
Chapter 16: People I Can Call Friends From The Bottom Of My Heart


(Beep Beep Beep)

"Ugh, can you like, shut up already…"

Awoken by the insistent ringing of my noisy alarm, I sluggishly hit the off button and rolled out of bed onto the floor. Now laying on the floor, blankly staring at the ceiling, the idea of getting up and getting ready for school begins to sound more and more dreadful in my mind.

"I really don't wanna go to school today…"


As I close my eyes, getting ready to give in to my slothful desires, the smiles of three people flash into my mind.


That's right, how could I have forgotten? Going to school isn't so bad anymore. Now that I have them… I feel like my world has finally started to regain its color.

"Alright, Kotori! Get your butt up and get ready!"

After psyching myself up a bit, I quickly get up and put on my school uniform. Once I've gotten dressed, I freshen up and go through my morning routine in the bathroom before heading downstairs.


As I walk into the living room, I'm greeted by the sound of light snoring as well as the putrid scent of alcohol.

"Jeez, just how much was she drinking last night… Hey, wake up. You'll catch a cold if you keep sleeping under the kotatsu."


The same response as always huh… She's always like this. Coming home late from work and drinking herself to sleep. I wish she'd think about how I feel for once…

"I'm heading out to school now," I say, letting out a small sigh.

"Mmmmm…" In response, she doesn't even bother lifting up her head to look me in the eyes. Instead, she simply lets out a groan of displeasure. The same kind of noise an animal would make if it didn't want to be bothered. After a few moments, she lazily lifts her finger and points toward the kitchen table.


I let out a long, deep sigh before grabbing the money she left out on the table. "Same as always," those are the last words I mutter before walking out the door.

I can't stand being in this house. It's so suffocating.

Even though we're family… We couldn't be more like strangers if we tried. She barely speaks to me. No matter what I say… No matter what I do… She refuses to look at me. I guess it's just never enough for her. Sometimes I wonder if she still even thinks of me as her daughter.

"I should be used to this already…"

I feel my mood drastically worsening as my thoughts run wild, trying to piece together a puzzle that I haven't been able to solve in years. I often wonder if my life even has any meaning and if the world would be better off without me here. No one would care anyway. Well, that is…

At least that's what I used to think before I met them.

I feel my smile slowly return to my face as I once again recall their faces. For the first time in my life, I feel like I've made real friends. They treat me with such kindness. They laugh with me. They get upset for my sake. They come to my aid when I'm in trouble. They even said they like being around me. Someone like me. A filthy fake who's afraid of people finding out who she really is, what she's really like, and how much of a selfish coward she truly is.

They accepted someone like that into their friend group. They said I was precious to them and made me feel like it was ok to not wear it for once. Even though it hasn't been very long since we've become friends, they've become irreplaceable to me. I don't want to lose them because… I really love all three of them. It'll be fine. As long as they don't find out. I'm sure the four of us can keep smiling together. And nothing would make me happier than to be able to smile together with people I can truly call friends from the bottom of my heart.




As always I find myself feeling lethargic walking to school in the morning. I was up later than usual last night watching a Senchou stream. I can feel the drowsiness overtaking my eyes as I struggle to keep them open.

"Are you feeling alright, Akira-kun? You seem really tired," Kyoko turns and asks me with a concerned look on her face.

It's always nice to see her cute face in the mornings. Not that I would ever tell her something that embarrassing.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just up a little late last night."

"I betcha you were up doing something stupid like playing video games." Yamaguchi chips in unsympathetically.

"I'll have you know it was a matter of utmost importance, Yamaguchi."

"Yeah yeah, whatever ya say, Fuyuki." Yamaguchi simply shrugs off my rebuttal uninterestedly.

Damn her… She's been acting real cheeky towards me as of late. Hopefully, it doesn't rub off on Kotori. Then again, I guess Yamaguchi pretty much treats everyone the same way. With the exception of Kyoko of course. It's actually one of the things I like about her as a person.

"Akira-kun Akira-kun," Kyoko walks closer to me and whispers in my ear.

"What's up, Kyoko?" I whisper back to her in a low voice.

"So which streamer was it? You were watching one last night right?"

Gah busted…

"How did you know…"

"Fufu, I know Akira-kun better than anyone since I watch you closely," Kyoko winks at me with a smug grin on her face, "Sooo who was it?"


"Hehhhh, so you like her huh~"

Honestly, I'm more surprised by the fact that Kyoko even knows who that is.

"She's quite the interesting personality from what I've seen."

"I mean yeah, she's enjoyable to watch…"

"So who do you like more between her and me?" Kyoko tilts her head and smiles as she interrogates me.

