23. The Special Birthday Song

The next day, Lincoln and Luna were still trying to come up with a perfect birthday song for Ronnie Anne, it luckily, they got the first part of the song down, and Lincoln came up with an amazing guitar solo to add more pizazz to it when he and Luna play it together. Of course, like many songwriters, writer's block is not rare for them to catch.

Writer's block or not, Lincoln and Luna knew they would come up with something and overcome this obstacle. So far, they still haven't found anything interesting to go with the rest of the song, mostly the lyrics to it

If what Luna and Sam said true about Ronnie Anne loving the song once she hears it, then everything will go perfectly swell, and it will give them quite the popularity like in the Green Gecko or the Comic Con convention with Ace Savvy.

"How you holding up there, dude?" She asked him, trying to create riffs for certain parts of the song.

"well you know, still thinking of something good. I want it to be absolutely perfect for her, Luna, to tell her how I really feel." And he became a little frustrated. "Look, I just need some lemonade. I'm feeling a little thirsty at the moment, heck, my mouth is starting to become a little dry right now."

"That's cool. And when you get your drink, can you get me a root beer? It's at the bottom right in the fridge."

"sure thing, Luna"

"Thanks, Lincoln." Then Lincoln went to the fridge to get him and his sister the kind of drinks they wanted to have, and happily came back with the drinks. He was thinking that maybe that he didn't have so much to worry about. Luna is technically the music master in the family.

When Luna got her root beer, she was more than satisfied to take a first sip of the cold, delicious beverage. "Whoo! That hits the spot." she said. "So, did you come up with any more ideas?"

Letting out a small sigh, he replied "Nah. Still having a little bit of writer's block."

"It's okay. That's what I'm here for, Lincoln." then she made a wink at him. "Besides, we got the first part of the song done, now we just need the middle, and how exactly the wicked solo will go with your axe, then the chorus lines and outro."

"Gotcha." Then they continued on with the ideas. After thirty long minutes, Lincoln finally got an idea on how the solo would go during the song, and decided that he would want an ending solo to go with it. "So Luna, what do you think of this as the long middle solo?" then he played it slow at first, and then shredded away on the strings and hammer-ons. It was something similar to the solo for "Sweet Child O' Mine" but in a different tone and pace.

Luna loved every second of the solo, and she applauded for him. "Nice one, little bro!" she cheered on for him. "That was perfect. Boy, you know how to think, the sound and feeling really gets me through, a feeling that I just can't control."

He was flattered to hear Luna's praise, and felt so proud of himself. "Thanks, now for the ending solo." then the outro solo was just as awesome, but not as long, and then ended with a powerful, short shredding on the guitar. "How was that one?"

"Awesome! Totally rocking!" then she took another sip of her root beer. "Mick Swagger would be proud of you if he saw you."

"Ah well, I'm not a big fan of Mick like you are Luna. We all have are different musical tastes."

"Oh, it won't stop me from forever loving you." she gave him a gentle ruff on his white hair. It made Lincoln so touched to hear that. She is the greatest sister everyone could ever ask for.

"Ah, you're making me flush, Luna."

"Sorry." Luna remarked. "So now that the solo is taken care of, how about the chorus and the other two verses in the song?"

"Gotcha." then it was almost yet another long time of hard thinking in their brains for any lyrics. After twenty minutes of brainstorming, Lincoln began thinking he has cracked the second verse. "Your hair reminds me of a warm Safe place as a girl i'd hide, I pray for the rainstorm, and the snow to silently pass me by."

Luna loved the sound of that tune, and took a great liking to it in an instant. "Oooh, that's a nice phrase. And what do you think of this verse before what you just sang: We have an undeniable love that I see between us every day, I see it in your eyes, that I don't even know what to say."

"Perfect! Let me wrote those words down on the paper." and the white-haired boy promptly went to work with writing down the lyrics that he and Luna came up with. As of now, it was so far so good for both siblings. The solo was all set for the birthday party coming soon, and the two verses were in full swing for the performance. Now they just needed the third verse, and the song will be officially complete to perform at the soireein the coming days.

