29. Lake Huron Fun

there they were at last, Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes in the United States. It's waters were glistening under the shining sun, and the beach they were at looked really nice with white sand. Lincoln and Luna could hardly wait to try out the snorkeling gear they borrowed from their aunt Victoria. Clyde was also excited to go out for a little snorkeling and swimming fun, but of course, since his fathers were deeply attached to their son, gave him extra sunscreen just in case.

Rita was also happy to arrive in this beautiful place. It looked really nice and the summer breeze felt so good against her skin. At the moment,t she felt like pulling out the umbrella and reclining chair to bask under the sun while wearing sunglasses.

"Well, Here we are." Said Lincoln. "Lake Huron at last. So Luna, you ready to have some snorkeling fun? And... where's Clyde?" Both siblings looked around the area for any sign of the African American boy. It was just then they saw him carrying a rather large bag of his sunscreen and ointment. "Ah there you are, buddy."

"Yeah, sorry about that, Lincoln." Clyde said, struggling to hold his large bag. "My dad's want me to have these just in case I get a sunburn too quickly.

"Oh come on, Clyde. You can't get sunburn that fast."

"Actually, when it comes to me, I can." Clyde admitted.

"It's Clyde, Luna. You and the other guys known him for quite a while now."

Luna couldn't help but chuckle a little. "True. Anyway, you need some extra help with that, Clydesdale?"

"No Thanks, Luna. I got everything under control." And he felt a small cramp around his back, and he was only eleven like Lincoln was. "Okay, maybe a little." The. The rocker girl was more than happy to give him a helping hand.

"Thanks dude. Always happy to help a friend of my little bro." And all four of them walked over to the beautiful beach. Lincoln, and Clyde switched info their diving gear in the men's room, and Luna switched into her own in the ladies room.

For Rita, she was wearing her white, one piece swimsuit with her hat and glasses. "Ah, that's more like it." She thought out loud. "Luna, please keep a special eye on Lincoln, sweetie. I know you will, but sometimes I worry about you guys. It's what all mothers do."

Luna smiled at Rita, and boldly replied "Don't you worry about a thing mom. Every little thing's gonna be alright with me, Lincoln and Clyde. You have my word.

Rita smiled warmly. "Thank you, Luna. Lincoln, Clyde, are you guys ready yet?"

"Coming mom!" Lincoln called from the boys room.

as both boys came out, they looked more than ready to try and snorkel into the lake below. "Ah, I feel uncomfortable wearing this tight bodysuit." Clyde said. "I hope I don't chafe in this."

"Everything will be fine. Besides, just wait until you get into the water, you'll feel so much better and all the fish and treasures we will find below." Lincoln said. "This Lake has shipwrecks underwater."

"You're right."

And all three took the pleasure of putting their masks on, and swimming into Huron. The underwater scenery was absolutely amazing. Many fish were swimming around them. The fish varied from Rainbow trout, lake herrings, bloaters, deepwater sculpins, walleyes, emerald shiners to mayfly nymphs and mussels.

"Alright dude, stay close to me, okay? Mom put me in charge of you guys."

"It's fine." Lincoln said. "I just hope we don't encounter a lake monster here."

"No, there is no lake monster in Huron." Clyde said with doubt. And they all swam in a group, and looked at the many fish and a few kelp forests down below on the lake floor. The view of the underwater life of Lake Huron was absolutely inspiring. Through their snorkeling, they saw a few shipwrecks as well. At first, they weren't so sure about going inside the shipwrecks, for something hard would fall on their heads inside.

So they just stick to with looking at the exteriors for now, and then wondered if any valuable goods or treasures were inside them. Yes, this glacial great lake had so many wonders within the depths. Of course, they didn't want to go all the way to the other shore of the lake, for it would be too far for them since it was one of North America's great lakes.

But still, it was really fun for them nonetheless even if it wasn't Hawaii, Jamaica, Los Angeles, or Haiti. Every lake has it's own set of beauty. Inside the ships looked rather empty in some, and had a lot of barnacles infesting the interior.

"Oh barnacles." Lincoln said. "Good thing these ships have sunken." then he saw a bass swim by him, making him intrigued by the color pattern of it's scales. The bass then quickly swam away from him, disappearing into the depths. "That was a big fish."

