15. Lincoln and Luna's Guitar Duet

Another day passed since the mysterious fog came to Royal Woods. Indeed, it looked rather spooky. It at least it didn't have any scary monsters from another dimension like in a Stephen King type of world. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne had a very fun time together in the Loud House.

It did feel like indoor camping inside the attack with the really long blanket and the lantern.

However, the fog was gone, and the power came back the following morning. Right now, Luna was just walking past the hallway, and went downstairs to get herself a cup of pudding.

While in the kitchen, she just took the first bite of the chocolate pudding where she saw Lincoln on the couch, reading some kind of book. "Hey, bro." She said, sitting next to him. "Whatcha doing?"

"Oh you know, Luna." Said Lincoln. "I'm just looking at my old memory book." Luna peeked over and noticed that he was looking at the pages that featured him and Luna in many pictures over the past.

"Aww, that's sweet, Lincoln." Said Luna. Then she noticed the first picture on the Lincoln and Luna section. "Oh look, it's me with you when yoy were a baby." She pointed. "Remember?"

"Not all of it." Lincoln confessed. "I was only a baby back then when that happened." He rubbed the back of his head, feeling a little embarrassed to talk about it.

Luna smiled warmly at him. "Ah, it's okay, little bro. It is perfectly understandable if you don't remember. Maybe except for Lily, babies can't remember well."

"Heh, tell me about it, Lily's a really smart baby, like she knows exactly what's going on around her. She even know what a cookie is."

His big sister made a small chuckle "I know. I wonder if she will he as smart as Lisa when she gets her age."

Both of the siblings had a good laugh. "I doubt that."

"To be honest I hope not." Said Lisa coming downstairs. "No that I would be extremely envious of course, but it can be a heavy burden being a child prodigy like moi."

"I think it would be amazing having two geniuses in the house." Said Lincoln.

"Perhaps, but there could be consequences, Lincoln. Just think about the negative effects of another genius in the house. Now if you excuse me, I got to solve an extreme calculus problem, which of course, will not be so intense for me, hence I am a calculalus wizard." Then she went to the kitchen to get the right tools for one of her crazy experiments.

"Hmm, well at least a guy like me can dream." Said Lincoln.

"Right." Then Luna looked at the picture next to the first one. Oh look, it's the first time I fed yoy with baby mush. I remembered when toy always spit your food at my face so many times. Hehe."

Lincoln's face flustered a red. "Well... I don't really like baby mush anyway." Then he chuckled nervously "Sorry, Luna."

"Nah, it's all cool, bro. I thought it was so cute." Then she gently pinched his cheeks, making him laugh playfully.

"Oh stop it, Luna." He smirked at her. "Oh, I remember when you gave me a musical farm wheel when I was three. I loved it!"

"Yeah, I knew you would. Man, I remember how much you were attached to that machine. Mom and dad had to keep yoy away from it for a little while."

"And then I threw a big tantrum after that." Lincoln pointed before laughing even louder.

"I know, right? But then I decided to steal it back for you "

"What?" Said the dad in another room.

"Nothing dad!"

"Oh, okay."

"Whew, that was close." Said Lincoln.

"Ah! Here's when you were eight and you were at my very own concert for your own eighth birthday party. Yeah, you were definitely a sweet brother o' mine."

Her younger brother smiled. "Yeah, it is truly awesome, and you Luna, are born to rock alright."

Luna was quite touched by his kind remark. "Oh come here, you." Then she gave him a small kiss on his face, like in a sisterly way of showing how much she loves him. "Yep, I remember that day like it was yesterday.


"He's got a smile that it seems to me reminds me of childhood memories where everything was clear as the bright blue sky!" Luna sang to his little brother as he was watching, in tears of joy.

This party took place in the backyard when it was Lincoln's eighth birthday. It wasn't just him, the other sisters were watching as well. Lily wasn't born at that time of course, and neither was Lisa.

When she was done finishing the song for him, she did her rock pose on stage and Lincoln went upstairs to hug her with great gratitude. "Luna, that was amazing!" The younger Lincoln said. "Perfect sounding!"

