Chapter 16

For years Caleb had wondered where he had came from. He had incredible powers but his favorite was turning into a dragon to be with Fiona. A friendship that had turned into love and the love created him his own family who he cherished.

I thought I lost you my son. Look how handsome you've grown! Your father would be so proud of you Caleb. Lera said and held his hands as tears streamed down her face.

Caleb thought much about his father and what type of person he was. He never thought in his wildest dreams however, that he would be able to find out.

Why did you both just leave me at the river? Caleb asked Lera sadly.

Caleb we never left you! I'll just summarize for you so you could get the idea about what had happened and later we can go into it in as much detail as you like okay! Lera said and Caleb shook his head

So I was a princess living in a kingdom far from here. My father was human and unknowing to me my mother was Isabel, a witch! Then one day Abraham and his pack  attacked my Kingdom and killed my father and your father took me as his mate. Off course I could have ran away but deep down I knew being with him felt right. Then I got pregnant with you and it changed my temperament tremendously. Then, I was attacked by one of Abraham's right hand man for defending your father when Abraham had slapped him after I found out that all male pups in Abraham's pack is usually killed and thrown into a river. So I eventually killed Cole while fighting and I left the pack and went back to my Kingdom to start afresh with the rest of my people because I was not going to follow Abraham's rules. Then your father came to join me and we were quite happy. But again my Kingdom was attacked by Abraham and once again I experienced his evilness when he slaughtered every living person and even the children . He brought Cain and me back to the pack and the next day I gave birth to you. Your father then tried to hide us in a cavern far away from the lair but they found us and brought us to Abraham who instructed your father to kill you but Cain didn't have the heart and instead shoved us into the river since he knew I was a witch and had magical powers. Unfortunately though, I lost hold of you and we went down the river at different times and when I awoke I was with Isabel and you couldn't be found. Thankfully, Dora found you that same day and took you with her and well you know the rest from there! I swear we didn't leave you Caleb, we loved you dearly. Lera said and used her hand to swipe at the new tears rolling down her face.

What is my father's name mother? Are you aware that since I've met you that you've never said his name once? Caleb remarked.

Your father is very special to me Caleb and I love him wholeheartedly! So many years have passed since the day we were all separated and it's still very hard to talk about him. Even with Isabel! Lera said sadly and immediately thought of him.

Picture someone taking away Fiona from you! How'd you feel if that ever happened? Lera continued.

It's that obvious, isn't it? And even though that will never happen I understand what you mean mother. Caleb said as he went to her and held her hand.

Lera looked into Caleb's eyes and then spoke,

Your father's name is Cain, Caleb! Lera said and smiled.

Caleb dropped her hand quickly, spun around and began to pace.

What's wrong Caleb? Lera asked confused.

Mother yesterday when I was ambushed by the pack of lycanthropes that was sent by Abraham in the forest one of the soldiers addressed me. But then Fuona and Dora attacked with their flames and  the forest became filled with smoke and fire. However the soldier continued staring at me and I had no other choice but to transform from a werewolf into a dragon to het out. But when I did that, the werewolf wasn't afraid and he looked at me like he knew me with tears in his eyes  When he addressed me earlier though, he told me he was Abraham's son, Cain!Caleb said

Lera opened her eyes astounded and then she began sobbing,

What? You met your father yesterday? Where Caleb? Was he hurt? Cain is close by! I can't believe it, we must go to see him at once! Lera said hastily

Calm down Mother, he was not hurt and  remember I told you earlier that I checked before our meeting and the pack was no longer there. It's quite far from here but since he recognize me I'm hoping he will come back. We'll go there and check tomorrow okay! Caleb said

Are you sure he wasn't hurt Caleb? Lera asked again

Yes, I'm sure he's fine mother. But now I'm positive he's the one that pulled back the pack and caused them to leave. Because if he told them he saw me transformed to the dragon then surely they'd have continued to search for me. Caleb answered.