"Yeah, let's see John the fisherman catch that monster." Luna agreed.

"Hey guys," Clyde said. "Can you give me a hand here, please?" he turned around and there was a eel-like fish attached to the left side of his neck like a leech. Lincoln and Luna looked at it with disgust.

"Ugh! what is that?" Luna said, feeling a little queasy.

"A lamprey." Clyde said.

"What's a lamprey?" Lincoln asked

"It's... a parasitic fish that are like vampires underwater. They have suction cup mouths that suck your blood." Clyde specified. "Now please get him off of me, this is so uncomfortable."

"Don't worry Clydesdale." Luna said, with her and Lincoln coming to his aid. "We'll get that vampire fish off of you." Lincoln tried to get the lamprey off, but it turns out the little parasite latched it's mouth onto Clyde's neck real tightly. "Ooh, this one's really latched on.

"Ow ow ow!" Clyde said. "It's trying to hold onto me."

"I'm trying... Ah! to get if off of you with all my strength. "Luna, can you help me out here?"

"On it." then Luna began pulling the lamprey with her little brother. They didn't want to hurt Clyde, but they had to pull this parasitic fish off of his neck, no matter what it takes. Both of them pulled and pulled the fish with all their might, and finally, they pried it off of poor Clyde's neck. "There!" Luna and Lincoln had a look at it's mouth, that looked very much like a suction cup with a bunch of teeth in a row like a cookie-cutter shark or a great white shark would have in their mouths. "Oh my god." Luna said with shock.

"That's quite a mouth on this guy." Lincoln said, just as surprised as his sister. Just then, the lamprey latched itself onto Lincoln's right arm. "Uh-oh." he said. "New problem."

"Don't worry, I'll get it for you." then Luna pulled out a diving knife and decapitated the lamprey, making it let go of Lincoln's appendage.

"Thanks, Luna."

"No problem, buddy." then she put the knife away. "You okay, Clyde?"

"My neck's a little sore, but besides that, i am doing alright."

"What will your dads think?" his best friend asked him in a worried voice.

"Don't worry Lincoln. They'll understand. Their my dads. Besides, that lamprey only latched onto my suit, not really my neck."

"Fair point. Well come on then. Let's see if we can find some chests in this ship."

"Awesome idea."

And all three of them looked inside parts of the ship for anything valuable, but alas, most of the stuff covered in algae and barnacles looked pretty much rusty and worthless. Still, it was fun nonetheless, even if it wasn't the infamous titanic ship from a long time ago. Besides, the ship was in the Iceberg alley near Greenland, not the great lakes.

They continued on looking for many fish and many creatures, taking some pictures with a waterproof camera. It was absolutely breathtaking for all three, and decided to go back up to the surface to catch their breath.

Meanwhile, Rita was bathing under the hot summer sun in her swimsuit. At first, she wasn't so sure about taking the kids out here for a little swimming and snorkeling, but apparently, the beautiful scenery, and summer breeze convinced her otherwise. In the meantime, she had a tanning mirror held in her hands as she continued sunbathing.

"Rita, I never knew how beautiful you looked under the sun like this." She thought to herself.

Without knowing, a muscular, bold looming Native American man with long, black hair cake up to her. "Hello. I couldn't help but notice that you are sitting here all alone."

At first Rita was a little scared, but when she took off her glasses, she saw his really handsome, masculine face. And to make her a little more attracted to him, he was only wearing black trunks and completely shirtless.

This man had quite the muscles on him, and even a six-pack on his belly. "Oh, uhh, yeah." She said, flushing a little. "Wh-why do you ask sir?"

"Could I interest you in a... back massage?" He kindly offered.

Rita began flushing a bigger crimson red on her face. This man seemed quite charming. Sure she was married to Lynn Sr, but this man has a way with words and good looks. "Sure. I guess I can enjoy a little bit of that."

"Perfect! And do not worry, you will not be disappointed." As Rita turned over, she rested her chin on her arms. She waited for the kind man to work his magic, and she heard the sound of knuckles cracking.

