Chapter 13

Several hours earlier, a far distance off into the deep forest, Lera was learning how to maneuver riding a broom. Numerous times, she had crashed or fell off but Lera was determined and wouldn't give up. She had to master all her skills because when she approached Abraham there could be no mistakes. He had to be held accountable for all the heartache he caused her and she was going to make him pay dearly.

Her mind ran to Cain and the loved they shared. The child that they did not get to raise and she became angry and lost controlled.

Lera you have to be in control at all times. You are a White witch, surely you must learn to ride a broom with perfection! Isabel shouted from far down below.

Do not lose sight of your purpose my child. She continued.

It looks easier than it really is, doesn't it Isabel? Lera asked as she descended.

Balance and concentration is all that is needed! It seems your thoughts are some where else at the moment so we'll take a break and have something to eat. Isabel said and pointed to the basket that magically appeared.

Isabel then took out some porridge and handed it to Lera.

You doing okay Lera? Am I pushing you to much? Isabel asked.

No mother, it's just that I've been thinking about Cain and the son I lost lately. Even Abraham has entered my thoughts and I hate him so much for all the heartbreak he caused me. Lera said as she began to eat the porridge.

Lera as long as you carry hate in your heart I do not believe that you'd reach your full potential! Besides hate is a heavy load to carry around for such a beautiful woman like you. Isabel said softly and touched Lera's face.

I know mother but it pains me to know that I had a family and lost it because I allowed it to happen. Lera said.

Lera sometimes the things that happen to us happens for a reason. Maybe it was in your destiny to have things the way it is now. Think about this, if you were comfortable and happy with your family would I have ever met you and had the relationship we have now? Isabel asked.

No I gather not! But I understand what you are saying mother and I will work harder at forgiving Abraham even though I will never forget. Lera said.

Yes forgiveness Lera! I don't expect you to forget though. Isabel said and smiled .

Just then Isabel heard a loud, screeching from above and looked up and saw her colleague, Dora. Isabel and Dora had met years aback and fought along many battles.

They were not very close friends but more like an acquaintance who respected each other and treated each other with kindness. This was Dora's way of letting Isabel know that they had to meet.

Isabel looked up and laughed at how beautiful and graceful Dora combed the sky. Lera seeing this, became quite afraid and grabbed her mother's hand and squeezed it tightly.

Mother we have to go! Lera said quickly and flew up and began pulling her by her hand.

Go where Lera? Isabel asked and resisted.

Mother do you not see the dragon in the sky? I have heard stories of how vicious and cold hearted they are! We will not be spared and will be killed and eaten. Lera said and began tugging on her hand once more

Sometimes it's not always good to believe everything you hear Lera. Look at all the things they've said about witches! All I see is beauty up there. Look at how majestic and beautiful she looks! Isabel said in awe.

She looks? Then you know her, don't you mother? Lera asked and then she stopped and looked up and became fascinated with the way the dragon glided in the sky. She stood there for several minutes in amazement and looked at the dragon, admiring her beauty and elegance as she soared through the clouds.

Lera go back to the cabin, I have someone I have to meet but I'll ask her if I can introduce you to her soon! Isabel said and she began to head towards the mountains which was quite misty as Lera went in the opposite direction towards the cabin.

After a while of maneuvering through vines, trees and bushes, Isabel finally arrived at the mountains entrance. She didn't want to chance flying on her broom at that time because she was unsure who was in the forested area hunting. As Isabel looked up and saw only clouds and no Dora she spoke out.

I am here Dora. Isabel shouted.

Isabel you haven't changed a bit since the last time I saw you so many years ago. Dora said and smiled as she appeared before Isabel out of the mountain.

It's the witch's beauty spell Dora! Isabel said and laughed.

And you look more happier Dora. Where is Fiona? Isn't she with you? Isabel continued.

She back at the den Isabel! I came to ask you a favor. Dora said softly.

Dora ask away as you know I'd try to help in any way that I can. Isabel said

Well I know someone who is quite powerful but doesn't know how to control their powers. Dora said slowly.

What kind of powers does this someone have? A witch? Another dragon? Isabel asked.

Actually my friend is mixed with witch and lycanthrope!. Dora said.

Interesting! Well I can help with the witch part but the werewolf is out of my study area. However, my daughter is versed in both so if you like we can arrange to all meet again. Isabel said.

Ahh! Your daughter is with you now? I am so happy that you finally have your daughter with you Isabel. Yes that sounds like a great idea. Dora said.

Okay so tomorrow at this same place then Dora? Isabel asked.

Yes I would see you both then. Dora said and they both went their separate ways.

When Dora returned to the den she only saw Fiona and not Caleb.

Where is Caleb, Fiona? I have some great news for him. Dora said.

He went out to hunt mama but what is the news?" Fiona asked smiling.

Isabel's daughter is versed in werewolf and witchcraft and will meet us tomorrow to help Caleb. Dora said happily.