"Thanks, little bro." Said the younger Luna. Then she gently ruffled his head in a playful fashion. "Happy eighth birthday, dude."

Lincoln smiled again. "Thank you, Luna. I really appreciate what you do for me. And to be honest," he zoomed his mouth closer to Luna's ear, and muttered "it's way better than Luan and her magic tricks, even if it's magic cards, but don't tell her I said that."

"Don't worry, Lincoln. My lips are sealed." Then she pretended to zip her lips shut with a zipper, then locked it with an imaginary key, and threw it in the air.


"Alright everyone, time for cake!" Said a yonder Rita with grunge type of appearance. All the kids, and the sisters rushed over to get a slice. "Ah! Ah! Ah! We should let the birthday boy get the first slice since today is a special day for him."

"I agree, mom." Said Luna. I'll play the birthday song on my guitar." She pulled out her guitar in style, then she played the birthday song on it with a very beautiful, harmonic sound from the electric feeling.

After the song was over, they all applaud for her, and Lincoln got his first slice of his birthday cake before everyone else got the rest.

"Happy Birthday, Lincoln." Said Luna. Then they both hugged again.

End of Flashback

Yes, those were the days aright. Luna and Lincoln had a really fun time with the birthday party all those years ago.

"That was the best birthday ever." Said Lincoln. "I just wish that the good times like that woukd last a little longer."

"Ah well, you, good times come and good times go, Linc."

He smirked at her "right."

"Oh, here's the time me and I were playing on the swings together." Luna pointed. "Lynn broke her leg and had to go to the hospital for two weeks."

Lincoln laughed and said "I know, especially how the bone was coming out of her leg." And they both shuddered from the feeling. "Good thing i am not the extreme sports type of guy."

"Got that right, dude. That looked really painful on her, and it was a little priceless how she was crying in a weird way! Hahaha!" Lincoln thenaughed along with her.

"But anyway," he said "that was a fun time for us at least. We got special time together."

"We always have special time together."

"You can say that again." Lincoln agreed with her. "Oh, and here's you, me, and Clyde attending my very first concert together! That was truly amazing!"

"Oh yeah, that is quite a page-turner, ain't it bro?"

"A real page-turner indeed." Then they began looking over the photos from their last, feeling quite sentimental. All of a sudden, one of them got their attention. It was a picture of Lincoln and Luna sleeping together on that day Lincoln had a scsry nightmare about Agony.

"Isn't that from like... days ago? That's definitely a story of my life." Said Luna.

"Yeah, who even took-?" Then both of them had a face that told themselves they were not amused at all. "Lori." They flatly said in unison."

"Yeah, i'm sorry guys, I literally couldn't help it. You just looked so adorable and sweet together." She said, coming in the room after hearing about the most recent photo.

"You didn't post it online, did you?" Asked Lincoln. "That would be an invasion of my privacy. Don't worry, I would never put it in my social media."

Skeptical, Lincoln and Luna raised an eyebrow at her "really, Lori?" Said Luna.

"Of course. Look, I need to go hang with Bobby." Then she left the house with the car keys.

"Well, that was a little... rude of Lori." Said Lincoln.

"Oh don't let it get to you, bro. She thinks she can do whatever she wants just she is our oldest sister."

"Even an eldest sister like her has her limits."

"Haha!" Try telling her that, Lincoln!" She chuckled. Then she looked at the picture again. "And besides, I think that we look... cute together like that."

Lincoln looked at the newest addition to the photo album too, and tough about it for a little while. "I guess so. As brother and sister of course."

"Oh I know I know, dude. Definitely not in a romantic way, because that is just wrong!"

"Exactly!" And they laughed one final time. "So Luna, I was thinking about performing somewhere to show my friends my guitar skills that i'be been working on."

Luna's eyes popped open woth a large smile on her face "Awesome! We can jam together and blow everyone's minds!"

"Yeah and rock the stage!"

