
"Can I get everyone's attention please" I scrubbed my eyes scanning the room for a place to seat in the hall littered by newly admitted's. "Shit can they stop talking"

I murmured to my self the noise wasn't helping my migraine, Last night we had to stay up cleaning, Lucas and I spent the night rearranging, everything was new and still all rapped and packed dusty as hell and I had no control over my powers yet so I had to carry most things with my usual human strength,

Yesterday at noon when we tried to get into dorm room, we got rejected by half the population and the rest were freaks and weirdo so we settled with a room that was new and we were able to steal snacks off the table in the common roo. which was surprisingly empty.

I was glad though, at least I have a room to my self and my brother no bitch or dumbass butting in to our business or staring at us like half the room was doing so now, Maybe they should listen to the pathetic excuse if a leader trying to calm the ranging teenage hormones down,

"They really did not need to keep all furnitures in boxes everything hurts right now and now we need to deal with idiots staring at us like we are some sort of animal or tourist attraction" Lucas whined leaning against me disgust evident in his voice, I guess I'm not the only one who noticed.

Ignoring his comment I heaved a sigh as I wheeled him to a seat at the back in the orientation hall, it was barely a hall, it had numerous entrance, it had glass for walls and it has a minty odor like the outdoors, it was located in the middle of the woods, and it had a roof that you could see the sun glistering over the transparent roofing.

Helping Lucas into the seat I packed up his wheelchair placing it in between us, I could not help but look around, we were about a rough estimate of 300 students in the hall and only 30 is going to pass this exams I must admit that was scary.

"Everything hurts"Huffing silently, sitting next to Lucas I felt stares as the whispered deepened, turning back I noticed a few averted gazes flipping them off with an eyeroll, I turned back to the man in the front, he was trying to address the murmuring crowd.

The other teacher or what every you call them watched him suffer as they sat at the table watching him fail brutally, "Can I get everyone's attention please" He tried again and I just had to laugh at his attempt.

Suddenly silent fell upon the room, as a load growl made the hall go quiet, a dirty brown wolf with dark fur underlines strides into the hall the wolf was huge, it paws hitting the floor echoes through the room, it's claws graping the floor as he drawled them, The wolf was almost too huge it looked like a rabid wolf but I recognized the aura.

I stared at the wolf as its jet black tail stood up high, the fear and respect evident in the rest of the student as they scurried to seats I looked up it's definitely Alpha Laurence, "His wolf resembles him somehow" Lucas had an awestruck gaze,

I watched a particular blonde haired girl with sharp blunt cut ends a d a killer bang, pulled a girl with a jet black shoulder length straight black hair, I missed to look at their faces as they took a seat next to me.

"Hi" I exchanged a look with Lucas who gave me a shrug before turning a smile in her direction and a small wave,, she blushed sweeping her hair of her face and I made an eyeroll, taking a once over look at her, the looked like sisters different hair styles but the striking resemblance was hard to miss the younger one looked in the age range of Lucas.

"Hi" I forced out to the older one who sent me a nod., she returned back to staring at the front, While the younger one stared at Lucas, who paid her no attention, turning my head back to the front of the room.

The roars and growling continues, as the wolf in front, as it strides out of the hall through one of the many doors located at the front of the room, The forced decorum was maintained only a few whispers could be heard.

Walking back in after a few minutes, He was completely dressed,.once again silence covered the room, "For a 79 year old man he is way to hot" I heard a giggle behind me,

"Wait what the?" I whispered to myself, Taking a glance at the man now dressed in a black pant trouser and a blue button down shirt with a jacket, this was supposed to pass as a suit, " He's what the what now years old?" Lucas mummured to me.

"She said 79, How??" I replied back keeping my gaze on the man, "He stopped his own aging at 25, and his birthday this year will be the passing over year and the next Hunt household Alpha is smoking Hot He is Alexander Hunt"

The blonde girl squeals I glanced back to the front of the room, " Ciara I would appreciate if you allow me speak"

I watched as her face ran pale, " Sorry " She whispered skinning into her seat, Ciara that was her name, This wolf super hearing this was a great disadvantage, awe are on the few last rows to the back and he picked up her voice.

" Thank you Mr Arthur you can join the teachers I have them under control now" The man who's face was pale, I finally had a chance to examine him, He was tall like really tall we are talking about a 7 foot 3 kind of tall

He was slightly bent, but nonetheless heavily built, he had a golden brown hair which stooped mid way to his full dark hair eyebrow enchanting his eyes which were pale white with a dash of black, his eyes were no doubt beautiful,

He had a pale skin almost white he could pass as a twilight vampire, Feeling a line of pain coat my head as I tried to squint my gaze to make out the faces of the teacher, blinking as He returned back to his seat next to the teachers, looking down the room and suddenly like a wave of fresh hair hitting my face, my eyes could see everything.

