1. Chapter 1

Loud House: Bad Luck Brawler

Disclaimer: I don't own Loud House, all rights are owned by their respective owners and companies.

Chapter 1: The Bad Luck Vagabond

Los Angeles, California USA

Deep in the underbelly of the city of Los Angeles around noon. An event was being held, one which is very illegal, very secret, very lucrative and entertaining for those who can attend. Only those with the money and clout were able to be invited to such a thing. In an abandoned building, a large number of people were gathered.

Guards with concealed weapons were scattered around the building inside and out. Some were watching the entrances to make sure only those with invites can enter; or for those who have enough money to buy them off to enter also. Speaking of which, one such person did just that.

"Getting in here was such a pain."

The man had dark skin, his hair styled into a faded short black afro. His attire consisted of black stylish glasses, a grey casual dress suit you normally see CEOs or celebrities wear. He looked uncomfortable, yet determined at the same time.

Unlike many of the others who were here. This man was here for a different reason.

"I hope the info I got is right."

It was quiet as the man kept on walking, that is until he got closer and closer. Eventually, the man found him looking at quite a sight. A large number of people were mingling or by the looks of it taking bets. All of them were gathered around a crude-looking ring. Standing in the middle was a beautiful redhead woman in a skimpy outfit with a microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for tonight's event to begin!"

Immediately that got everyone's attention. Those who were taking bets had stopped and rushed to the side of the ring. The announcer smirked, she then raised her hand.

"Tonight, you all be witnessing a fight between two people of powerful strength and skill! It is my pleasure to introduce you to the fighters who will be entertaining you all."

The woman pointed to one of the corners of the ring as a man started to enter over the ropes.

He was a mountain of a man with a mass of muscles, he had short brown hair which was styled neatly. All he was wearing were some red and black Everlast boxing shorts and red hand wrapping tied tightly around his hands.

"He's an up and coming heavyweight boxer ready to take the world by the horns! With a perfect underground record of 17-0, he's called "The Iron Bison" Ezekiel Patterson!"

Ezekiel smiled raising his fist in the air which was met with cheers.

Next, the woman pointed to the other end of the ring.

"Now for his opponent, from parts unknown, age unknown, and fighting style unknown! The only thing identifiable is his skill and power! I present you "The Bad Luck Vagabond" Ace!"

The cheers died down as Ezekiel's opponent entered the ring. Unlike Ezekiel, this man was average size and still well-built but nothing compared to Ezekiel. He wore an orange and white track hoodie with track pants of the same color along with orange and white leather gloves. What really got everyone's attention was Ace's face. Which the bottom half was covered by an orange mask, only revealing his eyes and shoulder-length hair.

His snow-white hair.

The man from earlier narrowed his eyes at Ace.

Both fighters walked to the center of the ring. Where both began to size each other. Ezekiel smirks confidently as he looked down at Ace. Who stared back at the large man with laid back eyes. Unsurprisingly ticking Ezekiel off. The woman got in-between both men and smiled brightly.

"This will be a no holds barred match! The first rule is that there are no rules! The only way for victory is when one fighter concedes or gets knocked out! As I said, no holds barred! Fighters get ready!"

The woman started to leave the ring, only both fighters remained. Ezekiel got into a normal boxing stance while sending a glare at his opponent. Ace simply started to take his track hoodie off, showing off his built abs and upper body to the crowd. Many ladies in the crowd swooned or squealed. A lot of the men sent him envious looks.

"Alright… fighters begin!"

A loud bell rang out, signaling the fight had started.

Ezekiel didn't waste any time and charged at his opponent with an overhand right! Mr. Ace did the unexpected and threw his hoodie at Ezekiel who couldn't stop himself as he leaned too much forward.

Getting caught in the hoodie Ezekiel was met with a straight jab that sent him staggering backwards.

Pulling off the hoodie, Ezekiel saw Ace coming at him fast. Once close Ace began his attack with an assault of jabs. Fortunately Ezekiel was fast enough to evade by weaving his head. This went on until Ezekiel went in for the attack. Going for a straight jab, which Ace countered with a well timed cross! Causing Ezekiel to scowl as he backed up a little.

'Damn it! He saw it coming!'

Ace continued his attack by trapping Ezekiel's left hand and going for a right elbow. Trying to evade the elbow Ezekiel leaned his head back hoping to counter with a right hook. But Ace saw this coming and weaved under the incoming hook and then used a left overhand hook hitting Ezekiel in the face which was followed by a successful right elbow this time!

The successful attack sent Ezekiel staggering backward once more.

The crowd was going wild, this fight wasn't going as one side many of them once thought. Now both fighters briefly stopped to look at each other. Ezekiel was bruised and bleeding a little while Ace looked calmed and collected.

Pissing Ezekiel off greatly.

He was expecting this fight to be finished by now. That's the only reason why he agreed to it. Making some easy cash while dismantling someone for laughs. He didn't expect this guy to be actually any good.

'What the hell is this guy using? I can't get a beat on his fighting style. There's something off about this guy."

Lots of things were going through Ezekiel's head. Attacks and counters for those attacks. What style Ace was using, what could he do to figure it out. Either way, Ezekiel was done messing around.

In a surprising move, Ezekiel suddenly got into a southpaw stance. For those who knew boxing like Ace, this was strange to see. Those who favored their right hand would use an orthodox stance while those who were left-handed would use southpaw. To many, it wouldn't seem much a difference but it actually made a whole lot of difference.

Ace knew southpaws were dangerous because the tactics that apply should be the same. The difference though was that southpaws were more experienced using them because they were so used to facing more experienced orthodox boxers than the other way around. Since only 1 in 9 people were left-handed it was tricky to get a feel for a southpaw. That's why it was so strange to see a boxer change stances so blatantly. Only ones with tremendous skill could be switched in and off stances like that.

Ace was right to be cautious.

"Funs over."

Boxing seemed simple but that was far from the truth. There were so many stances, guards, techniques, and attacks that could be used. It was also much of a mind game than just simple punching. Using rules in your favor, take those away things get dangerous for both fighters. Especially the opponent.

Taking a deep breath Ezekiel closed his eyes. Then at unmatched speed, he rushed at Ace, who did his best to defend against the boxer. Unfortunately, he forgot Ezekiel's reach and that he was an experienced boxer. Ace saw a right hook going for him and got ready to block but found himself in a feint, instead of catching a block Ace got a left uppercut.

