17. The Ace Savvy Contest

Lincoln could hardly believe that Chandler, the most popular boy in school, would be in a place such as the Ace Savvy convention. Honestly, Lincoln did not expect that from a snobbish boy like this one here. "So... what's up?" he asked flatly with a smirk.

Glaring, Lincoln replied "hmph, just going to see the creator of Ace Savvy, and spending a good time with my family." Then he crossed his arms boldly, and with confidence

All the Loud a Family happily cheered, and promptly agreed. Luna was the one who stuck up for him the most. "So, you are the guy who gives my little bro trouble from time to time, huh?" She said in a threatening voice.

Raising one eyebrow, Chandler just said. "Maybe. Anyway, this is your family huh? What a circus."

What he said insulted all of them.

"Who are you calling a circus, bub?" Lola threatened with her fist clenched at him.

"ph come on, I was just having a little fun here." Chandler noted.

"yeah right." Lori shrugged. "I literally wish I can believe that."

"Why are you even here, you miserable waste of a human being?"

Chandler had a look of irritation on his face, with a dash of slight anger. "Don't be rude. I just thought I would say hello and meet your family. And why I am here is because I am entering the costume contest to meet Bill Buck."

"You? You are a fan of Ace Savvy?" Asked Lana

"yep. Now I know what you are all thinking; How can a popular and handsome boy like moi like comic books? Well, I have been reading him ever since I was five, and I never got tired of him one bit. Oh, all in my life I wanted to meet Bill Buck and say how much of a big fan I am of what he created, dude."

"Oh please." Said Luan in complete doubt. "Lincoln has been reading the Ace Savvy Comics since nice he was four years old. What do you think of that? Like if Iron Man and Silver Surfer team up, they would be alloys. Hahaha!"

everyone in the family groaned in irritation from yet another horrible joke from Luan

"hahaha, very funny. But I have a joke of my own: who is annoying and a girl who is a Robin Williams wannabe? Oh yeah, You!"

"Hey, how dare you talk to me daughter like that!" Rita stepped up.

"You should really get some help those wrinkles under your eyes, old lady." Chandler insulted the mother.

Feeling so stunned and hurt, Rita tried to charge at him full of zeal, but all the family members stopped him.

When Arita finally calmed herself down, Lynn said "You got a big mouth you twerp!" And jabbed her fingers on his chest really hard-like

Not terrified by this, Chandler made another smirk, and replied "You must be Lynn. I heard that you dream of becoming a famous athlete like Michael Jordan is, well guess what,"

"What?" Lynn asked begrudgingly

"You'll just end up like OJ Simpson, and ruin your whole life, just like OJ Simpson did. Have fun in jail you pathetic excuse for an athlete."

Never has Lynn been so hurt, angry, and disgusted in all her entire life. Her face grew a very bright and warm red. She tried to touch him so she could kill him by strangling her to death.

"Lynn stop!" Lincoln intervened. "Please it's not worth it. Chandler's just trying to get under your skin."

It took a while for Lynn to calm down, but when she did, Luna said "how can you be sure you'll win the contest?"

"because I am amazing." Chandler gloated. "I'm cool, popular, and handsome."

"more like Narcissistic." Lisa muttered. The boy obviously heard that scowled at her.

"Well, I am going to win, because I am Ace a Savvy's biggest fan, and I was the one who created the Royal Flush Gang. Bill Buck even said I was his biggest fan"

"oh whatever! The Royal Flush gang was a big mistake for the Ace Savvy. Thanks you you, the comic series are ruined."

"No! Everyone loves my creation, and I even had a few fan mail letter about that."

"whatever. I don't really have time with you losers anyway." Chandler scoffed and went with his dad.

"Come on, son, let's get some hot dogs." Said the father. As Chandler went with his old man, he stuck his tongue out to the family that he hated.

"Wow, he is such a jerk." Said Lucy

"Boo!" Lily exclaimed in hatred and anger.

"Yeah, how can someone like him be so mean to us?" Leni asked with a pout.

"I know. Maybe school is one thing, but when he messes with Lincoln, he messes with us." Lynn Sr remarked in anger.

"Well, don't lay attention to him, Lincoln." Luna reassured him, gently patting his back. "I thought it was an awesome idea you made the Royal Flush Gang, and inspired it with us. I'm really grateful for that, dude."

"Thank you, Luna."

