
Chapter 15: I Hope These Days Last Forever

"Well? Why don't you speak up huh, 'Fake'?"

"…" Kotori averts her gaze, avoiding eye contact with Ryuji. Her expression which was just so lively has now twisted into a grimace.

"Yeah Kotori, what the hell's up with you? You haven't been hanging out with us, like at all lately."

"Yeah yeah, you totally abandoned us for these losers!"

Two girls make their way beside Ryuji and begin interrogating Kotori. It's the same two girls who were with Kotori on the first day we met her.

"Hah? What the hell did ya just call us, you punks?!"


The two girls quickly hide behind Ryuji as Yamaguchi takes a hostile tone with them.

"After everything I've done for you…First, you break up with me, then just up and leave our group without so much as a second guess…You ungrateful bitch. Were you just using us huh?! Are you planning on using them next?! Well? Answer me!"

With each question Ryuji inches closer and closer to Kotori, raising his voice to the point that he's practically yelling at her.

"Hey… what's going on over there?"

"I don't know… it looks like that third-year is starting something with them."

"Isn't that the school idol, Kyoko-chan?"

"Is he trying to pick on her friend or something?"

"Whatever it is, it doesn't look like it'll end well…"

"Hey, someone call a teacher…"

Ryuji's outburst is causing quite the scene. He's already drawn the attention of most of the students present in the cafeteria. Either he's completely oblivious to the commotion he's making or he simply doesn't care. I'd guess it's more than likely the latter.

"N-no it's not like that I… I just…" Kotori is stumbling on her words, unable to properly respond in the face of such hostile questioning.

"So after all this time, it turns out you've been pretending to be friends with us," Ryuji says, presumably having jumped to his own conclusion,

"Did you just want to raise your own social status? Is that what it is?"

"No, that's not it! I don't care about that stuff! I…"

"You what huh?! I'll tell you what you are! You're a conniving bitch," Cutting Kotori off Ryuji spews a harsh insult at her. Seeing the tears begin to form in her eyes, he continues, " One that uses other people for her own benefit. You're a 'Fake' and I'll make sure the rest of your time in high school is nothing short of a living hell. If you think they'll really like you after what you pulled with Yamaguchi then you're sorely mistaken. And once you realize they don't give a damn about you, you'll up and leave them too. But that's ok with isn't it? 'Cause you'll move on and readily leach onto the next group, just like the filthy parasite you are.

(Sniff Sniff)

Head downcast, tears slowly trickle down from Kotori's face.


"Oi! Who the hell do you think you are, huh?!"

Yamaguchi stands up, slamming her hand against the table.

"Calm down Yamaguchi."

I quickly stood up and placed my hand on her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down.

"Don't tell me to calm down, Fuyuki! Do you hear what this asshole is saying about Kotori? There's no way I'm gonna sit here and let this bastard talk about my friend like that!"

Yamaguchi brushes off my hand and walks directly up to Ryuji until they're staring each other down face to face.

"Apologize to Kotori right now!"

"Hahaha, like hell I'll apologize to that 'Fake'. If anything, I'm doing you a favor by ousting her," Ryuji says, shrugging with a carefree attitude, "You all should be grateful to me."

"What was that?!" Yamaguchi tightly clenches her fist, glaring at Ryuj as if she's ready to chew his head off at any given moment.

"Ri-chan don't!" Kyoko, who has been embracing Kotori and trying to calm her down, calls out to Yamaguchi in a panic.

"Shit, looks like this might get ugly. Worse comes to worst, I'll have to fight this guy again. I need to figure out how to de-escalate this situation as soon as possible," I think to myself as I watch the two stare each other down.



The entire cafeteria, which until now was in a complete state of chaos, goes silent. Yamaguchi's words echo throughout the room with an unyielding amount of conviction.

"Kotori is the sweetest girl you'll ever meet. She's a considerate, energetic, and kind-hearted girl. The type of person who wears her heart on her sleeve and brightens your day with her smile alone. Someone like you… Someone who can't even see that and would say such awful things… You don't have the right to say shit about her! She doesn't need shitty friends like you assholes! She has us now, and we'd never say those kinds of things about our precious friend. So why don't you and the rest of yer friends fuck off!"


Everyone, myself included, silently watches in astonishment as Yamaguchi passionately defends Kotori.

(Sniff Sniff)

"Yurika-chan…" Tears stream down Kotori's face. Not tears of sorrow, but tears of joy pour from her eyes as she watches Yamaguchi in complete admiration.

"You've got some nerve Yamaguchi… calling us shitty friends," Ryuji grumbles in an annoyed tone as the pompous attitude he had only moments ago vanishes without a trace.

"Y-yeah we're not shitty friends!"

"Yeah yeah, we're like great friends to Kotori and she still abandoned us!"

