Chapter 24

Rolo arrived outside the liar and called out to his Alpha. After a while, Abraham came out with Sheba at his side. He wore a huge smile on his face until he saw the look on Rolo's face.

What happened Rolo? The Alpha asked angrily.

The Warlock and his dragon caught Cain, his son, Lera and one of the dragon but another witch arrived with another dragon and helped free them and they managed to capture the warlock and his dragon and flew up into the sky with them. Rolo said and frightenly stepped back when he saw Abraham's eyes bulging and he began to bare his teeth.

What the fuck did you say Rolo? How is that possible? How big is Lera's pack? And where did they take the warlock and his dragon? Abraham grumbled out and clenched his fist tightly.

The other witch that came in with the other dragon seemed older and more experienced than the warlock and she froze him and his dragon while he was distracted with the flames of the soaring dragon, Alpha. The witch even charmed the warlock's dragon and had him carrying off his master who was frozen in ice. They went up into the sky past the clouds and I was unable to see what direction they left with him. I counted Cain, Lera and their son along with the witch and two dragons. Rolo answered as best as he could trying not to aggravate his Alpha further.

Take thirty men from our pack and visit all the leaders from our neighboring packs and request thirty from each. With the three hundred werewolves that would be available to you, I want you to search that entire area and find out where they are keeping the warlock and his dragon and report back to me. Abraham shouted angrily.

Yes Alpha but the area is extensive so it may take us several full moons before we return! Rolo informed his leader.

Rolo I don't care if it takes several full moons or years! Just find them before you come back here. Furthermore, upon your arrival, be sure you return with the required information of where the Warlock and his dragon is or else you will pay with your life! Abraham screamed and stomped off back into the liar.

Rolo walked away thinking about the arduous task before him. He slowly walked to the river to meet the rest of the men and called out to Sam to inform him about the new mission and to gather the twenty eight lycanthropes as soon as possible to head out. He refrained from telling them how long they would be so as to not upset them because the last thing he needed was disagreement among his pack and he knew that one thing that a werewolf hated was not be able to mate for long periods.


Meanwhile back at the hunt, Caleb, Cain and Lera was chasing a large herd of deer they had come upon on the plains. Lera was at the front and Cain and Caleb behind her when suddenly Caleb darted off to the side and ran into the trees.

Lera and Cain continued chasing the herd and was almost upon them when they glimpsed what Caleb had left them for. He was already fighting with the big black bear as Lera launched at the buck and took him down. Cain was beside her with another buck within seconds and together they fought to subdue the kicking and prancing animals.

Before life had left the two deer they both eventually killed, they heard Caleb howled out to them. When they looked, both Cain and Lera saw him standing on the big black bear showing off his kill. She howled back at him proudly and so did Cain as their bucks finally took their last breath.

Caleb then transformed and changed into a dragon and took his kill up in his huge talons and flew off. Lera was contemplating how to get the two massive  bucks back to the den when Dora landed.

I saw the hunt and it was a great spectacle to view. But I have to admit that Caleb was sensational. Who would have thought that a while aback he couldn't hunt without a partner! Dora said smiling.

That's impossible!.Cain said

It seems that impossible is not a word that is known to his mother, Cain! She trained him after all! Dora said as she walked over to the two bucks and grabbed them with her claws.

The bear along with the bucks should be enough to feed our pack Dora! You can have one to take back with you! How is mother and your interrogation going with Alazar and his dragon? Lera enquired

Thank you for your kindness Lera and it's slowly coming along. I found out from the dragon that the price Abraham offered for the job of capturing Caleb and Cain was his soul. I never thought that hatred could run so deep for someone to do something like that especially to her own son's faily! Dora said.

Yell me about it Dora! Are there many of your kind still around that we should be weary about? Cain asked concerned.

Falkor said that there are some of us still around in his country but if we should be weary of them is yet to be answered! Dora replied.

Okay let's go to the den and meet the rest of the family as I'm sure they're awaiting our arrival! Lera said and Dora shook her head in agreement and flew off with the two bucks.

Wanna race back? Cain asked and grinned.

You feeling like losing to me tonight love? But I can't because I want to encircle the mountain with salt. You wanna ride a witch's broom while I sprinkle the salt? Lera asked

Salt? What is salt? Cain asked curiously.

Lera magically made a sack with a white grainy dust like particles appear and Caleb felt in between his hands, smelled it and tasted it and quickly spat it out.

Salt is an ingredient used in cooking that humans use from a place called China. I read it in Isabel's spell book so let's try and see if it works! Lera said and made a straight line of it on the ground.

Try to cross over Cain! Lera said.

Lera you sure I won't turn into a cat or something? Cain asked with raised eyebrows.

