Chapter 17

The next day, after Lera and Isabel finished their training of casting spells to control weather, they met Caleb and their children and they began to guide and train them on how to control and use their powers. Lera trained with Caleb while Isabel and Dora trained with Fiona and the two baby dragon whelps. The coaching was difficult at first but then they all adapted and began challenging their individual powers.

Several months had passed and Drake and Luna was already flying in the sky. Every night everyone would sit outside the den and Dora and Isabel would tell jokes and stories of past adventures they had been on but early the next morning, training would resume and everyone would take it seriously. Months then flew into a year and every day Caleb and his family powers became stronger and stronger.

No other lycanthrope or packs came looking for Caleb nor did they ever see Cain return. Now however, hunting was done in pairs as a racing sport. But most times Lera and Caleb won because they worked  effortlessly using their great lycanthropic senses. They were truly remarkable to watch when they were hunting together and Fiona was happy that Lera and Isabel entered their life. The part of Caleb that was missing, his identity to complete him, was finally being fulfilled and she saw that it made him a better husband and father. They also had much more free time to spend together since Dora, Isabel and Lera all adored Drake and Luna and would often compete to see who would care for them in the evening.

Tonight however, Lera had the whelps who was lying around the fire with their both heads on her laps as she petted them and began her story.

In a kingdom far, far away lived a beautiful princess and her mother who was the Queen and a father who was a King. They lived happily in a huge Castle making sure that all their servants and subjects was also happy. In fact, the royal family treated everyone who lived in the kingdom as family.

But then one day an evil ogre came and attacked the kingdom and kidnapped the princess from her home and took her far away. He carried her to live in a place that had fairies, dragons, werewolves, witches,  vampires and other ogres but everyone feared the mean ogre that took the Princess from her family. Lera said but was interrupted by one of her grandkids

Grandma did the dragon look like us? Luna asked eagerly.

Oh yes Luna, handsome and beautiful just like Drake and you. Lera answered.

And was the Werewolf like dad and you grandma? Drake then asked.

Yes Drake, just like your father and me! Lera said and softly giggled

Where was I ? Ah yes! So the mean ogre made the princess cook, wash and clean for him and wouldn't let her even speak to any of the other creatures and this made her terribly sad.

One day she was by the river, washing the ogre's clothes when she suddenly heard a deep, growl behind her. She quickly turned around and saw a big, bad, grey Werewolf that was looking at her like he wanted to eat her.

Please don't eat me! The Princess said to the Werewolf but he did not answer. He began to walk closer and closer to her still growling angrily. But then the Princess noticed a torn on his feet that made him limp when he walked and she quickly bent down and plucked it from his foot once he was close enough.

Ouch that hurt! The big Werewolf cried out but realized the pain began to ease.

Well after a few days you won't have any more pain so you don't have to be bad anymore. The Princess replied.

Why did you help me after you thought I was going to eat you? The werewolf asked

Because you were in pain and I couldn't bear to see you hurting even if you wanted to eat me. The Princess replied

I am hungry but won't eat you because you helped me kind Princess. If you ever need my help just whistle and I would come to your aid! The werewolf said and left.

The next day when the Princess was about to leave home to go to the river to wash, she noticed that the bad ogre had hid a bag in some bushes and ran off. After he had left she quickly ran to the bushes to see what he had hidden and saw three big blue eggs so she closed the bag and made  her way to the river to wash.

By the river she saw a mother dragon crying and burning trees angrily.

Stop! What is wrong? Why are you so angry? The Princess asked the dragon

With a deep voice the dragon answered,

Some evil creature stole my eggs from my den and they are about ready to hatch. I want my babies now! The angry mother dragon said and continued to burn more of the forest.

Lera remembering the eggs she saw the Ogre hide, asked,

What colour were your eggs?

Three big blue eggs! The dragon replied

I can help you because I saw the Ogre hide a bag in the bushes and I can take you to it. The Princess said and took the mother dragon to the bag that the Ogre had hidden.

When the mother dragon opened the bag she instantly saw her three eggs hatching and out came her three beautiful baby dragons.