For the first time in the fight, Ace was hit.

However this shockingly didn't cause him to stagger, it only made him give a narrow look at Ezekiel who was smirking; who then went on the attack.

Going for a fury of jabs, Ace barely had enough time to get his guard up to block them. This didn't stop Ezekiel who kept up his onslaught. Ace tried to shuffle back to get some room but found himself unable to and winced a little in pain. Glancing down he saw Ezekiel's foot strongly pressing down on his. The boxer grinned as he pressed on his attack!

All Ace could do was block as much of the jabs, punches, and hooks as he could. Thankfully Ace saw an opening and took his chance. Catching Ezekiel off guard Ace started to get into a Dempsey roll!

The Dempsey roll was boxing technique made by boxing legend Jack Dempsey. Its where the fighter lowers their stance and central balance and starts to aggressively weave their body into something similar to a sideway figure eight. The fighter then unleashes series of rapid punches from left to right while bobbing and weaving.

Ezekiel tried his best to go on the defensive against this unexpected turn. But he proved unable to handle the masked man's powerful punches. So he had to let go of his advantage, he leaned back pulling his foot off Ace's.

Both men decided to take a breather.

Cheers filled the building as the crowd was enjoying every second of this. It wasn't long until both men went back to it.

The boxer and masked man wailed against each other. Ezekiel would use an overhand left hook and Ace would counter and try to uppercut only for Ezekiel to dodge and follow up with right hook Ace would block in return. The boxer would use a jab that Ace would redirect away by just an inch away from his face and then try to do a left elbow only for Ezekiel to the block. Next Ace would do a roundhouse kick which was blocked by Ezekiel who went for a liver punch, fortunately Ace blocked that one with a counter punch. This slug fest went on until Ezekiel shoved Ace away.

"ENOUGH! I'm done messing with you, you masked bastard!"

Ezekiel strengthened his stance and pulled his right arm back slowly making a hard fist. Taking a squat he launched himself towards Ace at speeds the naked eye could barely see.

This attack was Ezekiel's signature punch, the very move that earned him the moniker "Iron Bison". Putting all his strength into this punch while moving all his weight forward after a huge leap. It was very risky but also very lucrative if you land the hit. In the past, bigger guys were sent flying with broken ribs or concussions if hit. A guy like Ace stood no chance.


Ace was as calm and collected as before. Even though a mountain of a man was coming at him at unnatural speed. In a shocking turn of events, Ace lowered his guard and took the mighty punch right on the chest which sent Ace staggering back against the ring's ropes. Everyone including Ezekiel expected Ace to be out for the count on the ground or be sent flying out of the ring but shockingly that didn't happen.

There standing tall was Ace, who gave a powerful upper knee strike that sent Ezekiel backward with a broken nose! But before he could hit the ground Ace grabbed his wrists and pulled him back. Where he kicked him the crotch causing the boxer to scream in agony.


Next Ace performed a double legged takedown bringing the boxer to the ground. Once on top of Ezekiel, Ace let loose a barrage of punches. Unlike last time Ezekiel couldn't get a guard up. Especially on the ground, the one place a boxer should never be.

It was already over.

Ace gave one last powerful punch down at Ezekiel's face. Completely making sure he was knocked out, the boxer's eyes rolled back into his head and all he saw was darkness.

The fight… went to Ace.

Getting off Ezekiel's unconscious body everyone could see Ace's fists were covered in blood as he raised one in the air to the cheers of the crowd. Ace didn't bother to wallow longer in the cheers, he got down and picked up Ezekiel. Carrying him to the side of the ring where he signaled two men nearby.

"Bring a stretcher."

An Hour Later

Ace was already leaving the building without his fighting clothes. Currently all he was wearing was a simple orange tank top and blue jeans, he had some shades and a white beanie to hide his hair while he still wore his gloves and mask. Before leaving he made sure Ezekiel had gotten proper medical care and that both of them had gotten paid. While Ezekiel lost he deserved some cash, also because of the beating he got. Far as fights go, that was a pretty enjoyable one for Ace.

Shame it didn't get too serious.

Ezekiel was tough, but he got overconfident in the beginning. While he did get serious and switch up his style which took Ace by surprise. He wasn't fast enough to connect his punches to properly damage him. But he was fast enough to keep Ace on his toes.

It was all over though once Ezekiel got up and close.

Boxers with a professional background or intent of entering the pro circuit were a trouble to deal with, if you were a boxer. Luckily Ace wasn't limited to simple boxing. He was trained in a few styles but mostly blended them together. Boxers especially experienced boxers were one of the most dangerous strikers in the world of combat. While they could only be solid around a small area when blocking and attacking, a talented boxer with enough experience could be an effective fighter against any fighting style.

Too bad Ezekiel wasn't such a boxer. Still, that special punch of his did hurt a bit. Ace touch his chest and felt bruised, if he wasn't trained to take a hit like that. There was a good chance his ribs would be broken or worse. Perhaps in time and more training, Ezekiel could rival the greats both on the pro circuit and those in the underworld fighting scene.

Yep, hopefully in time he and Ezekiel could fight again. For real this time.

"Good match, you know you're a hard man to track down."

Ace turned around to see a man walking towards him hiding in the shadows. Normally Ace would be cautious but something about that voice seemed familiar to him. He immediately knew why when the man showed himself in the light.


Clyde who was the man from earlier, the one who seemed on a mission. Smiled brightly at Ace.

"It's good to see you again Lincoln."

Letting out a sigh and pulling off his mask and taking off his shades. Lincoln Loud smiled showing off the rest of his face, he had a 5 o'clock shadow and had a small scar on his chin.

"You too, buddy."

Clyde wept a little as he walked over and gave his long lost best friend a hug. Which he gladly returned. When both stopped Lincoln placed a hand on Clyde's shoulder.

"Lets go get a bite."

"Sure." Clyde happily said wiping away any stray tears. "But you're going to have a lot of explaining to do."

Lincoln chuckled as he walked along with Clyde.

"Yeah, we got some catching up to do."

It took a couple minutes but soon both friends found a decent place to eat, a modest diner. They were seated at a booth by a window and ordered some coffee to start things off.

