Chapter 12

Back at Abraham's liar, Cain's heart still ached for what he lost. He had never stopped searching along the riverside each day, hoping that they survived and was being cared by someone. He even ventured into parts of the deep forest looking for any sign of them. He knew Lera had powers and she was strong so she must have survived. He was angry all the time because she hadn't come to him which led to many battles within his own pack. He had gotten a mate as requested by his father but she was not his Lera.

Cain sat on the river edge thinking abut the first time Lera and he laid there. He knew he loved her that day and he missed being next to her. He howled a long, sorrowful howl hoping that wherever she was that she would hear him.

Then slowly he walked back to the liar and saw Rolo whispering while speaking with Abraham. And he knew something was up by the way Abraham had a pensive look on his face.

Interesting! Gather some of your best men but be sure to leave some good ones here! You can never be to careful especially when many of the other Alphas know we would be heading the mission! Abraham said.

Yes Alpha. Rolo said and left.

Cain come here boy! I have an important job for you. Abraham said as Cain was about to enter the cave.

Yes father. Cain answered when he stood in front of Abraham.

It seems that one of our neighboring pack have found and interesting lycanthrope that I would like to get to know.  I am organizing a pack to send out and seeing that you have no family anymore you will go along and be my eyes and ears on this journey. Bring this lycanthrope back to me alive, so I can witness for myself this miraculous transformation. Do you understand me boy? Abraham commanded.

Yes father! When do we leave? Cain asked.

You will leave with the pack in the morning as I will have to arrange some of the other members from neighboring packs to join you. Abraham said.

Very well father! Cain said and decided to get more information about this expedition.

He went to see his good colleague and dear childhood friend, Sam. Cain knew that he would know what Rolo heard because Sam was Rolo's right hand man. And that was how Cain always knew what Rolo was told by Abraham. After walking a few steps into the trees he met Sam with one of his mate but they were both wrapped up in a heated session of love making when Cain called out to him.

Go away Cain, not right now my friend. Jane would never forgive me if I leave her like this! Sam shouted back.

Then I'll wait because I know you won't last for long anyways. Cain shouted back and heard Jane laughing hysterically.

Fuck you man! Sam replied.

Cain heard the slapping of skin as each bodies met each other and the soft murmurs of Jane as Sam fucked her. He immediately remembered Lera and the way her body moved on his as she took charge and was saddened.

Sam meet me by the river when you're done okay. Cain shouted as he briskly walk to the river to get away from the sexual sounds of Jane and Sam.

Cain went to a large rock and sat down . He wondered what was so interesting to Abraham that he felt the need to ask neighboring packs to join them. Then his thoughts went to his son. He would have been extremely grown now from the last time that Cain had seen him if he survived. He closed his eyes and remembered a memory of Lera when she was feeding his son in the cavern after he was born. He remembered that his son held one of his finger while he looked at Lera while she breast-fed him and he gave them the biggest and most purest smile. Instantly it ached his heart that he was not with him.

You pervert! What do you want? You owe me big time for intruding on me earlier. Who knows how long I'd have gone for if I didn't hear you! Sam said as he came and sat next to Cain.

He saw from a distance how sad Cain looked and it hurt him knowing that his friend was never the same after he pushed Lera and his son into the river.

Okay Stallion, I hear you. Cain said and laughed.

You're a jackass Cain, you truly are! You don't even know how long I'll be gone with Rolo for and yet you have jokes! Sam said.

So what's up? Why do you want to see me? Sam continued.

That's what I'm here about Sam! Where are we going and what does this miraculous lycanthrope do that has father demanding he come back alive? Cain asked.

Hey man that's great that you're coming along! I thought Abraham would have surely left you here and went with us from his reaction! To be honest with you Cain I don't even think what they are saying is possible! A lycanthrope that can change into a dragon! Seriously? Sam said sarcastically.

What the hell did you just say to me Sam? Cain asked surprised.

One of the member of Syke's pack saw a lycanthrope battle a black bear and ripped out its throat but then he claims he saw the lycanthrope transform into a dragon and picked up the bear and flew off with it. Sam said.

You have to be fucking shitting me right now Sam. Common man I need the truth! Father is insisting that I go along so I really need to know what we are going up against! Cain said.

Cain I'm telling you the truth. I know it sounds made up but it's exactly what I heard Syke say to Rolo. Sam answered

And if this was indeed true, how the hell does father expect us to get a dragon alive to him? This doesn't sound right Sam! Cain said and looked into his friend's eyes.

You're telling me this Cain! Abraham is losing his mind man! I've been dreading this expedition since I heard of it. We're not even sure if he moves alone or has a pack! Sam said softly.

