Chapter 28

Lera and Caleb floated back to the mountain where Cain and his entire family waited impatiently. Finally they saw them approaching and appeared in front of them after a short time.

When they both changed into humans, Lera fell to the ground from weakness and Isabel and Cain quickly went to her.

What is wrong Lera? Isabel asked in a frightened tone.

I feel extremely weak mother! It must be the spell! Lera said softly

Isabel rubbed his hands together while whispering soft unspoken words. Her hands lighted up and began to glow brightly, then she closed her eyes and she began to pass her hands from Lera's head down to her body searching for the cause of her weakness. She stopped by her stomach for some seconds and continued to her feet. When she was done she opened her eyes and began to smile

What is it Isabel? And why do you have a smile plastered on your face? Cain asked nervously

Lera is okay Cain. She is just exhausted from the transformation and her being pregnant but she will be okay. Caleb you are going to be a big brother and you Cain, a father again! Isabel said and laughed

What? This can be? Lera said

I am positive Lera! I thoroughly checked your body and the weakness you are experiencing is coming from your unborn pups which you are carrying my child! Isabel said softly and still smiling

Drake and Luna began jumping up and down in excitement.

Yay, yay, we are getting new pets soon! They said in union and Caleb, Fiona and Dora laughed loudly.

Isabel, Cain and Lera looked at them in confusion,

That's how Fiona and I kept Caleb! We brought him here with us as a pet but he ended up getting together with Fiona! Dora said still laughing.

Lera I need to talk to you right now! Cain said and helped her up and took her to a seat a short distance away

Lera you cannot go to battle tomorrow if you are with child. What if your powers don't work the same now that you are pregnant. Cain said worriedly.

Cain I'm okay, Have you forgotten my skills and swiftness as a werewolf? I'm sure I can take you down any day! Please don't worry my Love! I know you're scared from the last time we were attacked at my kingdom but this time I have all of them. Lera said and pointed at her family.

And you know what I also have Cain? I have you who will always be watching my back. Lera continued  and kissed his lips slowly

We have a better reason now to fight for our freedom, we've gotten a second chance to raise our litter of pups together. Lera finished and laid her head against his chest. They stood like that for a while, both thinking about the bright future ahead of them without Abraham's rule.

We have to go and prepare the kingdom Lera! How many werewolves do you suppose is attacking tomorrow? Cain asked

I assume about close to a thousand or less. Lera said

Then we need to go now and begin preparing because that is a large number of werewolves. Cain said

I can't take the dragons just yet incase we're being watched. Lera said and slowly got up.

Cain took her back to the family and they left for her  kingdom,  Once there, the Castle looked dismal and dilapidated  and they began to work preparing for the attack. Caleb and Cain was working on the moat while Lera went to King Mormon

Your majesty! Lera said as she was led in to the main hall by the knights

Princess Lera, it is such a beautiful surprise to see you alive! To what do I owe the honor? King Mormon asked

King Mormon I am here to request a hundred of your soldiers. Lera said and looked into his eyes.

Princess Lera I have heard rumors that you are going up against Abraham and his pack, have you not been defeated enough times! The King asked smiling.

Then I should fear him as most of the kingdoms here and give in to his ridiculous demands? Lera asked knowing fully well about the exorbitant bribes that Mormon provides Abraham with, through Cain.

It keeps my kingdom safe, a small price to pay! King Mormon said and shrugged his shoulders

What if I tell you that if you provide me with a hundred soldiers from the thousand that you possess, it will be the last time you pay Abraham anything! Lera said and continued to look at him

King Mormon looked at her in surprise ,

What makes this battle different from your last two, Princess Lera? King Mormon asked staring at her.

This battle will mean life or death for one of us but hopefully the death of Abraham and all the rest of werewolves clan of Eastern Europe that support him. Lera said calmly

King Mormon once again looked extremely surprised,

A big feat for just a small bodied Princess! He stated surprised.

I have acquired the help of a few family members and friends but I need fifty of your best archers and fifty able bodied soldiers to assist with the catapults and trebuchet. Lera answered

I am impressed Princess Lera! But I must ask,  why just one hundred men and not more? King Mormon asked curiously

I have had enough blood on my hands and even though I have the utmost confidence in winning this battle tomorrow, there will always be casualties of war, and I am only willing to sacrifice so much. Lera admitted.

