.

Maria tries to use her powers and ends up involving

the whole universe and white dimension in a black energy that destroys thousands of galaxies and part of the white dimension where they were calling the attention of Pennibernek that was there, with his hand Pennibernek opens the dimension, then Luana is forced to go up to Pennibernek to try to defeat him but Pennibernek just raising his finger gives up the arms and legs of Luana, Then Luana opens her wings and remakes her leg, her limbs black hair becomes arm, her left eye becomes red and her right eye becomes blue and she creates an angelic sword to go using its maximum against Pennibernek, she attacks and the sword does not even cut Pennibernek without making an effect.

-whatever this pocket watch does, use it now- after Vinícius said this he took his sword and went up to Pennibernek to help Luana. The watch was one of those that opened Paul opens and a sword comes out, it is the Venuzdonoa of Years, Vinícius has his arm torn off by Pennibernek but Luana manages to grab him and heal his wounds and regenerates his arm, he goes up to Pennibernek with his sword and hits Pennibernek but the sword does not even go through his skin.

— you only gained a resistance to the vacuum of space and a sword that is not enough to kill me you fucking brats - said Pennibernek in a tone debauched, and soon after he made a jab that sent Vinícius flying away, destroying all the planets he had hit. Pennibernek with a thought said in his head:

—Die in agonizing fashion Luana. - After the thought the body of Luana begins to deliver from the feet to the neck if healing or regeneration, she felt a lot of pain but not enough compared to the agony that was having too much for the injuries.

When her whole body was disentangled and only her head and neck were left, she used her last energies to heal Vinicius and teleport him to where she was and give more resistance to the four, soon after she is totally disentangled. Paulo tries to get Pennibernek with the Venuzdonoa but Pennibernek absorbs the sword and throws a punch that throws him away then Maria tries to destroy Pennibernek from the inside but the explosion from the inside doesn't affect him, then Eduarda tries to hit him with a concentrated burst of dark energy, that could easily destroy the universe, Pennibernek stops the attack with one finger and out of nowhere behind Pennibernek Maria appears and tries to surprise him with an attack from behind she shocked several galaxies against him not affecting him. Paul opens his pocket watch again, and sees dimension on the watch with armor coming out of it and wearing Paulo, Paulo who had been thrown light years arrives there in seconds and attacks Pennibernek and a little blood comes out, then Pennibernek lets loose a blast towards them, Vinícius arrives on the spot and with his sword extinguishes part of the attack until Maria creates a portal out of the tower and is unconscious. She forced herself to the limit to make a portal out of the tower, and they flee through the portal to the nearest tower and the portal closes and Pennibernek comes out of there. Pennibernek's attack destroyed the entire tower, and he still wasn't taking it seriously:

—I am Nitireve guardian and great sage of this tower, I know about its weapons and powers more than you do - then Paulo speaks:

—Tell me what this pocket watch does?

—This watch can copy anything in fiction and take it off like the divine armor you are wearing, it was made by Maneroni, the most powerful angel in history," he answers. Eduarda asks:

—How to beat Pennibernek?

—I don't see a way but I see chances, Pennibernek every micro-second gets stronger, we have to defeat him fast before he becomes

We have to defeat him fast before he becomes invincible, there is a possibility that he will surpass the supreme creator herself in thousands of years, if no one defeats him in any possibility, there is no way to avoid thousands of deaths, defeated or not," answers Nitireve. Paul opens his watch

and takes out two gauntlets of infinity with jewels and puts them in his hands and also takes out a 7-D sword

and gives it to Vinícius to stay, and takes out two four-dimensional pistols or also called 4-D, and then takes out another armor totally black that

The armor gives her energy and she will not run out of energy if she uses too much of her power immediately.

After explaining Pennibernek appears in this tower tower with his hand open and close fist, pressure is to close the fist was so strong that burst Nitireve's head came out so much blood that the whole tower had a flood of blood, then with a thought

Then, with one thought, he destroys the entire tower while laughing at everything. Everything that the tower turned into nothing more he saw the four of them in a round force field, then Pennibernek stabs at the force field and destroys the force field.

—Go to hell, you annoying son of a bitch - shouts Pennibernek, with this shout Vinícius begins to

Vomiting blood and blood comes out of his eyes and nose, Eduarda shoots him using dark energy as bullet transforming dark energy into 4-D dark energy when the bullet hits it explodes it doesn't affect him it just feels it touches him even though all damage hit his body this could destroy an entire omini verse ,the damage didn't spread it was all absorbed by Pennibernek and didn't affect him. Maria releases a laser that could destroy thousands of omni verse Pennibernek releases an omega beam from Darkside teleguided at Maria leisure the beam destroys

The beam destroys half of Maria's head, who desperately heals before dying, Pennibernek begins to unleash an attack that destroys all the nothing that is left, then Maria quickly opens a portal to another tower.

tower, they flee to this tower and close the portal but Pennibernek appears in this tower, and unmasters her and her guardian, then opens or portal and flee to another tower but Pennibernek appears

Another tower but Pennibernek also appears there and they flee again. They run from tower to tower but Pennibernek always appears and destroys the towers and with nothing left, not even the void, passing through dozens of towers, Pennibernek shouts:

—Fuck, fuck off - after that he turns everything into a space-time with infinite towers Maria tries to undo this but Pennibernek denies his power.