What? So they haven't tracked and checked the area for markings? So basically we're going to intercept another werewolf who someone claims changes into a dragon and we're not sure how many there are? Cain said astonished.

Can you imagine how many members will die if this specific lycanthrope moves in a pack. So far the best news I've had for the entire day is you'll be tagging along with us! It'll be like old time Cain! Sam said as he smiled wickedly.

Rolo said we're moving in the morning so we better go up and get some rest Sam. Cain said as he slowly got up and began to walk with Sam back to liar.

You okay Cain? You seem sad! Sam asked his friend.

I'm good Sam. I've just been thinking about Lera and my son. I've just been wondering if I could have done anything different that day to save them. Cain said sadly.

Cain, you can't keep doing this to yourself. There's nothing you could have done differently other than kill them with your hands. Abraham would not have had it any other way. Sam said as he tried to comfort Cain.

Thanks Sam! You've always been a good friend to me and I appreciate it. Cain replied.

What? Next thing you'll tell me you love me! Stop your shit man! Anyways I've got to go see Sue so I'll see you in the morning. Sam said and laughed.

Keep good and save some energy for our trip! Cain said and walked into the liar and went to sleep.

Early the next morning the pack of twenty five lycanthropes left the liar for the mission. They journeyed for a while and was joined by thirty other men in total from the neighboring pack including the member of Syke's pack that saw the occurrence with the lycanthrope/ dragon.

When he was pointed out by another werewolf, Cain approach him and began to question him.

Hey I'm Cain, son of Abraham! Cain said as they both walked alongside each other.

I know who you are Cain. I am James. The man replied.

I need to ask you about what you saw James. I am unsure about what we are looking for or going to face! Cain said.

Well I was hunting a bear for our pack when I followed it into a area where there was several berry bush.  But then I heard him begin to growl loudly. James said

So you didn't have eyes on the bear at all times? Cain asked curiously.

No, when he went into the berry bush I was a short distance away from him but when I heard the loud growling I walked towards the sound. Then I saw a greyish white lycanthrope and the bear fighting but his fighting skills was impeccable. I mean I've never seen such speed and agility in much werewolves. James continued.

How did he look other than his colour? Cain asked.

Well I noticed that he was young, muscular and tall. He had all the features of our kind that is ears, head, nose,  long fangs and he had blue eyes like yours but I haven't told anyone this because surely they'd have thought of me as crazy but his skin was not furry like ours. In fact I could say that it was less hairy and smooth and sort of glistened in the sunlight" Jack said softly.

Cain was surprised. Immediately his son came to his mind.

Continue! You have my attention! Cain immediately stated.

After he ripped the bear's throat out he rested for a bit and then he stood and magically changed into a dragon. He picked up the bear with his huge talons and flew up into the sky with it. James said.

Did you see what direction? Cain asked.

No he just flew up straight into the clouds and was gone. He never even made a sound James said.

Thank you James for your information. Hopefully we'll get to experience what you saw soon. Cain said and smiled.

I didn't want to come today Cain. After I saw how ruthless he fought that bear and saw him transform into a dragon, I won't want to be around when he realizes that we are there to capture him. It would be even worst if he belongs to a pack that possesses the same unique transformation as himself. James said.

I know how you feel James. My mind keeps thinking that we are making a grave mistake. Cain said and began to fall back to meet up with Sam.

So what did he say Cain! Sam asked as he began walking beside him

He confirmed what you were told Sam about the transition from werewolf to dragon. Cain said.

Is that all? I ask only because you look like you heard he turns into a ghost also. Sam said and laughed.

I am just concerned as to what we are getting ourselves into Sam. Cain said.

Too late to back out now my friend! Soon we'll reach the spot according to what Rolo stated. Sam said and laughed.

What's the plan? Cain asked.

Well he says we'll track for a few days and if nothing happens then we set a trap for him with a fresh kill. Sam said.

Sounds easy enough right? Cain said.

Nothing about this trip is easy Sam. I can smell the fear of many lycanthropes from a distance. Sam stated.

Suddenly, every one stopped and was signaled to get down. Then they saw the wild deer jump out from behind the trees and galloped away.

At least there's a lot of game around so we'll eat good! Sam said as they continued walking.

They soon arrived at a cave where it was decided that they would make camp. A short distance away stood a ravine where there was running water and Cain decided to visit it to get a bath.

When he returned to camp he saw that the pack had already killed several deer and had portioned them out. Sam brought across his and Cain's share and they sat and ate together. While they were eating, the entire pack heard a loud screech from high in the clouds and at that point in time, a needle could be heard falling from the deafening silence from inside the camp.