
"You know we don't have to do this" Aeryn said for the 100th time since we started the walk to Tiana's room, "Shut up" He groaned sinking low his wheelchair making it hard to push help him.

"I'll let you wheel yourself if you do that one more time" Sitting more uprightly, he huffed. He wasn't really one for parties so I'm not surprised but I need someone with me in case it gets boring and he was too shy to talk to Ciara

"You are a wimp you know that right scared of a pretty girl" I whispered into his ears and he flipped me with with the middle finger, "We are here"

I said in a chippy voice as he muttered a string of curse in french, "You know I understand french and speak it fluently too right?" I informed him,

"Yeah french, Spanish, Italian and Japanese you are a big language nerd we get that" Smacking his head, we both chuckled as the front door was pulled open, "Tiana was dressed up already and damn does she look hot.

She wore a open cut stop top, exposing her cleavage where a small emerald pendant lies, flowing down to. her jet black mini skirt and black net stoking, she had a pixes cut wig on and her eyes make up were breath taking.

"Damnn girl, Anime cosplay party? sickk" She nooded inviting us in, " Well it's a custom party and I want you to get creative with these few outfits" She smiled showing me a heap of outfit on the bed, " Small?"

Aeryn said out loud and he earned a giggle from Ciara as she walked in, she was dressed up as Tinkerbell, all completely her short green gown with spikey ends, the clothes hugged her curves flowing up with a bit less cleavage exposure that her sisters,

She had a wand in hand, and a small green tiara on her blonde wig, her make up was light and really beautiful, looking down at Lucas as he watched her in awe she didn't notice Tracie my eyes down to an awestruck Lucas, she stared back I noticed her squirming at his gaze.

"Well someone's in love" I heard Tiana whispered as I picked up a blue mermaid tail, dropping it back into the pile, "They are so adorable"

"You look really pretty Tinker bell has no shit on you" Lucas commented, I spaced out of their conversation picking out something to wear,

Pulling out a black shirt and a black pant trouser, I pulled out a fake fang and a wig that looked oddly similar to Damon Salvatore's hair, tossing them to Aeryn

that broke his stare with Ciara giving her a chance to escape.

She murmured an excuse as she walked out of the room, " You son of..."

"Say it and I'll break you in half" I threatened, he sent me a middle finger, wheeling himself into the bathroom, "He can dress himself?"

Tiana asked smiling at our siblings banter, "Yeah I seriously don't know how but he has been doing that in his own for a while, Harley Quinn costume?"

I asked she grinned getting up to help me, I was shocked she knows who Harley Quinn was do wolves also watch those things.

"My brothes works with the Parliament in the section of human management and new discoveries, so he gets to bring a lot of these movies for us to seen, And one time he brought back a Harley Quinn poster, She looked dope so I dubbed her costume and we have cell service around some really big pack but small ones nahh" .

I nodded that makes sense but I will never cease to be amazed at how she can say all that in one breath, Grabbing all i needed she gave all I needed walking into the bathroom as Aeryn wheeled himself out looking at everywhere in the room but me.

"You suck" I said out loud earning a heartfelt chuckle from him, "I love you sis"

"You are going to make head turn" Tiana trailed off as I walked into the room, " Yeah in mockery" Aeryn added and I sent him a middle finger.

"You look extremely good, he is just being mean " Ciara's singsong voice called out as I walked behind Aeryn who had a smug smile on, deciding to payback.

"Hey Ci can you help me with him?" colour drained from his face as he sent me a glare, I blew a kiss in her direction as she grabbed his wheelchair with a shaky finger,

Well this should be fun to watch, I saw Tiana send me a sly look, as we both left the room before them, I stared to ask her about things I should know, I think I just might like these girls.

Walking into the woods as my converse squashed the green grass, " who throws a party in the woods?". I heard Aeryn saw as he swatted a bug off his arm, "so the teachers won't break up the party, its a sacrifice we have to make"

Ciara giggled as he pulled of a leaf of his hair, a. blush crept on her face, rolling my eyes for hundredth time today, Aeryn looked interested as Tiana led the way I walked up to her, "Will there be any seniors at the party though?"

I asked she looked up at me, "well not really the main school in currently on so they prolly have too many classes to pay us any attention and the journey down here is like for fday walk and a three day to two days run"

They walk around here, I thought Alexander had a car, "Yeah well some really rich kids have cars but from here on it's mostly really think forest and there is no way you can drive they are mostly a waste, and we wolves prefer to rn we only walked because of you both"

She explained and I cocked an eyebrow still confused, "Well can you run now I wanna see?

I was genuinely intrigued, Will it look like the movies, She sent a smile my way, " You ready pretty girl" I nodded.

