
Chapter 19: The Stage Is Set

I've come up with a plan.

After spying on Kotori throughout the week as well as careful consideration, I was able to surmise that she's being blackmailed by Ryuji. Meaning that he's holding some kind of dirt over her head. That would also explain the sudden 180 in her attitude towards Kyoko and Yamaguchi. So long as he's constantly breathing down Kotori's neck, Kyoko and Yamaguchi won't be able to get through to her. Therefore, I need to make preparations.

You might be wondering how it is that I came to this conclusion and how I can be so sure of it.

Well, that would be because of three particular things that I noticed while carefully watching Kotori these past four days.

First, the way Ryuji and his group treat Kotori. Not a single one of them treats her as a friend, but instead as if she were some kind of servant.

I don't see any logical reason why Kotori would willingly hang out with people that treat her in such a manner. They will say things such as "Hey, go buy me this" or "Carry these for me will you". Some even go as far as calling her a "pawn" whilst making these irrational demands.

Despite how poorly they treat her she just obediently obliges with their request, never raising a single complaint. Doesn't that seem strange to you? It certainly doesn't bode well with me. That isn't how friends would talk to or treat one another, which leads me to the following point.

Second, Kotori's drastic change in demeanor when no one is looking.

This is something that you wouldn't notice unless you were someone on the outside looking in. That is to say, Ryuji and his group themselves would never notice this, but Kotori only feigns her ardent attitude while they're looking. The moment they take their eyes off of her, that bright smile vanishes into thin air and is replaced by a grimace of frustration and sadness. Now ask yourself, why is it that she's making that kind of face around the people she would presumably rather hang out with over Kyoko and Yamaguchi? Perhaps it's presumptuous of me to think that she wasn't making that kind of face behind their backs as well, but I've got a gut feeling that tells me that isn't the case. However, that's all it is, a feeling. That alone isn't enough to concretely say she's being blackmailed. So, let's move on to our last point, which I believe to be the final piece of conclusive evidence needed to justify my assumption.

Third, the direction in which Kotori's eyes continue to wander during these trying times.

Rather she's doing it subconsciously or she's fully aware of it, Kotori's eyes continuously wander in Kyoko and Yamaguchi's direction. During passing periods, lunch breaks, and even our shared PE class. Despite being surrounded by so many people, her gaze continues to follow the two of them. All the while a tinge of loneliness and regret linger in her eyes.

Allow me to pose two questions to you.

One, why is it that Kotori looks so lonely even when surrounded by her "friends"?

Two, why would Kotori continue to gaze at people who she claimed that she "didn't want to be friends with" whilst making such an agonizingly regretful expression?

Let's compare answers.

This is what I believe.

If you're around people that are supposed to be your friends, but you still feel like you're alone, then those people probably aren't your friends.

Similar to how you can have all the money in the world and still be miserable. If the people you're around don't truly bring you joy and give you a sense of amenity, then you will always feel isolated, regardless of how many people you surround yourself with.

Now, let's compare answers again.

In regards to the second question, this is what I believe.

People often say things that they don't actually mean. Perhaps, they let their emotions get the best of them. Maybe, they have a hard time being honest. Or what I believe to be the most plausible reason in this particular situation… The circumstances you're put in may entail a need to do or to say certain things. Even if you don't actually want to or even if you don't really mean it.

In this case, that would be Kotori cutting off Kyoko and Yamaguchi. As well as telling them that she didn't want to be their friend anymore.

This would explain a lot of bizarre behavioral changes Kotori has shown recently. Why she had suddenly cut the two girls off. Why she brightly smiled in front of Ryuji, but in the same instance he looked away, had a frown deeper than the ocean itself. And… Why, despite what she said, Kotori has such a lonely and regretful expression when she looks at Kyoko and Yamaguchi.

Individually each of these are nothing more than subjective observations with no real basis. However, when in conjunction with each other it starts to become something more concrete and provable.

Kotori was right about one thing. She said that I wouldn't understand anything unless I walked a mile in her shoes. That statement holds a lot of validity to it. If I had simply put myself in her position and really thought about why she would suddenly switch up her attitude toward Kyoko and Yamaguchi like that, then I would've figured out it was because she was forced to do so. I already knew how much they meant to her and yet I was so blinded by her sudden shift in attitude that I wasn't able to deduce something so apparent.

I apologize for being so foolish, but I now understand Kotori.


Friday Morning; Akira Fuyuki

"…And with that, everything is now in place," I whisper to myself as I slide a note into someone's locker.