"So, wanna tell me how you of all people have a limo with a chauffeur?" Lincoln asked taking a glance outside at the limo parked at the curb. "I heard you started a business after you finished college but didn't think you be do so well."

This got Clyde to chuckle as he perked up his glasses giving them a slight shine.

"What can I say, Clincoln McLoud Entertainment is doing extremely well. Making my company get into video games, toy manufacturing, entertainment, electronics, computer development, comic and book publishing seemed foolish to a lot of people but I proved them wrong. We are easily the most fastest growing entertainment juggernaut next to Disney and Netflix. Hiring Bill Buck and securing almost all rights to Ace Savvy was good move on my part too. Merchandising alone have swelled our stocks. There are even talks for a movie or TV series Our game developers are popping out triple A titles and making millions like its nothing. While we aren't doing much in the computer and electronic world we are at least keeping other companies on their toes. DC Comics and Marvel are keeping their eyes on us more and more. So yeah don't wanna toot my own horn but, I'm doing very well."

Lincoln was slacked jawed. Soon he began to laugh.

"Wow, the years have been good to you. I'm glad you are so successful buddy. Got to say I don't know about the name but whatever works for you." Lincoln smiled leaning back against his seat. "So, how are things back home?"

Wasn't hard to notice the mood drop from Clyde once Lincoln mentioned home.

"Heh, I really haven't been to Royal Woods for awhile. Though I do have a building over there overseeing my company's Midwest manufacturing, development and publishing operations. I only visit to see my folks and that's just about it. After what happened I couldn't stand being there." Clyde began to clench his fist on his coffee, thankfully it wasn't a paper cup. "Seeing them everyday was hard, what they did to you was… just unforgivable. I still can't believe they weren't given harsher punishment!"

Seeing the sheer emotion from Clyde surprised Lincoln. The white haired fighter just smiled and shook his head at Clyde.

"Its okay Clyde, that happened ages ago. I'm over it."


"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT?!" Clyde exclaimed slamming his hand down on the table. Catching Lincoln off guard and those nearby. "After everything they did to you! How can you just sit there and say that? They neglected you, threw you out, and tried to forget you completely. All because of some stupid game Lynn lost."

Letting out a sigh Lincoln sent a mild glare to those staring at him and Clyde. The glare and aura Lincoln was putting out quickly made the onlookers turn around like nothing had happened.

"I don't get how your family could just lose their shit over something so trivial like losing a stupid game or something bad happening randomly and pinning it all on you. When you came by my house after they kicked you my dads and I couldn't believe it. I swear that judge let them off easy. Couple months of jail for your parents while your sisters were sent into foster care. It wasn't right, they deserved a lot worse. You deserved better."

Again Lincoln took a look outside the window as people walked by and cars drove by. He turned back to see Clyde giving him a hesitant look. He wanted to ask something but was afraid to ask.

Typical Clyde, guy was too kind hearted.

"You can say what's on your mind Clyde." Lincoln said taking a drink of his coffee. "We got a lot to go through, best get the bad stuff out the way."

Clyde gave it moment before building the nerve to ask something that has been bothering for years.

"Why did you run away?"

There it is, the big question.

"You just disappeared in the middle of the night. Was it because the foster home was that bad? If you wanted to get out of there you could have told me and my dads would let you stay with us. Hell, even Ronnie's mom would have done it. Any of our friends parents who would have helped you, why did you run away?"

A downcast expression graced Lincoln's face.

"I know you guys would have taken me in. You all are good friends with loving and supportive parents who would do anything for you guys. Once upon time I thought the same of my parents. But all that changed, all over something superstitious like bad luck. Neglected by my family, thrown out, and pretty much forgotten. It was like I didn't matter. Can you believe that? My own flesh and blood threw me out like I was trash. When that happened I went to you and your dads. You know what happened next."

Clyde nodded grimly remembering that day.

The police and child services arrived at the Loud House. It wasn't a pretty sight to see both Lynn. Sr and Rita Loud were taken away in handcuff while all the Loud sisters were taken by Child Services. All they could do was scream and yell why was this happening.

Both Loud parents ended up in court and took a plead deal. So all they got was Third Degree Child Abuse and Neglect, which in Michigan at the time is a felony punishable by not more than 2 years in prison. The deal they got was that they would get out in 1 year or less for good behavior and if they release custody of their children. With little choice they did just that.

All the kids with the exception of Lola, Lana, Lisa and Lily were sent into foster care. Child services. The younger kids were sent to live with their Auntie Ruth while the rest were sent to various places. Lori, Lynn and Luna were sent to a place for troubled girls because of the trouble they caused. Which was pretty much juvie. Everyone else was sent to foster care facilities or foster homes. Lincoln ended up in a facility outside of Michigan because of the trauma he went through. And so he wouldn't end up where the rest of sisters were staying.

There was a place in New York with professionals to help him out so they sent them there.

Lincoln stayed there for 5 years before running away.

"The facility I was staying at was rough but eventually I got use to it. The staff there did their best to help me, the shrinks were a lot of help too. Helped me get over what happened and try to move on." Lincoln explained before smiling. "Over there everyone is required to sign for an activity they would do when they weren't busy with school or had free time. They had a lot of stuff like book club, cooking and other stuff like sports. I picked boxing."

Hearing that got Clyde's attention.

"Bet you're wondering why I chose that? Bullies are pretty much everywhere, made sense they be at that place too. Fights were frequent and not a lot of staff could catch them until they were over. I got into a real bad fight and got thrown around by this big kid, I was bruised, had cuts, and was sore in all different places. I know I should have told the staff on him but… I couldn't handle it anymore. All my life I've been pushed around or pushed aside, because I was too weak, too small or because I was the only boy in a family of girls. I was done letting people push me around. So, I joined up and went to it."

For some odd reason it was odd to picture Lincoln as a boxer. But after seeing that fight and the way Lincoln moved in the ring, it made perfect sense. He's never been much of a boxing fan or anything like that. Blood and broken bones make him squeamish, in fact any combat sport was hard for him to watch. But he was knowledgeable enough about this stuff to know Lincoln was good at it.