"Yeah, I agree with Luna." Lucy stepped in. "It did kinda made us famous."

"and we had our own merchandise before." Lori added. And the other family members comforted Lincoln, showing their love once again, with Luna showing the most of it.

"Thank you guys. You're the best." And the family hugged Lincoln to show gratitude and more love for him. Yes, Lincoln felt more than lucky to be with this kind of family, always supportive, and always there for him.

"Well! Look who it is!" Said a familiar voice. It was the mastermind behind Ace Savvy himself, Bill Buck, looking more than happy to see his biggest fan and family come to his convention.

"Mr Buck!" Lincoln said with joy. "Nice to see you again, sir." And they shook hands together.

"how is my number one fan doing at the moment?"

"Awesome! I am entering the costume contest!"

"good for you." And he turned his attention to all his sisters. "And welcome to you Full House Gang."

and the sisters said hello to him one at a time. "I'm going to be Lincoln's partner for the contest, Mr. Buck" Luna pointed

"wow, that would be even more amazing. Speaking of which, many fans in here notice you guys, and want their autographs from you all."

"Autographs?" Lola said "where do we sign them?"

Bill led them to a large table at the front, with a background of Lincoln's cover of his comic book behind it. The line was so large that it went for many yards across the building.

When the fans saw Lincoln and his sisters, they all cheered at the top of their lungs, and the siblings were all more than proud to sign autographs for all of them.

"Just look at our kids, honey." Said Rita. "Already famous for being in a comic book."

"yep, it makes me so proud to see them rise to stardom." Lynn Sr agreed with his wife. "Kids, they grow up so fast.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, The Full House Gang!" Bill Buck announced, holding Lincoln's arm up like in a wrestling match. The crowd went absolutely wild for them all, and the siblings felt more proud to attend this convention.

"Thank you all very much, you are all too kind." Lincoln said proudly. All of them began signing their signatures on paper after paper from fan to fan. By the look of that line, it might make them a little sore in the morning

"So Bill,"

"yeah, kiddo?"

"Me and Luna were thinking of a theme song for us."

"Really?" Said the creator in fascination. "What might that be?"

"Ace of Spades by Motörhead!" Luna answered with a rock pose.

"I think that is a good idea. Of course, I would have to ask the company or the past members if I could use it, but it's worth a shot. I don't want to get sued for copyright violations."

"oh, I understand. But I think that theme would be perfect." Lincoln said

"And it's literally about cards." Lori added

"I am very familiar with that song, Lori, and I say that is a perfect match for a theme song for you guys. So Lincoln, how do you feel about this?"

"very confident."


"By the way, Luna was wondering if she could perform the song here at the convention with her guitar."

"sure thing, Luna. Go for it."

"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about." Luna exclaimed in triumph in her rock pose again. "So when does the contest start?"

"Not long now. Just sign on that check board on their, and you are officially contestants for it." Bill said

In a flash of lightning, Lincoln rushed at the desk where the check board is, and wrote his first and last name on it with a pen. "Hey Luna, come on! You gotta sign your name, too!"

"Got it, Linc!" Luna called back to him, and went to his side. As she signed her name, she noticed something odd about her brother. "You okay, bro?" She asked him

"Yeah, why?"

"you look kinda troubled."

"well... I am a little nervous about this. Not to mention that Chandler is here and he might ruin everything for us." Lincoln admitted. "What if he kills our fame?"

"come on, buddy." Luna reassured. "That Chandler is nothing than an ego maniac, and a boneheaded little elf."

"I guess so. And he doesn't have sisters like I have."

Luna smiled. "There, you see. You will have nothing to worry about. I promise you that I will always be there for you if you need me, and I will be at your side in the competition."

"Right. Thanks Luna." Then they both hugged each other.

"You're welcome, bro." She replied softly to him

"well, isn't that nice?" Said a voice that sounded like he was mocking the two in their moment. It was Chandler, looking snobbish as before. Both Lincoln and Luna glared at him again. "It's so touching it makes me want to puke out my own blood. Anywho, see you in the loser circle, Lincoln Loud." And he walked away.

"We'll beat him, Lincoln. Just believe in yourself." Luna reminded

"right, I won't let him get under my skin."

"Now that is the kind of talk a winner would say!" Luna congratulated and encouraged him, and she patted him on the back. "Come on, let's get back to our family and tell them we have signed up for the event."

