14. Copping with a Foggy Day

Lincoln and Ronnie Anne were having a really good time together after watching the end of the Mummy. Luna was also happy as he sat right next to him on his other side. They, and the other loud siblings had a real good time together, too. Lori asked of they wanted to watch another movie, and Lincoln said "what about Gremlins? That's a timeless classic."

An agreement was heard from his sisters and his girlfriend "That sounds good. Besides, Gizmo is sooo adorable." Said Ronnie Anne. "Oh I just wish I can pick up that little guy and hug him to death."

"I know, if only mogwai were real, then I would die happy!" Said Lola. "I could dress Gizmo up in my wardrobe and have some tea together." Then Lola began daydreaming about what life would be like of she and Gizmo, or at least another mogwai was with her."

"Uh hello!" Lana said "Gizmo can't drink or touch water. You should know that by now, Lola. Besides, he wouldn't want to drink tea anyway."

"Oh really?" Lola replied, highly offended by what her tomboyish just retorted at her. "At least he is not dirty to say the least."

"Guys! Guys!" Luna intervened. "Let's just agree that Gizmo is the cutest little guy ever, and we like him the way he is. I mean, don't yoy just want to pick him up and hold him like a baby?"

The girls, Lincoln, and Ronnie Anne agreed with her. Yes, they all wished mogwai like Gizmo would exist, for a creature like Gizmo would make an amazing pet. Then Luan put in the movie inside the DVD player and they all began watching the comedy-horror film. Hopefully, the parents wouldn't find out about Lincoln watching TV while he's grounded.

All through the movie, there were many laughs and everyone went "Aww!" at the many cute moments from Gizmo. They were a little said that the little guy had to go in the end, but they loved it anyway. Overall, they all had a fun time together.

"Hey Guys, thank you so much for keeping this from my parents. I really appreciate it."

He felt Luna gently ruff his white hair, and replied "No problem, Lincoln. That's what family is for." then she winked at him.

"Yep, that's what we do in a family, we're always there for eachother." Leni added, gently squeezing Lincoln's cheek with her hand as if she was his grandmother. Lincoln smiled at how much his sisters loved him, including Luna.

"So, what do you want to do now, Lame-o?" asked Ronnie Anne, gently giving him a small arm punch, making him laugh. "

"I don't know. We had some popcorn together while watching the movies." He listed with his fingers. "I'm not allowed to play video games for three days, or read comic books, to be honest, I don't know." then he began thinking about what kind of things he can still do for fun while he's grounded for 72 hours. While thinking, the power suddenly went out, like the world just blacked out before their eyes.

"Aww man. You gotta be kidding me!" Lynn complained. "A power outage? what else can go wrong?" just then a flash of thunder was heard from outside, scaring everyone with a fright. Then raindrops were heard to go with it. Everyone glared at Lynn at an instant. "What?"

"never say what can go wrong." Lana reminded her while gritting her teeth.

"Okay, okay, let's not panic." said Lori "It's just a little blackout. Sure the weatherman didn't say anything about that, or the thunder, lightning, and rain, but we literally shouldn't panic."

Then the others realized that they have nothing to worry about at all. "I'll get the candles." said Lucy. After a little while, Lucy brought out, and lit a bunch of candles with purple flames around the house. "Sigh. I wish these candles were black, but purple works just fine." Lucy thought to herself. After she was done, she went back downstairs with the rest of her sisters, and Ronnie Anne.

"So, now we have no power." said Luan. "you know, my friend Linda told me about Electricity measurement, and how it works, and I was like Watt?" she laughed while everyone groaned in irritation. "Get it?"

"That's all we need." Ronnie Anne muttered sarcastically.

"Where do electricians get their supplies?" Luan continued. "Ohm Depot! Hahahaha!" then everyone groaned while she was laughing a storm again.

"Are you done yet?" asked Lola, looking quite unamused.

"Yes." Luan gave up.

Just then, Luna had an idea pop up in her head. "I got it dudes, why don't we camp in our crib?" The sisters, Lincoln, and Ronnie Anne thought it was a wonderful idea, since the power was out, and the lights wouldn't work.

Perhaps this is a fun opportunity for an indoor camping activity. "We'll do it in the attic." Said Lincoln. "And we can tell each other stories and have a gigantic blanket covering all of us."