"It wasn't easy, not at all. It wasn't like those montages in movies or anime. I trained harder than I ever have at anything else in my life. Doing drills until I threw up, having practice spars until my face, fists, and body were numb and bruised. I did everything by the book and I pushed myself harder than anyone there. At first I wanted to quit, who wouldn't? Only thing that stopped me was my trainer. Every time I fell down, she told me to get back up. No matter how bad it was… you get back up. I own my trainer everything, they taught me everything they know."

Saying that last part brought a smile to Lincoln's face.

"Sure I still lost fights, comes with the territory. Didn't matter to me because I still got back up after every beat down, bloody nose, and black eye. After some more training I was at a level where no one was messing with me. In fact I made sure no one else messed with anyone at all. Guys there still tried to fight me on the daily. Either for the reputation or just some cocky new guy wanting to be on top. I fought them and I won, afterwards I would always make sure they were okay."

Lincoln saw Clyde's confusion.

"I know it seems odd but in some way I see my opponents not as enemies. In a fight everything and everyone just disappears, its just you and the person you're fighting. It's like your body is telling you all that matters is right now. In that moment you can either run or fight. Guess that's why they call it fight or flight. Anyways I like people who have the courage to do that. Why they do it doesn't matter to me. As long as both of us can walk away from the fight and learn something or get stronger then I don't see a problem. Heck, I'd even probably be friends with them."

This time Lincoln let out a grin and hardy laugh.

"Anyways sorry for getting sidetracked, it still wasn't paradise but I liked it. The letters and phone calls from you guys helped out a lot. It sucked not to be able to be with you guys, but I understand why I had to stay there. Its weird to say but… I've never felt more place at home. When I was there I felt like I belonged, the staff and my trainer made me feel safe and helped me when I needed it. The guys there were rough around the edges, can't say I blame them. The stuff they've been through made them that way. Still they respected me, made me feel like I was part of a family. I was happy… for awhile anyways."

Lincoln wasn't smiling anymore.

"All that changed when I got a phone call… from my parents." Lincoln scoffed as he took a sip of his coffee. "First I thought it was a mistake or I was daydreaming. I wasn't, it was really them. I hung up on them as quick as I could. Not long after that I was getting phone calls from them regularly. Even got some from my sisters. I didn't bother accepting calls anymore. Soon they started sending letters and I just stopped getting my mail. I pretty much only got it when it was getting too crowded and dusty."

Now Clyde was not expecting to hear that. He often wondered why Lincoln suddenly dropped from the face of the earth. Deep down he thought it was because Lincoln tried to forget everything about Royal woods. Because of what happened, Clyde hated the thought so he begged his dads to take him down to New York to visit his best friend. They eventually agreed to have a small vacation and visit Lincoln.

When he heard the news Clyde couldn't contain his excitement. Sadly all that instantly went away when they arrived at the facility Lincoln was at. Lincoln disappeared in the dead of night a day before Clyde and his dads arrived. Apparently Lincoln snuck past all the staff on night watch and jimmied a back door open and took off. The police were alerted and on the look out, Clyde and his folks tried to help with the search but couldn't find any sign of him.

Lincoln Loud was gone.

"When I finally built the nerve to read them I couldn't believe it. They wrote how they were sorry for everything, that they would do anything to earn my forgiveness. My sisters felt the same way even Lynn. She promised to never rest until she made it up to me, all of them wrote that to me… even Lily. She was probably 5 or 4 at the time because her letter was written in crayon and was really hard to read. Hehe, it was cute really… you know out all of them I never blamed Lily. She was just a baby at the time, barely able to walk. Anyways I kept on reading the letters and found out they were trying to get back custody of me."

It was hard for Clyde to see Lincoln sad, no matter how much time had pass. He hated to see his friend like this. It shocked him that The Louds tried to get back custody of Lincoln, after what they put him through. It made his blood boil just thinking about it.

"At the time I thought they were just all talk but when I talked with some of the staff they said my parents were eligible to retake custody of me. Since they did their time and doing everything right on parole, they already got back custody of my sisters. So it was possible for them to get me back. I… I was so mad that I locked myself in my room. Stopped going to training, hang out, attending my school lessons, and just about everything. Not even my trainer could snap me out of it. Eventually I just did what I thought was best, I took off the first chance I got. Its funny, the first place I called home was taken away from me when people I thought loved me threw me out. Then there I was at the second place I called home, running away from people I once thought as strangers now friends and teachers. Life sure has a sense of humor."

This time a dry chuckle came from Lincoln as he took another drink from his coffee. He stopped to look at a pretty blonde waitress coming towards his and Clyde's booth. She smiled at them both but blushed when she saw Lincoln, who gave a pleasant smile.

"Afternoon miss, I'll have the special along with my friend here." Lincoln ordered still smiling. "Also some more coffee, thanks beautiful."

The waitress nodded while still smiling, she wrote down everything on her notepad and then left with a blush. Seeing her sway her hips a little caused Lincoln to shake his head with a smile. He turned to see Clyde raising an eyebrow at him.

"What can I say?" Lincoln asked sheepishly shrugging his shoulders. "I'm not the same as I was 18 years ago."

Furrowing his brows Clyde looked up and down at Lincoln. Time surely had changed him. Compared to who he was years ago, Lincoln has probably changed the most out all of them. While he and the others were out trying to make a living or reach their dreams, or have reached them. Lincoln was out here, fighting in underground fight for money just to get by.

At least that's how Clyde saw it.

"Lincoln… what are you doing?"

The man in question finished his coffee and stared at Clyde puzzled.

"Uh, what do you mean?" Lincoln asked confused by the question. "I'm here getting lunch with you. You know, talking."

Clyde sighed and shook his head, at least Lincoln hadn't change that much. He was still clueless.

"No Lincoln I mean what are you doing with your life? Is it the money from these fights or just the trills that keep you going? Why live like this?" Clyde asked sternly staring at Lincoln who looked down casting a shadow over his face. "You could do so much more, I know you can because you're my best friend. Tell me why you choose to live like this?"

Both were silent, Clyde waited for an answer while Lincoln just sat there. Finally Lincoln looked up at Clyde to show his smiling face.

"Isn't it obvious, I just like fighting!"

That answer threw Clyde completely off. Love fighting? What kind of answer was that.

