Chapter 15

The next day Lera and Isabel set out after training to meet her mother's dragon friend. They flew since Isabel already knew exactly where they were going and seeing the it was quite early and foggy, Isabel felt safe to travel on their brooms.

What is her name mother and how do you know her? Lera asked as they waited at the mountain entrance.

Dora is her name Lera and we first met several decades ago in a battle when I was  younger! Off and on we would see each other after that and ketch up but we haven't seen much of each other after we both became mothers. Her daughter and her usually never leave each other's side and I always longed for that with us when I had you but it seems destiny had a different idea for us. Isabel said and laughed softly.

They waited for several more minutes and then they heard her in the sky and saw her come down into the mountains.

Isabel I am sorry that I am late, who is this beautiful woman you have brought along to meet me today? This cannot be your daughter? Dora said in a powerful voice as it echoed from inside of the mountain, beyond the mist.

Do not be afraid Dora! Yes, this is my daughter, Lera! The one I mentioned to you about yesterday when we spoke of the matter at hand. Isabel said and smiled proudly.

Ahhh, your little one Isabel? Dora's voice echoed.

Yes Dora this is Lera and she is mixed with human, witch and werewolf! Isabel stated.

Several minutes had passed of silence, and then Lera saw a massive body exist the mountain entrance and approach them. Dora stood admiring Lera similarities to Isabel and it was truly remarkable.

Dora looked at Isabel and nodded her head.

Lera come closer to us so that I can introduce you to Dora. Isabel said smiling.

Lera walked over nervously and that was when Dora got a quick scent of her. Lera on the other hand, admired Dora's beauty and she raised her hands and gently touched her armored scales which was black and quite smooth.

Instantly after getting a better scent of her, Dora instinctively pulled away. Lera panicked and quickly retracted also. Isabel seeing  Dora's reaction became afraid and asked.

What is wrong Dora? What did you smell on Lera? Isabel asked nervously.

I believe I have something that belongs to your daughter in my possession. Lera did you lose anything some years aback? Dora asked and smiled.

Well not really in my possession but in Fiona's possession. Dora continued

Yes I lost the most precious thing to me!  What do you have? Lera asked nervously thinking about her son immediately.

Dora stood up and roared out a massive screeching sound into the air and a few minutes later, Dora, Isabel and Lera saw two massive dragons in the sky circling each other. They were so graceful in the sky together, teasing each other like lovers would do with their soaring. Then suddenly they both began to descend and caused a mighty gust of wind that sent dust and debris flying all over.

Isabel quickly used her powers and created a shield to block the fragments that was creating chaos at their level on the ground.

They are young and still learning how to control their landings!  Dora said and laughed softly.

Finally after all the debris and dust had settled, Lera and Isabel saw two dragons standing behind Dora looking at them.

And even though they were both remarkable creatures,  Lera was disappointed that it was not her child that Dora was referring too.

Fiona, you've grown up so beautiful my dear! Isabel said and went to her and touched her but looked at the other dragon with a raised eyebrow

Fiona snuggled against Isabel's touch and answered,

Isabel, it has been too long since we've last met. The last time I saw you was when I was very young! Fiona said

Yes, indeed it has! And who is this next to you Fiona? I never knew that there were more of your kind! Isabel asked slowly as she eyed the male dragon intensely.

Fiona did not have a chance to answer because Dora intervened.

This is Caleb, the possession that I believe belongs to your daughter. Dora said as she turned around and looked at Caleb.

Caleb transform into yourself, I have someone that you should meet! Dora said softly.

Caleb looked and Dora and with Isabel and Lera's astonishment, he transformed into a handsome man before their eyes.

He has witch's powers Dora? Isabel asked astonished.

Not only a witch but look. Dora said and nodded to Caleb. Caleb then shapeshifted into a werewolf and after a minute he shapeshifted back to human form.

Lera fell to the ground and began crying! From the time she looked into his blue eyes she knew she had found the child she had thought had died. He was so grown up now! She had missed his entire childhood and cursed Abraham under her breath.

My goodness Dora. Do you know the power he wields? Isabel said as she went closer to him and touched him.

