The towers: the conclusion

Pain, only pain left in the middle of everything there are two spheres, the spheres of the cube Paulo is holding, while he cries without showing anything,

Paulo looks at the spheres and sees Eduarda and Maria bloodied and dead so he starts looking around him to see blood everywhere. Pennibernek made Paulo see and feel all the cruelties and evil of humanity millions of times, he saw and felt the

times, he saw and felt what he hears with Vinícius, he died for good so that he felt horrible pain before he died, he saw his horrible childhood and felt everything.

Paulo only recognized the pain and sadness, he saw that Pennibernek destroyed heaven and hell, and even if he had, Vinícius was disembodied from existence, there is no going back, there is only death for everyone. But the sphere where Maria is breaks into several pieces like a glass sphere.

—The son of a bitch left us trapped in a fucking universe in a crystal sphere.

—Maria... you're alive.

—Paulo, what happened? Where's Vinicius?

—Vinícius is dead, forever," answers Paulo, sad, sitting on the floor.

—I can try to resuscitate him...

—It's no use, Maria, the soul, existence, everything about Vinícius is already gone, his power would be denied, Pennibernek has already won, we are fused together from the moment we met We got involved, it's over - Paulo says, and hands Eduarda's sphere to Maria.

—You are the only thing that matters now, before everyone loses -Maria sees Paulo shaken, he was no longer the normal Paul.

—Paulo, I believe we can win, even if I could have predicted what would happen, I... I don't know what I would do, but I wouldn't stay and I can't sit back and admit defeat -Maria hugs Paulo, and then destroys Eduarda's sphere and releases her from the sphere.

—Sorry to entenrroper, but you need one with us we know your abilities, any help is needed - says an angel that appeared, but not just any angel is the archangel general Ymireu. with the armor made by the supreme creator herself.

—Pennibernek gets more powerful with time, we don't know how powerful and for how long, but there is a way to defeat him before he rises above all existence, but we need angels and demons, all the angels and demons in existence would be killed, only the supreme creator could resurrect them, but she would not intervene -says Ymireu.

Paulo looks at Eduarda unconscious. Maria was trapped in the sphere universe without anything else happening, but Eduarda fought with Chucky and had several injuries, and remembers what Vinícius was saying

but, even though he cares, he is not willing to fight, Maria uses her manipulation to make him feel hatred for Pennibernek.

—Pennibernek is being hypocritical by making you feel and see of humanity being that he has killed more than all of humanity in all existence - Ymireu speaks, and makes you see everything he did from the moment he put the towers together in the same space-time and what he did now, he destroyed millions of towers and all the beings in them, who died.

What he did now, he destroyed millions of towers and all beings present in them, who died, Paul seeing this is willing to kill him.

—How do you kill him? - asks Paulo

—If you absorb all the angels, demons and guardians, you can kill him you will only be below the supreme creator, you will be able to defeat him unless the battle gets long - says Ymireu.

—If you absorb us, we'll die in the process, but it's worth it - says Ymireu.

Ymireu summons all the angels and demons, and Paulo begins to absorb them.

Pennibernek meets Blank from the novel: Blank: The invincible made by TMayconPontes. that will also be released here on the platform I recommend reading because it is connected to this work.

Pennibernek uses his eye of truth, and see that he is a creation of the supreme creator, which by what the boy did not know, and think he was created in a laboratory, was really that, but the supreme creator made the scientist had created Blank. Blank destroyed his world and also several other worlds with the joining of the towers in the same place and ended up leaving his tower, and saw Pennibernek and thought that he could be a worthy opponent. Blank keeps changing shape every second, but in his true form he is totally white like Kami tech and the creator from anime and umineko. Pennibernek attacks him with various physical attacks and manipulation, but it doesn't work, any direct or indirect attack or manipulation against him automatically gains this power and becomes immune, Blank creates a sword and cuts Pennibernek Pennibernek then uses the script against him, but he becomes immune and starts manipulating the script, Pennibernek regenerates, and starts punching Blank, who fights back and they start punching faster than time and thousands of nearby towers are destroyed and all existence is being shaken, With the pressure of the punch's impact, but Pennibernek realizes that it's no use stopping the punch, Pennibernek realizes that Blank could defeat him without Pennibernek being in true form, which unlike Blank is not limited to a weaker form, every form he uses has the same power,

—If you help me, I will try my hardest, if not, I will die, and you will not face me.