The mother dragon grabbed them up quickly and hugged them.

Thank you Princess but why did you help me seeing that I was burning down the forest and you could have been hurt? The Mother dragon asked

Because you were angry that someone stole your babies from you and babies need to grow up with their mummy! The Princess replied

Then thank you kind Princess. If you ever need my help just whistle and I will come to your assistance at once! The mother dragon said and flew away with her babies.

So the Princess went to the river and washed the Ogre's clothes and went back. When she got back to the Ogre's home she saw that the Ogre had brought home a new broom and gave it to her to sweep but the broom didn't sweep as good as the old one. The next day she was on her way to the river to wash when she heard someone crying loudly in the nearby bushes.

The Princess was curious and so she went to see who was crying. When she peeped from behind the bushes she saw a beautiful woman that was dressed all in black, crying by the river's edge. Lera said and again was interrupted by her grandkids

A Witch like great-grandmother Isabel and you, grandma? Luna asked sleepily.

And just like how great grandmother and you dress grandma? Drake also asked.

Yes babies, just like Isabel and me! Lera said and heard Dora and Isabel softly laughing in the background.

So the Princess approached the Witch and asked her what was wrong.

Someone stole my broom and now I cannot fly to go home! The Witch replied and continued crying.

I think I know who stole your broom! The Princess said to the Witch

Who Princess? Please tell me? The Witch asked

It was the Ogre but I can get it back for you if you follow me. The Princess said and she took the Witch to the Ogre's home and gave her the new broom that didn't sweep very god..

It is my broom indeed, thank you Princess! I can go home now! If ever you need my help just whistle and I'll hear you and come immediately to assist you. The Witch said and flew away on her broom.

The next day the Princess was terribly missing her parents and her Kingdom and she asked the Ogre to visit them.

You are never leaving here Princess. You are all mines! The Ogre replied and laughed loudly.

The Princess was angry at the Ogre knowing that he was never going to let her see her family again. She put her both fingers between her lips and whistled loudly and then suddenly the werewolf,  the dragon and the Witch all appeared together.

The Princess told her friends what was wrong and the witch turned the mean Ogre into a bear and the werewolf ripped the bear's throat out and the dragon roasted him with her flames from her mouth and they all sat together and ate him up.

After the dragon, the witch and the werewolf all took the beautiful princess home to her parents and castle.  The king and queen was so happy to finally get back their daughter back that they allowed all three of the creatures including the mother dragon three babies to live with them and they all lived together happily ever after. The end! Lera said and heard loud clapping and cheers from her grandkids, Dora and Isabel.

That was a great story grandma. Drake said as he yawned

Yes it was! That story is like our family. Luna said and smiled as her eyelids began to slowly close down

Yes my babies, now it's time to go to sleep with Grandma Dora! Goodnight and sweet dreams. Lera whispered to them as she kissed them and then got up and ushered them into the den with Dora behind them.

Incredible story Lera. But do you think you can get that to happen? Isabel asked and smiled

It will happen mother! I won't settle for any other way! Lera said and looked out to see Caleb and Fiona soaring in the sky.

You make me so proud Lera! You are everything like your father. He had the same dream where all creatures could live together happily and without evil being present. Isabel said as water filled her eye.

Abraham will pay for taking father away from both of us mother. Don't worry, one day to come he'll have to answer to me for that! Lera said coldly.

For the next couple months, Caleb's family continued to train and was taught how to control their powers. Though the whelps still struggled to master their skills in  witchcraft and hunting, Caleb adapted quickly and within months he was hunting exceptionally well, providing lots of food for his family that was becoming quite huge in size. With Drake and Luna growing as massive as Dora and Fiona, Lera knew soon she would have to get a bigger place for them!

The whelps had grown almost three times in size since she first met them and had now grown into their permanent color. Drake was black while Luna was dark brown in color. They were not the same at all, as Drake was eager while Luna was fearsome.  Luna was more laid back like Fiona while Drake was more hot tempered like his father.