"that's the spirit bro, and I can bring out my acoustic licks for any tunes." Luna admired. "What do you think, Ronnie Anne?"

"I think that sounds fun. Considering the fact that me and my boyfriend will be with me." She wrapped her arm around Lincoln's body, and pulled him close to her. Lincoln smiled, feeling touched by her statement.

Then they all went to the attic. With them were a large lantern, a gigantic blanket, and a flashlight just in case the lantern went out. All of them were having a really good time with this activity.

it did feel like camping, except there was a lantern, not a campfire? They all know that if it was, the flames would burn the house down into a pile of ash and rubble. But still, a lantern was just as fun.

"ooh, we should have done this a long time ago." Said Lynn

"yeah, it makes me feel like I in a small box of despair." Lucy agreed with her roommate. "And my whole family is in it."

"Luna, this is genius." Said Lincoln. "This is pretty fun. To be honest, I didn't know what to think of this."

His big sister was happy to hear that. "I told you that you would love it, bro." She said. "This is what I do with my friends in Summer Camp when it's nighttime."

"well, I for one, literally love it." Said Lori.

Leni was midly groaning as if she was looking for something. "Is there a light switch around here?" She asked

"uh, Leni, there's a lantern right in front of us. We already have enough, besides, there's no light switch in here." Lisa pointed on slight annoyance from Leni's ignorance

Leni smiled instantly. "Oh, Lisa, you always know how to come around." She said. Lisa just rolled her eyes, feeling even more annoyed

"lovable nincompoop." She muttered.

"what's that?"

"Nothing! I was just thinking to myself."

then time went on as they all began telling scary stories, one at a time. Lucy always knew how to scare people, so her story was the most scariest. Nonetheless, all of them enjoyed it.

sometimes, it's fun to be scared because of the excitement it brings out like this.

Luna pulled out her acoustic guitar and played a little campfire song (without the campfire of course) and played sweet tunes from it. During the chorus parts, they all clapped to the rhythm, especially Lily.

"Whoo! Go Luna!" Lincoln cheered on.

"thanks, bro."

yes, all of them had a good laugh with one another under the blanket. Not only that, they also played truth or dare to go with it to make it even more fun.

Hours passed, and the power unexpectedly came back on. Everyone, minus Lucy, were more than thrilled to see the power working again. "Oh well, I guess it was fun while it lasted." The goth sister muttered.

They all decided to go back downstairs and continue their normal activities. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne however, decided to go in the living room to have some alone time to broaden the mood.

just then, Lincoln had a thought "hey Luna?"


"Do you think you can play a little... instrumental love song for me and my girlfriend." Ronnie Anne smiled, liking the sound of that idea.

Luna smiled and said "no problem, Lincoln. Let me bring out my electric guitar and I'll help you with that.

she pulled out her electric guitar and played a melodic love song that sounded like "Can't Fight This Feeling" by REO Speedwagon

It was a perfect tune for these lovebirds. Lincoln then said "so uh, did you have fun in the attic with me?"

"Ha! With you, lame-o, I wouldn't miss it for the better." Then she punched his arm more harder than before this time.

Nonetheless, Lincoln said "good. I'm glad to hear that. And will you need any help from me and Luna getting you back home?"

Ronnie Anne was even more touched to hear that from him "that would be cool." She replied. Then she had a feeling, and thought "I'm not mushy or sappy, but... he is my boyfriend." Then she pulled him into a tight hug, and they began kissing each other' cheeks for a long thirty seconds.

while doing that, Lincoln looked at Luna, and she gave him a thumb up as an encouragement.

After that, the brother asked her "Hey Luna, wanna sit with us. Oh! Not ina. Romantic way, just like a great sister thing."

"of course buddy." Then Luna joined the two on the sofa. The young boy felt himself being close to both his girlfriend, and his best sister in the world. Two people he cared about, right with him where they should be. He wished Clyde was there with him, it still, they had a little close camping time together before.

Lincoln felt two arms wrap around his shoulders from each side of his body. While they weren't looking, the other sisters noticed upstairs, all warmly smiling as Lincoln was sitting with Ronnie Anne and Luna, feeling quite close.