Chapter 26

The next morning, Isabel and Dora went over to the den. Falkor, trying to earn the trust of Dora, asked to be shacked back before they left so Isabel obliged and restrained him.

When they arrived at the den the rest of family was already in a circle talking except for Drake and Luna who was still asleep.

Hello my family, where are we with discussions? Dora asked

Mother just said that after we deal with the matter with the three hundred plus werewolves she will be going to meet Abraham and challenge him! Caleb said 

That's the best news I've heard since yesterday! Isabel said happily

Mother I think you're sick! You're actually agreeing to this! Dora did Alazar cast a spell on her? Lera said shocked that her mother did not try to change her mind.

Everyone listen to this plan! Isabel said and began relaying her plan to them since Lera decided to challenge Abraham.

Several hours later, Cain and Lera shapeshifted into werewolves and began sniffing the woods looking around for a frog to make into Alazar's familiar so that it can become his double for a short while.

See why I should have changed you into a black cat the day I could have. We won't have been searching for this damn frog! Lera said to Cain to see his reaction

Lera, sometimes you truly scare me with your witchcraft you know and sense of humor! Don't say things like that please! Cain said and looked directly at her.

Lera began to laugh,

My love I would never change you into anything even if we're angry at one another. Maybe shrink your manhood but never change you into anything! Lera said and laughed.

At the same time, Cain sprang forward and used his huge hands and cupped a frog without injuring it with his long nails.

Get the bag Lera and stop making me second guess what we have between us! Cain said motioning his claws  to her and himself as he said it.

Is it big enough? Lera asked

Does it matter? Cain answered

Not really, just making idle chit chat with you! she replied

Lera we're outside in the woods with three hundred plus werewolves on our ass, looking for a frog to cast a magic spell in the cold freezing night and you're making idle chit chat! You're not for real! I know of you being a witch but not crazy too! Cain said as he finished tied the sack containing the frog to his waist and held out his hand for her to take.

Lera laughed and took his hand as they began to head back to the den. As soon they both shapeshifted from werewolf to human and crossed over the salt, Lera stopped.

Wait Cain! Shhhh! Lera said softly

What is it Lera? Cain asked as he began to sniff the air for scents.

Lera let go of his hands and walked behind several tall bushes. For a while Cain stood waiting, when he saw Lera she was naked from head to toe and he smile at her wickedly.

Lera I love how your mind works my love. Cain said as he quickly untied the sack from his waist and went to her.

Turn around my love and bend against that fallen tree! Cain said as he took out his already aroused manhood.

Lera obeyed and positioned herself just as he asked and within seconds his manhood was entering her roughly. Cain pummeled into her as the excitement of being caught and hearing Lera's moans took over. He grabbed her hair and pulled her back against him and began groping her breasts as he roughly placed kisses on her neck and shoulders. He then turned her around and reentered her roughly from the front and took her legs and wrapped it around his waist as he edged to the log.

You ready to ride me my witch? Cain groaned out as he sat on the log with Lera on him and his throbbing cock still in her.

Of all the things I've ridden, this is by far the best that I prefer to ride my love. Lera whispered as she shape-shifted into a werewolf and stuck her long, wet tongue into his ear. Cain immediately shape-shifted and brought her up and down on his towering shaft and heard her softly moan out. He began to suck on one of her breast and used his large fangs to graze her nipple. immediately Lera's entire body shivered at the sensation.

Cain I'm coming. Lera screamed against his ear and he began lifting her up and down on him, pounding harder and harder into her. He felt when she climaxed and her body tightened and as soon as her body began to get limp he exploded into her and filled her with his juices and hugged her tightly.

I love all of you my love. Your beauty, your quirks, your kindness your strength,  your determination and your witchcraft, well sort of. Cain said and kissed her lips.

Lera softly chuckled.

And I have loved you from the first day I saw you till now and until I die Cain and even after for all eternity we'll be together. Lera answered

Just then they saw the sack with the frog hopping off  to the side of them and Lera jumped off Cain as he scrambled to get it.

Don't lose it Cain or else we'll have no choice but to use instead! Lera joked and laughed.

