Academy of Abominations

I stared up, looking into the ombre brown eyes my brother had, it has always had a calming effect but right now I was certainly confused, What is her talking about.

"Diego, Paige? why shouldn't I get mad I'm lost?" I was already feeling the anger building up, come to think of it I actually saw them.

"They will be here shortly sis just try to understand" He patted my back with a smile I looked at him a bit sceptical, he was acting grown up but it was clearly obvious the emotions were hurting him, I should not be acting like a child he needs me.

"Mom and dad are really gone" I whispered pulling is hands into mine placing his soft palm on my face his hand were bigger, I stared at them for a while. Maybe it just me, "I saw it kill them, You slept like a baby we didn't want to wake you all of a sudden.

He chocked the tears pouring out as he broke into sobs, " Hey you don't have to I'm not asking " I helped him settle as his teras soon reduced to sobs, " No you deserve to know. I smiled at him shaking my head.

He nodded, "We are at a school, not ours though" He stated talking as I leaned back placing my head on the bed my head is still spiralling I most certainly would just wait for explaining before I run made or worse kill someone.

Counting down the rage was filling me all over, my anger management classes were all a fake because I was angry, I was sad I wanted to cry my eyes and mourn my parents but I also want to kill everything that hurt them.

I want to hurt someone, Punching my fist into the only decor in the room a pale white table top flower in a pot, it made a role as the shards prick at my skin I took a deep breath the pain reeling me back to reality as my broth gasp in shock pulling my hands towards him.

"What is wrong, I thought this stopped " He picked up a tissue paper from the drawers of the room, I was quiet the tears pouring down to my laps, my mum and dad are dead an my best friends in the world are not who I think they are.

Talk about life telling me it sucks with all cap locks and a freaking exclamation mark, "I'm a monster" I whispered to myself,

He was about to condemn me when the slight knock in the door, it opened revealing Diego only he looked different he hair was now a dark shade of brown and Paige followed behind him she looked normal no excessive makes up, her hair was actually brown similar to Diego's and it was styled up to a pony tail.

I tried to speak but I just decided to keep quiet, I'm honestly intrigued as to why the sudden change in identity, "Hey how are you feeling" Paige voice was different, it was smaller with a lot more melody, she sounds like a girl and not just a tomboy, I frowned pulling my hands out of Lucas grasp, cocking and eyebrow as I looked at them with crossed thighs.

"We should start talking, uhmm where to start?" Diego sat on a couch in the room, also plain white, The dead look I had in explained how I feel, numb in a nutshell but I'm about to get pissed if they don't start talking.

"Look the only reason you didn't know all this was because we had to protect you" Paige tried again with the voice u didn't recognize. "Why are you speaking this way and will you stop stalling and say something reasonable, my mom and dad are dead and I woke up here I need explanations"

I was losing my temper, feeling Lucas sit next to me he held on to my bloody knuckles, I gave him a forced smile, "We had mom and dad put to rest, sorry it was in your absence but it had to be done you were out for too long"

Diego confirmed my suspicions, I mean I'm not that pissed, but that wasn't all, looking at them for more information, "Yes I know my parents are dead, I'm sad broken im numb but I do wish to know why you changed looks and he mentioned something about a school?"

I nodded towards Lucas after my statement," Well, we are really sorry but for your protection and ours we had to disguise to be welll a weeb and a TikTok addict to throw people off the radar but it didn't work as they still died and you would have if not for immortality "

Diego rambled, I let out a growl I was getting upset," Let me stop you there he said the same thing too the thing who murdered my parents, Immortality and you are supposed to be dead I saw you died all this is confusing, could someone fucking say something use ful? "

I screamed punching the rest of the vase to the floor, "Is everything all right here we heard"

"Leave us" Diego said with authority the nurses left at once what the fuck was that?.

"Okay, I'm sorry but you want to truth how ever thrilling it may be and you'll get it dear, You are wolf, not just any werewolf you are an Abomination you weren't supposed to exist but you do, it was strange when"

Pulling my hands to my hair yanking the attachment to my hand off, "You Stop just fucking stop!" I screamed at him trying to jump at him but Paige held me down glaring at her brother.

