16. Ace Savvy Convention Trip

A number of days have passed since Lincoln and Luna's amazing guitar performance at the local nightclub. Everyone, borderline everyone loved it. Everyone in the Loud Family was really proud of Lincoln at how well he can play his guitar, and the same thing with Luna and her playing.

Perhaps, this could make Lincoln a little in the town of Royal Woods. He thought if only he could perform at his school, in front of the auditorium. Perhaps when summer's over, and school was back in session, perhaps he will get that chance.

As of the moment, Lincoln was playing Skyrim with his pals online, trying to kill a group of hag-ravens in a forsworn hideout. So far, Lincoln was doing really good at this level, along with Clyde, Rusty, and Liam on there. After all of that was done, there was the briarheart. It wasn't easy, but eventually, they all killed him, gaining the treasure and gold.

"ooh, this sword looks really nice." Said Clyde.

"and this bow! Never thought there would be a powerful Daedric bow like this one. It even paralyzes enemies!" Rusty said with joy.

Liam looked at how much gold there was, and said "ooh, this will make us rich for sure, like an Oregon Trail gold mine! Yee-haw!"

"Lincoln?" Said a voice. He looked back, and it was Luna.

"hang on guys, just a sec. What's up, Luna?"

"Check this envelope dude! It's for you."

He didn't really know what to think of this, and opened it up, revealing a letter. He cleared his threat and read out:

Dear Lincoln Loud:

You have been selected as a nominee for the Ace Savvy costume contest at the Royal Woods convention center. There will be a thousand dollar reward for the winners. Not only that, but the maker will create the illustrations for you in your costume if you win as well You can bring your family, but the rules imply that the maximum that can be together on the same team is two. Please come, and see if you are the big winner of this year's Royal Woods Comic Con!

This could be a wonderful opportunity for Lincoln. Wing a hardcore Ace Savvy fan, he smiled with joy. "A contest?"

"I know, isn't that rad?" Luna agreed with him. "Linc, just think about us on the cover of Ace Savvy together on the next issue, and help the creators with some ideas on how it will go!"

"oh man! I'm totally geeking out about it!" Lincoln said with joy. And he had a thought. "But wait, I thought you didn't really like Ace Savvy, and that you hate him?"

"ah, no, dude. I don't hate comics." Luna reassured. "They're just not my... what's the term Mic Swagger would use?... Ah yeah, not my cup of tea."

"gotcha. So, do you still have your Night Clubs costume from Halloween last year?"

Luna boldly nodded. "Yep, got it in my wardrobe, dude. And, that sweat axe is in there as well."

"You... actually had replica of that guitar?"

"uh-huh. I remember the way she looked in the comic book contest."

"right. And another thing, we're going to have a thousand dollars!" Lincoln said on even more excitement. "What do you think we should do with it?"

"hmmmm, well that is a good question, Lincoln. We can use it to buy our very own jam room or recording studio to practice in."

"ah, that does sound nice, but, I think we should split it, five hundred for me, and five hundred for you."

"That sounds like a great idea, little bro." Luna agreed with him. "Yeah, I can have one half and you can have the other. But, what do you think we should do with it?"

"well, that's not really the issue. The point is I need to be over there to win and get the money."

"true that. And Linc?"

"hmm? Do you think I can be your partner for this? Nothing like a brother/sister dun time together, eh?" Luna gave him a gentle elbow bump on his arm.

Lincoln smile, and replied "sure. That would be nice. Although... I don't think we can win." And he had a slight look of doubt on him.

She smiled warmly at him again, and patted his head "Ah bro, it's like Mic Swagger said about music, it's all about having fun with your family. It's the same with comic book conventions, or other events."

Thinking about it, Lincoln realized that she was right. After all, the greatest sister in the world, that's her. Would be his partner in the team of two. "You make a good point. I mean, you will be on my team, right?"