"Ronnie Anne will love this killer song for sure! Sam and a few of my friends agreed to do the bass, and drums to help us out with it." Luna said. "I can even see the excited, touched face she will make when you sing this masterpiece do her."

"I bet she will." Then they wrote down the words for the last verse, and now Lincoln came up with the name of the song. "I think I figured out the name for the song, what do you think about Our Story?"

"hmm. That sounds perfect. Geez bro, you should have been a guitarist and a songwriter years ago."

"I know, right? So anyway, the chorus would go like this:" then he picked up his guitar and created a melodic line of riffs and he sang "Our Story has always been cool, inside and outside of school. Our story goes by, and always think about yourself and I. That is our story."

"Whoo! Genius written all over it, dude!" Luna congratulated once again. "Okay, the song is now set!" then they hugged eachother. "Great job bro. See? i told you we could work on a song today."

"Yep. Now it's all ready for the birthday party." Lincoln proudly said. "So now what?"

"I don't know about you, but-"

"Lincoln! Luna! dinner!" said Lynn Sr peeping through the door. "We're having spaghetti and meatballs with parsley tonight

"Yeah! My favorite!" Luna cheered. Then he and Lincoln rushed inside to get a bite out of their father's famous, delicious cooking for dinner today. Everyone in the household was at the table and they could never get enough of Lynn Sr's dinner.

"So did you two come up with a song for Ronnie Anne on her birthday?" asked Rita curiously.

"We did. It wasn't easy, but we finally cracked it." Lincoln said. "Thanks to a certain help of course."

"Oh you." Luna flustered. "You're too kind, Lincoln."

"Do you think she'll like what you have written for her?" asked Lori. "I know girls love it when their boyfriends write love songs to them. Take Bobby for example when we first met, but of course... his lyrics didn't make sense, but I literally loved it anyway."

Lana couldn't help but stuck her tongue out with disgust and pointed her finger at it. "Vomit pie!" she said. "Are we having that for dessert?"

"No!" everyone in the Loud House exclaimed in disgust."

"Seriously Lana? Not around us." Lola complained.

"Sorry." Lana said before taking a bite at one of her juicy Swedish meatballs.

"But seriously, I'm sure Ronnie Anne will love it. It's one of the sweetest thing a BF can do for his GF. Or wait, is that buying a box of chocolates? or taking them out on a romantic dinner?" Leni thought. "Like when the mailman gave me a box of chocolates from himself the other day."

"No Leni." Lucy said. "It wasn't actually from him, it was from that boy named Travis Williamson."

"Oh. Right, and I thought the mailman had a crush on me."

The others facepalmed themsevles at Leni's ignorance once again. "Well that's good, kids. Bobby himself said that Ronnie Anne would be more than happy if you sang the song to her, Lincoln."

"Good. If we can take Bobby's word for it, it must be true." Lincoln noted. Then after ten long minutes, everyone was finished with their dinner and had ice cream for dessert. When that was all settled, they went back to what they would normally do during their free times, like Lola playing tea party with her toys, and Lana wallowing in the mud in the front yard, those sort of things.

Lincoln and Luna were just sitting on the coach together and decided to watch a movie as a pair. "Well, now that this is taken care of, what do you want to watch, Luna?"

"hmm, what do you want to watch, Linc?"

"whichever one you choose is okay with me."

"cool." Then she thought of soemthing. "Oh, what about Rock of Ages?"

"I thought that was a musical?"

"it is, but they made it into a movie with Tom Cruise in it as the star."

"that's cool." Lincoln remarked in amazement. "That sounds really interesting. Is it good?"

"oh yeah. Not as good as the musical, but still awesome and timeless classic songs from other bands."

"Okay, let's watch that." Lincoln said


Luna then went on Netflix to put on Rock of Ages, and began watching the movie together happily. After a little while, like thirty minutes, Lincoln decided to take the pleasure of laying his head on Luna's warm lap.

"comfy?" She asked him teasingly

"yeah, you don't mind me doing this, do you?"

"of course not. I like it when you put your head on my lap. Just lay your weary head to rest, little bro." Then she gently put a soft hand on his hair as they continued he'd watching the film.