"Gotcha." Then they were both more than ready for the contest to begin, which happen sooner than they all think. Lincoln was a little nervous, it Luna was there to help overcome his stage fright, and everyone loves Lincoln for creating the Royal Flush gang.

there was absolutely no problem, and the only thing that is only a minor problem was that Chandler boy.

Bill Buck was more than happy to stand on the microphone stand, and make the announcement. He promptly, cleared his throat, and began "Hello Royal Woods Comic Con! I bid welcome to all fans of Ace Savvy!" And there was a tremendous uproar of cheering being heard. "Now, I am happy to announce the sixth annual Costume Contest. The winner will receive a thousand dollar reward."

And more cheering was heard. Lincoln and Luna were even more excited to hear the news and be apart of the event.

"All contestants, come on up stage, please." Then Lincoln, Luna, and the other contestants that signed on the flyer went on stage, in nest, orderly line. While giving out the contestants names, Lincoln looked at Chandler again, and still had that smug look on his evil face. He also saw another person next to him dressed as Snake Eyes's sidekick, Jackpot. It looked like a teenager with regular length hair, and he looked a little terrifying.

"It's okay, bro. I'm here." Luna reassured

"thanks, Luna."

then Both of them were up next. "You all recognize him as the creator of the Full House Gang, and his sister as the Night Club, Lincoln Loud and his big sister Luna Loud." And the crowd cheered even louder when they heard their names. Yes, but the sound of that, Lincoln made a big contribution.

"let us hear it for my biggest fan." And more cheering was heard. And the ones cheering the most of course, were his family."

"and Finally, Chandler Biggins, and his cousin, Travis Biggins." And that was all the contestants. It was a number of ten, eleven, twelve, or thirteen contestants. "Now, I would also like to point out that Luna, the Night Club, will perform a theme song for us that she thought would be a great fit."

And another tremendous uproar was heard across the large room.

"First off, we have the costume opinion stage. We get a look of a contestant and their partner and the judges will tell us what they will think." They all looked and the three judges consisted of Wilbur Huggins, the principal of Lincoln's school, and another long time fan of Ace Savvy. Next was Ms. Dimartino, the sexy substitute teacher, and the last was none other than Mick Swagger himself. Luna was more excited to see him here since he is her idol, but she kept her cool, and didn't want to go crazy over him, or faint on the spot just getting a good look at him

Principal Huggins looked at Lincoln and gave him a thumbs up as good luck to him, and his sister, too.

The contest began, and Chandler and Travis were up first. They both flaunted their costumes and display their props and toy weapons. They both got a score of twenty five: nine from Dimartino, seven from Huggins, and nine from Mick.

as the contestants went on and on, they all got scores a little lower than the first two that went up. Finally, Lincoln and Luna were next, and hey flaunted themselves with background music. Lincoln and Luna all posed in a heroic stance while having a background on top of a building at night, with the moon right behind them.

It was just then the crowd went absolutely wild, much to the chagrin of Chandler. "You gotta admit, buddy." Travis remarked. "That kid does have the looks like Savvy does."

"Oh shut up, Travis." Chandler muttered Begrudgingly

"sorry, I'm shutting up." And the large cousin zipped his mouth.

Lincoln and Luna got a perfect score, all tens. Luna did see that coming of course, so did Bill Buck, since he saw Lincoln as one of the biggest fans he had ever known. Chandler felt so jealous and enraged that he wished he could best up Lincoln on the spot, but he kept his cool from doing so. Mostly because he didn't want to get disqualified from this contest.

"It Looks like Lincoln and Luna win this one!" Bill announced. And there was more cheering as the crowd went wild.

"well now what?" Travis asked him

"remember the plan, cousin." Chandler noted. "Lincoln will not win this. He thinks he is a hardcore Ace Savvy fan like I am. But he's not. Not to mention he's a loser, and not popular. Now, Lincoln should go to the bathroom in..."

"Now we will be taking a short intermission at the moment. If any contestants need to use the bathroom, now is a perfect time." Bill said.

"Right now." Chandler said. Indeed, Lincoln needed to pee really quick, and was about to hit the restroom. The boy made a wicked smile "Right on cue." And he pulled up a walked talkie. "Alright Marcus. The prey is going to the trap. I repeat, the prey is going to the trap."