"Don't give me that look, what I mean is I don't love fighting for fighting's sake. I'm not some crazy guy just itching to beat the crap out of people. No, its just like I said earlier when you're in a fight its just you and your opponent. Nothing else seems to matter, its just you and them. In that moment you both give it your all. Doesn't matter what you were before or are in that moment. All that matters is the fight, what I love most about it is that its all about that person's skill, strength, experience, and of course will… not luck. People often mistake risk for luck but they just aren't the same. If you lose its not because of luck, its all about how tough and skilled the other fighter is. So I love it because… in those moments maybe I'm not bad luck."

Clyde couldn't believe what he just heard. Did Lincoln believe he was bad luck? Didn't he say those people at the facility helped him? He was sent there for a reason. Was it all for nothing? Did his family really do that much damage to him?

"Lincoln, you know you're not bad luck. You do know that right?" Clyde softy asked giving his friend a sympathetic look. "Is that why you love fighting? To somehow prove them wrong, your family?"

Again Lincoln grew silent as his smile lost a bit of its luster.

"I'm not gonna lie that what they did to me gets me wondering. If I am bad luck or not. Most people would probably lose their shit over something like that. First few months I was at the facility I thought like that more than I like to admit. But that all changed when I started my training. My trainer, or rather my mentor taught me a lot and was there for me. Whenever I felt down they helped me back up. When I started talking about my troubles to them we had a spar and they wiped the floor with me. Man I never got my butt kicked so hard. After the fight my trainer helped me up and told me some words that have stuck with me all these years."

A brief smile appeared on Lincoln's face as he remembered his trainer's words.

Flashback, 17 Years Ago

Lincoln Loud, around 11 years old was on the floor of a boxing ring in spar gear panting heavily. He just went against his trainer, who was an experienced boxer who spent a time on the amateur and pro circuit. Though his trainer did get some flak at the beginning of their career, she proved them wrong.

Yeah, his trainer or rather mentor was a woman. The toughest woman he's ever met.

"You got to keep your guard up there kid."

Still panting and aching from his spar, he looked up to see his trainer. An attractive yet tough Hispanic woman with shoulder length black hair which was tied up in a ponytail. She was also in spar gear minus the headgear Lincoln was wearing. She really didn't need it. Looks like she barely broke a sweat as she got down to help her student up off the ground.

"You're getting better, you show more promise than most of these el mocosos. What's better is that you actually listen to my instructions unlike the other boys. Guess a lot of them think a woman cant be a good trainer."

While still feeling the aftermath from his spar Lincoln just smiled at his trainer.

"Don't worry about them Mrs. Guzman, they're just meatheads. I know girls can be a lot tougher than boys. Trust me, I have first hand experience of knowing that" Lincoln stated still smiling as he looked at his trainer, Ms. Diana Guzman. "I just wanna say I appreciate you teaching me. Its been rough getting settled in. Doing this gets my mind off some things."

Diana noticed his tone of voice yet said nothing.

"Come on, lets take a break."

Diana exited out of the ring but not before holding open the ropes so Lincoln could get out too. After that the both of them walked over and took a seat together by a nearby bench. Lincoln was happy to take a breather especially after such a spar like that.

"Lincoln I don't got to be a shrink to see that something is eating at you."

Lincoln turned to his trainer in shock as she was taking off her sparring gear. She had a stern face as she met his gaze.

"Don't lie to me kid." Diana stated putting a comforting hand on her student's shoulder. "I might be your boxing trainer but that doesn't mean I can't help you with other things. Tell me what's wrong and I might be able to help you."

Nothing was said as Lincoln kept silent, his expression though was filled with conflict and doubt. Those feelings Diana knew quite well. At times she had such feelings, such were the things of a boxer or any fighter. Thankfully Lincoln started to speak.

"Am… Am I bad luck?"


"What I mean is do think I'm bad luck, my parents and sisters thought so. They completely avoided me and acted like I didn't even exist. I was even thrown out of my home, before they did that they boarded my room up forcing me to sleep outside. Ever since then I was sent here away from my friends, I've already gotten into a few fights. Worst of all is that I just feel alone. The staff here are cool and nice and the friends I've made here are awesome but it doesn't feel the same. Sometimes I wonder if they're right about me being bad luck."

For the first time since that day he was kicked out Lincoln started to softly cry. He turned to Diana hoping to get an answer. Instead he got something else. His trainer, the woman who is tough as nails and a slave driver at training. A woman who had fought both men and woman in the ring sometimes more experienced and tougher opponents.

Was giving him a hug.

This really shocked Lincoln, he never expected this to happen or how soft and caring her hug was it almost reminded him… of his mom. Lincoln returned Diana's hug and cried loudly in her arms.

"Why didn't they want me?!"

Diana kept hugging Lincoln with a sympathetic expression. She knew first hand about a parent's cruelty. Her father always favored her brother, pushing her brother to be a boxer rather than letting him follow his dream as an artist. Just so they can escape poverty. When she took up boxing her father looked down on her more than ever. It had gotten so bad that he called her a loser after a tough fight. She responded by knocking him around and admitting what she really thought what happened to her mother.

That her father abused her to suicide.

After that she stayed with her boyfriend at the time who is now her husband. Its been a long time since she's talked with her father. When she entered the pro circuit she saw him at a few of her matches but nothing after that. While she knew something about a parent's cruelty she couldn't possibly know what Lincoln was going through. Her father was an ass but at least he took care of his kids.

"Mrs. Guzman… am I bad luck?"

"No kid, you aren't bad luck." Diana quickly stated comforting her student with a pat on the back as she stopped her hug to take a good look at Lincoln. "I don't have the faintest idea why your family did this to you. Sometimes people can be cruel out of fear or think they know better. I'm sorry this happened to you. But I know you'll get through this and whatever else this world hits you with."

Lincoln didn't seem to be convinced as he wiped away any remaining tears. Seeing her words had little effect Diana decided to share some words that had helped her during the hard times.

"You know, after awhile when I started boxing and started really fighting within myself. My animalistic qualities, and I started letting out all the aggressions that I've to suppress throughout my life. I realized how beautiful it is, to let loose and feel free. When I'm out there in the ring nothing else matters but that moment. Doesn't matter if I'm a woman, a wife, a mentor or if I'm older or younger than my opponent. None of it mattered. What I'm trying to say is that whether you think you're bad luck or not doesn't matter. Because all that matters is that moment and what you decide. Either way I know you're not bad luck Lincoln, but I think you're the one who needs to convince yourself that. Not me, not the staff, not your friends or even your family."