It dodn't Take long before Rita felt the warm, relaxing hands of this man gently pressing against her skin. "Ah, Yeah." She said. "Oh that hits the spot."

"See? I knew you would love it."

"Thank you so much mister..."

"Connor. You can call me Connor." And the massaging continued. "Now you know my name, but I do not know yours."


"Rita, hmm? That's a lovely name." And then the massaging continued on and on for an extended amount of time. Oh how much of a wonderful time she was having in this heavenly experience.

Back to Lincoln, Luna, and Clyde, the group of three were still catching their death above the surface of Huron. "So you guys ready to get back down their?" Lincoln asked them. "There could be more shipwrecks down there."

"You know it, little bro." Luna replied in enthusiasm.

"Yeah, let's go!" Said Clyde. "Although I don't want to come back up here looking like a prune or a raisin."

"Nah, we'll be bam up here before that happens to us." Lincoln said. "Now come on" He dove back underwater, and the other two followed him posthaste, and continued with their little snorkeling adventure.

Overtime, they came across two more shipwrecks close to the shores, it that was pretty much it if not counting the many beautiful fishes passing by them. For a long twenty minutes, they continued their little search and decided to have their fun with this.

Swimming all the way back up to the surface, all three of them got back to the shore, and decided to switch into their bathing suits to pass the rest of the time.

"Last one to the bathroom is a rotten egg!" Luna said.

"You're on!" Lincoln remarked playfully. He and Clyde went to the restrooms to change, and went to have a little fun in the shallow waters.

It was a real blast with them splashing water at one another for kicks, and laughing with joy and excitement.

"Uh oh, some little brother's about to get a real wrestling from her big sister." Luna said. Then she tackled him and he retaliated but grabbing hold of her, and pressing her to the ground this time. "Aw no fair!" She said with a chuckle

"I guess we're even, then." Lincoln remarked with a smirk on his face.

"True that."

Clyde was just laying and floating above the water with his hands behind his head. It was just then he felt something snatch on his back. "What the?"

He tried to look around to see what it was, but he couldn't.

"Guys, help." Luna and Lincoln looked at him and saw another lamprey sucking blood from poor Clyde's back.

"Oh not another one." Lincoln said.

Once again, he and Luna had to pry off a lamprey from Clyde and when it let go, Luna threw it into the deeper parts of the lake like a javelin in the Olympic Games.

"You Okay, Clydesdale?"

"Just fine, Luna. Thanks."

"No problem."

"Uh-oh. I gotta pee you guys, i'll Be right back." Lincoln said

"That's fine dude. Go ahead and tinkle."

Lincoln promptly got out of the water and went to use the toilet. When he lpgot it all out of his system, he was about to go back to his sister and best friend when he heard a branch break with a loud snap.

Curious, he decided to go and see where it was coming from. He peeked through a small area of forest and bushes. He didn't want to go to far though, for his friend and family would be worried sick about him.

"Hello?" He called. "Anyone there?"

in a distance, he saw a figure that looked like a seven feet tall creature. It was rather furry with dark brown fur on it's body that had menacing, yellow, feral eyes. It looked at him with those eyes, and made a small growl noise.

Lincoln honestly didn't know what to think of this. Just then, the figure went off in the speed of light on his hind legs. Was Lincoln imagining things? Was his mind pulling tricks on him? He honestly didn't know what to think of this little encounter. The creature sort of resembled a Sasquatch or a Bigfoot of some kind, but he couldn't really tell what it was, for it was too far away for him to clearly specify.

"Bro?" Called a voice. It was Luna. "Oh, there you are, dude. Everything alright?"

"I'm Fine." Lincoln Said. "I just thought I saw something out there."

"What did you see."

"It's... nothing. My mind was just playing tricks on me."

"You sure little buddy?" She asked him.

"Yeah. Probably just a deer or a squirrel that just ran away. Maybe even an elk. Anywho, I wanna get back to having fun with you and Clyde."

"Awesome!" And Luna did her rock lake again. "Come on, the waves are still ready for us!" Then Lincoln ran with his big sister back to the beach. Meanwhile, in the bushes, the figure was back and was watching on at the two menacingly.