Chapter 25

Two weeks passed and the family was slowly forgetting the attack on them and had began to train more as the days went by. The Warlock and his dragon was still being imprisoned at the cavern with Dora and Isabel but Lera took up the slack for their absence and trained with the whelps.

Since Fiona found out from Isabel a week ago, that Abraham had to be killed or the Warlock would not stop hunting Caleb and Lera, she concentrated more on Drake and Luna fire breathing techniques while Caleb trained them to battle in mid air. They were unsure if Abraham would invite more dragons to hunt them so they had to be prepared.

Have anyone of you noticed that the hunting is becoming harder and harder recently? Cain asked while they all trained.

Indeed the several herds of deer have disappeared not to mention the bears seem to be more aggressive now! Lera said

It can't be that our hunting is causing that drastic depletion because we've been doing it for years now and their was always plentiful wildlife around. Caleb said growing concerned.

Maybe father, you and I should scout around a bit and see what's going on. It'll be great practice for both of your old legs also since we never did get to do that second challenge. Caleb said to his mother and laughed.

Seems our child is getting to full of himself Cain! I wonder where he got the cockiness from, eh fish? She said causing Fiona to laugh in the background.

Well let's go as soon as Fiona finishes her training with the kids okay! Caleb said as he went back to training with his father.

Back at the Cavern, Isabel had become more trusting with Alazar as Dora with Falkor even though they were both still shacked.

How long do you think you'll keep me here again for Isabel? My body may shut down from not being in use! Alazar said as Isabel fed him soup.

I want to release Falkor and you, Alazar! But as long as Abraham is alive I cannot! But soon we will be ready to have our final battle and after you will be released, I promise! Isabel said as she placed a spoonful of soup into his mouth.

Falkor and I can help you with your final battle with Abraham Isabel but you have to offer me a better deal. Alazar said and smiled provocatively.

My soul? I will do no such thing Alazar! Besides I think we can win the battle without your help since you're the reason we're here in this mess in the first place! Isabel said staring at him.

Suit yourself Isabel, but I have seen several of the werewolf packs that Abraham made friends with from my country and I'm telling you that together they can be in thousands not to mention the ones he is in control of here. Alazar said slowly.

Then tell me of another way that we can get Abraham to stop without having to kill him! Isabel said as she gave him another spoonful of soup.

Is it so terrible to be with a demon Isabel? I will take care of you and protect your family from any harm plus be your sex slave. All you have to do is say yes to my request! Alazar said.

Isabel looked at Alazar and smiled seductively .

If I didn't know better I'd say your smitten with me Alazar! Do you like me? Isabel asked.

Off course not white witch! Alazar said quickly and shook his head when Isabel tried to give him more soup.

I've had enough! He continued when she looked at him.

Very well! Isabel replied and wiped his mouth with her apron.

But as soon as she rested the bowl down she went to him and began to passionately kiss him. The kiss was long, heated and wet as their bodies pressed together. Alazar felt the thud of his heartbeat as he continued to use his tongue.

When Isabel finally pulled away they both were breathless and gasping for air.

I am sorry Alazar, I shouldn't have done that! Isabel said.

I'm not sorry Isabel! I wish my hands was lose however so I could have ravished your body and fucked you like I'm sure you've never been fucked before! Alazar said as his eyes never felt hers.

Outside the Cavern, Dora sat next to Falkor and spoke about some of her past battles that she had and how she lost her mate. Falkor was genuinely nice to her and never made her uncomfortable. He even spoke about his life in Scotland growing up in the country with his mother and father before they were killed and she could tell that he truly never experienced happiness in his life.

Falkor if I ask Isabel to release you, would you try to help Alazar escape or attack us? Dora asked softly

Why would you do that for me Dora? Falkor enquired

Because even though Alazar has a deal with Abraham for his soul, you are not obligated to hunt my family! Alazar would be released as soon as my family and I battle Abraham and kill him but I see no reason why you should suffer the same fate as Alazar! Dora stated.