Yes your father would do something like that but if I know him the way I do, he'll come back and look for you as soon as he thinks it safe so we have to check the place you left him often okay. Lera stated.

Several minutes later Dora and Isabel joined Caleb and Lera and they began to chat about the attack and what transpired and how Caleb met Cain. Lera also explained in great detail to Dora how Caleb ended up in the river.

But Dora then confessed that she wanted to meet Isabel to ask her to help Caleb and his family control their powers.

Just then, Lera turned around as she heard the soft screeching  of animals. Caleb then walked to Fiona's side and stood next to her in a protective manner. After some seconds, Lera and Isabel saw their small heads and eyes peeping through a small opening between Fiona and Caleb bodies!

Come my babies and meet your family! Dora said in a coaxing tone.

Several seconds later, out from behind their parents came two small dragon whelps but their faces were werewolves.

This is the main reason I thought I should meet you Isabel! I don't know what they are capable of doing. We do know they're both mixed with dragon and lycanthrope but recently we found out that they could be mixed with witch too. Dora said and smiled.

Well, well, well it seems Fiona and Caleb have been quite busy. Congratulations to both of you my lovies. Isabel said and laughed softly as she looked at the babies.

Lera you're a grandmother!1 Isabel said and laughed louder.

Lera was astounded but slowly got up and walked to Fiona and kissed her cheeks and hugged Caleb.

Today is one of the best days of my life. This memory, I will always keep close and cherish for the rest of my life. She said and slowly bent down and touched the two baby dragons that sniffed her hands and gave a low pleasurable growl at her touch. Just the thought of them being her grandkids made Lera's heart soar with happiness! Their bodies was shaped and covered in the same scales as Dora and Fiona but their faces and their temperament seemed to have come from the lycanthropic genes. They both had blue eyes which was similar to Cain's and Caleb.

This is your grandmother and great grandmother my babies. Fiona said as she touched Lera and Isabel so they would understand.

They are family! Fiona continued

Family, the both whelps said in unison because they understood what it meant.

Isabel then bent over to her great grand children and began to touch and observe them intensely.

Aha! You're wondering and checking to see if they have any blood from your side grandmother.  We'll let me show you what they've learned to do some days now. Look closely because you might miss it okay. Caleb said teasingly and smiled as he winked at Fiona.

Lera are you looking also? Isabel asked not taking her eyes of the two baby dragons.

Yes mother, I am. Lera said smiling.

Go on Caleb, my eyes are glued to them! Isabel stated.

Caleb then bent down and looked at his kids. He whispered something in both their ears and smiled.

It's fine babies, you are safe with them and can show them now okay! Caleb said in a reassuring tone.

Suddenly the both whelps closed their eyes for some seconds, and their small faces looked so cute as they seemed to be concentrating.  But then miraculously they slowly began to fade away until they were completely invisible.

Isabel jumped with joy and began clapping and laughing.

They have magical powers Lera! Isabel said and smiled and hugged her tightly as she watched the whelps begin to reappear.

Lera began to smile broadly also as she looked at the family standing there. She saw how proud Fiona and Caleb looked and then thought about Cain at that very moment and how happy he would have been to see his grandkids.

She captured the picture of her grandkids and stored into in her memory because now more than ever she was determined to rain thunder and brimstone on Abraham and his pack of werewolves to rid the world of their wickedness to safeguard them. She never thought she would harm  humans but she knew at that very moment, that even humans would not be spared if they tried to harm her grandkids.

Lera was then caught off guard when one of whelps began to hiccup and fire came spewing from its' mouth. Lera was amazed and thought it funny as they all began to laugh. But she understood also that she had to spend more time with helping her family control their powers so that they could use it to protect themselves and anyone or anything that would be important to them in the future.

This is Luna and the other is Drake! Caleb said as he pointed to them so Isabel and Lera would know their names.

They are so precious Caleb. I'm very thankful to Dora and Fiona for being the ones that found you. Lera said softly.

She then sat down with Drake and Luna and continued to touch and play with her grandkids so that they could get accustomed to her in their life.