Chapter 29

They all fought for survival, survival for freedom and the opportunity to live and let others live freely without fear or death.

While Lera was battling Abraham she glanced across to her family and saw that  Caleb had ripped Sheba's jugular out and was now under attack from several werewolves who began biting into his skin as he let out a horrified scream. She quickly glance to Cain,  who was also  being badly beaten by Rolo and several other werewolves who was much bigger and stronger in size than Cain. Abraham then grabbed her from the back and began squeezing her. She looked up and saw that the dragons was tired and Fiona was helping Luna keep up while Dora did the same to Drake and desperation kicked in.

Abraham then placed his face against hers and sniffed her deeply,

You think you could win this battle Lera. Do you know how many have tried and failed? I am going to slaughter every one of your family including Cain and wipe out any existence of you from this world. And when I'm done letting you watch me do that I'm going to fuck you until you scream out my name. Abraham whispered coldly into her ear.

Then she heard Isabel whispering into her ear,

Let go and become what you're suppose to be my love.

Lera felt the crushing of her body but then she felt the burning in her chest.

I am not the others who tried and failed! Let me show you what could happen when you know you can't afford to fail because your family is depending on you!" Lera said and stomped down on Abraham feet causing him to loosen his grip.

Caleb shield your father! Lera screamed and spun around and began hugging Abraham tightly.

Abraham was taken by surprise at her warm embrace but then he felt her begin to tighten her grip more and more and his eyes flew opened.

Pity you were never my mate Lera! Your body fits into my arms to perfection. Abraham snarled into her ears and pressed his aroused cock into her.

Lera could feel her body igniting,

Don't let go then Abraham. You'll remember this no doubt! Give my regards to the devil when you meet him! Lera said through gritted teeth and she hugged him even tighter so he could not escape. Abraham jaws tightened with her sheer strength that was now crushing him and suddenly, Lera's body began changing into tiny red dust particles in the shape of her body and began to flame up. Abraham's body began to burn and it became a blazing inferno of their both bodies as he screamed out in anguish.

Caleb shielded his father in a small dome, covering them from the rest of werewolves as the fierce wave of fire began spreading to the rest of werewolves.

Leraaaaaaaaaaaaa! Cain screamed as tears began falling down his face as he watched her  entire body set ablaze with the screaming Abraham  in her grip. Cain couldn't lose Lera and he began beating against the dome walls to get her attention.

Caleb take this down let me help your mother. Cain screamed

Father I cannot! You will die if I do! Caleb said as tears began to stream down his face.

It was then that both Cain and Caleb saw Lera turn around with  crimson eyes and  she gave them the biggest, brightest smile while mouthing the words, I love you both. She turned back to face Abraham and became a gigantic flaming ball that exploded into a red, raging outburst that took out every living werewolf within the shield that Isabel still had up. The flaming outburst from Lera immediately killed every werewolf that was alive and disintegrated Abraham's body into ashes. And just like it started the flame completely diminished and Lera fell to the ground. The impact of the power surge was so great that when it hit the barrier it caused Isabel to lose consciousness and begin to fall. Falkor saw what had happened and tried to fly down to her but she was too far and moving at and alarmingly fast speed. Isabel had almost reached the ground when Alazar swooped her up in a flash of light and slowly brought her down to the ground in his arms.

Caleb released the shield with tears in his eyes and Cain was running and screaming out Lera's name as he rushed to her unmoving body on the floor.

Lera no no baby please. Cain said as he shook her.

Lera wake up baby! We can watch every sunset now, please wake up! Cain cried while he held Lera in his arms.

Alazar rushed to them with Isabel in his hands. He placed her down and went to Lera to see what had happened and how he could have helped her. Dora, Fiona, Drake and Luna also came down on the plains and dodged their way past the burning flames of corpses to get to them. Fiona walked over to Caleb who hugged her and cried loudly. Luna and Drake walked slowly at his side and nuzzled their faces against him as tears silently escaped their eyes.

Cain was crying uncontrollably and muttering sweet words of affection to Lera.

