Chapter 22

Isabel quickly went to Lera and cast a spell that released her hands and feet and helped her up. When Lera tried to speak, Isabel realized that Lera's lips had been glued and sewn together and couldn't help but give a soft giggle. She then passed her finger over Lera's lips and silently mumbled a spell and it became free.

Mother I heard you giggle just now and I must say you have a weird sense of humor but I am truly happy to see you. Lera said as she hugged Isabel.

Isabel please come help my mother! She's very weak and can't get up! Fiona cried out to Isabel.

Lera find Cain and Caleb quickly! The spell will only hold him for a short while. Go now! Isabel shouted as she ran to Dora's side with Fiona.

Give me some space Fiona! Isabel said to the crying dragon as she began to rub her hands together causing it to glow yellow and began passing it over Dora's body. Fiona stepped back and looked on helplessly.

Cain! Caleb! Where are you? Call out to me so I can come to you! Lera shouted as she ran to the directions she heard them call out to her earlier.

Lera! Mother! We're here! She heard their voices shout back to her.

Keep making noise, I'm on my way because I am unable to get your scents! Lera shouted back to them.

Cain and Caleb then began howling and shouting so that Lera could come to them and several minutes later she was under them both!

Guys it's no time to be hanging around! We are in grave danger! Lera joked as she was overly relieved to see them both and they both smiled broadly.

We're so happy to see you Lera that I'll let that slide! But it was seriously corny in a time like this! Cain teased back.

Mother get us down please I don't know what kind of sorcery this is but I can't use magic nor shapeshift into a lycanthrope.

It's black magic Caleb and Dora is down after the Warlock dragon attacked her. Fiona and Isabel is checking her as we speak. Fiona isn't doing to well so you need to go to her Caleb and calm her so Isabel can work on Dora. Hold on! Lera said and began chanting a spell.

She had to say it several times before the binding metal released Cain and Caleb who both instantly shapeshifted into werewolves and landed on their feet as they fell to the ground. Caleb immediately took off and ran to Fiona who he could see from a distance away.

What's going on Lera? Why wasn't I able to sniff out any scents? I couldnt even mindlink you!Caleb asked as he went to Lera.

It's a Warlock Cain with a dragon that was hired by Abraham to catch Caleb and me and bring us back to him. The Warlock even knows that you're Abraham's son because he told me he'd be rewarded more for returning you also. His magic is strong so he covered his scent! Lera said.

Father must have brought him back when he went to the other foeign countries! This is what I was fearful about Lera! Don't underestimate Abraham's capabilities! Cain said and held her hands.

We'll talk about this later Cain. Isabel said her spell won't hold the warlock for long so we have to go now! Lera stated and they both ran to their family who was tending to Dora.

She'll be fine in a bit Fiona don't worry! The crash landing just knocked the wind out of her as I did not detect any major injuries. Isabel said  to comfort the crying Fiona.

Your mama is a warrior! She have and will always be that so don't cry lovie. Isabel said to comfort Fiona.

Just then Isabel saw Caleb running towards them.

Fiona! Is Dora okay? Caleb asked breathlessly as he arrived next to his mate.

Isabel said she'd be okay so I'm just waiting for her to get up Caleb. Fiona said and placed her head on his and began to cry as he transformed into a dragon.

Try waking her up now Fiona. Isabel said several minutes after she removed her glowing hands off Dora and walked over to check on the Warlock and his dragon.

Mama get up please we have to go back to the den, we're not safe here. Get up mama! Fiona begged as she nuzzled Dora's face.

Caleb then went to Dora's side and began gently touching her,

Dora get up please, Drake and Luna need you! he said and slowly Fiona began to see her mother's eyes flutter.

Yes mama get up! We have to get back to Drake and Luna. They could be in danger! Fiona said to encourage Dora to get up even though she knew before she left with Isabel she made Drake and Luna promise her to remain invisible in the den.

Dora's eyes immediately flew open and she began to move. By this time Lera and Cain had arrived next to them.

Mother how long do we have again before the spell breaks? Lera asked Isabel as she looked at how weak Dora looked.

The spell will stay for several hours but I may have to undo his dragon to tend to it because it is not doing so well! Isabel said.

