Chapter 23

Alazar was watching and listening to everything that was being said and done attentively. He was amazed from the moment he saw Isabel fly down on the dragon, they called Fiona. And even though he knew that it was simple for him to free himself from the ice block and begin battling he chose not to do so just so he could get to know about the enchanting Isabel.

He became utterly captivated by Isabel's beauty and was quite intrigued by her family. He never expected to feel that way but he wanted to know more about her. He could tell that she loved her family dearly and was genuinely good because she even helped his friend and companion , Falkor. And he knew she was a white witch from the moment he saw her.

As they arrived at the cavern, Alazar watched as she went to worked. First thing Isabel did as soon as Falkor brought Alazar in, was making the entrance along with part of the cavern a hallowed ground so that Alazar would still be trapped incase he got out from his restraints. Then she constructed heavy bard shackles and inserted them against the walls that would drain Alazar energy and leave enough just for him to survive. She decided to keep Falkor and Alazar a distance off incase Alazar wanted to use him in anyway so she went out the cavern and installed two heavy ball and shackles so Falkor could be contained outside. She had to secure Dora and wasn't sure what Falkor capabilities were so she made the ball even heavier as an added precaution.

Falkor come and move Alazar across here for me and then we will go outside and I will bound your feet to the shackles. Isabel commanded and then whispered a spell into his ears as Falkor obeyed her instructions.

Dora stood looking at the way Isabel was able to manipulate the huge beast and looked at her with astonishment.

Don't worry Dora I would never do that to you! You are safe with me! Isabel said and laughed

Dora just smiled and slowly walked to go next to Falkor when she saw that he stood awaiting Isabel to shackle him.

Just hearing her laughter caused something to stir in Alazar as he continued to observe Isabel.

As soon as his head was almost defrosted, Isabel melted the ice just enough to leave his body still numb and confined his hands and feet to the walls. As soon Alazar and Isabel's hands touched they felt it! There was a strong electrifying connection that sent shivers through their both bodies that caused Isabel to pulled away. After some seconds, she quickly completed the job and moved away from him and immediately

walked out the cavern and shackled Falkor.

Alazar's heart soared as the feelings came back to his body. Isabel entered the cavern and stood before him staring intensely.

What information you require from me white witch? Alazar said.

Isabel not expecting the unfamiliar voice to disrupt her concentration became startled.

Who are you and where are you from? Isabel said softly as she gathered herself.

My name is Alazar and I was born from the union of Nicnevin the witch and Nuckalavee the demon. I was born in Scotland and lived my entire life there until now. Alazar answered

Why are you here? Isabel continued as she began to grind some ingredients in her motor and pestle.

As I told your annoying daughter, I was paid by Abraham to capture her and her son and take them to him! The warlock answered.

It will be very wise of you not to speak ill of my daughter Alazar because you should know that even though I have been a white witch my entire life, I am a mother firstly! Isabel said as she stared at him steely-eyed.

Very well white witch! Alazar answered knowing he had upset her.

My name is Isabel and the dragon outside is Dora. You already know Cain, Caleb and Lera. Fiona, the dragon that almost roasted you, is Dora's daughter and Caleb's mate. Don't refer to us by what we are but by our names as long as we have you captive okay Alazar! Isabel said and stood in front of him with a portion in hand.

Drink this, it will help your body recover quickly from the numbness of being frozen for so long! Isabel said

White witch I will do no such thing! Do you think that I am stupid to drink any potion from a witch, especially not knowing what you put in there, even though you are thought to be a good witch! Never! Alazar said and turned his head away from her.

Isabel walked up to him and tilted his head forward and raised it. She held his nose shut and waited patiently with the vial of potion in her hand until he could no longer breathe and as soon as he opened his mouth and gasped out for air she poured the potion into his mouth and down his throat which immediately made his body tingle and feel warmer.

If you want to be treated as a child then you should know that I am a mother after all and would treat you as such! We don't want to hurt or kill you. Incase you have not already realized, we are not in the habit of disrespecting or harming anyone unless we are provoked. And the only way that can happen is when a family member is threatened or in danger! Remember Alazar that I would give my life for anyone of the people of my family to keep them safe be they a witch, dragons or werewolves incase you have anything brewing up your sleeves! Isabel said and walked out with another potion in her hand for Falkor.

