That Time Adventurers Got Treated Like Kings!

Everything was true!

Down to the last detail—the things Sarah told them were not exaggerations but pure, unadulterated facts.

Asa, Gu, and Liebert were beyond stunned when they were brought to the bathhouse.

As advised, they used the warm shower option, and 'oh boy!' were they pleased.

The feeling of warm, steamy water coursing through their bare bodies was beyond what words could describe.

Nothing in Dulum could compare to this experience!

Asa, of course, used the female section of the bath. She had the place all to herself, and it was a paradise unlike any other.

The warmth of the water was like pure ecstasy, and Asa could feel herself lost in the mist that gathered around her.

Warm baths were the best!

The young Adventurer could feel all her tensed muscles relax, and her aching bones were soothed by the pleasurable feeling of the bath.