Lera began to laugh loudly. And after a while she asked,

What? Why a cat? She said still giggling.

Because witches usually have cats around them Lera! Come on! Everyone knows that. Cain replied not seeing the humor in it at all.

Cain you are so funny my love. No you won't turn into a cat. Just try to cross over to the other side please? Lera asked again

But when Cain tried, his foot could not cross over.

What sorcery is this my love? I cannot cross over! Cain replied after numerous failed attempts.

Not sorcery but just plain cooking salt! Incredible isn't it? Do you think I should tell Caleb what I did? He'd practically be tied inside the mountain as a werewolf when we're done with the salt you know! Lera said as the broom magically appeared.

Nope not a word! Serves him right for showing off today on us the way he did! Now how do I stay balance on this stick? Cain asked as he got on behind Lera on the broom and it lifted off the ground.

Just hold on to my waist like when you want me to ride you! Lera said and laughed seductively as she began to go forward laying the salt with Cain holding on tightly to her waist.

When they were finished they both headed back to the den to meet the others. And as soon as they arrived, Dora was about to leave.

Dora tell mother that I said I sprinkled salt around the mountain okay. She'll explain to you what it does when you tell her! Lera said smiling because Caleb looked at her curiously.

That was a great kill son! It looks like we are indeed getting old! Lera said trying to change the topic so he won't ask her about the salt.

I had a wonderful time catching my kill before you both but in all honesty, the challenge had my heart racing until I completed the kill! Caleb said and smiled as he began to eat with Fiona and his kids.

We should go again another time, make it out of two challenges because I felt we were at a disadvantage seeing that the bucks were so fast and a bear so slow but it's up to you really. Cain said

Fiona did I not tell you that as soon as my parents arrived they'd want to challenge me again? You both are so sore losers that it makes me feel sad. Caleb said and laughed out loudly as he continued to eat.

Lera and Cain shape-shifted into lycanthropes and began eating their portion as well, both smiling with each other ever so often knowing that Caleb was trapped inside the mountains and he didn't even know.

After eating, Lera was excited to spend some time alone with Cain. She immediately held Cain's hand and tugged him to leave.

Cain and I are going for a short walk so goodnight my lovies! Lera called out from over her shoulders as they disappeared into the night.


Back at the cavern, Falkor and Dora shared the buck in half while Isabel took some of the scraps and added it the the broth that made it smell especially good and had Alazar's stomach grumbling. He had never smelled such a heavenly scent before and he was excited to taste it.

How are you feeling Alazar? Are you warm enough from the magic potion? Isabel asked.

To be honest with you Isabel, my hands are a little sore from these shackles, but if you want to lose them then I'd be good! Alazar said and smiled.

Would you escape if I release you Alazar? Isabel asked as she looked at him.

Yes I will and with my dragon too! Alazar confessed.

What the hell did you do to me white witch? Alazar then asked suspiciously as he wondered why he told her the truth just now.

Do tell me Alazar, what was the price that Abraham agreed to pay to capture my daughter and grandson? Isabel continued.

Abraham paid with the ultimate price of any demon's desires, his soul! Alazar said truthfully.

Fucking hell! Why am I telling you the truth? Alazar asked.

You're telling me the truth because I slipped truth serum in the potion I gave you earlier to feel warm. Isabel said and walked to him with the stew she had made.

That is why I don't trust witches! You tricked me White witch! Alazar said coldly.

Alazar I did it because the information you have could either harm or save my family and I need to know how much you know. I am sorry but my family comes first before anything or anyone else. Don't you have a family? Isabel asked.

Falkor is my family! He is all I have! Alazar said.

Well then you should understand how you would feel knowing if anyone wanted to hurt Falkor. You definitely would not stand by and allow it to happen! Isabel said as she came in front of Alazar and began to blow on the stew and spoon-feed him.

Another potion in there that I should know about white witch? Next thing you'll make me your slave demon and have me cooking, cleaning and performing sexual activities on you! Alazar said sarcastically.

Isabel began laughing scandalously, until tears began to flow from her eyes. And after a long while, she looked at him and smiled. Alazar was taken aback by her beauty when she laughed. He realized the sound made his chest tighten and his insides feel warm. He quickly turned away from her to avoid this uncomfortable feeling he was experiencing.

I am sorry for laughing Alazar but just the thought of you naked in an apron cleaning, cooking, feeding and servicing me would be a sight! Unfortunately, there is nothing in the food other than carrots, deer meat, potatoes and some spices with some bread. Do you want it or should I give it to Falkor seeing that he's having his fill of deer meat outside with Dora as we speak! Isabel said softly but still smiling from the image Alazar just made her envision.

Alazar was hungry and the food smelled and looked delicious so he turned back towards her as she began to blow on the hot stew and feed him with bits of bread. Just the taste of the first bite had his taste buds all over the place.

