Chapter 30

 Lera travelled down back to earth. She felt like she was falling slowly down a swirling hole. And when she awoke she realized she was outside the den.  There was no one around so she walked inside to meet her family and when she walked in she saw Fiona, Drake and Luna sleeping and wondered where Caleb and the rest of her family was.

 She walked closer and Fiona's eyes popped open instantly.

Lera you're back! Fiona said in a high pitched voice

Off course I'm back lovie! Do you guys think you can get rid of me so easily? Lera asked and grinned. Fiona then walked over and greeted her.

We thought you left us for good. Everyone have been a mess, even the whelps! She said and placed her face against hers and rubbed it softly.

Drake and Luna, hearing the commotion, flew up and saw Lera and ran to her and began rubbing against her body

My grand babies missed me too, I see! Lera said and laughed at all the attention she was getting from them.

I didn't get a chance to thank you all for last night! You all were incredible and I know we couldn't have accomplished what we did without your help, so thank you little ones! And thank you Fiona for being in Caleb's life and bringing us such joy. Lera said softly as she petted her grand babies faces and looked at Fiona.

No need for thanks Lera, you are our family and we will always walk beside you. Fiona said in a soft cracked voice as tears filled her eyes.

Lera sensing that things was going to get a bit emotional, quickly spoke up,

Now where is the rest of my family? She asked as they all watched her.

Caleb and Cain are at the palace cleaning and very distraught from your disappearance while Isabel, Alazar, mother and Falkor is at the cavern searching books for where you could have disappeared too. Fiona said and rolled her eyes to the side.

Fiona, I think your mother deserves to be happy too. You have Caleb and your kids, so if Dora wants to have Falkor as a companion then be happy for her. Look how I've accepted mother and Alazar! Lera said and grinned

Isabel is with Alazar? But she's a good witch and he's a demon! How is that possible? Fiona asked in a surprised tone

Nothing is impossible Fiona. Look at you being a dragon and Caleb who's not or Cain and me! Anyway why are you here with my grandkids sleeping and not at my Kingdom with them? Lera asked

We were tired and came back to rest but we also did not want to cause any more trouble incase nearby villagers saw us! Dora replied

You are my family and I fought this battle so everyone could live peacefully together. You all will be accommodated at my Kingdom and will be treated with respect and dignity but I may have to expand it a little to accommodate the entire family. The days of you fearing for your lives have passed Fiona! Lera said and hugged Drake and Luna.

Then let us return to our new home! You ride with me today. Fiona said and laughed.

Yes but let's stop at the cavern first. I think you need to tell your mom something about you being happy for her and I have to see Isabel! Lera said and laughed.

Fiona, Drake, Luna and her all took off and left the den and headed for the cavern. When they arrived, Dora was happy to see Lera and rushed to her.

Lera you're back! You're definitely a sight to behold right now! Where were you? How did you get back here? Dora began to question her.

Lera laughed loudly,

Dora calm down! I came to get you all to take us home. Lera said and smiled

Home? Where is home? Dora asked slowly

Home is the place that we fought for, my kingdom! Now go talk to Fiona while I get mother. Lera said and walked into the cavern where she found Isabel and Alazar in a heated kiss with books scattered everywhere.

Ahem! And here I thought you'd have been inconsolable losing your only daughter but instead I find you here kissing this attractive demon! Lera said and immediately they both jumped away from each other.

Leraaaaa!" Isabel screamed with tears gushing out her eyes as she ran to her and hugged her tightly

Mother I can't breathe, can't breathe! Lera gasped

Isabel quickly let go and looked at her lovingly.

Lera kissed her cheeks and began speaking,

Mother you never told me about the elders and the tribunal? I was there! Lera said as she turned to look at Alazar also

No other witches I have known had ever been there so I assume it was non existent my child. Isabel said and looked to Alazar

I'm a demon, that's not my territory. He said and chuckled

Yes it is indeed real and they informed me that Caleb and I have our own pack called the Cresent Wolf Pack, the first hybrid werewolf and witch pack. Lera said

Congratulations Lera! Your very own Pack! I will speak to my other witch friends and see what more they have to say about the tribunal okay. Isabel said and squeezed her hand

Now let's go home to my Kingdom where you belong! And I know about Alazar and you for a long time now so bring him along once he gives up his evil lifestyle that is! Lera said and looked at him with eyes of steel

Look Isabel, you both have the same look! Alazar said and laughed.