Meanwhile outside the cavern, Dora stood looking at the green dragon for a long time before she began to speak to him.

Falkor are there many of our kinds where you are from? Dora asked as Falkor opened his eyes and looked at her.

Yes, there are several of us that I know about. He replied and turned his gaze to look at the sunset.

The several that you've met along your lifetime, do they have families? Dora questioned again.

Some with and some without. We have lost many of our kind over the years from being hunted by humans, witches, vampires and werewolves and judging from where you have us now, I fear it is the same in this country! Falkor said never taking his eyes off the orange-red tinge of the ray from the setting sun.

Do you have a family? Dora asked and struck a nerve when she saw Falkor turn his head and grimly look directly into her eyes.

My mate was killed in battle decades ago when we fought against the witches. A bittersweet ending as it took her life and many others for the Roswald Treaty to come into existence that protects both dragons and witches from attacking each other! The green dragon said and turned back to see the evening rays cast shadows on the ground unto the mountain.

I am sorry for your lost Falkor! I too lost my mate in battle but fortunately for me he left me with Fiona before he left. I cherish every moment I am with her because I am constantly reminded of the love her father and I shared. Dora said sadly.

Just as your daughter saved you, understand that Alazar saved me. For a long time I was angry and lost and he came along and showed me how to cope and let go and now I lead a different life. So understand who and where my loyalties lie with! Falkor replied

But remember that we did not come after you and your master. Instead both of you came after members of my family and I will battle till the end to protect them. A reminder to you Falkor just so that we're on the same page and understand each other clearly! Dora responded.

What was the fee that Abraham paid Alazar for Caleb and Lera? Dora continued

What do you think that the demon side, and not the witch side, of Alazar craves and would want? Falkor asked

His soul? Dora asked in amazement but Falkor just looked at her but said nothing.

Dora thankful for all the information that Falkor had given without resistance said,

Thank you for answering my questions Falkor. Are you hungry? Dora said feeling a little famished herself.

Yes I am, just no fish please! I'm sick and tired of eating fish! Any thing else would do. Falkor replied.

Dora was about to go to Isabel and let her know that she was about to go out to hunt for food, when she saw Isabel force a potion down Alazar throat. Then she retrieved another vial and began to walk towards her.

I was just about to let you know I was going out to hunt for food Isabel! Dora said.

What is that? Dora continued as she looked at the vial in Isabel's hand.

A potion for Falkor to help him with his injuries he sustained and to help him warm up after being frozen! Isabel answered.

I don't think he'll take it Isabel! Dora said softly.

Yes he will Dora as the spell I have him under haven't worked out of his system as yet but it will in a bit! Isabel said

What if he uses his flames to break the chains Isabel? Dora asked

Dora I'm offended! Don't you think I thought of that when I had him restrained earlier? Isabel said and smiled while Dora giggled mischievously.

What did you do to his flames Isabel? Dora asked.

Let just say that after this he won't be harmful to anyone for several days. Isabel answered and went to the dragon.

Falkor open up! I brought you a drink to help your wounds and sore body heal faster. Isabel said and the dragon obediently opened his mouth.

Isabel emptied the vial into the dragon's mouth and stepped aside and waited.

Yuck it taste like fish guts! Falkor said and began to dry heave.

You're right, dried fish guts which help with restoring certain major organs in the body quickly Falkor. But I see you're a dragon that don't enjoy fish! Isabel said and chuckled.

As Isabel returned into the cavern to make a broth for Alazar and herself, Dora took off in search of food for Falkor and herself.


When Cain, Lera, Caleb and Fiona arrived at the den they immediately went inside to ensure that Drake and Luna was okay. When they didn't see them everyone began to panic.

Drake, Luna! Fiona cried out forgetting that they were invisible.

Suddenly they appeared both sleepy eyed and the family ran to them and hugged them.

What's wrong with everyone? Drake turned to Luna and asked but she answered him with a raised wings signifying that she did not know.

We are just glad to see you both. Lera said as she stepped towards them and petted them.