"Totally! So uh, where do yoy want to perform?"

"Well isn't there a club that you would go to?"

"Oh yeah, the Green Gecko. It's like a bar where there is a big stage where I woukd perform for everyone while they are eating and drinking stuff." She zoomed in his ear. "Between you and me, I would sneak out at night to perform, but don't tell mom and dad, okay"

"Sure Luna. My lips are sealed." Then he did the same type of miming like she dod, zipping his mouth woth an imaginary zipper, locking it, and tossing out the key. They both laughed again. "I think we should tell the others about this."

"Agreed, Lincoln." Then both of them went to tell the rest of their family the news. First the parents, who were more than thrilled to hear Lincoln play his own guitar.

"Really?" Said Lynn Sr. "That's great! Should I get my cowbell."

"Well... actually dad, it's more like a me and Lincoln thing." Said Luna, trying not to hurt the father's feelings.

"Oh I understand."

"Yep, if your father's okay with it, then i'm okay with it too." Rita remarked.

Lynn Sr nodded his head in agreement. After the parents, they both told the other sisters. All of the other sisters were more than happy to hear Lincoln and Luna play together, too.

"Wow, that would be amazing." Said Lucy with a smile. "Just look at our brother, already following in Luna's footsteps as a rockstar."

"I know! I'm so proud of you, Linky!" Said Leni, gebtly squishing her little brother's cheek.

He was feeling a little uncomfortable, and gently pushed her hand away from her face." Leni." Lincoln groaned "that's embarrassing."

"Oh let her have ot Lincoln." Said Lori with a smirk. "She just loves you, like we all do." Then Lincoln's expression turned from embarrassed and awkward, to touched and flattered.

"I know, I love you guys too." Then they all formed a group hug. "Well, I'll get my guitar, and,at each I can see if Clyde and Ronnie Anne want to see my play with Luna."

"that sounds perfect!" Said Lola. Then Lincoln and Luna got their instruments and their amplifiers, and put them in Van-zilla.

as they went off to the Green Gecko, Lincoln made a few calls. First was Clyde, who eagerly asked him if he wanted to come and see him play with his amazing guitar skills. "Yeah, it's at the green Gecko. So Clyde, what do you say?"

then Lincoln's smile slowly turned into a frown. Not only that, but he heard a few coughing sounds as if Clyde had a sore throat.

"What? You can't make it?" Then Luna looked at him with concern. "Oh. I understand. Well, nice talking with you and thanks anyway. I hope you feel better soon. Yeah, okay, Bye." Then he hung up his phone, and he made a sad sigh.

"what's the matter, Lincoln?" Asked Luna

"Clyde can't come because he has a terrible cold."

the other sisters and the parents all gave sympathetic remarks at him like "I'm sorry, Lincoln." And "don't worry." And "it's okay." Over and over again while gently rubbing Lincoln on his arms, sides, and face.

"thanks for caring guys, at least there will be Ronnie Anne coming." Then he muttered under his breath "I hope." Then he called his girlfriend. When she answered the phone, he cleared his throat, and asked "Ronnie Anne, hi. Uh, I wanted to tell you that I'm gonna play a guitar duet with Luna at the Green Gecko, and I was wondering if you would like to come watch me perform."

The frown came back to him as Ronnie Anne told him she can't come either.

"okay. Well, thank you. And... I love you, bye."

"Ronnie Anne can't come either, huh?" Asked Luan. "What's wrong with her?"

"nothing, nothing. She's grounded for a week for skateboarding in the house... again."

"oh, that's a bummer." Said Lynn.

then Lincoln made a small, sad sigh yet again. "Aww, it's okay, buddy." Said Luna. She pulled him close to her with her arm like a hug. "At least you got your whole family to support you."

they all agreed, and Lily kissed his arm "Winky." She said.

"Oh, thanks guys."

"we're here." Said Lana.

then when they all got out, they all hug Lincoln in a group, with Luna being the last one to break away. "Thanks guys." Then they all went inside, and were greeted by the owner, Glenn Hetfield.