The bead of sweet on Arthur's face, the ants forming a colony above on a plant I couldn't recognize, "Good morning" Hissing as the voice ring in my head my hearing and vision returned to normal as tears tugged at the corner of my eyes. I felt Lucas hands grace mine looking down to wear I held the chair it was clawed deep.

"Good morning" majority of the crowd chorused I remained silent, Looking around my vision was back to normal, I could pick out the faces of only those around me, " Welcome newly admitted's to the two weeks which will determine you final admissions as you all know..."

The speech began and it went on for about an hour I got bored, I got tired of sitting down squirming and sighing as they all took turns on telling on some good forsaken dos and don't they know we will as still break the rules, the rules were for the nerds and people who don't know how to have fun.

"They say this every year, at least for the past three years though, and they still end up being broken badly, Last two year 3 students died from the dumb pranks they play so the admissions skipped a year to honor them" Ciara said to me in a hushed voice.

"How long have you been trying to get in?" I asked Ciara, she seemed to want to talk so I decided why not give her something to talk about that will benefit me at least, " Well I used to come with my siblings I have 5 of them this is also my first year my sister was supposed to be in already but last year was skipped so bummer"

I won't lie I'm impressed she said all those in one breath, and she wasn't panting afterwards, "What pack do you belong too?" She looked up at me about to reply but she was beat to it by her sister who looked pissed for some reason, "Well it's not a special pack but we don't need your judgment especially not from the crescents" He voice had a raspy edge to it.

I gaped up at her outburst, "I meant that with no harm I'm new here and I was genuine serious about knowing, you really have to be a stuck up pain in the ass, I was talking to Ciara anyways" Lucas tightened his gold on my hand, and I looked down to see I had claws out and something was poking at my tongue, taking a breath through a space in my lips.

" Oh I'm sorry, see we are used to the five great pack mocking us for being small packs and it's all the same for them the small packs gets bullied a lot so I thought, they don't even get to participate in this they all have guaranteed admissions and when they do it's to show off, oh and I'm Tiana by the way really sorry about my outburst"

Do these girls even breath at all, I watched as she ran a finger through her hair, she had a ton of rings on I'm not a fan of them, they looked good on her

She talked more calmly this time, I felt the last bit of anger seep away, " It's fine, I didn't do anything wrong and I get discriminated the moment I walk in, what do you mean by they don't need to do this?"

" Well, I don't even know why you and your brother are doing this with the rumors everyone is scared of you both, the rumored strength and well you both are mysterious so yeah I get where the fear is coming from"

She said mostly to her self ," We are from the River greens pack by the way" Ciara sent me a small smile, I gave her a small nod her sisters words still plaged my mind, rumored strength...

" I'm Averill and this is my brother Aeryn we don't need anymore introductions I guess? " ai sent her a small smile which they both returned,

"You can all return to your dorm rooms Make friends rest and prepare for classes tomorrow, dismissed". I heard my Arthur say , "Gamma Arthur is actually hot too though" I looked back at her with a cocked brow.

"Gamma Arthur?" she gave me a small nod as she got up, I really need to learn the terms and their meanings I pulled out Lucas wheelchair unfolding it,

"There's a party tonight it's always an annual thing, a lot of alcohol and well animal blood but it's good stuff you guys are gonna come right"

Ciara beemed up a smile as I helped Lucas back onto his wheelchair, "I will never get used to that being a thing" Lucas cringed at the sound of blood I did too but it tasted really good,

"How do we find this said party?" I asked as Tiana locked fingers with her sister who eyes never left Lucas who was drawing skulls on his wrist, "What's your room number I'll take you there it's wild though do you have any outfit?"

"Nope not yet at least, we just settled in" Tiana nodded, "I'll get you both something to wear come down to room 006 on the east wing that's my room number" I nodded as I watched them wave me a finally goodbye.

Taping Lucas head he jerked up" Hey what the hell was that for" He whined, " She is waving goodbye you player" I whispered to him but I'm sure she heard it, I should learn how to mind link, " ooh sorry" He waved back at her scratch his head with a chuckle, her face reddened she looked like tomato right now, Turing back she pulled her sister towards an exit...

I think I'm going to like those girls.