Those words really hit Lincoln given his surprised expression. It gave him time to think about what has been troubling these past few months. Was it really all him? This fear of being bad luck? Maybe she was right, he needed to convince himself he wasn't bad luck. But how?

"You gonna be okay champ?"

For the first time in months, Lincoln felt at ease and smiled as big as he could.

"Yeah, I think I am."

Diana smiled and nodded as she started to head off to the girl's locker room to change since training was over for today. But she stop to look back at Lincoln with a bit of worry. She wasn't lying when she said Lincoln had promise. Out of all her students he had more speed and power which was surprising to say the least. Given more training she had no doubt Lincoln would be an excellent boxer. If not a boxer than he would prove to be a good athlete or fighter for anything he so desires. Still she worried about him, she worried for all her students but Lincoln specifically.

His story was a sad and traumatizing one. The boy deserved better, she read his case and knew what happened to him. For awhile he was the talk of the staff not that she cared for gossip. What his family did was wrong, compared to them her father appeared like a saint.

While she worried for Lincoln greatly somehow seeing him smile, and put those fears to rest. She saw Lincoln heading off towards the boy's locker room but not before giving her a wave goodbye. Causing her crack a smile. Shaking her head she headed towards the girl's locker room.

"That kid is tougher than he looks, I know he'll be alright."

End of Flashback

Those past 5 years he before he left, Lincoln trained hard with Diana. She proved to be an amazing yet stern trainer though at times she would let her softer side show. It was because of her Lincoln was such a good fighter, she gave him the start he needed. She was there for him when he needed advice or a shoulder to cry on. If anything she was like his mother.

And he left her.

Like Lincoln said earlier, life sure has a sense of humor. His first mom left him because she thought he was bad luck. Then he left the one woman he considered a mother figure with not a single goodbye. Last time he saw her or rather heard her was when she tried to get him out of his room when he heard the news of his parents.

Sometimes Lincoln wished he could have at least left a note or something. He didn't though and that was just that, wishful thinking.

"Mrs. Guzman taught me a lot, other than boxing she taught me to live in the moment. Not get crazy worrying about being bad luck or whatever." Lincoln happily smiled as the waitress from earlier came back to his and Clyde's booth with their orders. "Ah, smells wonderful. Compliments to the cook and you too gorgeous".

The waitress let a small giggle out and blushed as she placed the food in front of Lincoln and Clyde. When she was done she placed a small note and left but not before giving a sly wink at Lincoln.

Curious about the note Lincoln grabbed and began to read it. He soon smirked and shook his head slightly as he tucked it away in his pocket. Looking up at Clyde he saw his dumbfounded face which made Lincoln smile.

"You okay there buddy?" Lincoln asked still smiling as he got ready to enjoy his meal. "Know it's a lot to take in but come on, at least say something."

Taking a moment to snap out of it, Clyde looked at his friend with a sadden expression.

"Linc, I had no idea you felt that way back then. If you had said something I would have done something sooner man." Clyde frowned sadly lowering his head a little in shame. "I'm sorry."

Lincoln laughed as he softy patted his friend's hand which was on the table.

"Don't be man, it's in the past now. What matters is here and right now." Lincoln smiled comforting Clyde who soon smiled back. "So, how about we eat and talk some more after."

Clyde gave a nod and both old friends started to eat their meal, enjoying each others company.

Half an hour later both Lincoln and Clyde were finished, they not only ate but also talked. Nothing serious but about the old days and joking around. It seemed stupid but both were just happy to act like kids again. After Clyde paid for the meal while Lincoln left the tip for waitress.

"Hey Lincoln, what was that note that waitress left you?"

Only answer Clyde got was a chuckle and a smirk. Both him and Lincoln walked back to the limo where the chauffeur was waiting. The chauffeur opened the limo's door for Clyde and Lincoln, afterwards he went to start the car. Before they knew it the limo was already on the move.

"Hey Lincoln, I think I should tell the real reason I came looking for you." Clyde said giving Lincoln a serious look quickly catching Lincoln's attention. "Well, there's more than."

Raising an eyebrow, Lincoln got comfortable because he had a feeling this was going to be a long conversation.

"Building an entertainment empire has not been easy, there have been obstacles. Thankfully because I've been careful my company can rival even Disney and other powerful companies. Analyzing what trends to follow and what endeavors to invest and what to leave alone has been a success. Sadly all this strategizing and luck has caught the eyes of my competitors. I have more enemies than friends these days, my company has been met with industrial espionage and sabotage. Expanding has been very difficult, I've been planning to expand here to California along with the rest of the West and hopefully the rest of the country. But I have met resistance with a rival company who is strong arming my investors here and the construction workers renovating a prime building vital for my expansion plan."

Okay, Lincoln was not the smartest, nor was he a business savvy person. However he could understand that Clyde was in trouble. Analyzing or investing was not a skill he had acquired these past couple of years nor did he plan on learning them. But having the skills to solve problems, specifically those of a "physical" nature. Oh those he indeed had.

"I tried to solve my problems through the proper channels and sought out legal action. Unfortunately none of that helped out at all. Apparently they have judges, lawyers, and politicians in their pockets. Seemed like I was out of options until I was approached by a mysterious man with a message. The company opposing my expansion plan will stop hindering me if I agree to an odd request."

"What kind of request?"

"A match between two fighters of our choosing, if my fighter wins they'll stop messing with me and let my expansion go through. If they win I have to put my expansion plans on hold and pay a hefty sum. Sounds crazy I know but it's the only option I have. That's why I was at that underground fighting match. I was looking for fighters to hire. How lucky is it that I happen to find my long lost best friend who's now a pretty good fighter."

Now that was unexpected news to Lincoln. Originally he thought Clyde tracked him down, he had no idea it was all just chance. How odd is that?

"When I got info on you and the other fighter I started to put two and two together." Clyde smiled as he got his phone out to show Lincoln a picture of him in his Ace persona during a match he won not too long ago. "At first I thought it could be some random guy who dyed their hair white or something. But I got this feeling in my gut that it was you. So, I bribed a guard to let me in to see your match. After getting a good look at you I knew it was really you."

