
Chapter 5: Encounter With A Strange Man


The night before the first day of school.


"Mmm, what time is it?"

I rub my eyes and sit up from my bed.

"C'mere you…"

I sluggishly reach for my phone to check the time.

The light is bright and it takes a few seconds for my eyes to adjust.

1:26 am.

It's still the middle of the night.


My throat is parched so I get out of bed and head downstairs to pour a glass of water.


I notice that the light in the living room is on.

"My, they're already in their second year, how fast time passes. I feel like an old lady."

"Ahaha, that goes for both of us, doesn't it?"

It's my mom's voice and it sounds like she's on the phone with Ayase-san.

Once I get downstairs I peek my head into the living room quietly so that I'm not caught.

"I'm just a little curious. I'll go back up soon~" I assure myself, trying to justify my sneaky actions.

"So, how've you been Ayase, dear?"

"Well, I'm still alive and kicking at the very least hehe. Anyway, listen to this, Aki has grown up to be such a fine young man. I'm super proud of him, you know?"

"Ara, I don't doubt that, Kyoko is always talking about him after all."

"MOM?! What are you going around telling people?!" I silently protest.

"Wow~ since when did Aki become such a ladies' man?"

"Fufu, well I'm glad to see Kyoko is so happy. I think they're both good kids."

"I agree. I just want Aki to be happy. It's the least I can do as his mother."

"I'm sure Akira-kun is very grateful for everything you do."

"You think so? I don't think Aki is an ungrateful kid, but he's not very expressive when it comes to his feelings. I guess that's just how teenagers are these days. Although, I do wish he'd say that he loves his mother every once in a while. It makes me feel lonely when he's so cold to his mother, you know?"

"Fufu seems like you're just as childish as he is."

"Hey! We're almost the same age, you know!?"


"Hm? What's up, Serizawa? Why so serious all of a sudden?"

"I know you didn't just call to talk about the kids, what's wrong, dear?"

"…haha, I guess I can't pull one over on you, Serizawa."

"How long do you think we've known each other, silly?"

"Actually… I'm planning on getting a second job."

"Are the two of you struggling financially?"

"Well… a bit, but it's nothing serious. I can handle it."

"Don't overwork yourself, dear. I know you're carrying a big burden all by yourself."


"I… probably won't be able to eat breakfast with Aki anymore after tomorrow."

"Why? Did your work hours change again?"

"Yeah, I have to go in really early for my first job now in order to head to my second job in the afternoon and still make dinner for Aki."

"That sounds quite stressful, are you sure you're taking proper care of yourself, dear."


"To be completely honest, Serizawa I'm a bit exhausted, but that doesn't matter. I will make sure Aki is happy and has everything he needs. I won't let Aki suffer and I definitely won't let him worry about me. I'll do whatever it takes, even if it means working myself to the bone."

There are tears forming in my eyes and I'm now leaning against the wall trying not to cry.

I can't believe she's such a strong woman. And all because she loves Akira-kun. She's carrying such a burden alone…

"I know very well I can't stop you Ayase, but I want you to promise me something."


"Promise me you'll take better care of your health. I understand you're doing everything in your power to make sure Akira-kun is happy, but think about how he will feel if his mother suddenly collapses from exhaustion."

"No need to worry about that. I'm actually a super mom!"

"Oh, you~"

"Hehe, well I'm gonna get some shut-eye. I'm planning to make Aki's favorite breakfast tomorrow."

"Fufu, he is a very fortunate child to have a mother like you."

"Wellll I wouldn't go that far~"

"Alright then, go and get some rest, and please don't hesitate to call me if you need anything at all."

"Gotcha, thanks as always, Serizawa! Night."

"Good night to you as well."


Looks like their conversation is over. I ended up listening to the whole thing. Feeling guilty, I get up and try to quietly go back upstairs, but…


"Hm? Is that you Kyoko?"

Gah. Busted.

I step out and show myself with my head downcast.

"What's the matter, dear? You look like you're about to cry."

"…Did you perhaps hear that conversation just now?"

"Mhm… sorry."

I nod and apologize sincerely.

"Oh my, come here dear."

My mom gestures for me to sit next to her.

I walk over and sit down next to her on the couch.

"There there, it's alright."

She pulls me into an embrace and gently strokes my head.

"Ayase-san is (Sniff) she's such a…"

Tears are now pouring out and I can't formulate proper sentences.

"Yes, she is a very hard worker. She loves that child dearly and I'm sure she'd do anything for him. That's what it means to be a parent, Kyoko. Your child is your world and their happiness comes before anything else."


"It's the same for your dad and me. We love you and Haru-chan very very much. You know that right, dear?"


I cannot speak properly so I just nod whilst crying into her chest.

"I understand you're worried, dear. Frankly, I am too, but don't underestimate the strength of a mom protecting her child."

I silently nod.

"Please take good care of Akira-kun. I'm sure that's what would make Ayase most happy. Can you do that for me, dear?"

I sit up straight and wipe away my tears.

"Of course!"

I speak these words with utmost determination to try and convey how serious I am to her.

"Good girl. Now go and get some sleep, you have a big day tomorrow."

I nod and get up to head back to my room.

"Good night, mom."

"Good night, dear."



I already told her that Mom was fine so why…

Why did she insist I go home without her?

Did she have something to talk about with Yamaguchi?

Maybe she just didn't want to walk home with me…

No way, that can't be true.

"Arghhh! I don't get it at all."

I ponder on the situation as I'm walking home. I just can't figure out what Kyoko is thinking at all. The female mind is truly an enigma.

"Forget it, I'll just head to the arcade and kill some time."

The arcade is about 15 minutes away from the school.

(Ring Ring)

My phone rings just as I'm about to make my detour.

"It's Mom."

I answer the phone

"Hello, Mom?"

"And hello to you, my favorite son!"

"Again, I'm your only son. So what's up?"

"Are you heading home right now?"

"I was planning on making a small detour, why?"

"Oh it's nothing serious, but I did have something important I wanted to talk to you about. Can you try to come home before dinner?"

I look at the time, 3:28.

"Alright, I'll head home soon."

"Thanks, Aki~ Alright, love ya, bye-bye."


"Now then, what should I do?"

We usually have dinner around 7, so I still have plenty of time.

(I think you should go home early and check on Ayase-san)


I recall Kyoko's words. For some reason, I can't shake off the feeling that she'd be very upset with me if she found out I went to the arcade.

"Guess I'll just head home."

I would rather avoid making Kyoko angry…

She is a very sweet girl, but you do not want to see her when she's upset.

I shiver at the mere thought.

I mindlessly walk home, zoning out the chatter of the students around me.

After about 10 minutes I finally reach the stone bridge.

"Isn't that…"

I look down toward the riverbank and I see a familiar person sitting on the grass skipping stones across the river.

"It's the homeless guy from earlier."

He's a pretty tall guy and he has black curly hair. One of his parents must be a foreigner considering he also has light brown skin. He's wearing a dark green trench coat, a dirty white t-shirt, and beige cargo pants. Looks like his facial hair is pretty overgrown and ungroomed.

"What a strange-looking guy."

He looks surprisingly happy and energetic for what I presume is a homeless guy.


The homeless man and I make eye contact.


He enthusiastically calls out to me, waving both of his arms.


I point to myself and look around to see if anyone else is in the area.

He nods and gestures for me to come over.

"Just what have I gotten myself into now…"