"got it, Chandler." Said a tough voice.

meanwhile, Lincoln was in the hallway, and promptly went to the boy's restroom for a quick tinkle while whistling blissfully. In his thought, he was thinking that maybe he didn't have anything to worry about after all. Yes, he was feeling more confident than he ever did before, and it was thanks to Luna for her great sisterly support. After all, Chandler didn't have any henchmen to do the dirty work for him. Or... doesn't he?"

as he happily stepped out the boy's room, he was bumped by someone. He looked up and saw a big scary man with tattoos and a beard. There were three other guys with him, but not as tough. All four of them were wearing costumes that represented Snake Eyes's henchmen, the Loaded Dice Crew. "Hey there." Said the man in a tough, Brooklyn accent. "You must be Lincoln."


"where might ya be headin, kid?"

"I'm going to win that contest and get illustrations with me and my sister." And was about to go around them, but he was stopped by a mighty tattooed arm.

"yeah, I'm afraid I can't let ya do that."

"why not?"

"Chandler is going to win this, not a low class loser like you."

'You're with Chandler?" Lincoln had a realization. He thought the costumes they were wearing looked familiar. "Look, you all don't want to do this."

all four henchmen laughed "Oh I think we do. Chandler is paying us good money to keep you from winning against him." And he picked up Lincoln by the back of his shirt. "Don't worry, we'll take good care of you." And he made an evil snicker. "Tie him up, boys!" He sharply ordered.

Then Lincoln found himself become restrained and his writs tied behind his back, ankles tied together so he wouldn't run to get help, and his mouth taped shut with duct tape. The boy was struggling with all his might to break free, but the ropes were too tight.

"Now if you don't mind, we got to see our boss win the contest." Then he threw him in a nearby utility closet, and the henchmen went off, chuckling evilly. It looked like Lincoln was beaten and will lose the contest.

Meanwhile one of the guard peeped from backstage, and told Chandler the news. The rotten boy smiled evilly, and said "perfect. He's out of the picture." And made a chuckle. "The thousand dollars will be mine, and I will have my illustrations in Bill Bucks comics now, Mwahahahahaha."

Luna looked around and waited for Lincoln. "Come on bro, where are you?" She wondered, feelign worried about him and his well being.

"Does anyone know where Lincoln is?" Asked Bill.

then Chandler went up and said "Lincoln decided to leave."

"what? That's not like an Ace Savvy fan like him to walk out the door like that. What happened?"

"He... generously wanted me to have the glory." Chandler said in fake innocence. Luna on the other hand, had a very skeptical look on her face. It was her that realized something was not right at all, and the kid was plotting some sinister things.

"Excuse me, mr. Buck." Luna poked his finger at the creator.

"Yeah, can you excuse me please, I accidentally ate a bad burger. It's an emergency"

"An emergency! Sure, just hurry back."

then Luna promptly went off the stage, and went up to her family. Meanwhile, Chandler was too busy in his glory to even notice what Luna and she family were doing

"dudes, Chandler kidnapped Lincoln and hid him somewhere in the building!" She warned. All the family members gasped with shock and horror.

"Kidnapped? But how?" Lori asked in confusion.

"Chandler wants him out of the way so he can win."

"despicable." Lisa said. "I suggest we save him."

"exactly what I was thinking, little dudette." Luna agreed. The rest of the family, minus the parents went out to loo for their brother.

"Lincoln!" Luna called out to him "where are you, dude?"

"Linky, if you can hear us, please not be invisible." Leni added.

"grr, where could he be?" Asked Lana

then they heard a sudden banging from a nearby closet, and figured that it's probably him making all that noise. Leni pulled out her hair pin, and picked the lock open. It was just as they predicted, Lincoln was in there after all.

Luna was the one that realized him out of the ropes, and removed the duct tape off his mouth. "Guys, thank goodness you... Owwww!" And he covered his mouth from how the tape was rally stuck to it.

"Lincoln, are you okay?" Asked Lucy

"yeah, I'm fine. Chandler kidnapped me and put me in here so he can win the contest." All of them gasped again, and were more than angry at Chandler for plotting this whole scheme.

"That little punk!" said Lana. "Let's teach him a lesson."

"If we hurry, we can stop him."

"Right!" and as soon as they were about to stop everything, they were all stopped by the goons from before.

"Not so fast, runts! You seen too much, and you ain't going anywhere." said the boss, cracking his knuckles. The kids readied themselves in a battle formation and fought the four henchmen that held Lincoln captive.