Come back to me my love, you did it! We have a chance at a new start, please come back! Cain begged

Isabel then regained consciousness and flew up and quickly rushed to Alazar's side next to Lera. She rubbed her hands together and began to scan her but before she could complete it, Lera's body began to dissipate into the red glistening particles and went up into the air.

Nooooooooooooo! Isabel screamed as she saw Lera smiling face formed with the particles and then disappear into the dark skies.

Isabel, bring her back please! Cain screamed at her and began crying loudly.

I can't live without her. We were suppose to be starting over our family with this new pregnancy, please Isabel do something. Cain begged as he then fell to the ground and gave out a gut wrenching howl.


The rest of the family stood around Cain with sadness as they all began to cry for the one that was indeed the head of the family, the Luna of their pack.

Lera particles went up into the sky far beyond the clouds and came before a board of judges sitting on royal thrones. She saw Vampires, Witches and Werewolves all laughing and speaking in golden seats.  But as soon as she stood before them, everyone stopped and began looking intensely at her.

Lera Courtenay you have been summoned here to this tribunal to answer to charges of familicide. How do you plead? One of the elder witches asked

I plead not guilty as I had given every member of the Werewolf clans the option to surrender and live peacefully within society! Lera said

And who gave you that right Lera Courtenay? Another member, an elderly Lycanthrope, asked.

I, an evolved Werewolf-Witch Hybrid, wanted a better live for my family to live in without prejudice or fear or worst, death. And I having the power to implement such a life,  believed it was my right! Lera said angrily with opened glaring eyes.

So you do know what you are and how powerful and dangerous you can be? An elderly Vampire asked

Yes I have known for quite a while now but I have never used my powers to hurt anyone who did not try to harm me or my family in any way! Lera answered

Did you also know Lera Courtenay that you and your son are the only hybrids that possess these immaculate powers and have now been referred to as the, Cresent Wolf Pack? A female witch asked

No I did not! But I can assure you Caleb and I only used our powers to safeguard our family. You must be aware that his children belong to the dragon family which are usually hunted and killed! Lera said

You placed an irrevocable spell on all werewolves that have now subjected them to shape-shifting only on full moons? Why? The elderly lycanthrope asked.

Were you aware of the havoc and attacks Abraham executed on not only Lycanthropes and witches but human too? You stand before me judging me for an act that I had no choice but to make to safeguard all species. Why wasn't Abraham called to this same tribunal to answer questions pertaining to his malicious acts? All I wanted was to create an environment where every species could live a happy life with their families be it son or daughter! Who was Abraham to decide that male werewolves should die while the female would live only to become hunters and mates? What about free will? Lera asked and all the elders began whispering among each other.

Lera Courtenay you may wait in our courtyard while we review your case before the board and all come to a verdict on how this matter should be dealt with! A white female werewolf said.

Lera was quickly ushered into a courtyard by a beautiful brown werewolf who smiled and told her that the room contained memories of her life, both past and present, and that she should look around.

As Lera entered the completely white room she realized that it was no ordinary courtyard she was accustomed to when she was a princess. The courtyard had thousands of bubbles throughout the walls depicting times within her lifetime. She saw images of her when she was born to Isabel, when she was a little girl playing in the palace gardens, when her father and her were dancing, the attack from Abraham on her kingdom when she first met Cain and when she had Caleb. She even saw a bubble with Falkor, Dora, Fiona, Drake, Luna and her flying on a broom, a wedding ceremony with Isabel, Alazar , her and the rest of the family.

She laughed and continued to search the bubbles with past and present memories. She was specifically looking for one with her future litter and then she saw it. A bubble with Cain and her with three pups who were two girls and a boy. The girls were grey in color while the boy was white, their fangs was quite small and they were more hairy than how Caled was born.  Their hair was all black and wavy  and they were all in her castle sitting around a huge table eating. She saw several other past and present  memories as she continued to walk excitedly and search the rest of the bubbles. For the first time in a long while, Lera felt truly happy. Maybe it was the place she was at present, or the memories or knowing the fact that even if she didn't return to her family she knew that they would all be safe now since Abraham was dead and she was fine with that.