" What the fuck is wrong with you idiot!" She yelled at him her hand still keeping me in place, I was raging and I wanted hurt him, rip his face off " You know her temper and her strength is still unknown one of you could die if you rile her Wolf up"

There they go with the wolf bull shit, but then is it really bullshit my mind waved to the night,

"I'm sorry but before I tell you the story, promise to listen and not flip out at all till I finish?" Paige was still my best friend, I nodded with a sigh glaring at Diego before turning to his sister.

"I'll keep quiet till you finish" Settling back to the comfort of the bed, Lucas draped his arms over me leaning on my chest as he closed his eyes I heard a soft snore follow, placing my palm on his face as he slept.

"The class you stared this year about supernaturals, was an initiative made my the elder to teach you some of your history before you actually start to experience all this but that would be impossible now that all our plans have been jeopardize"

She stared and I kept my promise, my teeth gnashing to say something but I wanted the full story no lies, hopefully I get this after all the deceit I have been subjected to,

"As werid at the history may sound, it's true"your She looked at me, sitting next to my feet I pulled it away from her touch. Sighing she stood up,

"You know the history and I believe you must have stared to experience some changes? don't answer that"

"I'm sorry for how I talked at first, but it's true I know you are sceptical about all this but you will believe if I do this" Diego stated to strip,

"Diego no, she is not ready she is not as strong as Lucas" But before Paige could stop him, I was thrown into further confusing, what the fuck is happening here?.

This looked like a scena straight off a movie, I was about to make a comment when my heart stopped beating for a split second, Diego was a wolf a full blown brown wolf,

I clamped my hands to my lips, my eyes wide in terror as he walked towards me I felt fear thrust me to it's depths, "He won't not hurt you he is your protector"

Paige soft words were of no reassurance my best friend is a freaking werewolf, placing my nada under his ear shocking my self and Paige his wolf wagged its tail tubing it's fur into my palm,

Looking up the tears clouded my eyes once more as he changed back, he was completely makes shielding my eyes off his body as he got dressed, " You are not as shocked as we expected?"

Diego cleared his throat signalling me to look forward, " I wasn't in doubt I just didn't want to accept it, I'm a monster"

I whispered, " No we are not we don't kill humans and the blood if needed is always animals we hunt" I Shaked my head vigorously if only they knew, all this was getting too much

" It was you? " Diego asked as I just knew what he was asking if me, I gave a small nod, " I killed three people, they true to rape me but I was stronger and faster, swift I made a gory scene, I howled and growled and I had claws and you know what scares me I liked it the thrill of killing, the anger was peaceful"

I needed my best friends right now I'll freak out later, " Oliie it's normal as a wolf those guys were rapist, and bad people" Paige tried to comfort me but it was useless, " What if they weren't and I lost control, you know what ignore that at least for now, please continue the story now that I believe you"

I gestured to a shirtless Diego, She nodded " Okay" She accepted defeat, I was above convincing, I'm a monster and I know that, we all are,

The tale went on for almost an hour, and not everything in class was all a lie, it was true,

I am the daughter of a great wolf and I have his spirit reincarnated into mine

"So let me get this straight, my generation was wiped out and all of a sudden out of no where two human had wolf children, you were our protectors till I came of age and a demon killed my parents? What the actual fuck?"

This is not something I thought I would not mock in a while, but right now my self humor is currently off and dead and I feel generally numb, "Well that among a lot of things the school offers especially for Lucas he need a lot of people like him around him and you too"

" Academy of Abominations, I'm a werewolf? Well I guess out teach was one too, they nodded towards me, "I don't forgive you both for lying to me all my life but I hope I see reason one day" I told my best friends, they hurt me and I deserved more.

Smiling at them, it was fake, "Tomorrow will be fun but that enough for today I need a nap" staring at Lucas sleep peace fully,

"I'm an abomination so is my brother, I'm immortal and my wolf is stagnant, I might be a reincarnate and what else tomorrow I'm tied today?" I told myself more than them.

" We are really sorry and we hope you see reason to, but Yes that's all, for for uhmm today" She was fighting the tears but kind were already pooling over.

"See you tomorrow at the assembly, you'll still get more information when you are awake?" I nodded looking down at my manicured feet.

Academy of Abominations? am I really ready, I said to myself as I wiped the air if Lucas face it's either this or I raise Lucas without a house and no roof under his head, we would not be able to survive

All this was too much to take in at once.

I hope tomorrow clarifies everything.