Daniel stared at his daughter who scribbled something silently on a paper. He knew that she was very upset with him; he had missed her graduation and other important events.

"Tola, I have said that I am sorry, please forgive me" he pleaded, but Tola paid zero attention to her father. Daniel reached out for his daughter's hand and engulfed hers in his. She ignored him once more and he frowned. Her father let go of her and stood up to leave while his daughter continued to scribble something on the paper. He was amazed that his daughter made no attempt to stop him as he left; was she that angry with him?

He stopped by the door leading away from the dining room to the living room and thought a while; he smiled to himself and looked back at his daughter who still ignored him with all her might. He tip toed in stealth back to where she sat; he hid behind the chair and while she focused her all on the paper and what she was scribbling, he reached out and tickled her all over. Unable to control herself; Tola burst out giggling and laughing until tears ran down her cheeks.

She turned to face the culprit who hid behind her and her father smiled at her from where he hid "oh love, you can't stay angry with your father forever"

Tola tried to frown "I was determined to Daddy"

"Were you now?" he asked as he tickled her some more resuming her laughter

"Ok, ok Daddy…please stop" she said while laughing

"Not until you forgive me daughter" he replied

"I forgive you then" she said shouting the words and laughing at the same time

Her father stopped and her laughter ceased. She looked at her Dad for a while and suddenly felt sad and hurt.

"Your absence really hurt me though. You know that, don't you?" she turned her face away from him

"I know my dear and I am exceedingly sorry. How can I make it up to you?" her father said while pulling out a chair to sit next to her.

"What exactly is going on there?"


"Your company Daddy: what exactly is going on there that makes you ignore me?" she asked as her eyes threatened to let go of the flood trapped within them

Daniel felt a certain pain in his heart from the question she asked him. She was turning her face away from him but he still felt her hurt. The tone of her voice sounded shaky and teary. What exactly was his reason for not attending her graduation ceremony? What could he possibly say that he was doing that mattered more than his daughter without offending her? He thought so much about it but soon realized that he had no suitable answer to give. He let the moment pass and placed his hand on her shoulders. He held her face and turned it toward him slowly. He gazed into the water filled eyes that now stared into his eyes as if searching for a soothing balm to ease a wound's pain.

"My love, the truth is I have no answer that could be suitable in your hurting right now but I want you to know that I love you, always have and will. I promise henceforth that in your pain, distress and need that I will always be there for you- every second of it no matter what"

Tola smiled at her father. He was right after all; she could not stay mad at him. She trusted and loved him despite his absence. He still called her very often and sent her cool gifts from abroad. He was more here though far away than her mother was

"You will have to keep that promise daddy" she said as she leaned on his chest and sobbed a little

"I am determined to" he repeated her words and she smiled

"You know my love, why don't we go out today?" he said after a while

She looked up at him, "really, where are we going to go?"

He smiled at her "why, anywhere the princess decides of course"

"Oh daddy, you have started to flatter me again. It won't work this time around" she feigned a frown

"I see, no flattery is her highness's command" her father declared like a royal announcer who was passing a message across to citizens of a kingdom as of old.

"Daddy!" she laughed slapping his shoulders a little in protest

"Alright then, can we check out the mega chicken eatery that just opened?"

"Sure, let me get dressed"

The eatery was grand and beautiful. It had three stories; the first was very busy with customers who queued up at the counter to take and get their orders. The second housed the bakery and round dining tables fitted with chairs. It had so many air conditioners some fitted on the walls and some standing on the ground. The third floor was a play area; there were moving remote cars, trains, a popcorn stand and cotton candy. She was so engrossed in her exploration that she forgot that her father was also present. She took the stairs down to the second floor and sat down at the VIP chairs fixated next to large glass windows. She looked through them and observed how the parking lot was getting filled up every minute. She spotted her father's black SUV and the driver who sat patiently in it and continued to observe the other flashy cars that were parked in the parking lot.

"You're not eating anything love?" her father asked as he sat down next to her. The area was so cool and he loved it.

"I am not sure Daddy. Are you ordering for anything to eat?"

"Yes, I had wanted to try their jollof rice"

"You no longer want to try it then?"

He grinned "Well, I couldn't be eating when my princess isn't"

She smiled at him, "alright dad, I also would love to try out the jollof rice"

"Okay your highness, two plates of jollof rice it is" He signaled a waiter and gave him their orders. The waiter took his leave and he turned to his daughter who still had her face fixated outside through the glass window. He smiled; she was so excited that he took her out. He was happy and relieved that she was no longer sad and angry with him. He has to keep the promise he had made to her that morning.

The waiter returned with their dishes; the plates were well garnished and the food looked very sumptuous. He placed the food on the table and left after giving a slight bow to the customers.

Tola picked up the cutlery and took a bite. She smiled to herself as she took the second bite.

"I thought you weren't hungry" her father feigned a frown as he asked

"The food is so delicious, I can't resist it!" she smiled as she eat some more.

While eating, they chatted and commented on the food. Daniel loved the salad the most while Tola loved the chicken.

"That was a very nice meal" Daniel said as he wiped his hand with a serviette tissue paper

Tola nodded in agreement and glanced at her watch "Dad, the time is just one o'clock"

"Yes, is there anything else you want to do? Why don't you try out the train on the third floor?" he teased her again.

"No daddy, that is for four year olds!" she retorted with a frown

"Is it now?" her father laughed

"Let us go shopping daddy" Tola beamed as she suggested the idea to her father

Her father returned her smile "Sure, let us go to the mall"

Tola explored the mall as she had done to the eatery. The mall occupied a wide expanse of land and as such was very big. It had only one floor unlike the eatery, but had a water fountain stationed at its entrance. It had different sections; Tola had seen the grocery, stationary, bakery, electronics, IT, and boutique sections. There was also a unisex salon; Tola spent a while watching some ladies as they made their hair and did their nails. She also watched some gentle men taking haircuts. She frowned when she saw a lady who had just finished dying her hair pink, blue and green; such color mixture!

"Dad, would you like it if I dyed my hair?" she asked

Her father turned to face her, and he caught a glimpse of the lady who had just finished dying her hair. He took his eyes away as soon as he looked.

"No my love, I think you were created with black hair for a reason" he replied

She smiled at her dad, took a hold of his hand and pulled him to the mall's bakery. A round chocolate cake caught her eye and she asked her father to buy it for her. He bought a big bowl of ice cream also.

Tola tried many different clothes in the boutique and many sets of jewelry; her father bought everyone she liked and asked him for. He also bought some for his wife.

After three hours had passed, Tola agreed with her father that it was time to return home. The day was a long, beautiful, interesting one; she enjoyed every minute of it. They returned to the car and drove home in silence.

"Thank you so much Daddy for taking me out; I really enjoyed myself today"

Her father smiled at her "You're welcome my love"

She hugged him fixating her little head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. "Tola, I want you to know that I and your mother love you so much. I want you to know that you are royalty. You must and always remember to make your family proud not soiling our name in anyway wherever you go"

Tola wondered why her father was saying all these to her. She really hoped her aunt did not tell him anything especially regarding the small talk they had together some days ago.

"I want you to remember that you are and would always be my elegant little princess" her father continued

"Alright Daddy, I will remember all these" she replied still hugging him.