But how will you be able to control it if it reacts aggressively? Look what it did to Dora! Cain said.

If I knew his name I could probably use a temporary taming spell so I could treat its' injuries! Isabel answered.

Mother, I heard him call him Falcon! Or was it Falkor? Lera replied

Which Lera? Quickly! He doesn't have much time!! Isabel said sternly as she looked at Lera.

I am unsure mother but I believe it's Falkor! Lera stated.

Isabel then turned to the Warlock who was still completely frozen in ice but who's eyeballs could move. Lera watched him and noticed he kept looking at Isabel.

Isabel unaware that the Warlock kept staring at her, turned to him and spoke,

Listen to me, I need to tend to your dragon's wound or else he would die. Change your eye colour if the name is correct so I can help save him okay. Is it Falcon? Isabel asked and saw the Warlock continue to stare at her

Isabel was unsure that the Warlock would tell her and allow her to help it but being a white witch meant that she had to try to save it.

Is it Falkor? Isabel continued and suddenly she saw the Warlock eye colour change from hrey to black.

Immediately she said a spell that unfroze the dragon and she leaned into its ear and said his name aloud and continued to chant a spell into his ear. Then she rubbed her hands together and when it glowed brightly, she began running her hands over its body.

By this time Fiona and Caleb had Dora on her feet even though she was still wobbly and Cain went to Dora to assist while Lera remained with her mother.

Lera I need a list of some things from my cabin but I need you to be quick! If you don't, this dragon will die as there's only so much I can do! Please baby, hurry! Isabel said as she scribbled the ingredients into the palm of Lera's hand.

As soon as Isabel had written the last letter, Lera was off. She had practiced her speed on her own in her free time so she knew she was faster than what Isabel thought.

Within several minutes, Lera reappeared and it had everyone, including the warlock amazed as Lera saw when his grey pupils dilated when she returned.

Lera are you holding back on me my love? Isabel asked with raised eyebrows as she took the ingredients from Lera and began mashing them in a mortar and pestle.

I've told you that I've been practicing for my final round with Abraham on many occasions mother, these are some of the skills that I've been trying to improved on.

Well watch out Abraham! Isabel teased and took the medication she made and poured it down Falkor's throat and waited.

Did the Warlock tell you his name Lera? Isabel asked as she petted the dragon slowly waiting for the concoction to take effect.

He said his name is Alazar and he was paid by Abraham to locate and capture Caleb and  me and take us to him! Lera answered.

Alazar! Isabel said and looked at the warlock features who was frozen in ice. Cain then returned next to Lera and Isabel when he realized that Dora was up and doing fine.

Sounds like he could be from a neighboring country because surely he doesn't belong to this country as I've never seen him and I have been around for quite a while. Isabel concluded.

I told Lera that Abraham must have met him when he was traveling to different countries with other werewolf leaders for the many moons they were gone! Cain said.

Well Cain, Abraham must really hate your family to be paying a Warlock from another country to come to capture them. I wonder what was his fee! Isabel said as she still continued to check on the dragon.

This I know Isabel! But as of today, Abraham is dead to me! He should not have involved different parties from outside of our pack to handle his matters especially when it is my family that is involved! Cain said angrily and walked off.

Isabel looked at Lera and Lera looked at Isabel,

Go to him Lera, he needs you now more than ever. Isabel said softly as she began to see Falkor slowly move.

Dora are you okay? Isabel called out loudly as she saw her slowly approaching them.

Thank you Isabel for all your help. Fiona told me what happened and I am grateful that you were with us. Dora said as she came over the dragon and looked down on him.

Will he be okay? Dora continued

You seem concerned Dora? I think your grandkids have gotten you soft since I've never seen you enquire about someone you battled with! But honestly, I'm hoping the potion I administered earlier to him helps! Isabel answered.

Soft? Silly Isabel I just wanted to know if I should resume battle mode when he recovers so I can finish him off? Dora enquired

No the spell that I cast on him should make him docile for several hours before it wears off! Isabel responded laughing softly.

Great, because I never knew that there were more of our kind! I need to ask him some questions about this! Dora replied relieved.