- says Pennibernek.

Because he wants to fight Pennibernek at his maximum, Blank decides to help.

Right on cue, Paulo appears and punches Pennibernek, who throws him away and isolates all the towers in two space-time frames, leaving only the towers and Pennibernek in one of the space-time frames, the only ones outside the towers, and they begin to fight at immeasurable speed, and launch bursts at each other, Pennibernek teleports the necromancer sword into his hand and cuts off Paulo hand, who begins to change shape with a transformation where his skin turns red. horns grow from his forehead bending with his head and growing angel wings on his back and his eyes turn totally blue, and Paulo creates a black sword, able to cut the narrative

—you should never have gotten involved boy because of this you are going to die.

—even if I die, you will die with me, you son of a bitch - replies Paulo.

—You should worry about your friends -Paulo, hearing this from Pennibernek, gets a serious and worried expression, then Pennibernek shows Blank defeating Mary and then kills her as he goes through her body with a sword, Blank opens a hole in the space-time for Paulo to go through the hole, and Blank carries Maria with one hand holding her neck and begins to squeeze.

—I'm sorry, Paulo I can't help, goodbye Paulo -says Mary.

—Wait, Blank, let me kill her myself -says Pennibernek and takes Maria and blows her head off and erases her soul.

and a portal opens a white place bigger than all the towers even in different space-time bigger than dimensions and fiction, a place that normal humans could not measure.

—Stay here Blank I will destroy her - and Pennibernek enters the white place where to find the supreme creator she is in a totally white form

—Millions of years ago Pennibernek, it's time to pay for your sins.

—No, you don't have the guts to face me, I overcame you minutes before you walked in here.

—What do you mean by that?

—No, just the same as when you left here, and entered the fiction, devoured thousands of verses, got the powers of each being in the verses, one of them could get stronger every second, created a macroverse where each micro-second outside the macroverse is equivalent to millions of years in the macroverse, I became so powerful and gained several powers even managed to get more powerful fast, after Pennibernek speaks the supreme creator snaps her fingers and summons the 12 omnipotent, who are able to leave even this work to go to what is considered the "real world" script manipulation is merely a weak concept,

Pennibernek absorbs them and increases from becoming larger than an observable universe.

—You can't erase me now, I will become the being

become the supreme being of creation you will be an ant compared to me - says Pennibernek.

—Pennibernek... remember millions of years ago when you destroyed the personification of evil suffering and assumed its post would you assume that post again or is it a regret?

—I don't regret anything -and tears start to come out of Pennibernek's eyes after he answers her.

—When you killed Edinaldo Pereira and Cachorro Caramelo and the two politicians Jairme Bolsanaryo and Luiz Inácio Molusco da Silva, who is the nine-fingered thief, did you kill them for pure pleasure?

—Yes - answers Pennibernek. and attacks the supreme creator and makes her feel pain, she has never felt pain before.

—Pennibernek, I will let you attack and then I will attack back, whoever survives will have the position of supreme creator - after the supreme creator speaks, Pennibernek enters the true form, the supreme creator also enters the true form all fiction and existence little by little because of the presence of the true form.

Seeing everything being destroyed Eduarda gets up and walks limping to Paulo who hugs and kisses her as they slowly disappear.

Blank stops changing form, stays in his original form, and wonders why, but he also starts to disappear, until the readers are left with only the white void.