Wow mama that is wonderful news! Let me go get him right now as you've arrived and can watch the den. Fiona said.

Okay my love, be careful and call out to me if you are in trouble okay! Dora said.

Fiona did not hesitate and was off within minutes. It had been awhile since Caleb and she flew together and she was looking forward to it.

Meanwhile Caleb had just finished killing a black bear when he realized he was surrounded by many lycanthropes.

What do you want? Caleb growled.

Rolo stepped in front of the men and spoke

What pack do you belong too? he asked.

I have my own pack! What do you want? Caleb asked again.

And where is the rest of your pack? Rolo asked and signaled his pack to move in.

They are close by! Again, what do you want? Caleb asked.

Well we are searching for a greyish white werewolf with blue eyes such as yourself that changes into a dragon, after another lycanthrope saw him transform. Have you seen him around? We were told he hunts around here! Rolo said smiling.

I don't know what you are talking about but I advise you to call off your pack that is encircling me presently! Caleb growled.

Cain eyes was fixated on Caleb. Was he indeed his lost son? He was not sure because this lycanthrope was quite huge and powerful as his body was ripped. He did see his blue eyes and it indeed looked similar to his and his body was almost hairless with sparkling skin.

I am Cain and we have been commanded to find the Werewolf that transforms into a dragon and bring him to our leader, Abraham. Cain said and met Caleb eyes on him.

Just then everyone heard the loud screeches above and saw when the dragon came barreling down upon them with lines of flames setting ablaze some of the lycanthropes from the pack. Everyone from the pack was scrambling when they realized that it was indeed a dragon and no lycanthrope.

Cain and Caleb was the only two that remained in place eyeing each other. Caleb did not want to chance transforming into a dragon seeing that they would not give up.

Fiona was vicious with her fire attacks and securing Caleb. Her screeches however alerted Dora and within minutes she was in the sky heading towards her daughter. When Dora met Fiona and looked down and saw the pack of werewolves that was at a distance from Caleb she realized that he was in trouble and she did not hesitate with her longer lines of flames.

Fiona was vicious but Dora was downright savage. Clearly all her years of past battles made her more experienced.  Huge flames of fire was all around but Cain did not move nor take his eyes off Caleb.  The flames had begun to spread to the trees and smoke was every where so Caleb had no choice but to transform in front of Caleb and pick up his kill. He then flew straight up into the sky above the clouds and waited to meet Fiona and Dora.

Fiona soon followed Caleb but Dora was concerned about the fire becoming uncontrollable and harming other wildlife and people so she began backfiring the area of the forest that was on fire. She quickly sent out some flames ensuring  a barrier was made to control the burning but it meant that most of the lycanthropes would be trapped in the middle and most likely burn to death. Dora however valued her family's safety above any other creature so she finished with the backfiring and then she flew up into the clouds to meet Caleb and Fiona.

When she reached them and saw Caleb struggling with the heavy bear in his talons from exhaustion,  she went to him and took it and headed for the den.

When they arrived and set down, Dora and Fiona began questioning Caleb

Why didn't you fly when I first alerted you Caleb? Fiona asked.

They came looking for a werewolf that transforms into a dragon Fiona. If I did that in front of them surely they would not have given up their search. They said that another lycanthrope saw me transforming and they were there to take me to their leader. Caleb said disgusted at himself for not being more careful and putting his family in danger.

Did anyone see you change this time Caleb? Dora asked concerned.

One lycanthrope saw me but he didn't looked frightened when he saw me. In fact I would say he looked awestruck and he had tears in his eyes. He said his name was Cain. Caleb said.

Thank goodness you're safe. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you Caleb! Fiona said and placed her face next to his.

From now on we hunt together okay. Promise me!" she continued.

Caleb just smiled and nuzzled her face

I promise my love! Now can we all eat please my family. He said and walked towards Dora and touched her face.

Thank you for your help Dora. You and Fiona were so spectacular, I couldn't take my eyes of you both! You both are awesome and I'm thankful I belong to your family. Caleb said as he then walked to the dead bear.

Caleb tomorrow we're meeting my friend, Isabel, that I told you about! The best part is that she believes her daughter can help you learn more about your powers and help you to control it. Dora said to him smiling

What? Thanks again Dora! It seems I owe you a lot for today. Caleb said and smiled.

You owe me nothing Caleb because you have only given me happiness from the day I brought you home with us! Dora said and walked next to the bear and began to eat.

I love you Dora. You may not be my mother by blood but in my heart you are! Cain said.

And what about me? Fiona teased.

You Fiona have my heart! Today is truly a happy day for me because not only am I famous among lycanthropes but I also get to know more about myself and my powers. Best day ever! Caleb said and laughed as he shapeshifted into a lycanthrope and began to eat his portion.

You are truly ridiculous when you want to be, my pet! Fiona said and laughed as she walked into to den to check if all was good.