"Seems like you didn't learn your lesson from last time Yamaguchi," Ryuji pops his knuckles as he stares her down.

However, it's already too late to try anything.

"Hey, why don't you pay attention," I call out to Ryuji who has been completely oblivious to the situation around him, "It's your loss, Ryuji."

Numerous teachers have begun coming into the cafeteria, making their way to the source of the commotion.

"Tch! You… Don't think I've forgotten what you did to me," Taking note of the teachers, Ryuji redirects his hostility towards me, "I'll make sure to give you a real painful beating if it's the last thing I do."

"You can go ahead and try," I instinctively jeer back at him.

"Urk! Fine then! How about I beat your ass right here and now then?!" Ryuji begins walking towards me, pushing Yamaguchi out of the way in the process.

"Hey, you! Stop right there!" A teacher spots us and calls out to Ryuji. However, he completely ignores the old man and continues storming towards me, filled with rage.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Alright, think Akira. How do I get myself out of this one? Should I fight him? No, the same trick won't work twice and I can't win normally. Dammit… Should I run away? I can't do that… Even if I can't win, how can I run away when these girls are still here? I have to protect Kyoko and everyone else… But what should I do? What would he do if it was him in this situation…

"That's enough."

A firm voice interjects, cutting into my train of thought.

It's Kyoko.

Before I realized it she was standing in between Ryuji and me with her arms out as if to shield me.

"Ryuji-senpai, you've caused more than enough trouble here," Kyoko's voice is stern and her eyes are unwavering as she stares down a boy twice her size, "I won't let you lay a finger on Akira-kun."

Right now, Kyoko is very serious. I would dare even say she looks a bit angry…

"Tch… so you've got to hide behind the school idol now, huh coward?"

"This has nothing to do with Akira-kun hiding behind anyone. The only coward here is you. Tormenting Kotori-chan by calling her such nasty names. Raising your hand to hit Ri-chan, a girl half your size. I won't stand by and let you pick on my friends any longer."

Kyoko stands her ground as she condemns him with no intention of backing down.

This is pathetic… Because I hesitated, Kyoko felt like she had to jump in and protect me. I put her in danger… "What would he do if it was him?" What a stupid question. The answer is obvious. It doesn't matter if he's bigger or stronger than I am. "I can't win?" I was an idiot for telling myself that. If it's to protect the girl in front of me, I'll fight… and I'll win.

"It's alright Kyoko," I place my hands on her shoulders and gently pull her behind me, "He's not worth getting upset over."


"What was that punk?!"

"Did I stutter?" I retort, shooting him an ice-cold glare.

"…You," Ryuji flinches for a second, but quickly catches himself and gets ready to swing at me.




Don't worry. No matter what, I'll protect you three.

"That's quite enough young man!"

Just as I'm getting ready to assume a fighting pose, a teacher arrives at the scene and holds Ryuji back.


"Ah Yuzuha-san, are any of you kids hurt?"

"Oh no, we're fine," Kyoko waves her hand, gesturing that everyone is alright.

"I see. That's good to hear," The old man lets out a sigh of relief, "Now then, you'll be coming with me to the guidance counselor's office Mr.Troublemaker."

"Like hell, I will!"

"Oh? We can always make a phone call to your fat—"

"Alright fine! I get it already. I'll go with you…you old bastard," Ryuji cuts off the old man and immediately agrees to go with him, "This ain't over yet… You hear me 'Fake'?!"


"You two girls over there."

"Y-you mean us"

Y-you mean us?"

"Mhm, come with me as well."



"Now then if you'll excuse us," The old man slightly bows, "Sorry for the trouble everyone. Please go back to enjoying your lunch break." The old man walks away with the three students in tow.

Shortly after the old man leaves, everyone goes back to happily chatting and enjoying their lunch. It almost feels as if that whole commotion never even happened.

"I'm sorry for causing you guys trouble…" Kotori remorsefully bows her head to the three of us.



Yamaguchi gently chops Kotori on the head.

"Don't be stupid. It's not your fault. It's those assholes who're ta blame."

"That's right Kotori-chan! You didn't do anything wrong."

"B-but… you guys had to stick up for me all because I couldn't say anything back to them…"

"What the hell are ya babbling about? Of course, we'd stick up for you if someone's bad-mouthing ya like that. That's what friends are for, you idiot."

"Ah…" Kotori's eyes widen, becoming watery shortly after.

"We'll always take your side Kotori-chan," Kyoko says, gently wrapping her arms around Kotori, "You're our precious friend after all."


"If any of them try to bother you again just let me know and I'll deal with them."


"Ha, quit trying to act all cool Fuyuki," Yamaguchi playfully jeers at me with a slight grin.

"Ehehe, Akira-kun has always been very cool, that's why I fell in love with him~"

"I wasn't really trying to act cool or anything…"Feeling a bit bashful, I turn away scratching my cheek.