The Next Morning

Lincoln promptly got out of his bed to get ready for yet another new day in Royal Woods. He wondered what he and Luna might do for fun today. The boy got himself a quick shower and cleaned himself up, the. He brushed his teeth afterwords.

"Hey Lincoln, try not to brush too hard, wouldn't want to be post-paste, wouldn't we?" Luan said with a laugh. "Get it?"

"oh boy." Lincoln thought to himself. "A great way to start the morning. Don't worry Luan, I'm not gonna make my gums bleed, that's a promise." Then he wiped his face from any toothpaste remaining.

"ah I know. Just doing one of my morning jokes. So how do you feel about singing the song to Ronnie Anne? Excited?"

"oh yeah. And... I am a little nervous."

"ah come on." Luan said putting a hand on his shoulder. "Like Luna and Lori said before, they will love it. You'll be just fine, and Luna will help you."

"you think so?"

"I know so Lincoln, you can do it. And get this, what is the similarity between a drummer and a philosopher?"

Lincoln had a confused look on his face. "I have no idea."

"they both perceive time as an abstract concept! Hahahahaha! Get it?"

"you know that actually is kinda funny." Lincoln smirked.

Then the joker sibling pulled out her puppet, none other than Mr. Coconuts. He said "well, me and Luan gotta go eat Lincy. Wouldn't want the yolks to travel eggspress" Luan laughed even more as she went downstairs.

"Oh Luan." Lincoln sighed mildly in irritation. "Oh well"

"good morning, Lincoln." Luna said coming out of the room before stretching herself. With a yawn, she said "did you sleep well last night?"

"yep, as usual.

"Good, I kinda saw Luan trying to make you laugh back there."

"ah, she is trying to be a comedian. I mean, you are her roommate after all."

Luna made a small laugh "that's so true, so yeah I kinda put up with it before bed. Want me to make you breakfast?"

"sure. Maybe some Belgian waffles please?"

"of course! Anything for my little bro." And Lincoln was more than happy to come downstairs with his big sister and wait for his food to be ready for him to munch on. When Luna was done cooking, she put the plate of waffles on Lincoln's plate, and it didn't look so bad, yet it didn't look so good either.

Well either way, it was a gift of love, and Lincoln decided to just eat them anyway. He had a glass of orange juice as his drink with a few pieces of bacon next to the main course. "Hmm, not bad." He said

"is it good?"

"not as good as dad's cooking, but still good." He modestly stated.

"ah, it's okay, you can be honest with me." Luna ruffed his hair playfully again, the. She sat down with her own plate of waffles as her breakfast. This time, she had a root beer as her drink.

After eating one piece of bacon, Lincoln asked her "so Sam said she will help us, right?"

"yeah! She and a few other of my friends like I said yesterday."

"perfect! I'll need all the help I can get for the party."

"no problem." After breakfast was done, Luna herself went to hit the shower and came back out of the bathroom all clean twenty minutes later. For Lincoln, he was watching a trailer for Assassin's Creed Origins that will come out soon, and could hardly wait to play the game when it first hits the shelves.

Luna came back down on her usual outfit and sat down next to her brother. Then they both laughed when they saw the pizza roll commercial where the furniture was talking, and thought it was funny.

"heh, imagine if our furniture would talk."

"Ha! That would be so weird and freaky, bro." Luna agreed with him. "So, what do you wanna do for fun today?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing, Luna."

"well... I honestly don't know."

"that's okay, the day is still quite young for us to think." Lincoln said. "Besides, we just got out of bed."

"Right. Oh that reminds me, you wanna come to guitar center with me later? I gotta get a new drum kit."

"what's wrong with the old one?"

"it's kinda falling apart." Luna sheepishly admitted. "That set is so old and I don't know how long it will stay on it's knees."

"sure. I can help you carry it if you like."

"thanks Lincoln."

"so what are we going to do about the old drum set?"

"I think just throw it in the trash. Normally I would give it to charity, but I don't want to get a complaint from the children's hospital or the orphanage saying that the drums broke as soon as one of the kids were playing."

"good point." Then he stayed close to her and Luna was more than happy to wrap her arm around his shoulders lovingly while they were watching an episode of That Metal Show