—No - says Pennibernek and destroys with one word Maria arms and waist down.

He then grabs Eduarda and launches her toward a nearby tower. Paulo tries to use the gauntlets but Pennibernek attacks with a thought and annuls the jewels and erases the gauntlet and Pennibernek uses the eye of chaos on Paulo breaking

breaking his body into several pieces and even decapitating him.

Right on cue, the army of angels appears.

one of the novice angels from the army goes up to Pennibernek while shouting:

—bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch - Pennibernek with a raise of his hand destroys the army then Paul appears alive behind him with a 50-D sword but it does not affect him then Pennibernek explains:

—No attack that doesn't have the potential to destroy a tower can defeat me -he wasn't lying but a tower is very resilient depending on it neither characters like the one above all and Featherine or the author of this work himself can destroy. Then Paul takes several copies of several characters from the fiction, and also takes Vinicius, Maria and Eduarda healed without wounds immediately Pennibernek understood what he heard, Paul drank a liquid that gave the ability to regenerate when Vinicius went to him, and when the armies of angels appeared and gave the liquid to his friends and put him in the dimension of the clock.

Eduarda goes up to Pennibernek with a 6-foot 152-D hammer and affects him by throwing him into a tower. Vinícius with a Marvel astral regulator absorbs dozens of towers. the towers have the yellow energy that Paul came to emanate, it was a lot of energy but not much, it was equivalent to a molecule of water to the ocean that is the tower.

Vinícius was so powerful and fast that he caught Paulo, Eduarda and Maria and took them far away, then returned and punched Pennibernek, who launched him far away while he was in the air.

—Die, you bastard! says Vinícius while stabbing Pennibernek several times Vinícius begins to manipulate the script to become more powerful Pennibernek also begins to manipulate the script.

the whole existence. The towers are all an atom compared to the rest of existence.

Vinícius is is beating Pennibernek and breaking several bones and splashing blood everywhere

Vinícius punches Pennibernek through his chest and with his hand also goes through his chest and releases a burst of energy that unleashes every atom, cell, molecule, existence and soul of Pennibernek, then he turns momentarily

and Pennibernek appears behind him normally,

totally healed quickly, Vinícius tries to attack him with an attack of a trillion times the speed of light, even before Vinicius hit that was even faster and appeared behind Vinicius and I did not give a punch that shattered his entire waist up but he healed quickly tried to attack again Pennibernek but Pennibernek who appears on his side I give a kick that makes him to fly far away still in the air Vende Berneck still punches him against the ground shattering all his bones and turning them to dust starts punching him a lot in a microsecond Pennibernek landed quadrillion punches on Vinícius Pennibernek speaks:

—Do you really think you could have defeated me I was holding on - and grabs Vinícius by his arm and slams him against the ground several times then throws against a tower so hard that the tower breaks then and those who absorb with astral regulator Pennibernek but with only one thought saying:

—No- Pennibernek takes out the astral regulator power and starts beating Vinícius again right on cue in request by several fictional characters Goku appears starts trying to hit Pennibernek

but Pennibernek dodges everything overpowering Goku and unleashes bed and kamekameha on Goku killing him. then Naruto appears he tries to hit him with the rasengan but the rasengan doesn't work on Pennibernek so Pennibernek creates his own Rasengan and throws it against Naruto the rasengan just goes through his body leaves of a huge hole in his chest only the rasengan just goes back and back goes through his body again and goes back and back and Naruto makes several huge holes of wounds about 1 million of holes made by the Rasengan and several of him in his head he is going to have to continue with dying if he feels a lot of pain after killing a Naruto png that cuts off his arms his legs pulls out his fingernails at the base of his hand pierces his chest rips out his guts then decks him and burns his body and head he uses his creation power to create a giant stake and puts Naruto's head as a warning and speaks:

—Naruto and Goku and Featherine and Anos are nothing but suckers suckers overrated bugs that don't even come close to my feet I will dominate everything without exception even the real world and these shitty readers who are reading you are next there is no real world what you call the "real world" is just a test tower where authors of fiction write about characters - soon after that he begins to make a massacre with various characters of fiction from Marvel, DC, animes, manga, books. Vinícius stands up and creates another sword a totally white sword looking medieval sword in shape a destroyer sword the sword of definition but that is no use when Pennibernek sees the sword Vinícius made he creates a totally black sword of his own with galaxies and constellations on it in small small shapes small like a sword made of characters like cosmic Garou and Eternity an infinity-D sword with no limits. Destroyer of cosmology.Vinícius sword you are life of erasing he starts to make cuts on himself erasing all his limits weaknesses lack of powers then he said starting to face Pennibernek is equal for ingual but Pennibernek speaks:

—Don't think boy you may be beating me equal to equal here only I am not even in my true form if I were to enter it with just my presence you entire existence and fixing it even what you call the real world would be destroyed.