Pennibernek begins to attack while the supreme creator strikes back.They were the only beings left, there is nothing left but them, nothing and not one being that isn't Pennibernek or the supreme creator could measure their true forms. Even the omnipotent beings are nothing compared to them, the supreme creator is a goddess to the omnipotent ones.

They began to exchange punches at an immeasurable speed, Pennibernek was catching a lot more with the passing of each attack the attacks of the supreme creator began to cease to have effect and the attacks of Pennibernek began to do more effect, the white void also begins to crumble because it can not stand the two fighting, the supreme creator persebe that if the fight lasts longer he will win, then she begins to attack stronger and faster an attack that can not dodge, that hurts enough Pennibernek but he sends the same attack back.

Even fighting at an immeasurable speed the fight lasted thousands of years, until everything that the supreme creator did no longer affected him, and what she did affected her, then she recognizes that he won, and gives the post of supreme creator to him, but after that she creates a green and pink sphere and puts in Pennibernek, Pennibernek begins to feel remorse regret and feelings much more. Pennibernek is good again but he starts to cry about his atrocities and his confidence, when he defeated the personification of evil and assumed the post of evil he thought he could leave everything normal even though he was warned that he could become an evil being, but his confidence and pride of the time did not make him realize that he had changed.

—Now I understand you, now you are the supreme creator but there is still something I will be able to do, I will consult everything as you want, tell me what you want me to do?

—I'm going to consult everything as you wish, tell me what you want me to do, restore all the towers and dimensions and fiction, resurrect most of the beings and guardians but not all, just some, and the readers that were reading this and died resurrect them and make them think that everything was just a web novel, bring back to life all the beings that I absorbed until the author of this and make him think that he wrote something normal that he invented, don't remake the angels and demons just one more thing? - after all Paulo and Eduarda wake up on their planet in their tower. Which is now back in a separate space-time from the other towers. They find Maria alive, and start looking for Vinícius until he appears a new guardian of this tower when Paulo sees him he realizes that it is Vinicius, Paul speaks:

—Vinícius is that you?

—I think you have me confused - This guardian explains everything about the battle and what happened afterwards, and about Pennibernek, he goes back in time to the day before the real Pennibernek appeared and everything was fixed.

In the white void Pennibernek is speaking the supreme creator:

-Pennibernek now you transcend our cosmology and all fiction, has infinite dimensionality, , You now have all the powers and abilities of fiction without any weaknesses omnipotent beings are ants next to You, You will forever be the strongest in fiction.

-What will you do now that you are no longer the supreme creator?

-Now I will be in the works of our cosmology, I created the fiction, but not my own name, now I will be called Laura.

Pennibernek teleports Blank there and gives him more powers and also control, Blank recognizes that Pennibernek is superior to all beings, Pennibernek gives him feelings so Blank creates a new world of his own to live there in peace.

Luana goes to earth and observes Paulo.

April 22, 2019 Paulo is 41 years old is in Macapá because Maria moved to Macapá more than 20 years ago, but she got very sick and is about to die Eduarda can not go with him he was going more saw a brunette boy with curly hair, Paulo asked him where was the street Raimunda Nery de Matos even already knowing where it was the boy asked his name, He asked the boy his name, his name was Allan, then Paulo went to Maria's house to see her, he asked the boy even though he knew why he saw the shine in the boy similar to what he had and stopped having a long time ago, little did he know that the boy Allan would also lose that shine for something that happens that same day.

Paulo meets Maria and they talk about their childhoods, Eduarda and Vinícius, but afterwards Maria dies due to her illness that was already at the point where she could not even get out of bed, Paulo cries a lot but he would suffer even more after this.


Thanks to those who read this and recommended this novel began to be written the first chapter on August 21, 2022 and ended in this last chapter on September 30, 2022 the continuation the boy's gang will tell the story of Allan and will be released on the same day that this last chapter will have other works as the towers, Paulo will have his story finished in them.

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More information about my future works on the website:

link with images of Pennibernek in the avatar form he will use in the first chapter of "Laura former supreme creator"