This I know Isabel! Caleb I want you to meet someone important to you. Dora said softly and Caleb looked at her intensely

Dora looked Caleb into his eyes and began speaking,

Caleb remember when I told you that we found you at the river's edge and brought you home. We'll this here is your mother and I recognized her from her scent on the cloth you had wrapped around you the day I found you! Go to her Caleb, that is your mother who you've longed to meet for so many years! Dora said and smiled.

Caleb looked at Fiona and Fiona nodded and slowly he went to his mother's side as Fiona went to Dora and rested her head against her.

Lera got up and touched Caleb's face and they both shapeshifted out of human form and into werewolves and nuzzled each other. After a short while they both shapeshifted back to human form and hugged each other tightly and  began to cry.

Lera pulled back and looked at him and smiled with tears falling from her eyes as she passed her hands over his face.

I cant believe it's really you my son! I have finally been reunited with you after so many years. There were so many nights that I yearned to see or hear your voice. The last time I saw you was when you were just three days old now you are fully grown. I shall surely make Abraham pay for what he caused you to go through and for all the other heartache he put my family through. Lera said in a low shaky tone

Did you just say Abraham? It's the second time I've heard this name! Who is Abraham?" Caleb asked Lera

Abraham is the Alpha of the Dark Moon pack and ranked the highest and most feared pack leader in the entire county. He is cold, brutal and heartless and have implemented a dictatorship style of leading among his pack. He bullies and mistreats his own mates and children or anyone he comes into contact with. He is selfish, quite egotistical and a murderer. Your father was everything opposite to him or what Abraham stood for and I believe that caused a hatred among the both of them. I personally was quite defiant against him and it caused him to hate us more. Your father's only weakness was that he was an obedient son towards his father. He tried to be a son that Abraham didn't deserve to have in his life. Lera said sadly.

It sounds like you dislike him a lot. Caleb said and chuckled.

No Caleb I don't dislike him, I actually hate him but don't tell you grandmother. He killed my father and had most of my people killed. The second time he attacked my Kingdom I was in a bunker surrounded by water hiding with the infants and he ordered that everyone of them be killed. Sadly, that heinous act that was committed was so devastating to me, that caused your siblings to die before they could be born. Lera said as tears streamed down her face.

I am sorry you had to go through all the things you've told me mother. All this time I thought that my life was bad because I didn't know who I was or where I came from but it seemed that yours was worst. Caleb said sadly.

Everything worked out in the end though Caleb. Though I am sorry I was unable to raise you I see that Dora and Fiona did a fantastic job. Lera said and smiled

Yes, they are incredible and have always treated me like one of them. Caleb said and smiled as he looked back at them.

Wait so you're telling me that Abraham is my grandfather mother? Caleb, being surprised by this information, asked in a high pitched voice.

Yes Caleb, he is! But how do you know Abraham? Are you in a werewolf pack around here? Lera asked as she looked at him

No mother, I am in no pack. My only pack is with Dora and her family!

You won't believe this but I heard his name just yesterday and was informed that he wanted to meet me in person! Sent a huge pack to escort me to him too! Isn't that right Dora and Fiona? See I told you guys I was famous, my grandfather is the highest Alpha lycanthrope in Europe! Caleb said and laughed

Yes we had an altercation in the forest yesterday,  where we had to save the famous Caleb, because he was outnumbered. Fiona said jokingly as she watched Caleb tease her.

Noo! What does he want with you? Does he know you're my son? Because if he does we are not safe here right now. Lera asked quickly.

No mother! After Fiona and Dora came to my rescue we have not seen or heard from any werewolves. I even flew over there a while ago and other than the burnt bodies lying around, it appears they have left. But we should indeed go to the den where it is safe! Caleb said and looked at Dora for approval

Yes that is a good idea Caleb! Let us fly! Dora said.

Within minutes they were all in the sky. Dora, Caleb and Fiona in front while Isabel and Lera was on their brooms at the back following them.

After a short time of flying, they all descended on a huge cliff and then Lera and Isabel saw the den. Immediately, Fiona went into the den while Dora and Isabel caught up on older topics and Lera and Caleb walked aside and stood looking at each other and smiling, happy that they had finally found each other.