28. Other Sisters Feeling Left Out

Back home, Lincoln and Luna were just relaxing on the bean bag chair in her and Luan's room. It was rather comfy and cozy for both if them to sit together in, of course, it would mostly be fit for mostly one person at a time. But still, it was a pretty big bean bag chair. It was all a quite morning for both of them, and lazed around on it for a little while, not really doing anything, except relaxing on it together as close siblings. "Hey Bro," Luna said to him at last.

"Yeah sis?"

"I thought of something really fun we can do today." and she crossed her arms behind her head. "How would you like to go snorkeling with me at the beach at Lake Huron?"

Lincoln's eyes perked up in excitement and surprise. "Really? What made you think about that?

A smirk appeared on Luna's face, and she replied "Ah, just came to my head." and then she playfully ruffed his white hair. "besides, I hear that their are some sunken ships down their underwater."

"Really?" Lincoln muttered, becoming more fascinated and curious. "But where do we get the stuff for snorkeling at the lake?"

"Not a problem." said Luna. "Aunt Victoria has a couple of diving suits we can borrow when we get there. She will be more than happy to lend us that diving gear."

"She has diving gear?"

"Yeah, remember? she was once a member of the Michigan wildlife protection committee."

"Oh yeah." And he got off the beanbag chair, feeling more than pumped. "Let's see if mom, dad, or Lori can help with that. Oh! And can Clyde come with us too? It's his dream of snorkeling in a lake."

"Heck yeah, little bro! Clyde can totes come with us!" and she did her signature rock pose. "It will be more fun that that Clydesdale hangs out with us. Besides, I don't want him to feel left out like that camping trip, remember?"

"I'm not proud thinking about that." Lincoln admitted. "I remember that alright." then a look of slight guilt appeared on his face. "I almost got him killed back there by those wolves. All because of me."

Luna couldn't help but stand upright, and give him a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Ah Linc. It's okay. It wasn't your fault. These things happen and... It was kinda my fault to be honest."

"Don't say that, Luna." Lincoln said. "I was the one that was not paying enough attention to him that day."

"Come here, buddy." then she gently pulled him in for another hug. "It's okay. What matters is that he's okay now, and he forgave us both." Their little hug continued on for several minutes of comfort and sibling love. "And I did save you both, and we just laid our weary heads to rest for the night that day." And they both decided to let go.

"True. You're right Luna. Sorry for worrying about that."

"It's cool, little bro." Luna reassured. "So anyway, should we call Clyde and see if he can come with us on a little journey to the other side?"


And as both Lincoln and Luna were about to head out of the bedroom, they were suddenly stopped by Lucy, who scared them like she would do to the others with her teleportation abilities, or however she would move like that. Nobody really knows really how she can appear out of nowhere, but after all, she is their sister. "Sorry if I scared you guys." she said. "Lincoln, would you like to come to my seance with me and Haiku? It's at the old abandoned mansion twenty miles from here."

"You mean the one with the cemetery behind it?" Lincoln thought.

"That's the one." said Lucy

"Ooh, sorry Lucy. I'm already going to go snorkeling at Lake Huron with Luna."

"Yep! It will be so awesome!"

And a small frown appeared on Lucy's face, looking quite bummed. Sure she always looked gloomy, but her frown was more downward than before. "Oh. I see. I was really looking forward to you coming with me."

"Maybe another time, Lucy. Is that okay?"

"yeah, that's fine." and she made a "Sigh" noise. "There is always another time."

"Cool! Come on Luna, let's go find Lori, mom or dad."

"Way ahead of you, dude." And they both went to look for Lori.

Meanwhile the Gothic girl gave a sad look on her face. "Sigh. Just go hang out with Luna for all I care." she murmured to herself. "Don't worry about me, go have fun with your favorite sister." and she gloomily went back to her and Lynn's bedroom.

Lincoln raised his voice when he said "Lori? You still here?"

"She's at her golf tournament, honey!" Rita called. "What is it?" and Lincoln went to his parents room downstairs, and found her stacking the dishwasher with empty, dirty plates and silverware.

"Hey mom. Me, and Luna want to go snorkeling at Lake Huron. It's not such a far drive from here."

Rita had time to think about it, and started the dishwasher. "Hmmm... I don't know honey. That sounds kind of dangerous."

"Come on, mom." Luna edged her on. "It will be fun."

"It's just that... remember the mountain lion incident?"

"That was totally my fault mom. I wasn't being careful." Lincoln remarked to Rita. "Besides, it won't be so far in the woods like last time. And i told you I was sorry for running away like that."

"Oh honey." Rita said with a sigh. She knelt down and wrapped her arm around her son. "I just worry about you honey. First the wolf attack, and now a mountain lion? I don't know what else can happen next."