And to know that you're both safe. Cain replied .

Mother you made us promise to remain invisible,  don't you remember? Luna said as she looked towards Fiona.

Yes babies I forgot I have extraordinary children with unique powers! Fiona said and smiled proudly at her babies.

Where is Grandma Dora and great grandmother Isabel? Drake asked curiously.

They are staying with some new people we met some time ago for a while. Caleb answered.

Can we go out of the den now Mother?  We haven't been outside for a long time and I like to look at the sunset. Luna asked eagerly.

Yes you may children but only for a short while okay. Fiona said and Drake and Luna walked out with Cain and Lera.

Mother told me how awesome you were today Fiona and I'm so proud of you. Caleb said to his mate.

Fiona gave a halfway smile and looked at him still very uneasy about today's event worried about the future for Drake and Luna.

Fiona are you okay my love? Caleb enquired as soon as they were alone.

I thought I lost you and mother today Caleb! I was so afraid. I mean I love the rest of our family but both of you especially have been my foundation. Today for a short while, I thought I was truly alone in the world with Drake and Luna and I'm quite uneasy about that Caleb. Fiona said sadly

I am sorry that I have put all our lives in danger Fiona. But know that if anything happens to me, you should not feel alone because Mother, Isabel and father love you just as much as they love me and the kids are their life because it gives them and opportunity to have the family they couldn't have together. I know they will always be by your side. Caleb replied as he stroked Fiona's face.

Please don't say or think that you would not be in our life at anytime Caleb, I won't have it! You're not to blame my love, Abraham is at fault! Why won't he just leave us to live our life peacefully? Fiona said with tears in her eyes

Caleb just hugged her and placed a long kiss on her face,

Someday we will be rid of him and we'll be able to live peacefully. Caleb said softly as he immediately began to think more about the battle that his mother was planning to have with Abraham. He intended to train harder and prove and to her that he was ready to join her as it would make her understand that they were stronger when united.

Since Lera entered our lives and spoke about her final battle with Abraham I was hesitant with the idea. Because I thought that her fight with Abraham didn't have anything to do with my immediate family. But I was wrong Caleb. Now I see that it has a lot to do with them and keeping them safe so we will all stand together united as a family on that day,  including Drake and Luna. They will someday have to stand on their own and protect their family so we will fight long and hard for our freedom and for the betterment of our children lives on that day! Fiona said as she looked into Caleb's eyes.

Caleb's heart was filled with proudness and adoration for Fiona when she said those words to him because deep down he knew he would have it no other way. It was like she was able to read his true inner thoughts.

I love you Fiona and there is no other mate in this world for me other than you. You have completed me in so many ways making me a better person, mate and father and I thank you for walking with me at my side! Caleb said and change into a dragon and kissed her lovingly.  When he was done he slowly began to walk with her to meet their kids.

Cain and Lera sat on a stone close by looking at Drake and Luna.

How did Caleb and you end up in those snares earlier Cain? What were you both doing? Lera asked as she mentally reviewed the entire ordeal that took place some hours ago.

Cain looked at her and bent his head as he answered,

I asked Caleb to take me down and when we landed I said goodbye to him because I was going back to Alpha and the pack. Cain said softly.

You were going where? Lera asked as she looked at him with a angry stare and her pupils began changing colour.

Lera, please don't be mad! I didn't want to jeopardize our family especially Drake and Luna. Cain said sorrowfully.

Don't tell me not to be fucking mad Cain! Why would you want to go back? Don't you think our family is strong enough to face Abraham? Don't you believe in my powers as a lycanthrope and as a witch? I don't understand! Help me to fucking understand! Lera said feeling more hurt than angry.

Lera it's not that I don't know how truly remarkable and powerful you and my family are, but I have never forgotten the second attack at you kingdom and what happened to the innocent people that followed us into battle. Cain said sorrowfully.

