The Story Begins: Part One. Growing up

It's annoying how life gets you when tough when it is least expected, One moment you are happy and nothing can tear you down, you've got all you need beside you. Then next you are asking your self Where do I go from here?.

I was asking myself that question Where do I go from here?.

life just thought me reality can be a bitch

The images of my parents bodies in pieces was all I could remember from the night my parents were massacred in a bloodbath by a black shadow, a man whose face I never saw but the fear he left was so sinister and soul crushing to say the least I was scared that night, I was weak.

He killed them with no mercy, in my sleep, I didn't even get to say good bye. He ended their lives like they were nothing but low life animals my parents were dead before I got see their smile or hear their constant nagging.

Memories of a weak me flashed as I watch so stupidly as it took life out of my little brother snapping his neck, as his body dropped to a lifeless pulp.

The last of my memories were faces, I didn't recognize any of them but they didn't last long then the faces of my best friends hovering above mine with tears in there eyes, I gave a weak smile, as I held Lucas hands as he smiled down at me,

I tried to smile back but the pain pulled my back.

Wait was he alive?

No it's can't be, it's impossible, I saw him die.

Is this death, They why is it so painful. Every where burns the pain pulled tears to my shut eyes, The pain was unbearable so each memory only lasted a few seconds, as I gave into the grasp of the darkness finding comfort in the silence, saying goodbye to life I once known to be mine.

OPENING my eyes the myself of the room I was in, the environment, the room was different from the one I was used to. My ocean blue room had teddy bears and posters while this was plain white and extreme boring it was also quite and clean almost spotless, It looked nothing like the rumored heaven.

Sitting upright blinking a couple of times to get adjusted to the direct sunlight and the light in the room, the pain was lingering but nothing damaging I could breath I was certainly not dead.

I got a closer look around me, I was in a hospital? How? it's practically impossible I died. Pulling out the needles, I hissed at the sting walking out of the room to the lobby.

It was busy with nurses walking all around my forehead knitted together in confusion no one paid attention to me, "Miss Olivia oh my moon, you shouldn't do that, you should be in your room, how are you even up? please come with me" A woman with a short dirty blonde full blown wavy curls hair, probably in her mid 30, she was dressed in her full nursing scrubs,

She pulled me back to my supposed room, I walked behind her still lost, what the fuck in God's name is happening here, Because I'm lost somebody help me, "Hi dear, you have been through quite the trauma you must be having trouble remembering everything that happened"

She smiled down at me flashing her teeth, I cocked my head to the side staring into her eyes, she had a deep ocean blue shade, It was beautiful different, the glow was defined, snapping out of my daze as the needle came in contact with my skin.

" What is? " I groaned couching the itchiness in my voice like I have used it in a few days, it was uncomfortable and I was thirsty and hungry all together all of a sudden, Looking up at her I felt nothing but pure and extreme hunger or thirst, no it was something else?


"Here drink this" She gave me a soggy looking red substances in a cup, looking up at her some smiled at me, "I'm Elizabeth, you can trust me I'm a nurse, your friends dropped you here, I will answer all your questions once you have drank something"

I nodded having no choice I downed the substance and it was surprisingly good, it was amazing I looked up at her my eyes glistering with pure hunger, she gave me a second cup, " Her you go love you must be hungry it's been three weeks since you've been out"

I did a spit take spilling Ted over the bed sheet " Fuck I'm Soo sorry, I looked down at the bed and back up her "did you say I've been out for three weeks? " She stared down at the bed then shrugged, " It's fine I've had worst" She wiped the liquid of my chin.

" Yes it has been three weeks, drink up your cup of blood"

I froze up, The fuck did she say, Wait did she say blood. "Did you say blood, Holy shit! " I felt the wave of nausea hit me, I have been drinking blood, holy shit I have been drinking blood, like human blood.

" Okay my bad this was too much" She whispered to herself, " Dear well listen, it's not human don't freak out" Too late, I'm freaking out and I'm losing my shit.

I tried gagging but it actually tasted good, why was blood tasting good, What is wrong with me.

It all came back everything, the memories, Looking up with tears filling my eyes "Mom and dad, I whispered to her she looked at me with pity

"I'm sorry dear but they didn't make it" I sobbed, I felt the tears wet my thighs the memories filled my head faster now, I remember everything my family they died all of them,

" Lucas? " She was about to reply when I heard a voice, snapping my head back so fast I felt a pang of pain shoot up my spine.

"Hey sis"

The tears made my brother face blurry but he was alive I don't how, it's not possible I saw him die he had no pulse, his head was twisted in the wrong direction, It was just a nightmare it was the real deal then how?.

How is he still alive, he was on a new wheelchair I could tell it was red, his short dark brown hair was cut to the last skin leaving only few traces the smile and the light in his eyes were out o could tell he didn't take the loss of our parents well.

Running my hands through my hair as it covered my face the sobs grew louder as I felt his harms wrap around mine, "They are gon pumpkin mum and dad, I thought I lost you too" His voice was different, it looked like he grew threes years older in just three weeks.

Pulling from his embrace, "I know love, I say them their bodies" I heard the nurse sniff she was wiping her eyes, "I'll give you too a moment together, let me get the schools doctor and you'll be tested"

What school? I looked up at Lucas for answers, I watched him struggling to get on the bed , pulling him up, he tried to force a smile I had to Return the gesture the tears hurting.

"We will get through this together Lucas, we have to it's us two against the fucking world" I smiled at him, he nodded fighting back tears. " Sis a lot of thing has changed, well for one you just drank blood and we not humans"

The Truth I had been avoiding was coming to realization, the claws I saw that day makes sense" I know it must be shocking so I'll let Diego and Paige explain everything but promise me one this sis"

I looked up at him, "Don't get pissed"