Dora if you give me your word to release Alazar I will not harm any of your family. Besides I'm incapable of hurting anyone right now with water instead of flames spewing from my mouth! Falkor said

Your powers will return as soon as the battle is completed or until we feel that we can trust you! Dora said softly.

At that same time Isabel walked outside to check on them.

Isabel is it possible for Falkor to be released. He's been chained for the past few weeks and it may not do well for his overall condition as a dragon! Dora said

Will that be wise thing to do, Dora? After all he may try to help Alazar escape! Isabel answered.

He gave me his word that he won't after I told him that Alazar would be released as soon as Abraham is killed! Dora said

Is this true Falkor? Isabel turned and asked the dragon.

Yes I gave her my word that I will not harm her family or help Alazar to escape! Falkor replied

Well then Dora I guess you will be with him at all times to ensure he keeps his word! Isabel said and mumbled a spell that made the shackles open around Falkor foot. Falkor began flapping his wings and Isabel walked inside to avoid the dust.

Let's take a soar together Dora! You can show me around! Falkor said and flew up into the air with Dora behind him watching his every move.

Did you just release Falkor? Alazar asked Isabel.

I released him because he promised not to attack us or help you escape until we release you! Isabel answered

The nerves of that dragon to leave me stranded after all we've been through together! He's in love because I know he only did that because of Dora. Alazar said

Love isn't a bad thing Alazar! Especially when they both feel the same! Surely you've been in love before? Isabel asked interestingly.

Love does not exist for long periods with me being a demon and the work that I do Isabel! Alazar said and looked off sadly remembering all the times he thought he had found his mate, only to be hurt in the end.

What a lonely life you must live Alazar! Love is the only thing that has gotten me through my entire life. With not knowing my father and then the witch hunt for my mother which resulted in her being burnt by humans. Being without Lera until some years aback, and losing the only man I ever loved who was her father when Abraham attacked his Kingdom and killed him. I guess that's what make us different! Isabel said softly.

I did not know that about Abraham nor any of the other things Isabel. I guess being a demon and living the dangerous life that I live at it's very best doesn't really give me a chance to stop and think about the entire story. Alazar said.

Don't you get tired of living that way Alazar? Always having to be on guard and not being around a family that genuinely loves and cares about your safe being? That's why I love my family and will do anything for them even though we are all different. Take for instance I am a witch, Cain is a lycanthrope, Lera is mixed with witch, human and lycanthrope, Caleb is lycanthrope and witch, Dora is a dragon, Fiona is a dragon and surely Caleb's and Fiona's offspring may be lycanthrope, dragon and witch. It doesn't matter what you are or how you look, what matters and makes a family is the love for each other knowing that you would give your life for anyone of them should the need arise. Isabel said.

There was a long silence between them both and then Isabel spoke,

I am going to check on my family and will be back in a bit. Would you like anything before I leave?

Alazar just shook his head so Isabel turned around and walked away. As soon as Alazar saw she had left he silently said a spell and changed into a great octopus and released himself from the shackles. He changed back into himself and began to pace the cavern thinking about what Isabel had said. The salt at the entrance prevented him from chasing after her and taking her in his arms but he would wait for her arrival and tell her how he truly felt.

Cain, Lera and Caleb shape-shifted into werewolves on the mountains and began to descend towards the entrance. However, when they were about to exist the entrance Lera changed into a witch and passed them while Cain shape-shifted to human and continued running. Then suddenly Caleb crashed into an invisible wall that prevented him from passing.

From a distance he heard the loud laughter from his parents and then he saw them both as werewolves coming back to meet him.     

Caleb come on, let's go! You're keeping us back! Cain said smiling broadly as Caleb pushed himself forward but he would not go through. Cain and Lera began smiling and softly giggling as they both look at Caleb.

Mother what have you done? This feels like magic! Caleb said in an annoyed tone.

Lera and Cain began laughing hysterically and after a while they stopped and she spoke.

It's salt Caleb! Shape-shift to human and try to walk through. Lera said as she dried the tears out her eyes.

Caleb did as she said and he was able to pass but when he shapeshifted as a werewolf and tried to re-enter, he couldn't. He began to smile broadly.

