
Chapter 4: First Day Of School

It's the first day of school.

As expected, my social standing hasn't changed whatsoever.

That's to be expected though since I don't really bother interacting with other people aside from Kyoko and Yamaguchi.

It's not that I'm incapable of socializing. It just takes way too much energy to converse with most other people.

You have to be considerate of what you say, think about the atmosphere around certain people, and worst of all, pretend to actually care about what the other person is saying.

I just can't be asked to sit there and enthusiastically engage when someone is talking about the porn stash they borrowed from their brother the previous day.

"Look, it's Yamaguchi…"

"Eek! Her eyes are like, super scary."

"You got a starin' problem or something!?"

"Eep! N-No…"

Seems like Yamaguchi's social standing isn't much better than mine.

"Good morning, Yuzuha-san."

"Good morning!"

"Morning Kyoko-chan."

"Good morning!"

Kyoko is greeted by numerous classmates and she greets all of them with a pleasant smile.

"She's as popular as ever, huh?"

Yamaguchi is now standing next to my desk.

We watch everyone swarm around Kyoko like a pack of wolves.

"That's to be expected though," I respond, still feeling lethargic from waking up so early.

Last year, Kyoko was the class president and she was able to unite the whole class.

She may be a bit clumsy around Yamaguchi and I, but in class, she's very academically sound. She exudes an aura of grace and dignity with how she carries herself contrary to her small stature. Kyoko is beloved by many students across the school because of her outgoing personality and unconditional kindness toward everyone. She treats every student with respect and often goes out of her way to help others.

"She sure is amazing," I remark as I watch her with admiration.

"She's wasted on someone like you, it's a real tragedy ya know?" Yamaguchi gives Kyoko a pitying look and shakes her head.

"I suppose that's true."

"Hey, yer not s'pose ta agree with me…"

Yamaguchi playfully hits my shoulder.

That actually kind of hurt… Why is she so strong?

"I'm only joking. Even if she is too good for me, I have no intention of letting her go."

"You better not, otherwise I'll personally ring yer neck myself."

"How frightening," I say nonchalantly while still watching Kyoko.

"Alright, everyone take your seats. Please refer to the board for your proper seating arrangements."

The homeroom teacher walks in and instructs the class.

I had already taken the liberty of checking my assigned seat, so I don't have to do anything.

Looks like the seats are ordered by last name, which is why Yamaguchi and Kyoko ended up right next to one another.

In front of me is a skinny guy with glasses and hair messy enough to rival my own.

He turns around to greet me.

"I'm Fujibayashi Satoru, nice to meet you."

"Fuyuki Akira, same here."

"So Fuyuki…"

No honorifics huh? Well, I suppose it's not a big deal.

"What's up?"

"Have you noticed already?"

"Noticed what?"

"There are actually 4 more girls in this class than there are guys…"


"That means I have 4 times the chance of getting a girlfriend this year!"

This guy's an idiot.

"Uh huh…"

"I have a great feeling about this year! Don't worry Fuyuki. I'm sure this will be the year for you as well. Just keep your head up brother!"


I already have a girlfriend though.

(Ding Dong)

The second bell has rung and classes begin.


It's currently third period; History class.

Kyoko and Yamaguchi sit pretty far away so I've been bored all day. I'm struggling just to stay awake in class, to be honest.

"Did you all know that Kamakura was the 4th biggest city in the world in 1250?"

We're apparently learning about the Kamakura period.

The teacher's words are going through one ear and out the other as I mindlessly fiddle with my pencil.

"You there, repeat what I just said."

The teacher calls out to the student sitting to the left of me.

I look over.

He's a pretty good-looking guy. He's got jet black hair which is slicked back with styling gel and jade green eyes. He's wearing an earring on his left ear and has a silver cross chain on. He gives me those typical playboy vibes. He seems pretty athletic as well, perhaps he plays some sort of sport.

"Sorry, what was the question again?"

"Kamakura was the [blank] biggest city in the world in 1250."

"Now what's the answer?"


The playboy clearly wasn't paying attention and looks around for some assistance.

"So you weren't paying attention after all!"


I whisper to him and silently hold up the number 4.

"…The fourth biggest city."

"So you were paying attention, that's correct!"


He lets out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks," he says to me before going right back to not paying attention.

(Ding Dong Ding)



I stretch my arms at my desk.

"Hey, thanks for earlier."

It's the playboy from earlier, and he's come up to my desk.

"Sure, it's no big deal."

