We are human

Still in rage with revenge, Juan-Jake decided to embark on a time-travelling journey to the future, in order to know what the outcome of her revenge could lead to. with the help of her sister Emma, a ritual was done and she found herself in the future. Truly, Negative actions create negative chaos, and negative chaos is destructive; there in the future, she discovered a reveal, and she wondered what could have made her reveal who she really was; whatever was the reason, might have been the reason for the disastrous future she saw. For one nation to control another for their own selfish purpose, through war or intellectual domination, is a form of barbarism; the divine gifts which we have been given are there to love and support each other.

{Future Juan to her members} There are better and worse versions of loss. We are aiming for the better version because then we have the strongest base possible for rebuilding our own, or own territory and establishing and standing strong together. That is our victory, it is the only one on the table, and it is a painful, sad, and desperately awful form of success. Society can fall a hundred stories, seventy, thirty... whatever happens, however much we win, it will be measured in how much more we could have lost than we did. I'm sorry the news is that bleak. But, there we go.

{Present Juan: aside} No, I think I would look for a better chance to strike, I would just leave my time of revenge for now. Emma was right, it's not worth it. I could probably look for a better way to change this history of terminating innocent lives because they've got special gifts they didn't ask for.

Juan-Jake returned from the time travel to the future and decided to go on with her decision of taking things a bit slowly and differently.

{Emma} maybe you should change your name, I can't bear pretending to see you as two persons at the same time, it feels weird.

{Juan-Jake} yeah, you're right. maybe but how could we do it, it is not that easy?

{Emma} Call a meeting. yeah, host a campaign or throw a party. just do something to get the people together and inform them. don't forget that Jake was a leader to them before he died.

The witch sisters decided to go on with throwing a party as an instrument to carry out the name-changing mission. Juan-Jake decided to go by the name Juanke as her new name in order to create a different and permanent profile for herself.

The party was an extreme one, it was as if everyone in Kome attended because things like this happen on rare occasions, especially at these perilous times of being bitten by downworlders. everyone was excited and happily enjoying the moment, there was food available, drinks for everyone, and some special treats. however, the party was greatly organized because with the witch sister's magic, anything was possible. Juan-Jake took some time in the middle of the party to address her interior motive and the party continued. people cheered and applauded as she left them to enjoy themselves as if their whole life was ending in a bit.

{A man to his friend} why is Jake changing his name to Juanke, what's bad about his main name?

{his friend} well, people change right? they choose what they want to be called, it's not a big deal anyway; so don't make it look like one. {pats his shoulder}

{Right after, a man whom everyone knows as Kobo; walked in with a little girl. he bundled her in angrily as she moved at the mercy of his grip; pulling her by the neck, he dropped her down on the floor and everyone paid attention. "move! evil child"... he said}

{Kobo to the audience} listen to me everyone, this child is possessed!. she's evil! she's got demon blood. she was caught by someone practicing their witchy woo.

{One of the men in the audience screamed out} proof?!

{Everyone turned to him staring, still he continued} Yeah, Show us proof that this little child is evil?

{A woman standing next to him replied} did you say proof?

You still need proof, with all these strange things happening in our world recently, or are you new here?

{Another man} Maybe he's one of them.

{Juanke} Peace in this house, I'm sorry but proof or no proof, no one is raising a pin on this child.

{There was massive silence in the house as they stood in awe listening to all he has to say.}

{Continued} Humanity, has been lovingly evolved by our creator as an apex nurturer rather than a predator. The genocidal roots in every human are simple to trace, yet our story should be one of cooperation and love not of hatred and condemnation. It is the story of our inner struggle between virtue and vice. The apex nurturer has learned virtue, and the apex predator has learned vice. Each believes their values are superior. However, the path of virtue will lead to heaven on Earth; and, the path of vice will lead to hell on Earth. So, take your own inner battle to become a good person with all seriousness, your task to learn true virtue... the future of the world depends upon it.

Don't be trapped in a toxic culture of butchering people who could be your savior tomorrow, not in the midst of everything happening. {the people began to murmur} because who you kill today, might determine your chances of survival tomorrow and no one has the right to take a life of which they can't give.

{Kobo} Jake are you trying to set this evil creature free? can't you see man, she's part of what's killing us {the people cheered, agreeing with kobo}.

{Juanke} so long as I know, we are all humans and the same blood runs through our vein; we are equal, we are the same. the only thing that makes us different is our faces and as our faces differ so do our gifts from our creator. we all are born with one the only thing is, some of us discovered ours when we were just infants and little children just like this little girl. and as for this young child here, i haven't seen any crime she committed in practising what the creator graced her with; she has all the right to use her talent, so long as she isn't hurting anyone; lets stop wasting lives.

Now, with all this being said, if there is anyone who feels that she has committed a crime {everyone raised their hands up immediately} and without sin, should come forth and cast a stone on her {everyone gradually dropped their hands in shame}. the young girl needs guidance not condemnation: {to the little girl} come forth. {she walked up to Juanke} your sins are forgiven... {he said as he dried her tears} "And, from today in Kome, {continued} no one born of a supernatural gift should be terminated over what they can't control; anyone who goes against this new rule shall be cut off together with his/her generation and as for you Kobo, address me as Juanke, I'm no more called Jake. thank you everyone who honoured my invitation, the party's ended" {he left}.

There were chatting and murmuring because, not everyone was pleased with the new rule while others don't really care, as they made their way to leave.