Isabel then got up and went to the warlock and began to refreeze him since she knew that she couldn't chance him freeing himself as she did not know how powerful he truly was. Especially since he used black magic which was opposite and quite different to hers.

Dora nudged the dragon several times and slowly he began to wake up. Dora backed away and went into protective mode in front of Caleb and Fiona incase the spell didn't work. Lera observed this and smiled broadly knowing that Dora loved Caleb as much as she did Fiona. Only then that she realized that Dora's act proved that you didn't have to be blood to be family.

Fortunately though, the spell did work because when the dragon got to his feet,  Isabel was able to control him. Then she walked over and whispered something in his ear and he turned around and walked to where Alazar was, now frozen into a huge block of ice, and stood guard and looked at Isabel for further instructions. By this time, everyone had gathered around  and was discussing a further plan of action.

" What's the plan?" Fiona asked

" Well we can't afford to let the Warlock go because as soon as we leave he'll continue to hunt each one of us until he finds Caleb and me. Warlocks work for themselves and most always deliver on their hired jobs because their reputation means everything to them." Lera said

"There's a cavern that's a short distance from the den that I believe is safe and big enough to accommodate us- myself, the Warlock and his dragon that I can take them too. I don't want them close to the babies so I'll stay there with them until I could find out some answers about his job with Abraham and who this Alazar is and where he came from" Isabel said

" I will go with you Isabel as I also need answers from his dragon about our kind. Long ago I believed that there was more of us kind but after years of not encountering any I gave up hope. I also need to find out if Abraham hired any more." Dora said

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the den to recover better Dora? I can go along with Mother. That was a big battle a while ago, and you were incredible if I may say so myself." Lera said remembering how savage Dora truly was.

" I've gotten a little rusty Lera but I'm fine thank you. I'm just a little sore but I'm good I assure you. I will go with Isabel! Fiona, Caleb, Cain and you can go back to the den and protect our treasures so be careful for any more surprises okay" Dora said

" "Lera I need some things from the Cabin again as I will have to use another method of restraint for Alazar and his dragon other than freezing if I intend to get answers" Isabel said and winked at Lera

Lera already reading her mother's challenge on her speed gladly obliged.

" I accept even though I feel it's more like a challenge mother" Lera said and laughed as she walked over to her mother and collected the list which was a lot more ingredients than earlier.

And as soon as Isabel handed Lera the list and she disappeared, Isabel began checking her time mentally.

Lera was literally gone by the time Isabel walked over to Alazar's dragon and gave it its next command. When Lera appeared back with a huge makeshift sack with all the ingredients and tools required, Isabel hugged her tightly and the rest of the family celebrated by clapping and whistling at how fast she really was.

" Lera every day that goes by I think that you could not make me a prouder mother and then you come along and always make me wrong. I love you my child" Isabel said and kissed Lera.

" Thank you mother. I love you too. Be safe okay" Lera said

"Then let us fly my family" Cain said

" Falkor grab your master and wait for me in the sky" Isabel commanded and Falkor then picked up his master in the frozen block of ice and began to fly upwards into the sky towards the clouds.

Cain was the first of the family to get on Caleb's back as he desperately wanted to go back to the den to ensure that Drake and Luna was okay. Caleb too was concerned about his kids so after several seconds he took off with Fiona while Lera and Isabel's brooms appeared and within minutes they were all in the sky, heading into the clouds to meet Alazar and Falkor where they would all then fly towards the mountains.

Rolo stood from a distance looking on at the battle and what had happened from the beginning of the Warlock and dragon arrival to the very end. He was instructed not to interfere in the Warlock affairs which Abraham had hired,  and that he was just there to observe. And judging from the powers displayed by Lera and her family, he was glad for the instructions that he was given.

The only great concern Rolo had then, as he turned around and began to head back to the liar, was that he was terrified as to how Abraham would react.

Just the thought of standing before him and relaying what he saw made him quiver.  He imagined Abraham's reaction when he broke the news to him that not only did his hired Warlock and dragon get captured by Lera but that her pack now consisted of three dragons, a lycanthrope and two witches. Rolo shook his head and then began to brace himself for his Alpha's wrath.