Your mother is teaching me slowly Lera and thank you for trusting and accepting me to be a part of your family. He continued in a soft, serious tone.

You are welcome Alazar.  Mother let's go! I can't wait to see Caleb and Cain! Lera said and walked out to see Dora and Fiona hugging with their long beautiful necks and Drake and Luna playing with Falkor.

Are we ready to return home family? Let's go! Lera asked and within minutes they were in the sky.

They combed the skies, high above the clouds. When they began to descend, Lera was amazed to see how the Kingdom looked.  Tears began to flow down her face and Isabel came next to her on her broom and informed her about how everyone in the family pitched in to fix it up for her.

She saw Caleb rush out when he saw his family in the skies. She saw the shock and fright of the nearby villagers who was working on the palace grounds and then she saw the love of her life, Cain.

The dragons all came down in a great flutter causing lots of wind everywhere. And then they settled and parted their bodies. Lera slowly walked out and began walking towards her kingdom.

She heard cheering and clapping as she approached but she wasn't expecting Cain and Caleb to rush to her so quickly and pick her up of the ground and lock her in a tight embrace as both their bodies against hers, trembled from sobbing.

If you guys don't release me soon I promise to turn you both to cats! Lera said and laughed.

You don't know how our heart ached without you Lera! Look what you did! Cain said and pointed to the villagers who were all working arduously to repair her kingdom.

People of my Kingdom, thank you all for being here to assist me in rebuilding it and making it our home. I would like to say to all of you that anyone will be welcomed here to visit or live. Let me introduce you to my family that helped me win this battle! Lera said and began to walk over to each of them as they stepped forward and changed into what creature they were.

 These dragons are my family- my friend, Dora, my daughter in law Fiona, my grand kids Drake and Luna and my friend Falkor. This white witch next to me is my mother, Isabel and this man next to me is my mate, Cain, who is a Werewolf. Here is my son, Caleb, and both of us are Werewolf- Witch Hybrids and Alazar is a Warlock who is a close friend and future husband of my mother" Lera said and winked at Isabel's shocked face.

Every one  here may have known or seen my father the king, who was human and the best human I ever knew and it was his dream to live together peacefully. Today I stand her to tell you that I will have it no other way than his.  That every single creature that decides to live or visit my kingdom, must respect and love each other. This battle was won because everyone deserves to live in harmony and be safe so if anyone here objects to any of this, I ask you to leave now because I will not tolerate it at my kingdom! If you chose to remain then do not be afraid of my family because we ourselves will not live in fear anymore. Thank you and may God bless all of you with long life and happiness. Lera said causing a loud applause to be heard from all the villagers that was there.

As soon as it stopped some children came running toward them and went straight to Drake and Luna to touch and play with them.

Caleb I need to tell you that I promised the tribunal that we will not use our powers to bring harm to anyone without informing them. Please promise me that you will refrain from using your powers to harm anyone otherwise I may not be able to change their decision on whatever they decide to do to us my son! Lera said as she touched his face as he carefully looked at the kids playing with Luna and Drake.

I promise mother. Thank you for accepting my family and giving them the privilege to live in a proper home and have a normal, safe life . Caleb said and hugged and kissed her.  

Giving Drake and Luna a better and safe life was what got me through that battle with Abraham, Caleb! You are my son and they are yours and I would give my life to make sure you all are happy. Lera said and brushed his cheeks with her hands as she looked at Luna and Drake enjoying themselves with the kids.

Lera then turned around and saw Cain. He had stepped a short distance away and she walked to him.

My love, we have done it! We can now raise our pups the way a family should be able to raise them! Lera said and kissed his lips.

Lera let's not get our hopes up too much because you know what happened before and that wasn't as bad as this battle. Let's just wait and see as I enjoy you and your body my love. Cain said and brushed his hands against her breast.

I saw them Cain in an bubble that contained past and present memories of my life when I stood in the courtyard! Cain and they were so beautiful and handsome with long wavy hair and small fangs! Lera said and laughed

What? How many of them my love? No, don't tell me as I want it to be a surprise! Lera Courtenay you have made me the happiest man alive and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you! Cain said

Lera looked at him seductively,

How about we go up to my chambers and you show me how you intend to make me happy my love?" Lera said as she brushed Cain's lips with her fingers and Cain saw the spark in her eyes.

Yes Queen, you do not have to ask me twice!Cain said and began to walk into their new home.


The End


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