—I'm going to kill you, you're just a piece of trash, just one I'm going to kill you, and then I'll restore everything and everything will return to normal - responds Vinicius angrily.

—Why do you want to fight for a bunch of crappy worlds that aren't worth living in with crappy human beings that aren't worth living in?

—Because there are many people that I care about - answers Vinícius to Pennibernek's question.

so Pennibernek that just imagining Vinicius seal is a kind of glass ball a sphere, glass sphere, there is a whole universe in that sphere so Pennibernek enters this universe to seal Vinicius by the face and shrink to 2.56 tall and cross his chest with his hand Vinicius starts to bleed but that's not the worst thing Pennibernek pierced his soul and his existence are not a physical body, then the entire universe of the sphere explodes, causing Vinícius come back to the towers, Vinícius falls to the ground and Pennibernek with his infinity-D sword cuts Vinícius' arms cutting his existence,

-I will call this sword a necromanim," says Pennibernek and then makes a move with the sword that cuts Vinícius' belly horizontally and begins to spill his guts. Pennibernek removes Vinícius' script manipulation, knowing that he was dying. Vinícius begins to accept his death until he remembers that when he was a child his mother used drugs and beat his father, and he was always beaten by his parents for any reason.

he studied hard he was about to die he understands he clings to his friends because his life is shit but he doesn't care he is still willing to die for his friends to die trying so he gets up and holds the sword with his mouth and attacks Pennibernek cutting his arms cutting his belly, and guts come out, and then generates a giant explosion in Pennibernek's face that hurts him

—I feel sad for killing you - says Pennibernek when he sees Vinícius' memories, He raises his sword and was going to decapitate him, but he is stopped by a force field created by several fictional beings and all the beings of the SCPs appear, but Pennibernek absorbs all of them, even Hyperman and True Author and other omnipotent beings. Then all the beings from anime appear, and Pennibernek also absorbs them except one, Luffy, the Luffy from One Piece, but this one absorbed a tower and became God Luffy:

-Gomu gomu no divine- and prepares a super punch but before he can do anything Pennibernek using super speed appears behind him and absorbs him.

Pennibernek decides to get some minions and creates clones to go through fiction to get minions and brought pennywise in the true form and chucky the killer toy, he touches Chucky and he becomes the cosmic Chucky, and Eduarda appears to infrentar Pennibernek with the sword Pennibernek cuts the Eduarda goes up to Pennibernek but he slaps her and she is thrown into a tower but Pennibernek attacks her with dark energy and it goes through her body but Pennibernek raises his finger and destroys her legs and arms and she regenerates, But it's no use Pennibernek is immune to anything related to time or luck, he manipulates time and brings Paulo and Maria back to that timeline and makes time jump three years and the great supreme sarcedote appears and the flashback of what happened before ends and we jump to the current time, the jump only lasted a minute for them that were less than a meter away from Pennibernek.

Vinícius' body was one meter away. Pennibernek teleports to 40 meters away and a woman with cropped hair and a sweat full of hair and a face with a shirt from the Brazilian team São Paulo and short pink shorts appears and the woman speaks:

—I will defeat you because I am an independent empowered feminist woman and I am proud to be a woman - and the guy speaks up:

—I'll beat you because I'm gay and proud of it -and Pennibernek replies:

—You're just a bunch of fad motherfuckers who just want to lacquer - and after that Pennibernek kills them both by cutting them in half vertically without them realizing it so fast.

And it appears that he makes a fusion with his watch and Pennibernek releases chains from his fingers that bind Paul and Pennibernek yells:

—Fucking boring kid why are you going to fight for trash like these, and Pennibernek raises his hand and makes Paulo feel all the cruelty of all beings thousands of times. Paulo collapses in tears and Pennibernek's tears are also shed, but he wipes them away before anyone notices. Paulo was about to give up until Vinícius appears with a hole in his chest, burns and no arm. He heard nothing, but Vinícius knew what he had to say.

-Think of Eduarda that you love everyone you care about -think of them- before he said anything Pennibernek raises his hand and gives up his existence shattering him into thousands of pieces and all the blood is spread after a long struggle Vinícius really died, And Pennibernek throws a sphere to Paulo where he has sealed Eduarda and Maria that he sealed while Paul collapsed in tears and Paulo stayed there crying and Pennibernek leaves intending to go to the supreme creator as soon as Pennibernek turns to Paul he begins to cry and leaves while Paul stays there traumatized and without reaction. After a while he meets a boy who intends to stop him the boy doesn't know but just by looking Pennibernek discovers that he is a creation of the supreme creator so the next fight begins.

Continued in part 3

The part three will be the conclusion of everything and if Pennibernek will dominate the fiction the end of the trilogy please who read this recommend to your friends and social networks to help make the work famous feel free to do fanart characters will soon be released a derivative

of this trilogy called: The boy's gang

Paulo appears in this derivative in the first chapter and it will take place after the events of part 3

more derivatives will come out and we will talk about them in part 3

that comes out soon maybe the boy's gang will come out before part 3