"I'm Manabe Nozomi, nice to meet'cha."

"Fuyuki Akira, same here."

"Yo, Manabe, come eat lunch with us!"

A loud group of kids are standing at the door calling out for him.

As I thought he really is the popular type.

"Well, see ya around."


He walks off toward the group after giving me a two-finger salute.

Just then, two figures approach me.

"Hiya Akira-kun"

"Yo Fuyuki."

It's Kyoko and Yamaguchi.

"Hey Kyoko, you two come here to keep lil ole me company?"


"Hell no!"

Two contrasting responses.

"One of these days you'll really hurt my poor feelings, Yamaguchi."

"Like I care." She crosses her arms and averts her head.

"Don't take her words too seriously, Akira-kun. You know she can be a little shy. She actually likes you more than you think."

"KYO-CHAN! What the hell are ya tellin' him!?"

Yamaguchi grabs her shoulders and starts shaking her while blushing.

"I-m s-o-r-r-y!"

"So are you guys going down to the cafeteria?"

I interrupt their banter and inquire about their plans for lunch.

"Oh no actually, apparently Ri-chan made a big bento today. She said we should all share it together."

"I guess life really is full of surprises. I never thought Yamaguchi would be able to cook."

"Alright, you starve and watch us eat."

"Please forgive me, Yurika-sama, I would be eternally grateful to partake in your lunch."

I quickly repent as I lament the idea of getting bread from the war zone that is the cafeteria.

"Ahahaha, you guys sure get along well."

Kyoko laughs heartily.

"Like hell we do!"

"Like hell we do!"

We both quickly deny it.

"It doesn't help your case when you guys are in perfect sync like that, fufu."



Kyoko and Yamaguchi pull up their desk so that they're in conjunction with mine.

"Let's eat!" The three of us say with our hands together.

"Woah." I'm taken aback by what I see.

"Wahhh, this all looks so delicious, Ri-chan! Did you make all of it by yourself!?"

"Yup, amazing right?"

"It's super amazing, you'll make a great wife Ri-chan!"

"W-Wife…" Yamaguchi starts twiddling with her fingers as she averts her gaze.

In front of us is a huge bento with Tamagoyaki rolls, karaage chicken, steamed veggies, octopus-shaped sausage, and an abundance of different flavor onigiri.

Honestly, I'm quite surprised. I didn't think Yamaguchi could even make anything edible.

(Chomp Chomp)

I start by eating some karaage.

"This is really good…" I grumble.

"Of course it is. I made it, after all." Yamaguchi puffs out her chest proudly.

"Ri-chan, how did you make these Tamagoyaki rolls?" They're super rich, but not too soft."

"Oh for that I—."

The two girls begin to happily share recipes.

I'm completely absorbed in eating and don't pay much mind to what they're saying.

"Akira-kun." Kyoko snaps me out of my eating trance.


"Say ahhhh…"

She holds out a piece of Tamagoyaki with her chopsticks.


(Cough Cough)

I'm taken aback by this and almost choke on my food.

"You want to feed me in front of all these people!?"


Zero hesitation in her response.

"N-No way! It's way too embarrassing to do that in the classroom."

"Pretty please…" Kyoko makes a pleading face.

"Ugh," I look over to Yamaguchi for help.

"Just give it up already, man. Ya know how Kyo-chan is when she wants ta do something."

Damn you, Yamaguchi…

"Fine, I get it already…"

I hesitate a bit before reluctantly opening my mouth.


"Ohhhhh!?" We now have the attention of numerous people in the classroom.


"Was it good?" Kyoko retracts the chopsticks now with a satisfied smile.


"I'm glad~"

I avert my gaze to hide my embarrassment.

"Alright, I've had about as much flirting as I can take. I'm going to get some drinks." Yamaguchi stands up and scratches the top of her head.

"Kyo-chan you want a milk tea right?"

"As expected of Ri-chan, you know me so well!"

Yamaguchi smiles back at her before turning to me.

"You want anything, Fuyuki?"

"Green tea, thanks."

"Alright, I'll consider it."


She walks out of the classroom.

Kyoko and I continue eating.

"Ri-chan sure made a lot of food."

"Yeah, we shouldn't waste it."

As we're eating I notice Kyoko stealing glances at me and softly laughing.

"What's up?"

"You have a grain of rice on your face, Akira-kun."

"Wha—" I instinctively feel around my face to try and get it off.

"Here I'll get it for you, close your eyes for a sec."

