21. Lincoln, Luna, and Sam at the Zoo

Another nice time of hanging out at the Burpin Burger within Royal Woods. It was definitely one of Lincoln and Luna' favorite places in the the world. This time on their visit, Sam was with them also, making it all the more enjoyable and fun as three musical musketeers together. Lincoln and Luna had their usual type of lunch, which was a double Burpin Burger, although Luna's had bacon, while Lincoln's didn't. For Sam, she had herself a hot cappuccino with a crouton salads with ranch dressing as her lunch.

"So Lincoln, you tried to play a game that hasn't even came out yet?" Asked Sam, taking a bite of baby tomatoes.

Lincoln was a little uncomfortable answering this, but he ultimately said "technically, it was a demo, not the full game, but... yes. Agony is supposed to take a genre of horror games to a whole new level, and it is so... extreme."

"how extreme was it?" Same asked curiously

then Luna whispered so,e unpleasant things in her girlfriend's ear, for she didn't want Lincoln to have bad thoughts or nightmares about what just happened the last time he played that messed up horror game.

Sam's eyes went wide with a combination of horror, disgust, and shock all at once, and even covered her mouth with terror. "Oh my god." She said.

"Yep, the creators of this game definitely have a totally weird mind, dude." Luna said. "And I thought Ozzy Osbourne or Marylin Manson were like that. Not saying that they are evil."

"oh yeah, we know that they just do it for show." Sam remarked, having a sip of her coffee. "But yeah I agree. Oh! Or Outlast!" She suddenly remembered with a snap of her finger.

"that game is also messed up and scary, but Agony? I mean, you have to give the guys credit for making a game like that."

"yeah, I don't doubt you, dude." Luna said, giving him a gentle arm punch. "But the game gave Lincoln nightmares and... he had a nightmare about it."

"what kind of nightmare?" Sam asked curiously, looking at the boy with a raised eyebrow in curiosity

"I... I don't want to talk about it. It's a painful memory for me." Lincoln admitted in shame.

Luna had a sympathetic look in her eyes, and then for his sake, she decided to whisper in Sam's ear again, and she had that look of surprise again when she was explaining. At first, she was speechless, but finally, she flatly remarked with her eyes open "that is a lot to take in."

"yeah, but... I kinda got off easy for telling the truth for mom and dad. So, I was only grounded for three days and that was it." Lincoln said, taking a sip of his cola.

"Hey Bro, sorry if I brought that up. I should understand that it is not really something you would want to hear or talk about."

"Nah, it's okay, Luna." Lincoln said with a smirk. "It made me think that we are not all perfect, especially if you live in a house of thirteen family members." And he took another bite of his burger before he continued "and we all make flaws in our lives, and it's okay to mistakes as long as we learn from them."

Both Luna and Sam we're glad that he said that, for he was absolutely true about people making mistakes every once in a while, but they can indeed learn from them. Success can come from trying and failing at things.

"Good, that's good." Luna said. "That's my bro. You see why I love him so much, Sam?"

The blonde girl smiled at her girlfriend, and said "I can definitely see why, Luna." Then they both kissed each other on their lips for one second, and broke away proudly, feeling more than happy to kiss like that.

"Here, let me go get a refill. BRB." Said Luna, and the. She got another free refill of root beer in her drink."

Lincoln and Sam then looked at eachother. At first, the boy felt a little awkward and on the spot, not really knowing what to say to her, and then she took yet another sip of her coffee.

"So Lincoln, what bands do you like?" She asked him curiously with a smile

"Well I like a lot of bands, Smooch, Guns N' Roses, Aerosmith, AC/DC, Nirvana, and some Michael Jackson. That sort of thing. Luna showed many bands that I didn't even know about that were classic like Tesla, White Lion, Dokken, Shark Island, Anthrax, Cinderella, Firehouse, Motley Crue, Pantera, those sort of bands."

"wow, that's incredible. You are learning suite well about the art of music Lincoln. I am very impressed, dude."

"Thanks. And you have heard me play guitar in your garage before."

"Heh, I will never forget about that awesome moment." Sam chuckled. "Really, you are a totally cool dude."

Then Luna came back with her cup full again, and promptly sat next to her little brother. "So after this, you want to hit the zoo?"

"that sounds good." Lincoln said.

"totally, I love animals. Considering the fact that I have two lovable dogs at home. All of them had a good laugh for a little while, and then finisehd eating their food. Before heading out, Lincoln went to the drink station to get some more cola.

When it was taken care of, all three musketeers hit the road to the zoo to have more fun bonding together.

"What kind of bands do you love listening to, Sam?" Lincoln asked her curiously.