"Mom, it's okay." Lincoln reassured.

"Yeah, my bro wasn't being very careful that time. Now he learned from those mistakes. Well, the second choice was a mistake but the wolf thing was because he needed to rescue Clyde. Besides, I had a shotgun with me to help protect him."

"I know, Luna." Rita made yet another sigh. "but I don't really think you should carry any gun with you, period."

"I'm careful with it. Besides, there's nothing dangerous near Lake Huron, unless you count stormy seas that move with emotion."

"Right." and Rita was thinking about it again. "Well... okay. I suppose either me or your father can take you over there."

Both Lincoln and Luna smiled with joy and looked at each other, showing their teeth. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you so much, mom!" Lincoln said with gratitude, tightly hugging his mother in thanks.

Rita chuckled and replied "You're welcome. Now let me see if either me or your father can take you over there. And to be honest, I would rather prefer if either one of us came with you on this trip. Besides, I heard the beaches at the lake are nice this time of year."

"You're not wrong about that." Luna agreed. "And can Clyde come with us too?"

"Of course. I just need to talk to their fathers first."

"Cheers, mate!" Then she and Lincoln went upstairs to get some things ready for yet another amazing trip.

"And would you like to go to aunt Victoria's house on the way?"

"Yes, please." Lincoln called back to Rita.

"Got it!"

And it was all of a sudden the front door opened. "Mom, dad, I'm home!" It was Lori, coming home from her golf practice. "Oh, hey twerp, Luna."

"Ah Lori, must you call me a twerp sometimes." Lincoln said in irritation

"Well yeah, it's fun that way."

"Oh lay off him, big sis." Luna said with a scowl.

"I'm just messing with him Luna. So anyway Lincoln, would you like to come to the mall with me? I want to buy clothes your size so in case me and Bobby have children someday. I need you to try on those clothes to see how they will fit on me and Bobby's future children."


"Just do as your told, runt." Lori said with a scowl on her face.

"Uh actually Lori, me and Lincoln are gonna go out for some snorkeling at Lake Huron."

"Really?" said Lori, having a small frown as well. "Well... that's fun. I understand. Another time perhaps?"

"Oh yeah, of course." and in his head, Lincoln said "Probably not." And they continued on to get their things upstairs.

They even brought there guitars just in case they want to jam together. Along with some goggles just in case they would want a little swim in the shallow waters together, and bathing suits as well.

They both headed downstairs and waited on the couch for either Rita or Lynn Sr to take them to the lake. Meanwhile, something surprised Lincoln from behind. "Boo! Lincoln made a jump in surprise, and it turned out to be Lynn. "Hahahaha! Got ya didn't I?" said the sports fanatic sister.

"Yeah you did, Lynn." Lincoln said with a mildly irritated look on his face.

"So Lincoln, wanna come to my soccer game later?"

"Sorry Lynn, but I'm gonna go snorkeling with Luna." The same frown that Lucy and Lori made appeared on Lynn's face.

Feeling saddened and bummed and hurt herself, she said nonetheless "I understand. You guys can go have fun."

"Thanks Lynn!" Lincoln and Luna said in unison

In her head, she said in a sarcastic tone of voice "Yeah, have fun being with your favorite sister." and she went into the kitchen to look for a snack.

"Okay kids." said Rita. "I'll be the one to come with you, okay?"

"That's fine mom." said Luna "We don't mind extra company."

Then they both went into the car to make their little errands before heading out to Lake Huron. Meanwhile, the other siblings sat on the couch, feeling sad and empty inside.

"Well it's official." said Lola. "Lincoln loves Luna more than we do."

"Yeah, he wasn't even interested in coming to see the frog colony in the park lake." Lana added.

"Or be a willing test subject of my muscle serum." said Lisa. "I was wondering what Lincoln would look like if he had more muscles within his system." and she made a sigh and rested her head right on her left hand.

"Poo poo." Lily remarked with her head down.

"And he didn't want to help me pick some skirts for me to wear." said Leni. "Maybe Linky does love Luna more than us."

"Well maybe we can create a robot version of Lincoln. After all, Robots don't have sisters, only transistors! Hahahaha! Get it?" and they all groaned at her usual terrible puns.

Indeed, the sisters were all feeling left out on Lincoln spending more time with Luna than them. It was beginning to sound like Clyde from the camping trip. "Yeah, who am I kidding. Let's just face the facts: Lincoln literally loves Luna more than us."

"Should we talk to them about how we feel?" Leni asked

"No." Lynn said. "Why should we bother

"yeah, it makes Lincoln and Luna so happy for them to be closer than ever. I don't want to ruin it for them." Lucy remarked

And the other sisters made words of agreement with the Gothic sister.