"Prepare to face the storm of Justice!" Lincoln said. Then he threw a punch at the boss, making him stumble backwards, then kicked him in the groin. Despite the stinging pain, the leader of the crew got back up, and tried to hit Lincoln with his mighty fists of fury, yet, even Lincoln wasn't as powerful, he jabbed him in his eyes with two fingers, making him howl in pain, and kicked him in the mouth, making him fall backwards

Luna was using her guitar skills to blow he baddies away with a gigantic amplifier out of nowhere, almost breaking the glass windows. She even used her guitar to hit them all one at a time with style

As a matter of fact, the kids were putting up quite a fight, especially Lola and her fury, and Lynn with her mighty punches. It was almost as if they had powers themselves in real life.

"Come on, put em up!" Lynn said, laying a furry of punches of and kicks like a boxing and kickboxing master. After she was threw, she promptly clapped her hands together in triumph. "Nothing like a little brute force to help out."

Luan was using a few banana peels to keep Marcus and his followers from gettin up, over and over again to the point where it is becoming unbearable. "Hahaha! That never gets old! HAHAHAHA!" she laughed. Just then she saw a goon charge from behind, and threw a pie at his face, falling backwards. "A comedian like me must always have a backup plan, especially the joker."

Lily had a secret weapon of her own, a seven day old diaper, and she threw it at Marcus' face, making him whine in disgust.

"Oh so gross!" he cried. when he got it off of him, he looked more than angry, and wanted to kill Lily, who was clapping her hands while giggling. "Now you're dead you little ewok!" and was about to do something really awful to her, but was immediately stopped by something hitting him really hard at the back of his head.

"Keep away from our baby sister." It was Lucy with a shovel. "Good thing I brought this with me.

Then it was all over, they had won the fight, and hurriedly went back to the contest to stop everything before it was too late.

"And so the winner of the contest is..."

"STOOOOOPPP!" Lincoln shouted at the top of his lungs, barging through the door with his sisters. "Chandler isn't the winner. I am."

"He is nothing but a cheat!" Luna remarked with a British accent. And the whole crowd gasped in shock. Now Chandler was feeling more than afraid, knowing his plan just got exposed. Lincoln, with his sisters following behind, angrily went on the stage and was face to face with his sworn enemy.

"You tell them how you kidnapped me and stuffed me in the closet outside!" Lincoln remarked, jabbing his fingers at him. "You wanted me out of the picture so you can have your illustrations and because you hate me so much. How do you explain that?"

"Yeah!" his sisters said angrily to him. "Tell him the truth, because if you mess with our brother, you mess with us." Luna threatened him. All the girls were more than ready to beat him to a pulp that not even his own mother would recognize him.

"Well, I... I... Guards!" he shouted, then he made a whistle with his two fingers. Just then the goons from before came back, looking more than ready to protect Chandler from any harm. "Get em, boys!"

"Right boss!" Marcus said. Then another fight broke out between them, while the sisters were busy beating up the henchmen, the crowd and Bill kept their distance from the fight so they wouldn't get injured, and Rita and Lynn Sr were cheering on for their children. Lincoln caught sight of Chandler, trying to retreat like a coward would do, but he caught Chandler just in time before he could make his escape.

"Not so fast!" Lincoln said. Then he punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground, making him fall unconscious to the floor with a tooth falling out of his mouth. Travis was about to fight for him, but he saw how furious Lincoln was, and immediately cowered. "I'm out of here. Mommy!" then he went all the way back home. When it was over, the crowd cheered for the family.

"That was amazing you guys!" Bill said, coming out from behind the curtain. "You all handled yourselves well out there. You were actually like the Full House Gang."

"Thanks, Bill." Lincoln replied. He felt more proud of himself than he did before. "And I wouldn't have done it without my family, especially you, Luna." then he and the rocker sister both embraced for another hug, and the crowd went "Aww." to that sight.

It wasn't long before the police came and arrested the four goons. For Chandler, he was in big trouble by his parents. "Chandler Biggins, you are in so much trouble, mister!" said his mother.

"I cannot believe you would do this to Lincoln. You should be completely ashamed of yourself! You deserved what you got." and the father, Michael, turned his attention towards the family. "Lincoln, I am so sorry that our own son would do this/ We never meant for any of this to happen."

