She stared at the silver key in her hand; she was so happy that she had the chance to reclaim it. Today is certainly her day of escape. She would make it count. She returned the key into her apron pocket and tied it on to her waist. First and foremost, she had to make sure that her husband was absent in order for the escape plan to succeed. She proceeded to the kitchen to begin her chores while observing and monitoring her husband's movement.

She cleaned up the kitchen, cleaning, sweeping and doing all the dishes. She then headed for the living room where her husband sat. She got her broom and dustpan to go clean up the living room.

"Good morning my love" she greeted her husband with a fake smile plastered all over her face on her arrival to the living room.

Her husband eyed her skeptically as he replied "good morning"

"How was your night?" she asked while setting down the broom and picking up the duster to dust the table. Her husband did not answer her but instead stared at her as if she was a ghost.

"Someone seems to be in a good mood today" he retorted

She smiled "Yes, it is a beautiful day after all"

He nodded while staring at her in amazement

"Yes, my love, I had forgotten to thank you for the fans you had installed in my room. I feel more comfortable and cooler in my room now"

Her husband still responded with a nod. What was he sitting down here doing? Was he not going to go out or leave the house? Could it be that he could not also leave the house without the key? She possessed the key now; had he not noticed that it was missing? Well, his clothes were still drying. He may be thinking that the key is still in there. She had to get out of the house before he realized that the key was not where he had left it. She frowned while brainstorming on what next, she had to do to get him out of the house or incapacitated to detect her escape.

She spun around from cleaning the table so sharply that she almost fell on her husband who sat on a nearby chair. He frowned at her, and she quickly adjusts herself "I am so sorry my love. I was wondering if there was anything you need"

He frowned at her, and she felt her knees wobble in fear, but she ignored it. She was not going to give up or falter now. "Like something to eat or drink"

"Why are you so ready to cook for me today?" he asked with a frown. Does he ever stop frowning? She thought.

"I just feel like getting you something"

He laughed at her reply so much that she thought he would explode from it "Ok then, since you want to cook so much"

She smiled deceptively once more and made to leave for the kitchen

"Oh, and dear, please remember what will befall you if I dislike the food" he threatened

She left the living room in fear. This plan of hers had better worked or she would be beaten to a plump before she even reached the stairs leading to the door. She arrived the kitchen and thought of what to cook. She needs to make something that will prevent her from getting beaten and achieve her goals. He must eat the food.

She decided on making pancakes and frying eggs with it. She would also make a thick milkshake to go with it; even if he can never get drunk with wine, he should fall asleep with milk. She prepared the food and garnished it with eggs. She prepared the milkshake as thick as she could, he had to fall asleep.

Her husband was in the dining room now. She served his food and watched him as he ate. He took a bite and found the food sumptuous. He ate the food till it finished. She cleared the dishes

"Did you enjoy the meal?" she asked

He looked at her "I am not sure, did I?" he replied sarcastically

"Do not go yet honey, there is desert" she brought out the milkshake she had made from the fridge and served it on the table. She prayed in her heart that he will sleep off from the effect of the milk.

"Will you like to return to your chambers my love?"

"Sure" he replied

He went to his chambers with his wife tailing him behind. He lay down on his bed once he was in his chambers. He stretched himself but she saw no sign of sleep in him. She came closer for a better observation, and he dragged her down to his bedside. He pulled her with such might that she could not resist him. He held her down with his right foot while he undressed her. She thought of resisting him some more but then thought otherwise. He might fall asleep once he was done. She should let him caress her a little and enjoy himself. She must not allow herself to fall asleep though.

He took his pleasure so many times that she felt exhausted after it all. On the bright side though, her husband fell asleep and was now sleeping peacefully. She got up slowly trying her very best not to wake him up. He breathed so loudly that she paused for a while and when he just adjusted himself by rolling over on the bed, she continued to tip toe outside. She picked up her clothes from the floor as they had fallen down from her fear at the door. She quickly dressed up quietly by the door. She closed the door as silently as she could when she was done.

She remembered the key in her apron and quickly made a quick check on it. It remained hidden in her pocket, and she thanked her lucky stars. It was time for phase two of her plan. She continued tip toeing away from her husband's room until she reached the stairs. She recalled her first attempt to escape her husband and how she had bleed all over the stairs. She pushed the ugly thoughts behind her and tried to boost her morale by telling herself she would be successful this time around; she had the key now.

She began her descent down the long and massive array of stairs being as quiet as possible. The long walk took a lot out of her, but she kept going. Finally, she arrived at the last stair; she walked over to the gigantic door. She was going to be free soon. She would see those lovely flowers and garden again. She thought of what she would do once she was out. Should she run as far as possible from the house and her husband? This was her best option though if she wanted to survive. The first thing is getting out of this house, her house. She retrieved the silver key from the apron pocket and inserted it into the door. She turned the key, but the door did not unlock. She tried several times, but the door still did not open. This was the key, wasn't it? Yes, this was surely the key that unlocked the door years ago when she and her husband first got here. She tried again and again but the door did not budge. Hot tears ran down her cheeks as she realized that her attempts were futile. She looked up to try once more but the key had disappeared.

"What are you doing my love?"

She spun around in shock at her husband's voice. The silver key was now in his hands. How did it get there?

Her husband starting walking towards her, and she shook all over. She was done for. "You gave me this key my love; this house, the key all answers to me now and no one else" he gestured towards the house and the key with his hands

No, that is not true. She was not going to believe that "this is my house not yours. I have the right to leave here anytime I want" she protested raising her voice at him

He was now very close to her, and he hit her hard on the head. She fell down and he began beating her ruthlessly. She cried as she thought to herself; why could he not leave her be? She was tired of him. He was a monster, a snake!

Suddenly, the beatings subsided, and her husband was nowhere to be found. She forced her body to get up despite the growing headache. She was shocked to her bones when she saw a python now facing her. She tried to lean back, but the snake slithered so fast to her dismay. the snake came closer and opened its mouth. Her heart rate increased, and she gasped in fear, but the creature did not slow down with its approach; it came nearer and nearer.

She screamed.