Well it's easy just let lose, she said as she sprinted forward it was fast so fast my eyes missed her completely she ran so fast her feet barely hit the floor before she got up again

"She a show off my sister is known for her speed it will be hard to keep up" Ciara chuckled as I could no longer see Tiana in sight, trying to mimick what see just did but I ended up running at a normal pace.

"Wait!" Ciara said from behind me, Turing back.

"Hold on I'll be back"

"Okay you take a deep breath and relax all you muscle, inhale and exhale slowly, noe no rush just let what you keep fighting inside you free"

I calmed down allowing her voice guild me, sprinting forward at anew speed I felt the adrenaline rush, the wind in my face as I caught up to Tiana, she was shocked, increasing her pace as she gave me a gap.

Letting the power flow through me, I took one leap forward lunging my self towards her I passed her in a matter of seconds whooping enjoying the feel of the cold night and the air rushing to my face,

Coming to an abrupt stop I felt bile rise up to my throat and my heat tug at my shoes, as I heard music in the distance, Tiana pulled up next to me in no time, "Damn WTF girl you are fast like a level 3 grade fast"

Well that's as a compliment, in the ranking of the school system she explained to me that the least strongest which was where I was at the moment was the level Niners, and the most fastest, stronger and unique wolves are the ones that make it past to leave Zeros, they have only had 4 in the past years.

Smirking at she she glared at me " You are panting though" She teased and our attention was diverted by a giggle and a sigh, Looking towards the sound it was Ciara and Aeryn.

"How?" That should be physically impossible,

"I made a promise to not tell you guys" she giggled as Aeryn was literally turning red on the spot, We both watched walk past us towards the part with curiosity.

"How did they, what?" Tiana whispered, taping her shoulders I mouthed towards her leave it.

Pulling her towards the party,

"Beers for the lovely ladies" I heard a voice say as they passed us to beer bottles, he stopped to wave hi towards Tiana, she waved back I looked around as they exchange pleasantries.

Looking around at the party, it was bright and loud, teenager grinding against each other some throwing up, and other acting stupid no one noticed us come in,

"How did her know to give us drinks"

I asked as she pulled me away from my spot " That's Romeo he is an old friend and his one of the ones in charge of this year's part, I told him through a mind link, you should do that sometimes and yeah guild your thoughts I can hear they sometimes"

She said something I have been practicing all day, I huffed remaining silent looking over to Aeryn I tried to mind link him but it was impossible.

"Come on I'll introduce you some of my friends"

Tiana took charge I looked at Aeryn for help but he and Ciara where in a deep conversation,

Walking towards a circle of boys and girls who were all dressed up in cosplay and costumes, some where laughing and others were in a circle probably playing a game, a couple were in the corner with their hand all over each other as they sucked on each other's faces.

"Wow" She giggled moving past them they barely noticed us or that was what I thought, "Look at what the cat dragged in" I heard a super high pitched voice say, turning back as a few head snap at us we stoped walking.

A girl who was doing too much dressed in a full maleficent outfit walked towards us with a look of disgust in her eyes, "Leave us alone Penelope we were just passing through" Tiana whispered trying to tugs at me to walk forward but I was already too pissed.

"You locals really have no shame walking in a midst of royal with your cheap costumes and washed out clothes who invited you here? " she said again and Tiana flinched at her words.

A low growl escaped my lips as I took a once over look at her, she was releasing waves power I could feel it, I felt goosebumps all over my skin and a rising pit down my gut but my moment of fear was replaced quickly with. anger.

"What cat caught your tongues or the power made you speechless you worth less piece of..." The bottle shard scattered all across the room as the bottle of brat I was holding crumpled to piece, blood dripping down my hand and a few slashed my face but it healed before it even start to hurt, earning a few gasps from the people watching, I let the anger take over me completely my eyes turned murderous and I felt my vision switch to infrared.

"Bitch? who hell are you talking to that way? I sure hope it isn't my friend?" My voice was laced with power I saw the color drain from her face as she took a step back, "What, you were about to call us what?"

I said again my voice dangerously low, She stuttered the rumors of the crescents returning not being not a spread like wildfire, she soon realize she messed up big, feeling a small touch in my shoulder.

I looked over to Tiana with a growl but the fear in here eyes made me calm down at the this point everyone at the party was watching us, she had sweat beads rolling off her forehead, "Ave calm down and back up don't let her get to you, everyone is already scared of us don't make this worse"

Hearing Lucas voice in my head I took a deep breath looking back to Tiana with smile, "You know what why waste a sweat in bitches, I came to get drunk so get me drunk" I saw the look of relief flash across her face,

"Thanks Lucas" I said through the mind link back to my brother as we continues to walk into the party the music came back in and I left Penelope standing stuck in her spot.

This is going to be fun