I must leave now King Mormon but I look forward to your assistance. Lera said and left.

Several hours later while Lera was working along with Isabel, using magic to assemble the last catapults and trebuchet and Cain and Caleb worked on protruding iron spears from the moat, they saw the hundred men on the hill marching towards the kingdom.

One hundred, armored soldiers carrying King Mormon's flag. Cain shouted to get Lera's attention.

Lera quickly assembled the final catapult with her mother and walked down to Cain and Caleb.

What a sight for sore eyes Lera! I knew you could convince him. Cain said and kissed her as Caleb began quickly spreading the coals inside the moat with magic before the soldiers arrived at the entrance.

I am so envious of your mother and your magical powers son! I am always in awe when you use it. God my family rocks! Cain said and ruffled the hair of Caleb.

Funny how life works because I envy you the same way when I wonder what it's like to be in a werewolf pack! Caleb said and quickly changed into a werewolf and changed back.

Being in this new pack of yours is alot better I can say for sure my son. Cain said

Lera laughed and tended to the several large cauldrons that was heating oil to be emptied along the walls when the battle began. While Isabel quickly sprinkled salt throughout the kingdom making it impossible for them to go in every direction.

The soldiers arrived and worked through the evening to help create the spiked barrications several feet behind the door incase the heavy door was penetrated. When they were done, the soldiers went to their stations and waited for the battle to begin.

Lera and Cain stayed inside of the castle preparing soup for the soldiers to eat before the battle while Caleb went to his family to let them know about the strategic plan Lera had putted in place.

When all preparations were done and supper was served to the men Cain and Lera stood looking at the sunset.

In some hours from now we will be sitting and watching the sunset for the rest of our lives with our family Lera! Are you ready for that way of life? Cain asked as he rubbed her shoulders.

The life I always dreamed about Cain? Hell yes I will be ready! Lera said and laughed.

Several minutes later the sunset had just disappeared and the dark clouds covered the sky turning it into night. The flambeaus were lit around the castle blazing brightly from the soft wind of the night. Cain and Lera stood watching on the wall with the rest of archers while Caleb was behind the door ensuring that the barrications were not broken.

The night was bleak and Lera could hear the shuffles of the soldiers feet and the  racing of their hearts while they waited in the deafening silence. The full moon casted a dim light into the distance and then they began to see them walk out into the clearing. One by one they came out howling, beating their chest and baring their teeth from a distance. The pack of werewolves that covered the clearing was a thousand plus. Quite larger than what Lera had expected. She watched and felt sad knowing that many of Cain and her werewolves' brothers and sisters would be killed tonight, maybe wiping out an entire clan in the process.

Cain held her hands when he saw the large numbers of werewolves now circling the entire cleared area around the castle.  He himself,  hadn't thought that so many would join Abraham after Lera put the curse on all werewolves. His only guess for the immense numbers was that they came to seek revenge for what she had done.

The full moon was now overhead and as more and more werewolves stepped out of the forest and onto the plains, Lera noticed their bulging eyeballs glowed like small red-bulbs from the light reflection of the full moon . Then slowly, the terrifying eyeballs parted and they began to make a large pathway. From the way the two glowing eyes danced from side to side they both knew it was Abraham as he greeted and gave quick acknowledgements to his close associates.

As Lera and Cain continued to stare at him together they saw that Abraham looked towards them and began to howl erratically. He then stopped a far distance off and looked at Lera and Cain for a long time. He howled once again but this time it was longer and louder and the rest of the pack began to howl back. This signaled the beginning of the battle, and instantly hundreds of werewolves began running towards the castle. When Lera turned around to signal the archer she saw the fright plastered on every soldier's face and it made her remember the first attack on the kingdom so long ago and it fueled her.

For King Charles! She shouted and raised her hand. When she saw that the racing werewolves had reached halfway of the field she dropped her hand and at once a rain of arrows fell on the oncoming frontline werewolves. Then one of the archer shot a flaming arrow , directly on the wooden bridge and it began to blaze afire. Another archer sent a flaming arrow into the moat setting it ablaze as the coals stored in them began the heat up transforming it into a crimson color. Lera signaled for the cauldrons of oil to be spilled on the walls as soon as several of the werewolves began climbing up the wall.