"Oh that is a toughie." Sam modestly answered. "There are just so many bands that I love listening to. I grew up listening to many oldies bands like Guns N Roses, Van Halen, AC/DC, Alice In Chains, Nirvana, and some other bands like Avenged Sevenfold, or Rise Against."

"cool. Do you have a favorite band in particular?"

"eh, I'm not much of a picky girl with musical taste."

Lincoln smiled "I can appreciate that. I'm not that type to person either." And he looked around at his surroundings, seeing normal things like red squirrels running around the grass, and climbing trees whenever they felt like it.

"To be honest I love Joan Jett and her band" Sam said.

"huh, nice." Lincoln remarked. It wasn't a very short walk to the zoo, and there they all were. It didn't look so crowded, or not empty, just the right kind of time for them to visit this time of day.

Luna was more than happy to get herself and his friends inside at a very fair price. It was rather good that tickets were only thirty percent off today, otherwise, they wouldn't be able to go inside.

Ah the zoo, it was a fun place to look at many exotic animals that were not native to America, and it can get quite a lot of visitors, but luckily, they didn't arrive at the busiest time, which was at three in the afternoon. No, for it was noon.

"So what do you wanna go see first?"

"hmm, I always wondered what the European path looks like." Luna said. "Especially the wolves."

"sure, that sounds pretty good." Sam said. When they went down the lath, they saw a pack of very beautiful wolves together, bonding on the grass.

"look at them." Said Lincoln. "They are so cool."

"So beautiful, mate." Luna agreed with him in awe. All three looked at how the wolves interacted and bonded with one another. Three wolf pups were tackling and playing together like siblings, and their hearts melted just looking at it."

"aww, so adorable." Lincoln said.

all of a sudden, the alpha male wolf made a howl and a few other wolves followed what he was doing. Feeling like it, Luna decided to howl along with them, and the wolves looked at the rocker girl, and howled at her again.

Arter that, they went to the European bison exhibit, then the weasels, and other European animals.

They all saw many types of beautiful animals like the Hippo, the giraffe, the capybara, and other things.

finally, they all went to the rhino exhibit and saw a trio that consisted of a white rhino, Indian Rhino, and Sumatran Rhino living as one together.

"quite a sight, aren't they?" Said one of the zookeepers

"yeah, just look at those cool rhinos." Luna agreed. "What kind of rhinos are the other ones?"

"the hairy rhino is a Sumatran Rhino, which is the hairiest and smallest rhino species ever. His name is Carl"

"wow, a hairy rhino?" Said Lincoln said in awe. "I never seen one before."

"I know, right?" Said Sam in awe.

"what about the other one with only one horn on his nose?"

"Rex is a pen Indian rhino, the second largest of the rhino species after the white one standing right next to him. He is Snowball, a very gentle creature, heck, they are all gentle giants."

"so cool" Luna muttered.

"they are fascinated creatures, aren't they?" Said the zookeeper

"heh, you can say that again." Sam remarked. "Well come on, there's still many cool animals to see, dudes."

both Lincoln and Luna agreed with her, bid the zookeeper farewell, and got one last look at the rhino triplet before walking down the path some more.

Two and a half hours have passed, and they all exited the zoo, and decided to chill at the park right next to the zoo. When they looked for a good spot to do so, they found a nice little knoll, and laid there backs on the grass. It was a rather good thing that there was no rule that told them to stay off the grass, otherwise they would have been in trouble.

"Did you guys have fun there?" Asked Sam

"yeah dudette, it was so awesome!" Luna said with a rock pose gesture with her hands.

"Me too, it was so fascinating." Lincoln added. "Everything was so awesome, including the Africa exhibit with the Lion, white and black rhino, giraffes, all of those things."

"totally!" Then Luna gently pulled Lincoln close to her, snuggling against him with her warm body. "So Linc, you wanna try some of Sam's brownies? She is an awesome baker, man."

"Is she?"

"yeah, mom and dad say I make the best brownies in the world." Sam said with a wink. "And Lincoln, thank you so much for spending time with me and Luna. I really appreciate it."

"no problem Sam, and don't worry, my lips are sealed between you guys." And he pretended to zip his mouth.

"Thank you bro. I knew I can always count on the grestest little brother in the world." Then she kissed Lincoln on the face in a sisterly, wrapping her arm around his shoulders.

Lincoln was touched to hear those words emit from Luna's mouth and felt proud of himself for trying not to tarnish Luna's reputation by revealing her secret, and the same for Sam.

In the meantime, they decided to look up at the sky, and over at the clouds to see any ones with very odd, peculiar shapes. For one instance, one would say that one looked like a camel, another would say one looks like a crab, and the third would remark "Hey, that one looks like a birthday cake."

While doing it, all three had a good laugh together.