"Um, Fuyuki-kun, Kyoko-chan, Yurika-chan…"


"Yes, Kotori-chan?"

"What's up Kotori?"

The three of us turn to Kotori with quizzical looks on our faces.

"I um… I just wanted to say thanks. Thank you for sticking up for me and thank you for being friends with me."


The three of us look at each other and nod in agreement.

"That doesn't sound like you at all."

"That ain't how the Kotori I know would thank someone."

"Fufu, no need to be so formal Kotori-chan."

"Ah…," Kotori looks down and a smile begins forming on her face, "What I meant to say was… I totes love you guys, hehe~"

Kotori looks up and shows a smile so vibrant you'd have to see it to believe it.

"Now that sounds more like you."

"Hmph, it's not like we feel the same way or anything."

"...you're shoooo cute Kotori-chan… C'mere you!"

"Ah! Kyoko-chan don't get your tears on my shirt!"

"Ahahaha," Yamaguchi and I burst out laughing as we watch Kyoko's silly banter with Kotori.

The four of us continue to laugh together as we spend the rest of our lunch happily chatting.


Dear Diary,

These past few weeks have been extremely eventful, to say the least. I broke up with Ryuji-senpai and stopped hanging out with the friend group I'd been with since my first year. After all, that time trying to stay on their good side and fit in with them. It finally came to an end. I didn't want to be around Ryuji any longer, not after seeing how he treated someone that I admire. I thought it was over, that I wouldn't be able to make any other friends, and that I'd be alone for the rest of high school. I'd worn this one for so long already, desperately clinging onto the "friends" I had made. I lamented the idea of being outcasted once again and finding myself alone, but that was something I was willing to accept. Although I hated the idea of being alienated like back then, the truth is I was also at my wit's end. I was tired, it was suffocating, and I couldn't stand keeping it on just to try and get their approval. Acting cruelly towards everyone, looking down on others, running around doing their bidding, neglecting my studies to hang out, all of it. I hated all of it. That's not who I am. Well, at least that's not who I want to be. I don't really know which version of myself is the "real" me anymore… Anyway, after that, a boy approached me. I thought he was a bit strange at first. Can you really blame me? I mean, just look at how hostile I was toward them when we first met. So why? Why did he invite me to eat lunch together with his group all of a sudden? I couldn't believe it honestly. Even now as I'm writing this, I don't know what compelled him to do such a thing. I was super nervous at first and I didn't really know how I was supposed to act. What if I messed up? What if I said the wrong thing? What if they started hating me? I have to hurry up and find it. What's the right one to put on in front of them? How do I have to act to make them like me? I pondered on the question as the days went by. But then, she told me that I didn't have to be nervous around them and I could just relax. Hearing that from her made me really happy. Even though I was still a bit hesitant and awkward, they still showed me unconditional kindness. They welcomed me with warm smiles, they always included me in the conversation, they tried to actually learn more about me, they invited me to keep hanging out with them, but most importantly they called me a "precious friend". Someone had told me that they valued our time together and that they enjoyed being around me. Even though I hadn't found one to put on yet… They went and said something like that. Words can't even begin to describe how happy that made me. And just like that, before I had even realized it, I started to warm up to them. I started looking forward to our time together, to our silly interactions. I didn't have time to worry about what to say or how to act because for the first time someone had accepted me for who I was. Even today, they stood up for me and said such kind things. Even though Ryuji-senpai was actually right about me… Even though everything he said was true…They didn't believe it for a second and came to my aid. It makes me feel guilty for hiding things from them, but it's because they're so important to me that I don't want to risk losing them. I wouldn't mind losing other people, but I really don't want to lose them. I just…don't want to be hurt again… That's why I'm afraid. I'm afraid of them finding out the kind of girl I really am. I know this may be a selfish wish, but if you're listening, please god… Please let these days of happiness continue on. From the bottom of my heart, I truly hope these days filled with smiles and warmth last forever.


"Tch… That old fart lectured us for way too damn long."

"I know I know, I thought I was gonna die from boredom or something."

"It's all because of that damn girl… How dare she just turn her back on us after we've been together for so long."

"Yeah yeah, that's totally not cool of her."

"Who needs that bitch ANYWAY!"


"Hey hey hey, why'd you kick her desk?!"

"Hmph, serves her right."

"Hey, something fell on the floor."

"Hmm? What's this… A journal?"

"Open it and see what's inside?"

"Oh, alright let's see."


"What does it say?"


"What is it? Did you find something interesting?"

"I sure did. Hey, text Ryuji and tell him to meet us at the Karaoke spot asap."

"I don't mind, but what's this about all of a sudden?"

"I'll explain it to you in a second. For now, just tell him that we've made quite the discovery about a certain someone and it's something he'll definitely want to see.