She turned back to check on Abraham and then saw several wooden tall ladders being carried by the werewolves as they ran towards the walls surrounding the kingdom.  Soon after she saw several batting rams being carried by several other werewolves and realized that she underestimated Abraham's cunningness.

Cain checked the ladders which was fifteen and positioned men and commanded them to push over these ladders once they landed on the walls. Suddenly he heard Lera shout,

Caleb they have batting rams, brace the door!

Caleb quickly began using long wooden poles to brace the door with several of the soldiers.

Lera signaled the archers and waited. When the rest of werewolves arrived in front of the burning bridge she shouted,

For peace! and she motioned the archers to fire. This time burning arrows rained down again, killing and setting ablaze many werewolves that were struck. The archers reloaded while the remaining soldiers sent flaming balls from their catapults and trebuchet. As she continued to look on, Lera saw many werewolves sacrifice their lives by running directly into the iron stakes to make a bridge for the other werewolves with the wooden ladders and batting rams to get through.  It pained her heart and caused it to filled with sadness when she realized how brainwashed her fellow lycanthropes truly were by Abraham.

Cain secure the gates with Caleb! Lera shouted as she signaled the archers to fire once again killing another line of werewolves but she realized more and more kept coming. The werewolves had began to set the ladders and several was trying to climb the slippery walls.

She watched the tree line ahead and it became clear as all the werewolves were finally out into the plains running towards her kingdom and she looked for Abraham. She saw that he was just at the back and he looked straight at her and smiled.

Then she heard them and he heard them too and the smiled turned to fear on his face. Isabel on her broom and the five dragons began dispelling large line of fire from their mouth setting ablaze many werewolves. The family worked in unison and they were a great sight to behold as they finally became transparent in the moonlight. Isabel quickly said and incantation and made a dome like shield covering the entire plain and kingdom with a thin , yellow barrier that kept in all the werewolves so none could escape back into the forest. Isabel signaled Lera and she waved back knowing that every lycanthrope present inside the shield was trapped until the battle was over.

Leraaaa look out! She heard Cain shout out and realized that several werewolves had begun climbing onto to wall from one of the ladders. She quickly used her magic and sent the ladders crashing to the ground.

When she watched down she saw that the entry door was being shattered by the batting rams she frantically screamed out

Cain, Caleb they are almost through! Lera had no choice then of keeping her secret of her being a werewolf from Mormon's soldiers as she quickly shapeshifted into a werewolf and began fighting and tearing the jugular of many of Abraham's pack that had made it atop the wall. She was brutal, fast and fearless. She wasted no time on compassion because she knew the werewolves that was there at her kingdom was there to kill. Lera moved through the crowd of werewolves like an assassin because she fought for the safety of her family and for the betterment of the unborn children in her stomach and nothing else.

She glanced down and realize that many of the werewolves were now coming through the broken door. She looked up and saw Dora, Falkor, Fiona, Drake and Luna combing the skies and still owning it as they blazed long lines of fire onto the groups of scampering werewolves that were on the plains. She looked at Isabel who was now holding back several fleeing werewolves with the shield, stopping them from escaping. Lera then jumped down to join Cain and Caleb who had just shapeshifted into werewolves as they began to mercilessly attack the oncoming werewolves that kept charging towards them . Cain, Lera and Caleb's fighting skills was nothing but fierce and flawless as mounts of their own fallen brothers and sisters began to pile up in heaps.

When Lera turned around scanning the area for more oncoming attacks from different directions, she could see that there was blood and bodies every where some of them being Mormon's soldiers but majority lycanthropes. Cain, Caleb and Lera continued to fight viciously, sparing none of their comrades who attacked them. They fought for hours and when they thought it was over, a huge pack emerged. Most of them however,  were members of Abraham's pack. Right away, Rolo attacked Cain, Sheba was on Caleb and Abraham was in front of Lera with several other werewolves encircling the family . Abraham swiped at Lera's face and hit her with great force, sending her flying a short distance away. She got up and wiped her busted lip and shook it off and attacked him with all the strength she had in her.