"Of course I will do. That's what big sisters are for." And she hugged him warmly. Her younger brother was even more flattered by this, hugging her back. "Oh, and I was thinking of a theme song for Ace Savvy and the other superheroes."

"what's that?"

"Ace of Spades by Motörhead!" Luna exclaimed with a rock pose.

"ah, I think I heard that song. "It does sound like something that involves cards. Sure, we can talk to the manager at tech convention center about it, and the creator about using that."

"Sweet! Well, let's tell the other about this so they can come too."

"And Lori, mom, and Dad are the only ones who can drive."

"exactly my point, dude." Then they all went from room to room about the news and that Lincoln is nominated for the winner of a costume contest.

Everyone on the family was proud of him, including Lola. "Oh oh oh! Can I cosplay as the queen of Diamond?"

"of course, Lola. Anyone can come."

Lola squealed with joy, and quickly changed into the superhero that she wishes to be. Luna was putting on her costume and put her Kiss-like or Misfit-like makeup on her face.

Lincoln was in his costume as well, along with his mask, and set of cards as weapons. "There will be some Justice a foot!" He tried to flick his cards in a fancy type of throw, but it failed, and it was rather sloppy, falling on the floor like leaves during the autumn.

while the others were changing, minus the parents, Luna was the first time come out, all set on her Night Club outfit, along with the replica of the hero's guitar. "I look awesome!" She said "I knew I would still fit in this duds." And she did another rock pose to in a Gene Simmons type of style with her tongue.

"You look awesome, Luna!" Said Lincoln. "How about me? How do I look?"

"like you are ready to be a winner."

He was touched, and Lincoln replied "same with you, Luna." Then everyone else got out of their rooms, all suited up for gen convention.

"Thank you so much for coming along with me you guys. I appreciate it." Lincoln addressed to his other siblings.

"No problem, bro." Said Lynn. "It feels good to be back in this suit! Hehe"

"and me being the eleven of hearts again is totally amazing." Leno added.

"especially since we went out clubbing! Hahahahaha!" Luan joked and laughed. As usual, the other siblings reacted with a groan of slight irritation.

"Kids, you ready?" Asked Lynn Sr. "Lily's already in her car seat."

"Coming, Dad!" Said Lori. Then the others hurriedly went downstairs, with Lincoln and Luna in front of all of them.

As they began driving, Rita asked "so, how do you feel, honey?"

"Feeling great! I can hardly wait to see what it will be now. And yet, what if we have a. Fierce competition with other teams?"

"ah, come on, Sport." Said Lynn Sr. "It won't get too out of control. Besides, they have security guards in there to keep the balance in check."

"oh yeah, I forgot about the guards. And Luna might have an idea for a theme song for the Ace Savvy series; Ace of Spades by Motörhead."

"never heard of it." Said Lana.

"But you will, if we win." Luna pointed. At last, they all arrived at the large, circular dome, the heart of the comic con. "Alright! Let's do this!" Said said Luna with enthusiasm.

As the family went inside, it was even more crowded then they thought it would be. Not only was there Ace Savvy merchandise, but also from Star Wars, to Marvel and D.C. Comics, to anime shows and such.

"whoa nelly." Said Lisa. "What do you think we should do here? A lot of people in here look a lot like Ace Savvy and the Full House Gang like us."

"on come on, Lis." Luna shrugged. "Everyone knows Lincoln knows Ace Savvy better than anyone else." And she gently rubbed his head playfully. The rest of the family agreed with her, and acknowledged Lincoln about his knowledge about Ace.

"Well well well, Lincoln Loud. What brings you here, loser?"

He knew that voice, and saw that it was his nemesis, dressed up as one of the failings, Snake-eyes. It was a pun of the two one dice move in gambling. He had a snake-like bodysuit in appearance, and had fake fangs for teeth, and snake-like makeup. The suit had a symbol that resembled the actual snake-eyes trick with the two dice showing ones.

"Chandler?" Lincoln recognized.