Chapter 5

Well Mr. Kyle this has been my best offer yet, let me give you your credit where its due. But sadly I must decline because I know your type Kyle and money doesn't phase me. See I came from a middle class background and I've learned to adapt to having needs and not wants. But good try though, I must give you that! Sam said as she continued

Please Sam, just have lunch or dinner with me one time then. Since a met you several days ago, I've honestly thought about nothing else but you. And to be quite honest, I'd spend ten times that amount I assure you just to be able to be with you for a few hours. But most importantly Sam, even if we don't end up together I'll never regret spending one minute with you. Kyle said as he looked at Sam intensely and grabbed her free hand that was on the table.

They both felt the connection because they both looked into each other's eyes at the same time. Sam pulled her hands away and motioned for the waiter for the bill.

Your food is getting cold Mr. Smooth. Are you not hungry seeing that I allowed you mere minutes ago to have that one lunch or dinner you were asking me to have? Sam said and smiled at the waiter when her approached.

Kyle moved his eyes to the meal before him and knew she was right and cursed himself regretting saying ' one time'. However, by this time Sam had finished with the waiter and she wiped her lips with her napkin.

By the way Kyle, I paid for for meal already. A small gesture to say thank you for such an interesting afternoon. I have to go now because I have to be some where else so be. But do have a good evening. Sam said as she got up and left.

Kyle just sat there thinking about Sam. His throat was dry as he thought about their electrifying touch yet again, her eyes, her beauty and the Caribbean sexy accent. He could tell she wasn't like any of the other women he had been with before and it aroused ever part in his body.

Suddenly his eyes glanced on the table to the napkin that he scribbled the note on and he smiled,

I, Kyle, promise to give Sam ten  thousand dollars if I do some dumb shit within the next three months to make her regret ever meeting me.


I, Sam, promise to have lunch or dinner with Kyle for ten times within a period of three months and if he doesn't do any dumb shit I promise to give him a chance with my heart.

Samantha Chase

1.     Lunch- today ( done )

2.     Dinner – Friday at 7pm at the park….bring coffee!"

Kyle laughed and folded the napkin and placed it into his wallet.

Thank you Ms Samantha Chase….I will see you on Friday! Kyle mumbled to himself. Several minutes later he got up and left the restaurant and went to Joe to chat with him about his interesting yet challenging interaction with the seductive, Samantha Chase.

Sam however arrived back at work feeling uneasy.  She felt that way since Kyle touched her earlier and couldn't understand why. Thinking about that feeling made her head hurt. It felt like a powerful surge had ignited when they touched and left her drained. In order to take her mind of it, she quickly greeted Grace and Tracy and went to the back to start decorating the muffins that she had baked earlier.