24. Sky Gazing

In the evening, the stars were appearing from the soon-to-be night sky in Royal Woods. The time was was around seven in the evening, and the crescent moon was shown glowing along with the stars scattered across the universe. Only a tiny bit of the sun was still lighting a really small portion of sky, and it continues to shrink until minutes later, the sunlight was completely vanquished, thus ending another day on earth, and the telephone poles' lights instantly came on when the sun set completely.

Lincoln and Luna were having a good time watching the movie adaption of the infamous musical "Rock of Ages" with Tom Cruise as the star himself. During the near end of the movie, and Luna found him rather adorable to just fall asleep on her warm lap.

She smiled warmly, and then noticed that it was going to the best part of the movie, the ending, and she gently whispered in his head "Lincy." in a sing-song tone of voice. "Come on, buddy. The movie's almost finished." In an instant, Lincoln immediately perked his head up, looking wide awake.

"What? What? I'm awake! I'm awake!" he said. Then he looked at Luna with an amused smile at him. "Sorry Luna, I couldn't help it."

"Ah, it's okay, dude. I really don't mind. Remember how i let you sleep with me in my bed when you had that nightmare about... what's that upcoming game called again?"


"Right, that's it." she remembered. "So I'm perfectly okay with this. You are my little brother after all, and I love you."

"I love you too, Luna." Lincoln replied. Then both of them watched the end of the movie where the main cast was all singing Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" and then jammed a little to "Come on Feel the Noise" by Quiet Riot. Yes, they absolutely loved how this movie turned out. As the credits scrolled down further, they decided to turn off Netflix, and turned the TV back to the satellite input

Lincoln made a yawn and covered his mouth in the process. "Well that was so awesome."

"I know!" Luna agreed with great enthusiasm with her usual rock pose. "Tom Cruise was born for a role like that." then she took a sip of her root beer. "Well now what should we do?"

"I honestly don't know to be honest."

"You're not getting too tired, are you?"

"No." Lincoln protested with his arms crossed.

His sister couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction. "I'm just kidding with you little bro." then she gave him a tenderly kiss on the cheek. "Yep, just messin' with ya."

"I know." Lincoln chuckled with a smirk. "I don't wanna go to bed yet. The night's still young."

"Don't worry, Lincoln." said Luna. "I'm sure we'll do something fun before we go to bed." And she began thinking of other ways she can spend some more quality time with her favorite brother like this. Meanwhile, Lucy was walking downstairs with her pet bat, Fangs, perching on her right shoulder. "Where ya going Lucy?"

"Just going out for yet another night stroll. You know how I love walking through the neighborhood at night." the goth girl replied with a small smile. "Come on, Fangs. The night is still young for us for our daily nighttime stroll."

The bat made squeaking sounds and made a smile on his cute little face. Lucy opened the front door and went out for her stroll. This just gave Luna an idea. "Hmm. I know what we can do now."

"What's that?"

"We can look at the stars in the skies and look for... I don't know what they're called, but they're group of stars." Luna tried to think of the proper name.


"Yeah! Right! It's kind of a mouthful for my own, dude. Come on, we'll look in the backyard together."

"Good idea, Luna." her brother smiled. Then they both went to the backyard, and decided to sit in the nice, comfy grass. Luna kept him close to her with her arm around his shoulder for comfort. "Wow, it does look really beautiful out here. I can see why Lucy likes to go for walks around the neighborhood this time of day." And then he crossed his hands together, right on his stomach

"Yeah, what did I tell ya, bro?"

"Have you done this before?"

"You kidding?" I like to do this every other weekend during my free time. "You know, when I'm not in school that is."

"I got ya. But it's still Summer, you know? School doesn't start until one and a half months from now."

"I know that Lincoln." she smirked, patting his upper arm gently. "I'm so glad you are here with me to look at the stars, Lincoln. It looks so bright out here. Sure, it might not be brighter than the sun, but still beautiful."

Lincoln made a small laugh. "You can say that again, Luna. Good thing Lana picked up Charles' poop out here. I would really hate to accidentally sit on a pile of that."

His sister made a big laugh. "That's so true! The same thing with me. I would free if it got on my shirt. This shirt, is me, dude." And Lincoln continued to enjoy the feeling of his favorite sister's body heat as they both looked into the sky. So far, they looked far and wide for any constellations, but so far, they haven't really found anything.

Of course, they were specifically trying to find the most famous one "The Big Dipper." but found no sign of it whatsoever. Nonetheless, so what if they couldn't find any constellations, it didn't mean they could not have any fun out here. After all, it was all just so relaxing to be out here at night. Luna couldn't be any more happier with Lincoln laying next to her in one of her favorite things to do in her free time (besides music of course)

For Lincoln, he was also happy the same way as his sister is right now. Both siblings kept each other company through the night. "I wonder if Lucy noticed the moon." he said

"Ah, you know her. She's always a big fan of spooky and scary stuff. Like that game you played."

"Heh, I know. Sure, mom and dad allow Lucy to play Agony, yet not me? and Lucy is younger than me."

"Don't let it get to you, buddy." Luna gently ruffed his white hair. "You don't wanna still play that game, do you?"

"No sir, I mean ma'am."

"Good. I would hate to see you suffer and cry a river some more." Luna remarked, giving him another kiss on his cheek.

As always, Lincoln was so touched to hear that from her. He knew that Luna loves him the most out of the other sisters in the family. "Thanks Luna."

"Anytime, Linc. A lot of people can't handle the sight of raining blood or anything else what Hell awaits in a game like that. It looks so gnarly!"

"You don't have to say that twice." Lincoln agreed. Then he gave out another yawn. "No, I'm not going to sleep yet." he fought the urge of being incredibly tired. "Nope, I'm just gonna stay up a little longer. Not tired at all."

"You know Lincoln, you don't have to stay here all night if you don't want to. There's nothing wrong with a little sleep." Luna added.

"But I would rather be with you."

"Oh come here, little bro." then she hugged him close to her in gratitude. "Okay. But if you do wanna hit the hay, never be afraid to say so."

"Alright." Just their luck, they saw Leo the Lion constellation just above them. Lincoln recognized it because those group of stars were shining brighter than all the other ones. "Luna, I found Leo the Lion!"

"Whoa! That's cool! Wait, are you sure it's that?"

"Positive. I remember reading one of Lisa's books about the universe, and I definitely remember one of those groups of stars. So I am sure that it is it."

"Whoa, that is so cool."

Then they saw Pysees the fish, then Orion next. They didn't really find anything else over the hour and thirty minutes, except they found Venus glowing in the sky. But still, it was pretty fun either way.

"What a nice way to spend time with you Lincoln, looking at the cool stars with this silent lucidity, and- Lincoln?" she noticed that her brother already fell asleep shortly. She smiled warmly at that cute sight, and gently gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Ah Lincoln." she muttered. She couldn't help but gently pick him up and carry him back to his bedroom.

Lincoln didn't really need to change because he was already in his pajamas before, then she tucked him in by pulling the covers over him then giving him Bun Bun to snuggle with through the night. She gave him goodnight kiss, and whispered "Goodnight Lincoln. Sweet dreams." then she watched him in his sleep a little by sitting next to him and rubbing his head very gently