The preparations are now complete. All that's left is to execute the plan.

"I better run through the plan with everyone one more time, just to be sure."

I asked everyone yesterday to meet in the classroom early this morning.

I head up the stairs, quickly making my way to the classroom. As I'm heading there I take note of the ominous-looking clouds in the sky.

"I wonder if it's gonna rain today?" I mutter.

Once I arrive in the classroom, I'm greeted by everyone.

"Good morning Akira-kun~"

"What the hell took ya so long, Fuyuki?"

"Yo, Fuyuki, what kind of mischief are ya planning today?"

"Ohhh, if it isn't my good friend Fuyuki!"

Kyoko, Yamaguchi, Manabe, and Fujibayashi have all gathered together in the classroom.

"Yo everyone, sorry for asking you to come so early," I raise my hand, returning their greetings.

"No worries at all, Akira-kun."

"Yer ass better be sorry, hmph."

As always Kyoko and Yamaguchi have completely contrasting responses.

"It's cool man. You know I'd do anything for you, Fuyuki," Fujibayashi says as he crosses his arms and nods, seemingly in a good mood.

"Yeah right, I bet you're just saying that 'cause you got to be in the classroom alone with two cute girls arentcha?"

"Gah… Hey Playboy! Why're you ratting me out like that?!"

"Uh, I think you just ratted yourself out man."



Yamaguchi and I both remark in perfect unison.

"It really hurts when you both say it at the same time you know…" Fujibayashi says, feigning tears.

"Ahaha, I'm glad Akira-kun has such lively friends," Kyoko happily chimes in.

"More like weirdos," Yamaguchi jeers, giving Manabe and Fujibayashi cold looks.

"Ugh…" Manabe slumps his shoulders dejectedly.

I can't blame him. I'd be disheartened too if I was put in the same category as Fujibayashi by the girl I like.

"I called you guys here today because I wanted to run through the plan with you all one more time. Since today's the day we're going to execute it, I want to make sure we're all on the same page."

"We've been over this at least 5 times already… Whaddya even wanna go over anymore?" Yamaguchi complains, rubbing her temples in dissatisfaction.

Despite her outward attitude, she's been more eager to execute the plan than anyone. It just goes to show how important Kotori really is to her.

"That's true, but we have certain people that I'm sure need to be reminded. Otherwise, they'd forget their role," I emphasize my gaze on Fujibayashi as I say this.

"W-why are you looking at me?!"

"…" none of us say anything, instead giving Fujibayashi a knowing look.

"Ugh… Fine, I get it already…" Seemingly accepting the group consensus, Fujibayashi stops objecting.

"Alright, so here's the plan…"


"After that, we'll leave the rest of Kyoko and Yamaguchi. Any questions?"

As I finish explaining the plan for the sixth time, I try to confirm everyone's on the same page.

"Nope, no questions here. Just leave it to me and Ri-chan!"

"Yeah, we'll do whatever it takes to bring that stupid girl back to us."

"Heh, no questions on my part either. You're a pretty good person Fuyuki. Doing all this to help yer friend."

I'm… a good person?



I just…

"Nah, I'm not really… I just… I just want to keep the promises I made, that's all," I say in a dismissive tone as if trying to deny the notion of me being a "good person".

"Akira-kun is a super good person! He's always so kind and considerate toward the people he cares about. It's something I really love about him~" Kyoko says as she happily trots over to me and latches onto my arm.

"Well putting aside Kyo-chan's embarrassin' love confession, I suppose he ain't the worst person I've ever met," Yamaguchi crosses her arms and turns her head away with slightly red cheeks.

She really is a textbook tsundere sometimes.

"Ummm… Sorry to interrupt the Fuyuki shower of praise, but I actually have a question." Fujibayashi says as he timidly raises his hand.

Everyone curiously looks toward Fujibayashi, anticipating what he's going to say next.

"What's up, Fujibayashi?" I ask.

"I just wanted to know one thing…"

"Yeah what is it?"



Silence passes through the room for a few seconds after Fujibayashi's outburst until…

"Pfft… Ahahahaha!" We all start laughing.

"H-hey, why are you guys laughing?!"

"Sorry Fujibayashi, I thought you were actually gonna say something serious," I respond, wiping away the tears that have formed due to how hard I laughed.


"Fujibayashi, I asked you to do it because you're the only one that can pull it off. Also…," I lean toward Fujibayashi and whisper in his ear, "You'd be able to brag to girls about how you managed to pull off such an incredible feat."

