Chapter 18

When Lera and Caleb arrived closer to a pathway not far from a small river she immediately stopped.

Caleb wait here, it is not safe! If it's Abraham's pack they can pick up your scent and you can lead them back to your family. Let me use my witch's power and transform into particles as I taught you today and I'll be able to see where they are. Lera said through their mind link.

No mother, let me come with you. I can use the spell also! Caleb answered via the same link as he looked at her with opened eyes.

Yes but not as long as I can. Please Caleb, I can't chance you knowing that Abraham was looking for you. Please son stay here and I'll be back shortly, I promise! Lera responded and pleaded with a quick facial expression.

But before Caleb could object, Lera had already began saying an incantation and suddenly she burst into many sparkling dust particles that moved over the raging river. She searched for a while and suddenly she got his scent and her heart raced. She remembered what Caleb had said to her a while aback about Cain thinking he was alone and that he killed them and she decided then, that Caleb was right and Cain had to know the truth.

All of a sudden Lera saw that the spell of dust particles that she was under began spreading wildly all over the place and she had to remind herself then that she had to be in control. She quickly calmed herself and then continued with the search. After several minutes of searching she found him. He was next to the river edge drinking water and when he was done she saw him lay down on a huge rock just above the raging water. He looked over the edge and he continued staring into the water for a long time. She knew from the sad expression that he had to be thinking about her and their son so she went to him.

Cain had finally gotten out of his duties at the liar for several days and immediately came to the area where he had seen the lone lycanthrope.  For almost two years, he had to hold Abraham's post as Alpha of the Dark Moon pack as Abraham visited other countries with leaders of several neighboring packs. They all seemed to be obsessed with the werewolf transforming into a dragon and decided to visit several different countries and enquire about it and also they wanted to form new partnerships.

Cain's mind was set on one thing, since he saw the lycanthrope transformation  with his glistening skin, and that was returning to this part of the forest and trying to locate him. He had to find him and enquire further because his gut told him that he was his son.

And now that Abraham was back, Cain requested a few days to be able to hunt in the forest by himself. Abraham agreed but wanted to send Sam with him seeing that they were close but Cain could not bring him along. He couldn't trust anyone incase news got back to Abraham so he declined.

Cain's mind was engulfed with these thoughts when out of nowhere he began to see the glistening particles in the air approaching him. He quickly stood up and bared his teeth not knowing what kind of witchcraft he was about to face.

Suddenly, the cloud of sparkling particles before him began to move in a cyclonic movement. The wind was so strong that it began to absorb small amounts of water and sweep it against his body and face. He quickly blinked to get some of the water out but as fast as he opened his eyes, it filled with water so he had no other choice but to close his eyes until the water settled. But when he finally opened it, he saw Lera standing before him. He stumbled back and almost fell unsure of what he was seeing.

Cain quickly shape-shifted into a human and approached her slowly. He raised his hands and touched her as if she was a figment of his imagination but then he felt her skin and he began to cry uncontrollably as he pulled her roughly to him and hugged and kissed her.

Lera is it really you? But how? I searched several years for you and our son and found no sign of you? Every day I walked the river edge searching for any sign of any of you or anyone who came into contact with you but I got nothing! How is this possible Lera? Cain asked shocked.

Are you sure you were looking for me and not one of your other past mates Cain? Lera teased as she licked his lips once again. She missed his hands on her body so much that at that very minute she was wet and would not have objected if he wanted to ravish her.

Thinking of it now, maybe it was indeed Genieve that I was looking fof! Cain said and laughed as he saw Lera's eyebrow raise.

But seriously Lera what happened? Cain continued

Suddenly Lera heard a twig snap from a far distance and she remembered that Caleb was awaiting her arrival.

It's a long and complicated but amazing story Cain that I want to tell you about but not right now. We are not safe here in the open. Come with me and I'll show you! Lera said and touched his face.

I can't Lera! If I do that then father will do the same thing he did before and I can't lose you again. Just seeing you for just this time is enough for me for a lifetime. Cain said as he kissed her.

Cain you have to trust me please! How strong of a swimmer are you? Lera asked before he could object

I can hold my end in water Lera but you know that. You forget how I can swim like a fish! Cain smiled and said bragging while he shape-shifted into a werewolf.

