Chapter 44

Kyle came home a few hours later and met her on the sofa with a joint and a glass of vodka in her hand.

Fuck sake Sam! Kyle said and grabbed the drink from her hand and placed it on the table.

Don't you even think about touching my fucking joint! Sam said as Kyle was about to take it out of her hands.

Really Sam? This is how we talk through stuff now? Kyle said in annoyance

I don't wanna talk! Who said anything about talking! I just want to lay here and enjoy this feeling? Sam said and laughed.

Sam today was not how it looked! Please just hear me out! Kyle began saying

Listen Kyle no need to explain anything. I've come to the conclusion already that you're a fucking liar and I can't believe anything you say! Sam said and began smoking.

Fuck sake Sam I was there to try to convince Sarah to talk to her parents to postpone the wedding to a later date since my father and her father agreed to moved up the wedding to six weeks from now! Kyle said an an esasperated tone and looked at Sam.

He saw when her eyes filled with water, he saw when she blinked the tears away and he attempted to go to her.

Dont touch me! Sam shouted and backed away from him on the sofa.

I gather Congratulations are in order for the couple! Sam said in a cold tone.

She couldn't stand being next to him at that very moment. She wanted to scream at him for putting her in this spot.

Sam please, I don't know what to do anymore! Kyle said sadly

I'm starting to feel like I can't deal with all this shit with you Kyle. Every fucking time I cross one hurdle with you it feels like an added five more always comes along. I'm getting tired of it. I'm going to shower and go to bed! Sam said and got up and left Kyle sitting on the sofa.

Sam stayed quite a long while in the shower, mostly crying, amd then she came out and went to bed.

Kyle sat on the sofa thinking about everything Sam just said to him. He thought about the first day he met her till now and what he had put Sam through and she was quite right.

He thought about giving up everything and starting anew with Sam but worried about what that would mean for his parents and the company. He wanted to walk away from Sam, to let her have her life back but when he thought about another man being with her, fucking her or giving her a family, he knew he couldn't let her go. He was torn between two things he loved and cherished and just didn't know how to make things better. Kyle sat on the sofá and did the only thing he felt he could do, he continued drinking from the bottle of vodka Sam was drinking from earlier.

An hour later, when he had enough, he walked into the bedroom and saw Sam already asleep so he showered and went to bed. When he raised the sheets and was about to go next to Sam, he realized that for the first time since they had been sleeping together, Sam was fully clothed. Kyle then decided against his initial action and laid on his side of the bed. As he closed his eyes to sleep he had a nagging feeling that he was going to lose Sam.

The next morning Sam got up before Kyle and left for work. She wanted to avoid the awkwardness and wanted time to think things through so she went to the shop and started preparing earlier than usual. Kyle awoke and didn't see Sam. He tried calling her but she did not answer. He got up and changed and left the house and went to Joe.

Hey man, what's up? You look stressed! Sam is too much for you to handle now that you're living together? Joe joked

That and my dad moved up my wedding to Sarah to the twelfth of November! Kyle said as he grabbed the beer Joe was offering him

What? How the fuck did Sam take the news? Joe asked concerned

Ammm….this is why I'm here and not with her. She's pissed man! Kyle said as he continued drinking.

Kyle can you blame her? Seems to me that she's been getting the shitty end of the stick since you met her! Joe said as he watched Kyle.

Joe I can't let her go and I don't want to cause the downfall of my family and their business. What can I do man? Kyle said as he grew more and more despondent.

I dont know what to say to help you man! That's a tough decision you have to make! You talked to Sarah? Joe asked

Yea and tried to convince her to talk to her parents to move the date to a later time but she said they weren't listening to her either. Oh! And that her family expected that we start a family as soon as we were married! Kyle scoffed

What the fuck man? You serious? Joe asked astonished

Didn't even have the heart to tell Sam that part either! Kyle continued

Good move on your behalf there Kyle. She'd probably have killed you right there! Joe joked

You know we've been friends for quite a while now and most times I've been envious of the things you had while growing up but today my friend, I realized that I'm glad I don't have to walk in your shoes! Hell you need something stronger than beer! Joe said as he moved around the counter to get glasses and a bottle of scotch.