A gut feeling?

Lincoln didn't know what to say. Who would have thought that luck or fate would bring him and Clyde back together again. After so much time training, traveling, and of course fighting.

"There's also one more reason why I came looking for you."

"Hmm, and what's that?"

"For you to be my business partner."

Immediately both men had gone silent, the only noise was that of the limo moving and passing cars.

"Uh, excuse me?"

"Lincoln, there is a reason why I named my company Clincoln McLoud Entertainment. My name mixed with yours, seems odd and corny but I did that so one day if I found you… we wouldn't just be best friends again but business partners. First time we met in kindergarten I thought I hated you, but after discovering you shared my love for Ace Savvy I knew we would be best friends. You were there for me all those years… I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most. So please Lincoln, be my business partner."

"Um… no."


A loud sigh came from Lincoln as he looked at Clyde with a sad smile.

"I appreciate the offer buddy, I really do. A part of me what's to say yes but I can't. I'm not a business man nor a guy who needs that much responsibility or wealth. Maybe one day but not right now. I'm happy you kept hope for me after all this time. You got stop feeling like you failed me because you didn't, you were there for me on the worst day of my life. Nothing will ever change our friendship. I can't be your business partner but I can be your muscle, your bodyguard… your fighter. I'm here for you buddy, you just say the word."

No words could describe what Clyde was feeling. Shock probably, anger, sadness, relief? He really had no idea, one thing for sure though. He was just happy to have his best friend again.

"You really have changed Lincoln." Clyde laughed with a smile as he raised his fist towards Lincoln. "Sucks you can't be my business partner but I'm glad you'll be there for me buddy. Still, being my bodyguard means you'll have to protect me almost 24/7. Think you can do that?"

This time Lincoln smiled.

"Don't worry Clyde, I'm done running away. Bad luck or not, I'm here for you whatever you need."

Clyde started to laugh causing Lincoln to as well. Looks like both of them were going to get into some hijinks. Just like old times.

Michigan, Great Lake City

Great Lake City, while not as big or famous as Detroit or glamorous as Troy it was a good city with a recent booming local economy which was bringing more tourists and people looking to settle. A couple of years back a local business had taken off completely surprising everyone. Which now had turned into a commercial and industrial enterprise.

This company had its hands in everything from fashion, cosmetic and beauty products, finance, retail, computer-aided design, electronics, pharmaceuticals to breakthroughs in everything science and technology. Of course that's only because of the ones in charge. While there was a CEO there was also a board, all of whom were related. Siblings in fact. It's because of them Great Lake City is experiencing such a boom in everything. Still, without the leadership of the CEO the company wouldn't be the way it is today.

If you were to so happen to be in the business district of the city, you would be able to see the company's headquarters. Where it all started. Owning the tallest building where the CEO and higher ups operate and where all the factories and workers get their orders from.

At the very top was the CEO's office, who was currently in a heated phone call.

"Production numbers are quite low this month, the other facilities which showed such low numbers have been showing slow but very adequate improvement. However it's your facility which is not showing such improvement. While it would seem like nothing I can assure it is not. Myself and the board created this company from nothing and I will be damned if some dimwitted insect like you is going to slowly waste the hard earned money of our company! Either show improvement or I'll send someone down there to do it for you!"

An office landline phone was loudly slammed shut, then a sigh was heard. In a large lovely office, with a few paintings here and there and other decorations along with the usual office things and supplies. The sigh came from a large office desk where a beautiful blonde woman was sitting.

This woman had long and large blonde hair with flawless skin. She wore a business navy and black women's tied detail skirt suit with black heels. Suddenly the intercom on her desk rang, she pushed the button on the device.


"Lori, your sister is here to see you."

"Which one?"

"The smart one, Lisa. Should I send her in?"

"Yes thank you, Carol."

Releasing her finger off the intercom Lori Loud saw her office door opening to see her sister Lisa Loud coming in. Age 21 Lisa had grown very much like the rest of her fellow sisters. She had long shaggy brown hair and still wore glasses which gave her a bookish cute sort of vibe. She seemed to have the exact same type of clothes she used to wear when she was younger. The only difference was the size and that she was now wearing a lab coat now.

"What can I do for you Lisa, usually you don't ever leave your lab."

Lori could see something was off about Lisa, she wasn't her usual stoic self. She seemed nervous and a bit excited. A feeling you would rarely see her show. Lisa walked over to Lori's desk, when she reached it she slammed her hands on the desk. With a ghost of a smile, she looked at Lori.

"I found him."

At that moment everything grew quiet in the office. Lori's eyes grew in shock. She then got up out of her chair to give Lisa a dead serious look and expression.

"Are you sure?"

Lisa nodded as she pulled something out of her lab coat pocket. She gave it to Lori who was shocked. The picture was taken by a street camera that showed Clyde and Lincoln leaving a diner. The businesswoman scanned the picture deeply and couldn't believe it.

"Where and when was this taken?"

"Los Angeles, it was taken a few hours ago at some diner. The algorithm I set in place found him almost instantly. The facial recognition matches close to a 100%. It's him Lori, I know it is."

Lisa was a lot of things, one thing she was not was wrong. If she knew for certain that this man was Lincoln then it truly was. Deep down Lori knew that as well.

"Lisa, I want you and Carol to get everything in order. Have one of our most trusted underlings to keep watch of things here, I don't want this company falling apart while we're gone. Get flight plans ready as well. Meanwhile I'll contact everyone. Can you do that?"

The genius nodded and started to leave but she stopped and was lost in thought for a moment. Turning around she gave Lori a worried look.

"Will you also tell Lily?"

"I will if she accepts my call."

A small sigh came from Lisa as she walked off leaving the office. Alone once more Lori picked up her phone, she would try and call Lily soon but first, she needed to tell a certain sister before the rest of her family. Only she and Lisa were the ones who stayed to watch things over at the company. While the rest of her sisters were on the board they rarely were seen at headquarters. All of them helped build this company and were influential in what products they were producing and marketing.

Yet they left all the business stuff to Lori, something she didn't mind. They were off trying to have normal lives. Keyword trying. Time doesn't heal all wounds. Especially when you caused those wounds. They all did their best to cope and try to make something of their lives. Money wasn't an issue with what the company was making. Still, most of them had jobs and professions they enjoyed to keep themselves happy. But it wasn't the same.