The very next day, Abraham's pack of three hundred arrived at the entrance to the mountains. Unfortunately though they could not cross.

Rolo it's magic! We cannot get through, let us leave this place before the witches arrive! Eric said.

Sam arrived next to them at that same time and spoke,

Rolo we checked all around the mountain and tried to get through but we cannot.

Well we camp here! I want to see Cain or Lera, to let them know we are not here for them just the Warlock and his dragon! Rolo replied

Sam then howled out several times knowing that Cain would recognize his call and come to him.

Suddenly there were loud screeches high above the sky and when the pack of lycanthropes looked up they saw the three colossal dragons combing the skies just above their heads and at once fearful faces were plastered over all the werewolves faces. After several minutes, Lera and Cain came out as werewolves from behind some trees and walked just before the line of salt.

Sam what do you want? Cain called out to Sam

But before Sam could answer Rolo stepped behind Sam, took out his knife and proceeded to slit Sam's throat. Straight away his lifeless body dropped to the floor. Rolo then wiped the blood of his knife and slowly walked closer to Cain and Lera.

Nooo! You fucking, rotten piece of shit Rolo! Cain shouted and became so enraged at what Rolo had done to his friend, that he howled out sorrowfully and then began to growl aggressively, as he bared his long fangs. Cain was about to attack Rolo but Lera sensing what he was about to do quickly went in front of him.

Stick to the plan Cain, Drake and Luna are counting on you to stick with the plan my love! You told Sam not to be here, it was his choice! Lera calmly said and touched his face lovingly.

Sam was going to leave the pack and the country and you know we do not condone such behaviors Cain! We are not here to harm you or your family! We are here to collect the Warlock and his dragon! Rolo said

Take a look above Rolo! Lera said and signaled Dora and Fiona.

Instantly the dragons began expelling huge lines of flames circling and trapping the entire pack of lycanthropes. The pack became scared and huddled closer together to get away from the heat.

As you can see Rolo, you are in no position to make demands! Lera said

Have you forgotten the last attack Rolo? All the dead and burned lycanthropes who followed you into battle? Well their burning flesh is still very much embedded into my nostrils so I have not forgotten! Cain said

I have to take the Warlock back or give Abraham information pertaining to him or else my life will be no more. We can leave the battle for another day and time Lera! Rolo said

Then Isabel appeared on her broom and nodded at Lera signaling that the plan was set.

Very well Rolo we will not kill you or our fellow lycanthropes today but rest assured that whoever goes against us in the final battle with Abraham will not be spared! Remember my words my fellow werewolves! Lera shouted to members of the pack and turned around and walked to the nearby bushes where the restrained Alazar and his dragon slowly walked out and  came into view.

This is Alazar and I am his dragon Falkor. It is us that Abraham is searching for. But Alazar has an extremely bad throat infection and is being cared for by another witch. Let Abraham know however, that in two days time we will be released and will come to his camp to see him! Falkor said

Is this true Alazar? Rolo asked and the familiar was able to nod his head with the help of Isabel's fingers.

Very well, we will report this information to Abraham and will await your arrival in two days warlock! Rolo said and turned around and signaled his pack of werewolves to head out.

As soon as they were out of sight, Alazar began to hop around and suddenly changed back into the frog.

Isabel quickly swooped down and grabbed him before he could escape.

It seems that the time frame of him being Alazar's double is quite short Lera. When you use him again you have to be quick in getting in and out of Abraham's liar. Isabel said and flew off with him.

Falkor's shackles magically disappeared and he flew up to meet Dora while Cain shape-shifted into human form and went to his childhood friend who laid in a large pool of blood.

Cain immediately began to cry and screamed out a gut wrenching howl.

Why Sam? Why didn't you just leave when I told you too? Rolo would pay for what he did Sam, I give you my word! Cain said sobbing. He then changed into a werewolf and picked his friend's body up and slowly walk with him towards the forest.

Caleb had just landed as a dragon and quickly shape-shifted into a lycanthrope and ran to his father. Lera stood from a distance crying knowing how important Sam was to Cain. Then she saw Caleb take away Sam's body from Cain's arms and followed him into the forest for his burial.