Chapter 22

Sam arrived at the park in her car with a black bikini and a white crochet overthrow with a brown sándals to go the beach. She was mad at Kyle for calling her another woman's name and was determined to get to the bottom of it! She had avoided his calls during the week by pretending to be swamped at her job. Who the hell was Sarah? She wanted an explanation after thinking about the situation over the time period! She deserved one!

When Kyle pulled alongside her car and she came out, she instantly saw the anger in his eyes and relished in it. He quickly came out the car an escorted her to the other side and then got back in.

We're not going any where with you looking like that Sam! What the fuck! You ever hear about short and tees baby? Kyle said and parked the car.

Fine Kyle! You're right! I should be more conservative in my dressings when I'm around you, right? Sam said and opened his car door and got out and walked to her car.

" What are doing Sam?" Kyle asked as he got out of his car and held her hand preventing her from entering her car.

Sam looked at him and the looked she gave him sent ice up his spine.

Let go off my hands Kyle? I'm going to the beach to enjoy myself without you so that you won't be able to see my attire. Sam said in a cold tone.

What have I done wrong Sam, tell me? I thought we had a great time at the cottage. Then you avoided all my calls over this week saying you were swamped. Kyle screamed as he let her hand go. He hadn't prayed in years,  but at that very minute he did and silently asked God to not let it be that Sam somehow found out about the engagement.

Sam got in and put her car in reverse,

Why should I tell you what you did? Let's just go to the beach Kyle and just maybe you can invite Sarah and introduce us since we both sound similar to you on the phone. Sam said and drove off.

Kyle quickly jumped into his car and began to follow Sam. He reached for his phone but then saw Sam speed up.

Sam was furious and sped up when she saw Kyle following her. She tried to lose him several times but failed. But then she saw a slim opportunity when a trailer had turned and had already began to cross over.

Sam sounded her horn from a distance and the driver sounded back his horn indicating that she should not attempt it but her feet had already mashed down. Sam saw Kyle hesitate and slow down a little in the rearview mirror and she smiled wickedly because she knew she had lost him and it would be several hours before he would be able to find her.

Fuckkkkk! Kyle cried out when he checked his phone records and Sam's last call date and the time and then remembered himself calling Sam the name Sarah while being intoxicated.

She was speeding but he couldn't lose her because she hadn't told him which beach she was going too. He saw what was ahead and he doubted she'd have risked it so he slowed down giving her ample time to stop but she kept driving faster.

Don't fucking do it Sam! What are you doing? No, no, no! Kyle muttered to himself. And then he saw her made it and never slowed down so he knew by the time the trailer crossed he'd have lost her.

Fuck, fuck, fuckkkk! Kyle shouted as he hit the steering wheel of his car repeatedly. He grabbed up his phone and began calling Sam's number but she never answered.

Kyle found her car several hours later after searching several different beaches close by. As he entered the beach he saw her by the bar with two guys around her. He clenched his jaw and walked up to her. He shove one of the guy and whispered in her ear,

If you don't get up and leave with me now I will not be held accountable for what I will do nor hurting any one of these men if they interfere with us! Kyle said angrily in Sam's ear.

Sam sensing that Kyle was more angry that she thought, spun around on the barstool. She had an enjoyable few hours with being there by herself anyway but she knew she should not push Kyle further judging from his behavior and what he whispered to her.

Bye guys, nice meeting you both! Sam said to the both men and smiled as Kyle and her slowly walked to her car without a word being said between them.