None of it matters without him.

Their brother, they all missed him. Whenever they had free time they would try and find him. Post missing person reports both off and online, search the internet for any sightings or hire a missing person detectives. Everyone of them tried different things and failed. However out of all of them one used all their time to search for him. Always on the move and investigating every lead. No matter how small, this one sister devoted everything into finding him.

Whether it was because of regret or love, perhaps both?

Taking a deep breath Lori pushed call on her phone. It rang for awhile on the other end until it stopped.

"Hey it's me, I'm calling because we found him… yeah, Lynn. We found Lincoln."

El Paso, Texas


"I'll be out on the first fight tomorrow. Yeah, love you too Lori."

A rough but pretty looking woman hung up her phone and put it away. She had short thick brown hair which was tied into a ponytail, with light freckles on her face where a small scar was located on her right cheek. She wore a black leather jacket with a red and white jersey with the number 2 on it along with some regular blue jeans and brown steel toe boots.

This was Lynn Loud, sister of Lori, Lisa, and Lincoln. At the moment she was enjoying a drink at the bar of some dive located at one of the rough neighborhoods of El Paso. She was also surrounded by a bunch of knocked out men. Many of them were bloody, bruised and looked to have broken bones and few of them were missing teeth.

The reason she was here was that there were some rumors of a white-haired man who would be Lincoln's age roaming around looking for work in the underground fighting scene. Sadly his trail had gone cold. To make matters worse some of the men here have been leering and lusting at her for a while, it didn't take long for one to get stupid and try to cop a feel of her. He was the one next to the door with a broken nose and a few missing teeth.

After she threw the first punch all hell broke loose. Everyone came after her with fists raised or a weapon in their hands. Which caused her to grin as she let out some aggression on them, they didn't even lay a finger on her as she took them all down. Thankfully this trip wasn't a total waste. Nothing like a bar brawl to get the blood pumping.

Lynn was about to head off back to her hotel when she suddenly got a call from Lori. At first she thought it was to check in on her. All her sisters with exception of Lily would call to see how she was, her parents often did as well. Imagine her shock to hear that they had found out where Lincoln was. Most would be skeptical hearing this but Lori and her family knew better to lie or give her no good information.

Finally after so long she had a solid lead.

"Los Angeles eh?" Lynn muttered as she took one last gulp of her beer. She then put it down and took out some cash placing it on the bar. "That should cover the drink and damages."

The bartender peeked from behind the bar and slowly grabbed the cash. he then saw Lynn leaving the bar with her hands in her jacket's pockets. Lynn left the bar and had eyes filled with a fiery determination.

"I'm coming Lincoln… I promised to bring you home. Even if I have to break your legs little brother."

Los Angeles, California

It was pretty late, it had been a few hours since Lincoln and Clyde had talked. Clyde drop Lincoln off at the motel he was staying at. At first Clyde offered to help Lincoln move to his luxury hotel and pay for everything but Lincoln kindly refused. Begrudgingly Clyde relented and left, but not before he told Lincoln to meet him at his hotel to go over everything. About the upcoming fight and his new job, being a bodyguard and personal fighter.

Lincoln didn't mind at all.

Right now the white haired brawler was siting on a comfy chair looking out through his motel window. Staring the city's lights and night sky. He was also in his underpants, why you may ask? Well, it had something to do with the blissfully asleep naked woman under his covers on his bed. Who just so happened to be the waitress from that diner earlier. That note she left was her number.

Doesn't take a genius to know what happened.

Still, that fight with Ezekiel left him a bit sore. Only a little bit of course. A shame he couldn't have gone all out in that fight. Ezekiel was a good fighter however he wasn't at the level to make Lincoln use anything serious. But like he thought earlier it was a good fight regardless.

This is how it usually went for Lincoln.

Find a fight, have fun and win some money and maybe find a cutie to keep him some company. That's how its been for about a year after he finished his training. While he did get into fighting with boxing Lincoln was not limited to just boxing. Over the years he's trained in more than just one martial art. He's also had more than one mentor.

"I'll tell Clyde more about my past soon." Lincoln sighed as he kept his eyes on the night sky. Then with a hardened gaze he looked at his hands, they were really rough and had multiple scars everywhere on both of them. "I wonder… who my next opponent is?"

Clyde needed him to win this upcoming fight. Lincoln was not going to let him down, no matter who he was going to fight. No matter who they are or what style they specialized in he was going to win. He had to.

For his best friend's sake.

Meanwhile Across The City

In a dojo of some kind, the loud sounds of striking could be heard.

They were coming from a very tall man who was hitting a wooden post over and over. Now this guy was very tall, he had shoulder length brown hair which the upper half was tied into a top knot while the bottom half was left unintended. He was well built with some muscles and modest abs. The only thing he was wearing was a mawashi, a sumo loincloth.

This man kept palm striking the post over and over until he let out a yell and one last strike. The post snapped in half as he hit it! Wood chips and pieces were everywhere as the man let out a sigh.

"Great, that's the 19th one today."

The man grabbed the broken post and walked over towards a corner. Where he threw the post which landed on a bunch of other broken posts. It looks like they were all broken the same way.

Suddenly the sound of a phone ringing got the man's attention. Looking over at a coat stand where a large coat as he walked over to it. Reaching down the pocket of the coat he grabbed his smartphone and answered it.


"Cassidy Tsuyoishi, this is Tim Courtney from Nasbro. I'm calling you because the fight has been set up. In a couple days or less you will be fighting Clincoln McLoud Entertainment's representative in this bout. Unfortunately, we don't have many details other than he specializes in boxing and fights under an alias. He goes by Ace. We'll be in contact with you when we get a location, time, and date. Goodnight Mr. Tsuyoishi."

"Understood, goodnight."

Cassidy hung up and put his phone back in his coat. He then walked over to the middle of the dojo as he looked intently at the floor.

"Ace… what kind of fighter are you going to be?"

The tall sumo wrestler thought about the upcoming bout and smiled.

To Be Continued

AN: What do you think? Leave your thoughts, questions, and suggestions in review. Thanks for reading, see ya! Also want to thank my friend Brie for proofreading for me.