Mother you're a genius! Caleb said and laughed.

A genius that's hoping it doesn't rain or that other lycanthropes are not smart enough to figure it out! Lera said and shapeshifted as a werewolf and began to run towards the forest. All three werewolves ran for quite a while until they came upon several rotting carcasses of deer.  After observing and sniffing its stench, Cain was able to show the direction they should go. After sometime they began to hear voices and stopped behind some trees.

Abraham is losing his mind Sam, wanting to kill Rolo if we don't find the Warlock and his dragon. Every bone is hurting in my body right now! A pack member stated.

Eric take the team back to camp while I go take a dump! It's been a long day searching! Sam said as soon as he got Cain's scent.

Yea, we'll move slow so you could ketch up okay Sam. Eric said and left.

After several minutes , Sam whistled a tune that only he and Cain knew and immediately Cain recognized it.

We're safe! It's Sam but let me go out alone. Stay here! Cain whispered to Lera and Caleb.

Cain walked to the direction he heard the whistling and came face to face with Sam. They immediately hugged each other tightly,

I am so happy to see you Cain! Sam said smiling.

Sam what are you doing here? Caleb asked touching his friend shoulders.

Your father has three hundred plus men out combing the forest and soon mountains looking for the warlock and his dragon along with your family. We can't return to our packs until we know where he's being kept or else Rolo will pay with his life! Sam said.

Cain ask Lera to release the Warlock and his dragon so we can go home please! Sam pleaded with his friend.

Sam, Abraham made a deal with the Warlock to give him his soul but he has to bring me and my family to him. If we released the him he'll resume hunting my family and me and we can't allow that to happen. Cain said

Well it's a matter of time till they find him Cain because as I said before, there are three hundred plus looking for him as we speak! Sam replied.

Sam listen to me. Remember when the dragons attacked and you were almost killed? When the pack reaches the mountain, break away and run away Sam. Start a new life because that entire pack will be slaughtered. There are other lycanthropes in different countries, go to the sea and get on a boat and leave here my friend as I will not be there to save you this time. Cain said and hugged Sam tightly and walked away.

Sam turned around and walked back in disbelief at what Cain told him. His mind went back to the attack that Cain reminded him off and he instantly remembered the stench of burning fresh and shuddered.

Cain went back to Lera and Caleb

Abraham has a pack of three hundred plus searching for the warlock and his dragon. Sam says that Abraham will have Rolo's head if they return to the liar without that information so the pack will not leave and continue to search for him! Cain said as soon as he reached Lera and Caleb.

What are we going to do father? Caleb asked

I told Sam that when they arrived at the mountains to run away and get to a boat and leave the country because the three hundred plus werewolves will be killed! Cain said and looked at them.

Let us go, we need to let the family know! Lera said as she shapeshifted into a werewolf and began to run towards the mountains with Cain and Caleb behind her.

When Cain, Caleb and Lera arrived at the den they saw Isabel and Fiona playing with Drake and Luna.

Drake and Luna go inside the den for a while I have to speak to your mother and great grandmother! Caleb said and immediately the whelps left and went inside.

Fiona knew that something was wrong by the way Caleb spoke to his pups.

What's wrong Caleb? Fiona asked in a frightened tone.

Abraham has a pack of three hundred plus searching for the warlock and the dragon and soon they will reach the mountains. Cain said sternly

What? How do you know this Cain? Isabel asked as she looked to Cain in utter surprised.

Another werewolf, who is my trusted childhood friend, met me earlier and relayed the information. Cain answered.

We cannot let them reach close to the mountains, we have to plan an attack and kill them! Caleb said.

I think it's wiser if we attack at the mountain entrance Caleb. The large plain is better suited for fire rather than the forest with the trees as it will be better contained. Lera responded.

Three hundred plus lycanthropes is a large pack to kill Lera! Isabel said

But it will significantly dent Abraham's army with our final battle mother! It will be three hundred less werewolves we will have to fight! Lera said

Where is mother? Maybe she can give us a better idea of what we should do! Fiona asked.

