20. Three Musical Musketeers

In the garage of Sam's house, she, Luna, and Lincoln were having a little jam session together as a guitar triplet. It was an absolute blast for all three of them, and Sam herself was even impressed by how a mere boy like Lincoln is able to shred and play chords on his axe. They were all playing Rock You like a Hurricane on guitar, and it sounded amazing. It made Luna think how proud the Scorpions would be to see them play their number one song so well.

A couple of neighbors took notice of them playing. It was a couple of friends from Luna and Sam's high school they attend together. At least about five of them were watching them play as a trio and they really liked what they were hearing. Not only that, but Tabby from Lincoln's previous Sadie Hawkins dance was there as well, and she loved it.

When the solo came, it was Lincoln who was playing the sweet, melodic notes, and even added some pinch harmonics to it. Meanwhile, Axl and Ozzy, Sam's two dogs were chilling around, and loved what they were hearing, like George Lynch or Zakk Wylde would do when they play their signature guitars. When it was over, there was a small sound of cheering and screaming with applause to go with it.

"Nice!" said one of the teens while clapping his hands in enthusiasm. Then many of them went up to the three to congratulate all of them, one at a time. "Wow, Luna, I didn't know your brother can shred on that guitar."

"Thanks, Cody. He did learn from the best, mate!" the rocker girl replied with the devil horn gesture again.

"So, you're Lincoln, huh? Luna's little bro?"


"Nice. name's Cody, one of Luna's friends from school. Awesome to meet you."

"Thanks, Cody. I did learn from the best, right Luna."

She was so flattered to hear that and flustered. "Aw shucks, dude. You're gonna make me turn a tomato red on my face." she said. "Thanks, Lincoln." then they both hugged

"Yeah, Lincoln is quite a shredder on the guitar." Sam agreed. "You did a very good job playing like that. It's like... your undiscovered talent." then Sam winked at him and gently touched his right shoulder to show how impressed she was.

The boy flustered himself a little and replied "Now you're gonna make me flush, Sam."

"Sorry, Lincoln. I'm just so impressed." Sam said with a smile. "Very good job."

"Ever thought about being in a band someday?" Said one of Luna and Sam's female school friends.

"Maybe, but I think that if Luna is going to be in a band, she can always count on me to be in it." Lincoln replied.

Luna was even more flattered to hear that. "And I will always be there for him." Then she gently pulled him close to her to show more of her "big sis" affection towards her little brother.

"awesome. It's your life dude." Said another male school friend.

"thanks you guys. You all get me."

"so you gonna play another song for us?" Asked a girl named Zoe.

"I would like to, but I want to rest for a little while. Besides, me, Luna, and Sam are going to hang out together in a while."

They were all a little bummed out a little by his decision, but they all accepted his decision and respected him for it. "That's fine. See ya Lincoln." Said Cody. "It was awesome to meet you."

"and I hope we all get to here you play again mate. If you are, please let us know." Said Tabby, giving him a pat on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Tabby." Lincoln said. "If I am going to do a little garage concert or play in the basement, I'll definitely let you and the guys know." All of Luna's friends and Tabby cheered and did the devil horn gesture.

All of them said their byes to Lincoln, Luna, and Sam, and went back to their houses. Both of Sam's dogs promptly went up to the three and found themselves being stroked and petted all over.

"oh you guys." Lincoln said. "Who are good doggies? Who are good doggies?" Both Ozzy and Axl made playful barks to him and licked his face.

"alright. So, you wanna grab a drink before we go to Burpin Burger, dude?" Luna asked him

"what do you have, Sam?"

"Lemonade, orange juice, chocolate milk, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, root beer, sprite, Mountain Dew, which one would you like, Linc?"

"I think a root beer would be nice." Lincoln answered

Sam smiled and gave him a gentle arm punch with her fist. "You got it, buddy." And as Sam went inside to fetch Lincoln what he requested, he and Luna looked at each other and smiled.

"Well bro, what did I tell ya?" Said Luna. "Sam really likes you already." Then she gently ruffed his white hair again. Lincoln made a chuckle and felt more proud of himself.

"I know. Sorry for doubting you, Luna. Not that I actually did doubt you because I never would, but-"

"Aw, it's cool, Lincoln.' She reassured with a wink. "We all have our doubts and it is okay to be nervous. She I can get some Butterflies in my stomach for nothing."

"I wouldn't blame you. I mean, we live in a big family, what can you expect?" Lincoln chuckled

"yeah, I know."

Then Sam promptly went back in the garage, and fetched Lincoln a can of Barq's root beer, a Dr Pepper for Luna. And some herbal tea for herself. "Here you go. I know how much you love Dr Pepper Luna."

"Sweet. You really get me, Sam." Then both of them kissed one another's lips for once second. "I love you, girl."

"and I love you too, Luna. I'm glad that we are together like this. It's like your... my soul mate."

"totally. Well come on. I feel like filling my stomach with some burgers." Luna said "I say we get some before the devil comes from Georgia and steals it." And all of them had a good laugh. "Nah just kidding."

"we know, Luna." Said Lincoln. "Come on, let's see if there is a car that will take us there."

"I can get my mom to take us there." Sam said.

"Nah, it's only a short walk away. It should be no problem. Somewhere around ten minutes from there and back." Luna said "it will be easy like a living After Midnight"

"okay. You think so, Luna?" Asked Lincoln.

"Have I ever doubted you before, bro?"

"no." He admitted with a smirk.

"Right dude. You can always count on me to come up with a plan, and make the best out of any situation, like your first concert."


Sam looked at her dogs, and said "don't worry, guys. I won't be gone for long. Be good okay?"

both the golden retriever and Great Pyrenees made a happy bark in reply, panting their tongues out.

"aw, Come Here you guys." Then Sam hugged them both before she got them back in the house, and she closed the garage door before heading down the Burpin Burger with Lincoln and Luna. While walking, she asked the boy "So Lincoln, what are your favo tie bands?"

"There's a lot. Smooch. That's one of my all time favorites."

"ooh classic. What else?"

"well, Luna showed me some underrated bands that I haven't heard of like Dokken, White Lion, Tesla, and others, and they are all really cool."

"nice. You are showing him real good music, Luna. I'll give you that."

"Thanks, Sam."

"well what else do you like to do for fun?"

then Lincoln began telling her of some things he liked and how he and Luna would hang out and solve each others problems together. Sam was taking a really major liking to Lincoln even more when he was revealing more about himself.