"Oh… Oh! You're right, you're absolutely right Fuyuki! Alright, I'll do it! Just leave it to me, I'll be the best decoy ever!"

You're way too easy, Fujibayashi…

"Before we end this 'meeting', I want to thank you guys for helping me. I wouldn't have been able to do anything if I was on my own. So, thank you."

"Jeez, what're ya on about, stupid Fuyuki? 'Course we'd help ya. Like ya said before, that's what friends are for," Yamaguchi jeers, lightly pushing my shoulder, "Besides, Kotori is important to me as well."


"I agree. We might not be acquainted with Miyazaki yet, but if she's important to you, that's enough reason for us to help."

"Well Fuyuki aside, I can't just leave a cute girl alone when she's in troub—"


Manabe smacks Fujibayashi on the back of his head.

"My bad," Fujibayashi apologizes.

"Ehehe, once Kotori-chan comes back, we should all go somewhere together. Oh oh! How about the beach? Doesn't that sound like fun?"

"Maybe when summer comes along. It's still only April you know, Kyoko?" I respond, dismissing the idea.

"Mmmm…." Kyoko starts cutely pouting.

Kyoko, Yamaguchi, Manabe, Fujibayashi.

They're all good people.

I'm lucky to be surrounded by such good friends.

However, there's still one missing, and I have no intention of leaving her behind.

"No matter what, we'll make sure to bring Kotori back!"


A loud exclamation echoes throughout the classroom as the five of us prepare to take action.


Lunch Time, Fujibayashi's POV

"…why do I have to do this…"

(You're the only one that can pull it off)

"Ugh… You owe me big time Fuyuki."

Alright, it's now or never.

Do it for the bragging rights, do it for the girls, Satoru!

I stride over to the target's lunch table with as much tenacity as I can muster.

"Whoops!" I purposefully allow myself to get tripped by Casper, spilling my food all over a student's jacket.

"Woah! Oi… What the fuck are you doing, bastard?!" The target roars ferociously as he tries to wipe off his jacket.

"Oh man, sorry about that. I just couldn't help myself when I saw how tacky your outfit was," I jeer at him in a patronizing tone.

"What'd you say about Ryuji-san?!"

"How dare you insult him like that!"

"You wanna die or something?!"

"Hold it guys, I'll handle this. You wanna say that to me again you punk?"


These guys are terrifying.

I wanna go home.

I wanna go home.

I wanna go home.


I have to do it!

"Are you deaf or something? I said your outfit was tacky, which is actually quite an accomplishment considering we all have on the same uniform. You somehow managed to defy all odds and still look like absolute shit. If anything you should be mad at your 'yes man' friends for not telling you. I'm just trying to help you out," I shrug, shaking my head in disappointment.

"…that's it, you're dead. You all, let's teach this punk a lesson," he says, standing up and towering over me as he cracks his knuckles one by one.

Following shortly after, his guy friends stand up scowling at me whilst the girls just give me looks of repulsion.


Alright, that's my cue to get the hell out of here.

Without a second of hesitation, I drop my tray and dash out of the cafeteria.

"Hey! Don't try to run away now you bastard, it's too late!"

"Like I said, I was only trying to help you!"

Alright, Playboy, it's up to you now!

Don't let my noble sacrifice be in vain!


Lunch Time, Manabe's POV

"Your heroic sacrifice will not be forgotten Satoru," I say, saluting him as he dashes out of the cafeteria.

"Alright, I suppose I'm up now."

I walk over to the target's table which now only consists of her and three other girls.

"Hello, ladies. Do you mind if I sit with you guys?"


"Omg, it's Manabe from the basketball team!"

"And he wants to sit with us!"


The three girls start excitedly whispering to each other whilst the target doesn't even bother looking in my direction. Instead, she's looking toward an empty table.

If I'm not mistaken isn't that where they usually sit?

Heh… So that's how it is huh.

"W-we don't mind at all," A girl with short brown hair says, speaking for the group.

The brown-haired girl has on a lot of make-up and accessories which coincidentally, the other girls do as well.

"Thanks. I saw you three from across the cafeteria and I couldn't help but find myself entranced by your beauty."

"Kyaaaa!" The three girls squeal in unison.

As I make my way over to sit with the three girls, I lean over and whisper to the target.

"I believe you have somewhere you need to be..."


She looks surprised at first but quickly catches onto what I was implying.

"…thanks," she whispers in a low voice as she hastily gets up and walks away.

"Heyyy Kotori, where are you going?!"

"Now now, don't worry about her. Why don't we all have a nice chat, just the four of us, yeah?" I say, winking at the three girls.