"Alright, thanks."

I close my eyes.


Wait, now that I think about it, why do I have to close my eyes for her to take off a grain of ric—


Suddenly I feel a warm and soft sensation on my cheek.

My eyes dart open.

"Y-You… did you just?"


She sticks out her tongue in a very childish manner.

"I just felt like kissing you when I saw how cute you looked," Kyoko teases.

"Woahhh did you see that?"

"They totally kissed!"

I sit there dumbfounded as I hear some of our classmates whispering in the background.

A few seconds later, Yamaguchi walks in.

"Yo, what's with all the commotion? Did I miss something?"

"Welcome back, Ri-chan!"

"I'm back, here's your milk tea."

"Thanks a bunch!"

"So what's up with Fuyuki? Is he not feeling well or something?"

I currently have my head down on the desk to try and hide my shame.

"Fufu, perhaps he's lovesick."

"Huh?" Yamaguchi tilts her head quizzically.

I swear this girl is going to be the death of me one day.


(Ding Dong Ding)

Homeroom ends.

I pack up my stuff and head over to Kyoko and Yamaguchi who are chatting happily.

"Are you guys joining any clubs this year?"

"I'm actually already the president of the going home club." Yamaguchi cleverly remarks.

"You might as well join the manga club, seeing as you like to read it secretly in the classroom after school."


"How the hell did you find out about that!?"

"Now now, no need to be ashamed, I enjoy my fair share of manga too."

"I just never imagined the fearsome Yamaguchi would be secretly reading a Shoujo manga while everyone is going home."

"Ughhh, I won't forget this, Fuyuki…."

Tears are forming in her eyes and she's glaring daggers at me.

Maybe I went a bit too far.

"What about you, Kyoko?"

"Me? Hmm, I was thinking about joining the student council this year." She rests the side of her face on her hand and begins mulling over the idea.

"Hmm, sounds like a lot of work."

Me personally, I could never join the student council. You have way too many responsibilities and barely any free time. It all just sounds like a huge pain.

"You should go for it, Kyo-chan. Then you could show those stuck-up council members how you're supposed to lead the student body."

Looks like Yamaguchi has already recovered.

"What about you Akira-kun? What do you think?"

"I agree with Yamaguchi. I think you'd be a good student council president with your natural leadership qualities."

"Ehehe, you guys really think so? But if I did, I would have less time to spend with the both of you, and that would be very sad."

She looks a bit lonely as she says that last part.

"I didn't think about that… I would hate that, to be honest."

Yamaguchi's shoulder slump and she looks disheartened by the thought.

(Pat Pat)

Kyoko stands on her tippy toes and pats Yamaguchi on the head.

"Don't worry Ri-chan, even if I do become a part of the student council I will always make time for you."

"Right…" Yamaguchi gently smiles and accepts the hand patting her.

"These two really are best friends," I think as I watch their sweet interaction.

"Sorry guys, I'm actually on cleaning duty today." Kyoko makes an apologetic gesture toward Yamaguchi and I.

"You guys can head home without me. I'll see you tomorrow!"

"It's alright, I'll stay and help you out." Yamaguchi offers.

"Really? Thanks, Ri-chan!"

I don't particularly mind staying and helping out.

Kyoko would probably be happier to walk home with both of us.

Or so I thought…

"Akira-kun, can you head home first?"

I'm stunned.

I never thought Kyoko would ask me to go home without her.

"You don't want to walk home together?" There's a hint of sadness in my voice that I hope she didn't notice.

"It's not that. Of course, I want to walk home with you. But I think you should go home early today and check on Ayase-san."

Mom? Why does she want me to check on her?

"I told you this morning that she was fine."

Yamaguchi watches us in silence with her arms crossed.

"I know, and I'm sure you're right. Even then, I'd really appreciate it if you could do this for me."

I honestly don't get it, but I rarely see Kyoko this serious about something so I decide not to object any further.

"Alright, I get it…"

"See you tomorrow, Akira-kun, bye-bye."

Kyoko smiles and waves at me.


I walk away and leave the classroom without another word.


I put on my shoes and slam my locker door shut.

"I don't get it at all…" I ponder on why she was so insistent today.

I know that she was probably just being considerate, that's how she is. She always goes out of her way to help others and thinks of everyone's well-being before her own. It's one of the things I like about her.

Even so, I can't help but feel annoyed about the situation.

"I'm so uncool…"

I mutter to myself in a self-deprecating manner as I start to make my way home.