Dora is with Falkor in the sky. Isabel said.

Instantly, everyone's eyes was on her as she said the words,

You let the dragon out? Caleb said angrily.

Caleb, Dora said that he was not doing well being chained for the past few weeks and he gave her his word that he would not harm or help Alazar escape until Abraham is dead. Isabel said

We need to figure out a better plan as I am against killing three hundred plus lycanthropes for following instructions. If we kill them we are no better than Abraham! Isabel continued.

Being a lycanthrope my entire life and knowing the rules of the pack , I have to agree with Isabel. Cain said sadly

Let us all meet here tomorrow to discuss this further. I will tell Dora that she is needed!. Isabel said and flew off to the cavern on her broom.

Caleb and Fiona went into the den and Lera and Cain went to their spot and laid down.

Are you mad at me for agreeing with Isabel, Lera? Cain asked when Lera remained quiet.

Off course not Cain! Being a werewolf also, I understand how you may feel about killing so many of our own kind! Lera said.

After we get through this matter I have decided that I will go to Abraham and challenge him. I cannot allow all this needless killing to take place. Whoever attends the battle on that day will have to face the consequences and I will be sure to emphasize that when I go to him to set the date. Lera said and hugged Cain tightly

Yes my love, it is time we face my father and put a stop to this! It is time for us to stand up as a family and be free to live our life safely and in peace. Cain said as he placed a kiss on her head.

A pack of werewolves arrived into camp holding several wild goat and deer when Sam approached Rolo.

If tomorrow goes as normal with the three packs by the next day we should reach the mountains. Sam reported.

Well it must be in the mountains that they are keeping the Warlock and dragon Sam! Rolo said

Could be! But you know what could be there as well Rolo? The two other dragons that attacked us! Sam said

Well I hope we find him and his dragon before they find us Sam. I haven't forgotten the last attack nor the one I saw from a distance with the warlock. Rolo stated.

Have you ever thought about leaving Rolo? Leaving Abraham's pack and going to another country and starting over? Sam asked, still thinking about what Cain had said earlier.

Abraham is getting too difficult to deal with now Rolo! Look what he did to you who have been serving him for so long, his son! Look what he did to Cain, his first pup! I don't know but sometimes I think that power have driven him crazy! Sam said and sighed.

Rolo said nothing. But Sam knew that he was deep in thought so he walked off to get their portion of food and bring it to him where they shapeshifted into werewolves and began to eat.

Isabel was waiting outside for Dora and Falkor at the cavern when they arrived. As soon as Dora saw her face she knew something was wrong.

What's wrong Isabel? Dora asked  nervously.

Abraham has a pack of three hundred plus werewolves searching for Alazar and Falkor. They're expected to reach the mountains in two days time. Isabel said sadly.

What does Lera and the rest of the family want to do? Dora said frantically.

Lera thinks there is no other choice but to plan for the attack and meet it head on in the plains. She says it will be three hundred less werewolves to fight in the battle again Abraham. Isabel answered.

But Cain and I are hesitant about taking so many unnecessary lives for following instructions. Three hundred plus lives for obeying a crazed Alpha with too much power? Isabel asked.

Is there any other way Isabel? Dora asked sensing more.

One other way, if I give my soul to Alazar in exchange for a new deal! Isabel said softly.

Then it's settled! Since there's no other way, Lera's plan sounds good for me Isabel, as sad as it may be! Dora replied

Then we are no better than Abraham,  Dora! Isabel answered sadly.

Giving Alazar your soul will not help those three hundred plus werewolves keep safe if they still decide to fight against us in the final battle Isabel! Don't do what you're thinking about doing because you're a white witch and this world needs more good witch than any other kind. Dora said

Falkor was listening to the conversation and spoke,

I will fight alongside you Dora! You have been generous and kind and have treated me like family and I would be happy to follow you into battle. But with my flames off course! Falkor stated.

Thank you Falkor, that means a lot to me! Dora said

Okay I need to check on Alazar so I will see you in the morning for a family meeting at the den! Isabel said and walked inside the cavern.