This seems to avert their attention as they all start furiously blushing whilst whispering amongst themselves.

"O-ok… What did you want to talk about Manabe-kun?" The brown-haired girl asks timidly.

"Hmm, let's see…"

Alright, I've done what I can now, Fuyuki.

The rest is up to you three.


Lunch Time, Kotori's POV

I'm heading to the roof right now.

When I first saw the note in my locker I was a bit confused. Who could've possibly wanted to talk with me of all people alone on the roof? "A love confession?" That's what I had initially assumed it was. However, the more I pondered on it, the less plausible that explanation seemed to be.

"I'll just ignore it." That's what I had decided, but then it hit me. "What if it's a note from one of them?"

I could feel a hint of warmth in my heart as I considered the possibility. Although, as quickly as that warmth came it vanished in the same instance once the reality of the situation dawned on me. So long as he knows my secret… We can never be together again. No matter how much I want to be with them… I can't go against him. I'm forced to just obediently follow Ryuji's orders.

I hate this.

I want to be with them.

Over the past few days, I've found myself always looking for them. My eyes continue to wander in their direction and when I finally find them my heart feels rejuvenated with life. Seeing them smile together fills me with joy. But… It also makes me feel very lonely. Because I can't be beside them to share in that happiness.

I hate this.

Don't smile without me.

Today at lunch some very strange things happened.

A boy with glasses came up to the table I was sitting at and started picking a fight with Ryuji and his friends. He didn't look very strong, in fact, he looked pretty weak. But despite that, he spoke with such poise that you'd assume he was the biggest and strongest amongst everyone present. I found that courage to be a bit commendable, even if it was idiotic in hindsight.

Shortly after that, another boy approached the table. This boy was tall and had slicked-back jet-black hair. Objectively speaking he was quite the looker. The other girls seemed totally enamored with him as he sweet-talked them. I however wasn't particularly interested. All I could think about was the three of them as per usual, I found myself gazing at our usual table.

"I believe you have somewhere you need to be."

The black-haired boy had whispered to me.

Ah, I remember now.

These two boys are actually Fuyuki-kun's friends. I saw him talking with them when I came to their class during lunch looking for him, along with Yurika-chan and Kyoko-chan.

Then does that mean…

Fuyuki was the one that left that note in my locker?

Coincidentally, Ryuji wasn't here right now, so I didn't have to worry about him following me. This was the perfect chance to freely talk with Fuyuki without Ryuji knowing. Even if these girls tell him I left somewhere I can just lie and say I went to the bathroom or something.

I thanked the black-haired boy and quickly began heading toward the rooftop.

As I slowly walked up the stairs, I found myself ruminating on what I would say and how I would act once I got there.

Fuyuki-kun wants to talk with me again. Even after all the harsh things I said to him... That makes me very happy. Now that I don't have to worry about Ryuji, I can explain everything to him. I'm sure he'll understand. And I'm sure he'll explain it to Kyoko-chan and Yurika-chan.

I felt a spark of hope being lit inside my heart.

I begin walking even quicker.

But even if I manage to explain everything to him; So long as Ryuji knows about what's written in that diary…

I can't be with them…

Even now, I'm still terrified for them to find out. I would rather continue to miserably suffer throughout the rest of the year than to have them find out…

My walking speed slows down and I feel the spark begin to diminish.

What if…

What if Fuyuki doesn't want to hear what I have to say?

What if he called me out just to tell me he was over it?

What if the three of them have already come to hate me?

Intrusive thoughts swirl through my mind as if to stop my legs from going any further. With every passing thought, my speed slowly decreases and the spark of hope continues to wane further and further until finally… After forcing myself to climb up the remaining stairs, I'm standing in front of the rooftop entrance.

I hesitantly placed my hand on the door handle.

My hands, my legs… No, my entire body begins to tremble in fear.

I'm scared.

I don't know what to say.

I don't know how to act.

I don't know what to do.

"B-but…" I mutter.

This might be the only chance I'll get to talk with Fuyuki-kun without Ryuji knowing…

As I gather my courage to open the door, two final thoughts make their way into my mind.

I hate this.

Please don't hate me.

I close my eyes as I open the door and step onto the windy rooftop. My hair flusters in the wind as the door closes behind me with a loud "thud".

"Hiya Kotori-chan~"

"Took ya long enough Kotori."

"Kyoko-chan… Yurika-chan…"

To my shock, as I open my eyes, I'm addressed not by Fuyuki, but instead by the two girls most precious to me.


The two girls who I must've hurt very badly.