How is it? Isabel asked curiously since it was the first time she cooked for a warlock.

It is delicious! Alazar said with bulging eyes.

White witch when will the truth potion end. I feel naked! Alazar questioned.

When I'm finished questioning you and I find out every thing that I need to know I will release you and your dragon Alazar. Isabel said as she placed more stew into his mouth.

If you release me and my dragon I will resume hunting and capturing your daughter and grandson as the deal is already made with Abraham for his soul! Alazar blurted out while he chewed and turned to Isabel with shock.

It's the truth serum but thank you for that information Alazar. How can I undo the deal between Abraham  and you so that I can release you without you harming or capturing members of my family? Isabel asked softly as she dipped another spoonful of stew out and fed Alazar.

There are two ways to solve that issue! One you can kill Abraham before the deal is sealed by me or number two. Another deal could be struck which I can willingly accept, that prevents me from hunting and capturing your family Isabel Alazar said lovingly with raised eyebrows.

Isabel felt uncomfortable with the manner he said the last words. She became flushed at the way he looked at her and said it. She quickly fed him the last spoonful of the stew, then she took her apron and wiped his mouth and quickly walked away.

I'll be back in a bit, I need to check on Dora and Falkor. Isabel said while her back was turned and she immediately walked out.

Alazar smiled broadly at her innocence knowing that it made her uncomfortable with the flirtatious way he said those words to her . He wanted her badly from the moment he first laid eyes on her. A demon and a witch, and not a ordinary witch but a good witch. He found himself getting aroused and was thankful that Isabel was outside when he look down and saw that he was rock hard and it was noticeable under his robe. He had to see where the chase would end otherwise why else would he allow her to capture him.


Dora is everything good with you and Falkor? Isabel asked in a high pitched voice as she walked to Dora looking red.

Are you okay Isabel, you don't look well! Dora questioned in a concerned tone.

Yes, it must be the heat from cooking Dora. Isabel said and brushed it off.

You look thirsty Dora? Isabel continued and began smiling mischievously.

Dora being confused with Isabel's behavior and statement answered,

I'm not so much Isabel but I believe Falkor will be after he's done with his last picking of the deer. Dora answered

I'm not quite so sure he will Dora! Isabel said and began silently mumbling something and magically a makeshift shovel began digging a circular hole just in front of them.

Watch this Dora! Isabel said and smiled and used her magic to make  a tiny lizard appear inside off the dug hole. Falkor seeing the scampering lizard, belted out what he thought would have been flames to kill the lizard but instead water came spewing out, filling the hole and creating a water pond.

Falkor opened his eyes in fright.

What in black magic have you done to me witch? Falkor frantically said and belted out another line of water instead of flames.

Calm down Falkor! You flames will return as soon as I release Alazar and you. It is just a precaution so you cannot hurt anyone with your flames. Isabel said smiling

Isabel had I known you were so much fun I would have made time to meet you more often than I did before. Dora said and laughed as she bent to get a drink of water from the witch-made pond.

That's why whatever you gave me earlier tasted like fish guts! And I thought you were nice for saving me! Falkor said irritated.

Alazar, Alazar get me out of here! Falkor shouted.

I'm trying my friend! Alazar shouted from in the cavern.

Isabel and Dora giggled softly.

Lera said to tell you that she used salt around the mountain! Dora said curiously.

Ah yes, Lera is so clever! But then again she has my blood! Salt prevents werewolves from crossing over which means once they don't shapeshift to human they cannot cross into the mountains Dora!. Isabel said and beamed.

Clearly having you and Lera on our side is beneficial, as I am seeing as everyday goes by! Dora said and laughed as Isabel went back into the cavern.


Far, far off from the mountains, Rolo and his pack of three hundred plus, had just arrived at a cave and started a fire. Some of the lycanthropes were out hunting while some were searching for a water source close by. The place was overly quiet and Rolo could see that the pace they were moving at was getting to the pack The tiredness showed on their faces and in their movement. He still didn't have the heart to tell his fellow werewolves that they could be searching for tens of full moons.

The men are tired Rolo! We can't keep going like this! The pace is too much as I myself have aching muscles and joints. Sam said

Abraham said not to return until we find out where they are holding the warlock and his dragon or else I'll pay with my life. Rolo finally confessed.

What madness! We could be out here forever looking for that Rolo! Sam shouted but only then understood why Rolo was moving at such a fast pace.

Rolo well we need to do this better because we can't keep going at this pace without dying of exhaustion! Split up the team in three and send them in different directions. Sam said after a while.

Tomorrow we will rest and the next day we will resume the search your way Sam. Rolo said and motioned him to the feeding area where the several werewolves had just brought in numerous deers.