"It's okay, Mr. Biggins." Lincoln replied "He manipulated all of us."

"He was the mastermind behind all of this." Luna stated.

Then the parents went back to their son. "You young man, are going to be grounded for a long time!" said the mother

"But mom-!"

"No arguments, Chandler! And if we catch you doing these kind of things again, you will be sent to Juvie for a week, and send you to Summer School."

Then the parents dragged their grounded son out of the building "I'll get you for this Loud! Do you hear me? I will get even with you!"

"Have fun locked in your room with no TV or Video Games you loser!" Lincoln called to him.

"Well, I we all know who the winners are." Bill said to the microphone. "Lincoln and Luna Loud!" and the crowd cheered way louder than they ever did. They both hugged eachother once again, and the whole family joined in as a group, feeling more than proud of both of them for their amazing accomplishment. "Now, before we conclude this, how about a performance by Luna Loud!"

another set of cheering was heard. Luna was more than happy to bring out her guitar, and slide to the stage. "Hello Royal Woods!" and she looked at Lincoln. "Come on, dude! Play the song with me!"


"Yeah, you are my little brother, after all. And we won this contest together." Lincoln felt flattery building up within him. Indeed, he owed it all to her sister, if not for her, Chandler would have won as a cheater, and Lincoln and Luna wouldn't have got through with this together.

"Thanks Luna." then he pulled up his own signature guitar and when the amps were set up, Lincoln announced "We will ve playing a timeless rock n roll classic that fits the theme song of our gang: Ace of Spades by Motorhead!" then both of them did a rock pose together while having their tongues out.

"Alright! One, two, three, four!"

Ace of Spades by Motorhead plays

The crowd went absolutely wild when they were watching the performance. "If you like to Gamble, I tell ya I'm your girl! Win some, lose some, it's all the same to me!" Luna sang.

yes, both Lincoln and Luna were shredding like master guitarists once again, like at the club the other day. The boy had his most caring sister to thank for all of that practicing. By the sound of how he was playing, he was getting better and better.

All of the Loud family, who were in the front of the audience, cheered for them the loudest and almost all of them headbanged, except for Lucy of course, since she just smiled all through the song.

Bill Buck was watching on with his arms crossed, watching on with astonishment. "I'm really glad that Lincoln came along, this is so great. Well done, Lincoln. I would definitely call you a true Ace Savvy fan." and continued to watch the performance.

"Double up or Quite, double take or split! The Ace of Spades! The Ace of Spades! alright!" Luna continued.

The judges themselves were enjoying this, including Huggins. "Woo! That's my student!" he cheered on while whistling in excitement.

"He is so amazing." said Dimartino. "I really hope that I see him again when I am substituting for his class again."

"Indeed, love. Both kids got talent." said Mick Swagger.

"You know I'm born to Lose, and gambling's for fools, but that's the way I like it, baby, I don't want to live forever! And don't forget the Joker" Luna pointed out to Luan.

When both siblings played the solo, it really caught everyone's eyes now. Lincoln and Luna were shredding like pros on their guitars, and the both never felt so alive.

At last, when it was over, the crows made one last tremendous uproar, and both siblings bowed themselves as a thank you gesture. "Goodnight, Royal Woods Comic Con!" Luna said.

Then the family went on stage to congratulate them on their yet another amazing duel-guitar performance. "You guys were amazing!" said Lynn Sr. "The way you guys were playing yet again."

"You guys really rocked the stage." said Lucy in a deadpan voice.

"Thanks, guys." Lincoln said. He and Luna embraced eachother once again, then Bill and the three judges went on stage to congratulate them as well.

"Well Lincoln and Luna, you really outdone yourselves." Mick said

"yeah, Lincoln, I never thought you could play guitar." Ms. Dimartino added. "I am so proud of you, sweetie." then she gave him a kiss on his cheek. The boy was left speechless, and flushed

"ba-ba-ba." he kept saying. Then Huggins went up as the last to admire them both.

"Well done, you two. I am rather impressed. I would say that would be the perfect theme song for you and your gang. What do you think Mr. Buck?"

"I think you are right, Wilbur." he agreed with him. "Come with me, we got illustrations of you guys to do." and the whole family went with him excitedly, and more than eager to be on more Ace Savvy comics.

Disclaimer: All rights for the song go to Motorhead, and not me. RIP Lemmy (Rest in Power)