"Of course, I like you more stupid…" I turn my head away as I answer to hide my embarrassment.

"Hehe, then it's fine." Kyoko locks arms with me, beaming with happiness all the while.

Somehow I get the feeling she just wanted me to say that…

"Hey whatcha guys whisperin' about over there?

"It's nothing Ri-chan~"

"Hm? Well if ya say so?"

"Don't worry Akira-kun, I'll keep your secret for you~"


Although, I wasn't really hiding it.


After we cross the stone bridge we spot a familiar face.

Or I guess it might be more appropriate to say a face we've gotten very familiar with over the past few weeks.

"Hey!!!" Kotori calls out to us and waves both of her hands in the air.


Kyoko is the first to run over to her. She greets Kotori with a big hug, rubbing her cheek against Kotori's.

"Hahaha, Kyoko-chan is as energetic as ever."

"That's because I get to see your cute face so early in the morning Kotori-chan."


"Yo Kotori."

"You two are as lively as ever arentcha."

Yamaguchi and I catch up to the two girls.

"Ohhh, Fuyuki-kun and Yurika-chan! Good morning!"



"Pfft, you guys are like totes on the same wavelength."

"Yeah right!"

"Yeah right!"

"Ahahaha, Kyoko-chan are they always like this?"

"Yup! They get along really well, hehe."

"That's like, totally hilarious."



Yamaguchi and I both grumble in perfect sync again as the two girls continue to tease us.


"Did you study for the test today, Akira-kun?"

"I reviewed the material for a bit so I should be fine."

"Very good. I don't want you to have to do supplementary lessons. Oh oh, but if you end up failing then we could have a study session together!"

"I'll do my best…"

The mere idea of having to retake a test is enough to motivate me to pass.

"What about you Ri-chan?"

"Me? No way." Yamaguchi shakes her head and waves her hand, gesturing that she didn't study.

"That's no good Ri-chan! It's important to keep up with your studies!"

"Have some shame, Yamaguchi." I poke fun at her.

"Fuyuki, I just know you aren't talking…" she returns my playful jeer with a sour look. Almost as if she's disgusted by the idea of me reprimanding her.

What a scary girl.

"Oh, I actually took that test yesterday. You can look at my notes if you want Yurika-chan."

"For real?! Yer a life saver Kotori!"

"Aww shucks, it's embarrassing when you say stuff like that. Give me a second, let me just grab my notebook."

"Thanks, Kotori, yer the best!"

"Next time you need to study properly Ri-chan!"

"Alright alright, I'll study next time."

"Will you really?" Kyoko gives Yamaguchi a doubtful look.

"Yes yes, I promise Kyo-chan."

"Alright, I believe you."

"Just like that?!" I remark, flabbergasted by how easily she accepted Yamaguchi's obviously insincere response.

"Of course! Ri-chan would never break a promise with me."

"Ah…" Yamaguchi's body stiffens at Kyoko's response.

"Good luck, Yamaguchi." I tease.


"Huh, that's weird."

I look over to see Kotori nervously rummaging through her school bag.

"What's up Kotori? Ya can't find the notes?"

"Oh no, it's not that, the notes are right here."

"What's wrong Kotori-chan?"

"I can't find my um… it's a small journal."

"A journal? I ask aloud.

"Yeah, it's really important."

"Did you have important school work written in it or somethin'?"

"Y-yeah something like that…"

I can't help, but notice that Kotori is acting a bit strange. She seems way too alarmed over a notebook. Maybe she had some notes that she needed for a class today.

That's the most sensible conclusion I can draw.

"You probably left it at home," I suggest.

"At home?"

"Yeah, you probably took it out of your bag yesterday and forgot to put it back this morning."

"Hmm…," Kotori closes her eyes and begins contemplating, "Maybe you're right… Yeah, I probably just left it at home."

"Yeah so just relax, alright?"

"Y-yeah I'm fine, no worries."

"Are you sure you're alright Kotori-chan?"


Kotori takes a deep breath in and exhales.

"I'm fine. Fuyuki-kun is probably right. I'm sure that I was just overreacting."

"So uh, about the notes…" Yamaguchi cuts into the conversation with zero consideration for the mood.

"Ri-chan!" Kyoko pouts and gently rubs Yamaguchi's cheeks in a circular motion as if to reprimand her.

"Sorry sorry, I just wanted to look at them before we got to class since we're already about to go into the school gates."

"Jeez, you could've at least waited a bit longer Ri-chan!"