Meanwhile on earth, Cain along with Caleb, Fiona, Isabel, Alazar, Falkor, Dora, Drake and Luna began cleaning and clearing the palace. Hardly anyone spoke as they worked, thinking more about the memories each had with Lera. At no time since Lera had left was Cain dry eyed. He felt a great loss in his heart and could not imagine living his life without Lera.

Caleb was also distraught as he replayed everything in his mind to see what he could have done differently to protect and save his mother. Isabel was in disbelief and could not understand how Lera was able to disappear or where she was. After several hours, the dragon family left and went back to their den to recuperate from the exhaustive battle they endured. The kingdom was almost restored to its original state with the help of Isabel and Alazar's magical powers and the assistance of the rest of the family.

Soon after they were finished with the interior, they moved outside of the kingdom, onto the plains that was completely burnt and Alazar took it upon himself to completely cover it with green grass and bright, fragrant flowers of varying colors. As soon as he was done both Isabel and he left to go back to the cavern. Isabel assured Caleb that Alazar and her would go through some of their books and see if they could get some kind of information and would let him know.

A short while after their departure, something incredible happened. From the left of where they stood, Cain and Caleb began to see several villagers along with their kids begin to slowly trickle in with livestock and seedling of crops to be planted. Seeing what was happening, Cain went to a group of men and spoke to them. When he returned to Caleb, he informed him that they were a group of past villagers who had left when the first attack occurred and heard the news of the battle.

Apparently the news was quickly spread when Mormon and his men had looked at the battle from a distance beyond the tree line. So now that everyone knew that Lera had won against Abraham and his pack of werewolves, the villagers felt safe and they came to thank her personally and ask permission to resume living in her kingdom. Both Caleb and Cain agreed to let the small groups of villagers stay and continue to live there because it was after all,  their home.

But before they were able to leave the conversation after giving the villagers the decision, he turned around and looked out and saw close to a hundred other villagers walking towards the kingdom. And as soon as they arrived and greeted them they began to start working on coops for different livestock, some were planting new crops while most of the women and children were cleaning and settling into the houses. Cain's eyes filled with tears knowing that it was Lera they were there for and no one knew where she was. He was grief-stricken as it hurt twice as much as before when he thought that he had first lost her with Caleb in the river.

Looking at her kingdom and the new villagers working, Cain could not hold back the tears and fell to his knees crying. Lera was his everything, the reason he stood up to his father, the only reason why he got up every day.


Back at the tribunal however, Lera was finally back into the courtroom after the very long wait to hear what the elders' verdict was. As soon as she came before the elders' she spoke,

Members of the courtroom, before you give me your decision I would like to address you please? Lera asked

The elders all began looking at each other and began whispering, and after a short while, a handsome young vampire spoke,

You may speak Lera Courtenay. He said in a deep voice with an accent that was quite sexy.

I just wanted to say that all my life, I pictured that all types of living creatures be it humans, werewolves,  witches, demons or vampires such as yourselves and maybe even dragons could live together peacefully without harming or killing each other. It was my wish as well as my father's and judging from the first time I entered this room and got a glimpse of all of you here sitting, talking and laughing, I realize that it is quite possible and not impossible as everyone thinks. With this said, I have no regrets for what I did to make my kingdom and maybe other kingdoms feel safer from Abraham's attacks. Lera said and bowed.

There was a deafening silence for a short while and then one of the aged looking werewolf spoke.

Lera Courtenay after much discussion and review of the matter we find you not guilty. And in light of what you said about Abraham and his pack members, we would also like to thank you for handling a matter that could have been worst for all species. With this said, the elders have also acknowledged your new pack, Cresent Wolf Pack, as an evolved breed that we believe will be instrumental to representing peace and equality to the people of Europe. However, we give you fair warning that any matters that you come across that may hamper or disrupt this peace, must first be reviewed by us before action is taken by you or any members of your clan. Do you understand? The elder Lycanthrope said

Yes I do Sir! Lera said smiling

With that said, you may leave and return to your life on Earth. We hope to not see you again Ms. Courtenay for a very long time. And please refrain from putting any more curses on our kind. He continued.

I will and thank you! Lera said.

As soon as she was escorted out of the courtroom door she began to feel light headed and looked down and realized that she had began to dissipate into her red glistening particles and then she disappeared.