The Legendary Dragon Slayer Is Also The Hero?! [Pt 1]

The Adventurers had initially been on edge when they arrived.

However, after experiencing the pleasures of the Dragon Slayer's City, they became quite mellow. After enjoying their meal, all three of them were delirious with ecstasy. The brainwashing was complete.

"Now, then. Since you have all gotten enough food and rest... shall we go?"

"U-uh? Go where?" Even Asa had forgotten her mission as she sat behind the dining table, grateful she got to experience the most wonderful meal she had ever had in her life.

"To see 'him', of course. Isn't that why you're here?" The Priestess cocked her head curiously and her warm smile caused Asa to snap out of her delirium.

"A-ah, yes! You're right!"

The young lady quickly snapped her comrades from their embarrassing behavior, and before long they re-assumed their serious demeanor.

"We're ready!" Their faces were now grim as they recalled their purpose.