"Pfft… Ahaha, that's so like Yurika-chan. That totally sends me, my sides hurt, I can't hahaha."

The three of us look at each other briefly before also laughing alongside Kotori.

"Ahh, that was funny. Here ya go Yurika-chan. You can just give it back during lunch."

"Ohhh!" Thanks a ton, Kotori!" Yamaguchi smiles and happily takes the notebook.

She really has no shame at all…

"Well, I'll catch you guys later."

"Bye-Bye Kotori-chan."

"Alright see ya Kotori."

"Thanks again Kotori you're a lifesaver!"

The three of us bid her farewell as she heads to her classroom.


(Ding Dong Ding)

Third period has ended.

Everyone sighs in relief as the teacher begins collecting our test.

"Ahhh finally over!" Fujibayashi exclaims, slumping onto his desk with a huge sigh of relief.

"Haha, good work Satoru."

"You too playboy."

"Hm? Since when did you two get so close?" I ask them curious about their interaction just now.

"Like hell we're close!"

"Aww, I thought you were finally coming around too."

"Dude you're gross stay away from me. Fujibayashi crosses his pointer and middle finger, leaning away from Manabe.

"It's alright man you'll come around eventually."

"The only thing I need to come around is a girl into my life."

"You probably shouldn't hold your breath on that one."

"I agree."

Manabe and I nod in agreement.

"Can't you guys at least pretend I have a chance?!"

"Sorry Satoru, but I don't believe in lying to my friends."

"Sorry Fujibayashi, I didn't wanna give you false hope."

"Both of you can drop dead for all I care!!!"

Fujibayashi runs out of the classroom sobbing and cursing the two of us.

"Do you think we went too far Fuyuki?"

"Nah, we're doing him a favor, he needs the reality check."

"True that."

"Hiya Akira-kun~ Are you ready to go to lunch?"

"Hurry up Fuyuki, I'm starvin' over here!"

Kyoko and Yamaguchi walk over to us, lunch in hand. Seeing the two of them, Manabe nudges at my arm implying he wants me to introduce him to them. He probably just wants a chance to get closer to Yamaguchi. Alright, man don't say I didn't warn you.

"Ah right. By the way guys, this is my friend Manabe."

"Haha, that's quite the enthusiastic introduction. It's a pleasure to meet you both," Manabe bows slightly before continuing, "My name is Manabe Nozomi. And to whom do I have the pleasure of making an acquaintance with today?"

I don't know why, but watching this guy talk to girls kind of pisses me off. Especially since they're girls I know.

"Fufu, I'm Kyoko. Yuzuha Kyoko. A pleasure to meet you as well Manabe-kun."

"I can see why you're deemed the school idol. Your radiance as well as the aura of grace you carry is dazzling."

"Oh my," Kyoko smiles, bringing her hand over her mouth in surprise to his sudden compliment.

"Alright, that's enough of that." I quickly get up and stand in between Manabe and Kyoko.

"Whoops, I suppose I got a little carried away there. Sorry about that Fuyuki."

Right. I'm gonna have to keep Kyoko away from this guy.

"And you miss?"

"Yamaguchi Yurika." Yamaguchi's response is about as flat and disinterested as it can possibly be.

"Yurika-chan… What a lovely name indeed. Your beauty is unparalleled and I would love to have the honor of getting to know you better."


Ouch. I'm not even the one that she said that to but even I felt hurt by her emotionless response paired alongside the look of repulsion she gives him.

"Haha, I see you're a tough nut to crack Yurika-chan."

"Don't call me that, actually just stop speaking to me. Your face pisses me off. Kyo-chan, Fuyuki let's go."

Yamaguchi turns her back to Manabe, wasting no time walking away from him.

"Sorry about Ri-chan, she's not good with strangers," Kyoko apologizes, giving him a small bow, "Wait up Ri-chan!"

"Well man, you can't say I didn't warn you. Try not to take it too personally. She's pretty much like that with everyone.



"She's amazing. The way she carries herself with such dignity and pride. She isn't afraid to speak her mind. Now that's a woman worth chasing," Manabe exclaims, giving himself a nod of approval.


Maybe this guy is just as messed up in the head as Fujibayashi…

As soon as we leave the classroom we find a small girl with red-hair standing there waiting for us.

"Jeezzzz, you guys took foreverrrr. C'mon, let's hurry before they run out of Melon Bread," Kotori flashes a big smile at us and points in the direction of the cafeteria.

Just seeing her like this, compared to how she was a few weeks ago, it's like I'm looking at a completely different person. I have a feeling that with Kotori around, our lives are gonna become a whole lot more interesting.