I never told you this but when I was about to attack father that day, Rolo and the others from the pack blindsided me and knocked me out. Suddenly I was awaken when I was thrown in a pool of water. But it was no ordinary water Lera, it was the bunker that I built to hide you and the kids. Only it was a sea of red water with small parts of children floating all around. I saw pieces of feet, hand and even heads and I screamed and kick to get out but they latched the door and I remained in their for several hours with the unbearable, fresh scent of kids Lera. Then finally I was taken out and brought back to the camp and Abraham swore to me that night that he would do the same to you and our pups if I ever left his pack again. I have never forgotten that memory and I can't allow anything to happen to you or the rest of my family Lera. Please try to understand why I did what I felt I had to do. Cain said and held her hands as tears brimmed over and slid down his face.

I am sorry Cain, I did not know you had to endure that painful suffering. But there will come a day soon when Abraham will have to pay for all his nasty and evil deeds. And seeing now that he's begun to come after my family it maybe even sooner that we think! Lera said confidently as she looked at Cain.

It seems we have no choice but to bring the battle to him now Lera. Look what he's done with the warlock and dragon! What if you didn't get there in time? What he would have done to Caleb and me or worst if he found here and them? Cain said as he nodded towards Drake and Luna.

This is what I've been trying to show you all along Cain. Abraham will never give up on just letting us lead our lives. He's a dictator and once you do not go along with him, you automatically become the enemy. I know he is your father but as long as he is ruling we'll always have to be watching over our shoulders and that isn't how I intend to live my life. Lera said as she brushed a kiss on his lips.

Oh geed! Disgusting! Gross! That was some of the comments that they heard coming from Drake and Luna who was now watching Cain and her intensely.

What? You don't like our kisses my lovies? Lera said as she winked at Cain and they both got up together and headed slowly for Drake and Luna.

It seems that our grandkids are missing attention Cain, what do you think we can do to fix it? Lera said cheerfully.

Drake and Luna's eyes sparkled with excitement when they were both approached slowly. Then Lera went to Drake while Cain went to Luna and they instantly began to mercilessly kiss them all over their faces as they laughed, giggled and screeched out softly. They were so excited that they began to change back and forth from lycanthrope to dragons and even invisible at one time. Thankfully though, they stayed put so Cain and Lera felt them even though they couldn't see them.

You guys are too old to be kissing! Drake said as he giggled in between.

What? Too old? Lera they think we are old! Cain said that caused a new session of wet, quick kisses.

Yes, mommy and daddy too! Luna added in, which resulted in Lera kisses becoming longer and wetter on Drake. The four parties was rolling on the ground with each other from laughter and that is how Fiona and  Caleb arrived to see them. After looking at them for a while, Caleb added

Okay guys let's leave grandma and grandpa for a bit while you take a soar with mother while I go to hunt for food. Caleb said and heard cheers from both of them as they got up and ran towards Fiona. Immediately, they were flying far up towards the clouds away from all dangers as Cain, Caleb and Lera looked in admiration. They saw Dora join them and they all smiled knowing they looked fierce as they soared side by side.

You know I think I have to agree with what the kids said earlier mother and father! Caleb said feelings mischievous and wanting to prove to his mother how valuable he would be in her fight with Abraham.

And what is that son? Cain asked curiously.

Well I think you both are really too old. Not for kissing per say but for other activities. So I'll go out and hunt for dinner and you both can relax your old bones! Caleb said casually.

Hmm, it seems that hanging upside down from that snare have affected our son's thinking Cain! As I remember clearly, I recall a certain old person saving a young werewolf today! I'm not sure if I have it right my love, was it so? Lera said as she turned to Cain.

You memory is still good Lera but I love being challenged so what say we go out on the hunt together as werewolves? Cain said with a raised eyebrow.

Great idea father! But no magic okay mother as we don't want to let father think he'd be at a disadvantage. Cain turned to Lera and said with a wicked grin.

Please Caleb, I could be blindfolded and without any powers and still get the first kill before Cain or you, my son! Lera boasted.

Careful my love! Unlike Caleb or you who only just began to live as a werewolf, I have been my entire life and hunting comes naturally to me so don't count me out yet! Cain said.

Well whoever does the first kill will be the winner! Caleb said excitedly since it was the first hunting expedition with his parents.

That will work Caleb! Lera said and quickly shape-shifted into a white werewolf and took off with great speed down the mountain.

Caleb and Cain laughed loudly as they both shapeshifted and began to chase after her.