Daniel worked on a project on his laptop. He had been in the study since morning. He was tired, but he was determined to complete his work that very day. He adjusted himself on his chair and let out a sigh. He had people taking care of his company, but his mind often wandered to it. He might have gotten too attached to his company. A thought came to his mind, and he shrugged it off. His company was built on his sweat and blood. He was not just going to let go of it for anything. He loved his family so much, but his absence was one of the sacrifices he had to make for all of their sakes especially if he wanted to fulfill his dream of handing over his company and its affiliations to his daughter, Tola, his one and only child.

His thoughts remained jumbled in his mind, and he kept ruminating on all of them falling deeper into an ocean of his thoughts.

"Honey?" Daniel reawakened from his unconsciousness as his wife called him and tapped him. When did she get here? He thought to himself.

"Dear, are you okay? I have been calling you for a while now" his wife continued as she gazed into his eyes with worry

"I am fine my dear. I guess I might have drowned in my own sea of thoughts and imaginations" he smiled sheepishly at her as he spoke

"Drowning ke? Is everything alright? What is making you to think so much that you are now drowning in a sea of thoughts?"

Daniel laughed "it is just an expression my love. All is well and everything is fine"

"Alright then, I will take your words and believe them but please know that I am still a very young and pretty woman; I cannot and will not let my husband drown in his thoughts."

"I know all these-I know that my wife is the fairest of them all" he said

"And so?" she said expecting a reply

Daniel rolled his eyes as he replied to her "I must take care of myself and my fair gentle wife"

His wife was pleased with his answer, and she smiled, "thank you dearie, I just wanted to check up on you"

"Thanks a million, my love"

"What have you been working on all day?"

"I am working on a report for my company and going through the records of our expenditures and profits for the past three months. I just want to make sure that we are still on track"

"I see. You are doing well honey" she complimented him

"Thank you my dear"

"When will you be returning to London?" she asked

Daniel froze at the question "are you chasing me away?"

"No, of course not: I just wanted to know"

Shirley stared at her husband who now kept quiet without saying a word; he seemed to be leaving earth once more in his thoughts. Had she annoyed him with the question she asked.

"Are you offended with me?" she asked but received no answer

"I am so sorry dear; I did not think that my question will offend you" she pleaded

"It is fine my dear, I am not offended with you" he finally replied

"I just remembered something that is all. There is something that I have been meaning to ask you"

"What would that be?" she asked

"Please sit down dear"

Shirley sat down next to her husband as she fervently prayed in her heart that her husband was not offended with her. She did not have time for his lectures or talks. The air around them was so tense that she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"That is true my love. I had forgotten to appreciate you for the beautiful clothes and jewelry you had bought me yesterday. I am so grateful. Thanks so much my husband, the money on my head- my one and only I can never live without"

"You are welcome"

"You know my dear; I really enjoyed that chocolate cake you bought. Did you taste that ice cream? It was so yummy and delicious that I…"

"Listen my love" her husband interrupted, and she kept quiet to hear him out. He had stopped smiling. He definitely wasn't pleased with her.

"It has been bothering me for a while now. When I arrived home from the airport, I found you shouting at my sister to leave our house. I tried asking you what the problem was but none of you answered me but instead stared at me like a caricature. Tell me my love, what did my sister do? Why were you so angry to the extent that you told her to leave?" he continued after a moment of silence had passed

"My husband: that is a thing of the past. We should not be bothering ourselves with such issues now"

"I am quite aware that this incident took place a couple of days ago, but I still want to know and as such I plead that you answer my question" his tone was soon changing from gentle to stern

"We were just talking my love" Shirley gulped hard

"Oh Shirley, what are you so scared of? This is my sister we are talking about. I can correct and discipline her as I wish when she is wrong. I just want to know what she did that resulted in your anger"

Shirley was silent. Most Nigerian men didn't like it when their wives reprimanded any of their in-laws. How was she to tell him that his sister was always pretending to be a holy mother mary without him getting offended?

"I am waiting my love" her husband interrupted her thoughts

She was going to tell him then; she would not mind what he thought. She needs to spice up the story though.

"My love, it all started when Bukky came to me asking for my attention as she wanted to speak with me. I agreed immediately and switched off the TV I was watching before her arrival. She said she wanted to talk about Tola and I asked her what the matter was with Tola. Can you imagine that your sister started cursing my daughter telling me that my daughter will heap disgrace on me and my family. She said that I was not a good mother, and I did not know my daughter-that my daughter yearned for attention and lacked parental love and care. All these are what she said that got me upset to the point that I asked her to leave the house"

Her husband listened with rapt attention to all that she had. He sighed and adjusted himself once more in his chair.

"I know you are surprised to hear all these. I know it might get you very upset at your sister. It was not my intention to tell you before" she continued

Daniel kept silent a while then spoke "honey, have you seen our daughter today? Have you spoken to her?"

"No, I have not. Why do you ask?"

"When was the last time you spoke to her?" Daniel asked ignoring her question

"I am not sure but not so long ago. Why are you asking me such questions?"

"When we got home yesterday, your daughter did not say any word of greeting to you and neither did her mother. I have noticed ever since I got back that you and Tola do not see eye to eye. You do not talk very often and there seem to be some animosity between you"

Shirley was confused at her husband's words. What was he implying by all these things he was saying?

"You know my dear; your words are confusing me. I am confused right now. What exactly are you trying to say? I am sure in your eyes also I am the black sheep, the bad mother. You have spoken with your sister, haven't you? You have agreed to side with her to tag me as the world's worst mother, right?" her tone was aggressive and her words erratic. She was getting angry

Daniel stared at his wife while she ranted. He was the least surprised at her behavior. He continued to watch her silently like she was an old fool who spewed out rubbish from her mouth. Shirley stopped her ranting when she realized that her husband had not said a word but instead stared calmly at her like as if he knew she was going to get upset. His eyes held a certain look of irritation and disgust. She leaned back on her chair. She was ashamed of herself and her behavior.

"I am sorry, I did not mean what I said" she retorted

"It is fine, I am not offended. Your attitude now just proved a point to me. I have actually spoken to Bukky and Tola before speaking with you now. I think that you get offended too easily and spew out nonsense too effectively when you are angry. You should always keep calm, listen and if you detest what had been said to you, politely say so and reprimand the person. I have rebuked Bukky also for her tone and harsh comments. I have told her to come apologize to you and make amends. Please forgive her"

Shirley was shocked by her husband's words. She had just made a fool of herself in his presence. She bowed her head in silence.

"Another thing my love, I must apologize to you also for not always being present for you and my daughter. I know I am putting you through a lot. I beg you, my love; please stay strong for both of us and be there always for our child. I promise you that I will always try my possible best to be present in times when I am needed urgently. I am so sorry Shirley, really sorry"

His words touched her as they always did. She sincerely loved the strict, gentle, honest man who sat in her front. He had won again over her mind and heart. She smiled while observing him; his head was bowed in silence. He sincerely meant his apology.

"I am so sorry too my love" Shirley said as she held her husband's hand. He looked up to her and smiled

"I love you Shirley"

"So do I" she replied still looking into his eyes.