"Ah, Luna. Welcome back. Here for another performance today?"

"you betcha, Glenn." Luna replied with a rock pose. "And my brother Lincoln is gonna perform some amazing guitar licks with me."

"ah, nice to meet ya, Lincoln. Name's Glenn Hetfield, head of the Greem Gecko"

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Hetfield."

"ah, you can just call my Glenn." Then the owner looked at the family "can I get you all so,etching to eat on while you watch these two blow our minds?"

"oh yes, please." Said Lynn Sr.

"as long as I don't have to eat anything that involves gravy." Said Lola.

"and I can eat meat that has some blood in it." Lucy added.

then the family got themselves settled in a table, well, there had to be two tables because the family was so large. After all.

Meanwhile, Lincoln had a few butterflies in his belly while he was backstage with Luna. His instrument was all set to be heard across the building, but the butterflies were still fluttering around within.

Luna noticed him and asked "you okay, dude?"

"oh yeah, yeah. I'm... just a little nervous, that's all." Lincoln admitted, rubbing his arm up and down.

he felt a comforting arm for her on his right shoulder. "Don't worry, Lincoln. You'll do totally awesome. I've heard andor seen you play, and you are amazing! And don't worry, I'm here for you."

Lincoln made a small smile of gratitude again. "Thanks, sis." He said. They both made a small hug, and the other members of the band were ready to play as well. Just then, they both heard the announcers say their names and the curtains flew open

He saw that there were a lot of people inside the bar, including the rest of his and Luna's family. And a sound of applause was hear throughout the building.

"Hello Green Gecko!" Luna said with a rock pose. "Are you all ready to rock?" They all screamed at the top of their lungs. "Alright bro, you ready?"


Then they prepared their guitars and began playing together.

The Song is Rogue By Poets of the Fall

The song sounded really amazing and soothing. Lincoln still felt a little nervous, it then when he saw how good he was playing with Luna, he began to relax.

yes, Lincoln was playing quite well.

Luna gave him some encouragement, and smiled as she was looking at her brother playing so well. Nonetheless. She also focused on her guitar playing as well.

Now he was beginning to feel more and more relaxed and felt like a guitar wizard, no, a guitar god.

If only Slash, Zakk Wylde, Dave Mustaine, Randy Rhoads, Kirk Hammet, George Lynch, and Angus Young could see him now was what he thought.

During the solo, Lincoln and Luna were doing great as a guitar duet family down below loved the sound of the song, and they all couldn't be anymore proud of the, for being such rockstars.

After the song ended, a loud sound of cheering was heard. "You did it, bro!" Said Luna, feeling victorious.

"No, we did it!" Lincoln corrected as he counted with joy. Then they. It's hugged each other very tightly. Just then the other family members went onstage and congratulated them for their amazing performance together.

"That was literally amazing, Lincoln!" Said Lori.

"Yeah, especially the way you played the solo like that with Luna." Lana added.

"Normally I am not very fond of heavy metal or all of that, but I liked it." Said Lisa.

then both Lincoln and Luna found themselves signing autographs and the. Went back home with their family.

Back in the living Lincoln was feeling so proud of himself for being a new guitar god. "Bro, you did an awesome job. See? I knew you would knock em all dead."

"Thank you Luna. I wouldn't have. Are it through without you."

"oh come here, Linky." Then they hugged each other again. Meanwhile, Luna turned her head away, and wished that Mick Swagger was there. That would have been more special, but she was happy because she was performing with her own little brother. "So Lincoln, I-"

She found him fast asleep. Apparently, he mus have been tired from all of that guitar playing and rocking out. Well, at least he didn't rock out too hard out there in show business.

Luna smiled warmly and kissed him on the forehead very tenderly. "I love you, Lincoln." She whispered in his ear. Then she laid on the couch with him.

Author's note

For those of you if you don't know who Poets of the Fall are, they are an amazing band from Finland, and quite underrated too. just imagine Lincoln and Luna playing this amazing instrumental song together while they play.