One beautiful night as Lera and Caleb sat on the edge of the den's cliff, Lera looked out at the full moon and became quite silent. Her mind kept thinking about Cain ever since Caleb had mentioned seeing him so long ago. Lately she had been wondering why hadn't she left before and tried to meet with Cain? But as sad as it was, she knew the reason was that she had lost Caleb and couldn't bear to tell him that.

You are thinking about him, aren't you mother? Caleb asked as he looked at her intensely.

Lera looked at Caleb and looked back into the open dark sky.

Yes Caleb, he lives in my heart as do you and your family. There hasn't been a day since that river incident that I haven't thought of him. I love and miss him dearly. Lera said sadly.

Well let us go look for him and find him and bring him back here. We can all be together! Caleb said excitedly.

Caleb we can't go to Abraham's liar because if he only gets our scent your entire family will be jeopardized. Promise me that you'll not go to find Cain until the time is right and I am ready to face Abraham! Lera demanded as she worriedly looked into Caleb's eyes.

I promise mother! But I see no reason why he should not know that we survived and meet our family. I'm sure he feels that he's alone with no one, thinking he killed both of us when he shoved us in the river to save us. Caleb said sadly.

No Caleb, if Cain was around here I had no problem in trying to meet him but we cannot face Abraham because when he does learn of our existence that will mean our lives would be in danger. Even Drake and Luna could be harmed once he discovers who you are and the power you possess. I can't take that chance! I have to challenge Abraham and if need be, his entire pack when the time is right.

Okay but why do you feel the need to challenge Abraham? Are you not happy with us and our family now? What if something happens to you? I cannot lose you again mother! And judging from the pack I recently saw it sounds to me that you may need a huge army in order to defeat him. Caleb asked softly

Caleb please son. Abraham killed my father, he made me lose out on your entire childhood, he attacked my Kingdom on two occasions and slaughtered all my people and he has the only man I love and will ever love under his thumbs with invoking fear into him. Surely you can understand that the only way that I can feel free to live and be happy is to get rid of Abraham.  Only then can we complete our family and have Cain by our side and be safe! Lera said.

As for the army, you haven't seen all my powers unleashed yet so I know I can handle it! As soon as I think you and your family are capable of protecting themselves with using their powers, I will pay Abrahama visit. You know, it is possible for werewolves to live among us witches, vampires and humans and be happy with a compassionate Alpha! But this cannot happen with Abraham being the Alpha he is so I have to get rid of him. I'm sure his pack is much bigger now since we left so I have been preparing for a long time with Isabel's help but soon I know I'll be ready. Lera continued angrily.

Soon? So when do you intend to leave and confront Abraham mother? Caleb asked her in a curious tone.

Well as soon as my grandkids understand and can use their powers well enough to stand on their own. I'd say several full moons from now! Lera stated.

I will join you when you are ready then! Caleb said

Caleb you do not have powers like the dragons, you can only transform into one, Besides your witchcraft needs to get a little more better so I don't think it is a wise idea. I need you to be here to protect your family incase anyone discovers their existence. Lera said.

I lost you once  I will not lose you again mother. Please think about what you're asking me to do! Caleb said and looked at Lera with a stern face.

You have to take care of your family now Caleb, you are no longer wild and free to do as you please! You have to be the protector to your kids because not everyone would take likely to dragons living among us. Lera said and leaned gently next to him.

My family rest with everyone being with me! I will not lose again! And if I do then we all go down toge…. Caleb words was then interrupted with a long howl.

Soon after, they heard several sorrowful howls a far distance off. Lera looked at Caleb and Caleb looked at Lera with opened eyes. Lera could tell that he was surprised.

Fiona! Fiona! Caleb called out quickly

I heard it also Caleb! Fiona said as she raced towards him with Isabel behind her. The whelps that was playing with each other froze in fright as it was the first time they heard such howling. Dora, seeing how they looked, ran to comfort them.

Get the kids inside now! Dora and Isabel protect my family while mother and I go out to investigate! Caleb shouted and both Lera and Caleb shape-shifted into lycanthropes and began running.

They ran for almost an hour before the howling sounded closer. But then it completely stopped and they had to rely on there werewolf senses to guide them further.