Lera just shook her head and as soon as he was finished, she said an incantation that lifted him and  shoved him deep into the ragging river . The current was strong and  he began tumbling down the rough waters. She had to send him in the water so that the pack could not take up his scent and follow him but she knew she didn't have to send him so far inside from the river edge. But she was feeling a little mischievous and it served him right for boasting about being able to swim like a fish.

 When she saw him tumbling and gasping for air though she became afraid that he may indeed drown and she quickly changed back into her sparking particles and began following Cain down the river.

Over the river to where Cain and Lera was, Rolo  stood watching from the hilltop. He saw when she appeared, what she did to Cain and when she had left and Rolo shape-shifted into a werewolf and began running towards the cave where Abraham was awaiting a report on Cain.

Far, far down the river, Cain came to a stop when he held on to a log that was embedded between several rocks. When Lera saw the tiredness in his face she chuckled and she used her magical powers to lift him in the air so that he was floating. Lera took him to where she left Caleb and set him down.

Cain began coughing and gasping for air loudly

Lera, why did you push me in the river if you knew that your powers could have supported me in mid air? You could have done the same thing you're doing now! Cain said still gasping for air.

Serves you right for pushing me in the same river so many years ago! And besides I thought you could swim like a fish so I decided to conserve my energy! Lera said and laughed loudly.

Cain laughed but then he looked at her sorrowfully and approached her

Lera, I only did that to try to save you and our son! Had I not, father would have had both of you killed. Cain said as he brushed her cheeks with his hands

I know that Cain! I know you would have not done anything to hurt us. Gosh I missed you so much my love. Lera said softly.

I thought I killed you both after I couldn't find any of you! What about our son Lera? Did he survive? I came here because I met this lone lycanthrope that transforms into a dragon but has a dragon pack. I saw him with my own eyes Lera and his skin was glistening like how our son did when he was born. He was so amazing to look at that I couldn't take my eyes of him. Is our son alive Lera? Cain spoke hastily.

I am here father! I am Caleb, your lost son! Caleb said as he came out of the bushes and stood before his father

You! I knew you were my son the day I saw you! Cain said and walked to him.

Cain looked at him intensely with tears streaming down his face and shape-shifted into a werewolf. Caleb immediately shape-shifted into a werewolf also and greeted him. They circled each other, taking in each other scents and then they both shapeshifted back to human form and began hugging each other tightly. Lera looked on and sobbed softly seeing the reunion. For years she dreamed of being reunited with both of them and finally it came into existence. Indeed it was a bittersweet moment that she would always carry with her as long as she lived.

Caleb you need to transform and take your father to the den! I will be behind you. Lera commanded

Are you sure you want to do this Lera? You can change your mind and take me back to where you found me and we could meet in secret, so that what happened before at your kingdom would not repeat itself. Cain asked.

Before Lera had a chance to answer, Caleb spoke,

No our family is now complete! We will face any challenges together from now on. You deserve to be with your family and happy father.

Cain and Lera looked at each other and smiled brightly,

It seems he took his handsomeness, kindness and bravery after me , his father, Lera! But don't be sad as I'm sure he took some small qualities after you my love. Cain said smiling from ear to ear.

Okay fish! Just watch what he didn't take from you! Lera said and nodded at Caleb

Caleb just laughed quietly at the competiveness and transformed into a huge dragon and stood beside Cain. Cain stared dumbfounded as he first did when he saw him transform in the forest but only this time he didn't have heat and fire to deal with.

Ahem, I'm not hearing anything from the boastful lycanthrope Cain! Did he leave Caleb? Let him know that the dragon thing came from my side when you see him please! Lera joked.

Caleb motioned his head for Cain to get on his back and he lifted off into the night. Cain laughed loudly and held on tightly to his son as Caleb took him far up into the sky. Flying was something that Cain had never been able to do before but always secretly desired.

Lera said and incantation and caused the spot where Caleb and Cain stood and a large portion of land to be completely filled with beautiful, colorful, fragrant flowers to cover Cain's scent and then she got onto her broom and flew towards the mountain.