2. Chapter 2(1)

Chapter 2: Challenges Ahead

Disclaimer: I don't own Loud House, all rights are owned by their respective owners and companies.

Los Angeles, California

It was morning in the City of Angels, however a lot of people had not went to sleep yet though. Thankfully one person managed to get some much needed rest. He was training last night and had gotten quite a workout but he managed to get a good nights rest. That person was Cassidy Tsuyoishi, an underground fighter for Nasbro. An American worldwide toy and board company that is arguably the largest in stock market value.

Right now the tall sumo wrestler was riding in an Uber heading for Little Tokyo. He was in large baggy black and red track pants and jacket that fit perfectly along with large sandals. He was going to Little Tokyo to restock on supplies and other things. Normally he would skip breakfast and get some more training in like a normal sumo wrestler would do but he needed to restock on supplies today. He also had to open the dojo soon for his students. Being one of the few actual places to teach sumo it was hard to maintain. Being a sumo wrestler or rather Rikishi as they liked to be called was not at all that easy in the states.

Especially since he wasn't Japanese or even Mongolian descent like many other sumo wrestlers.

He was as white as his parents who were Irish American or something. Cassidy never did look that far back in his birth family history. Really didn't matter to him though he did love his birth parents. They raised him and loved him until he was 6 years old, that's when they were in a terrible car accident. His mother a simple and loving housewife, Lilian Sullivan and his father, Lucas Sullivan. A former All American wrestler in college and hard working mechanic who provided for his family.

Back then he was Cassidy Sullivan.

That all changed when his second family adopted him. The Tsuyoishi family, who happened to be looking for a child to adopt. His adoptive mother was also like his first mother, Sakuhana Tsuyoishi. His father was Haranami Tsuyoishi a professional Rikishi who had retired at the rank of Sekiwake in the Makuuchi division, where the highest Rikishi are placed. He now spent his days as a stablemaster for young Rikishi hoping to become famous and bring honor and glory. Lastly there was his younger brother, Hinogoto Tsuyoishi who was a Rikishi at the rank of Makushita the third largest rank in sumo.

His family adopted him as they were visiting the states a few years before having his brother. Since he didn't have any other living relatives and did not want to spend his life away in foster care he went with them. At first it was difficult but Cassidy eventually learned to love and accept his new family.

Adapting to a new language and culture was not easy but just like with his family he learned to love and accept it. He spoke fluent Japanese and a few other languages while knowing many customs too. If not for his obvious ethnicity many would mistake him for a natural Japanese. Wasn't long until he showed he excelled in two sports in school, those being sumo and wrestling.

While not as buff or big as many of the other boys who also exceled at those sports. His tall size, tenacity and tactical mind helped him greatly. It was no surprise Cass grew interested in those sports seeing as he had two fathers who excelled in them. One a Rikishi and the other an All American wrestler. As he grew up he won multiple championships and honors, heck he even became a elementary and high school Yokozuna.

Not an easy feat.

Once done with high school Cass went on to become a pro in sumo. At the age of 17 he was already rising in the ranks. Of course some people weren't happy with such a rising Rikishi who was not Japanese or even of any Asian descent. A few of the Rikishi shared the sentiments but kept quiet as they wanted to prove their points on the Dohyō, the ring.

During his rising career none proved a match against him, it had gotten the attention of many of the Makuuchi. Even those of the Yokozuna. He proved his skill and tenacity in the Dohyō and many started to cheer for him. And it was thanks to his father's teachings in and out of training. It seemed like he would do the impossible and become one the few non-Japanese born Yokozuna given time. Things only went more in his favor since he was a rival and childhood friend of Yokozuna Hakuho Sho, a second native of Mongolia, and the fourth non-Japanese overall to be Yokozuna.

Sadly that did not happen.


Cassidy had arrived at his stop and got out but not before paying the Uber driver. With a smile he went on to shop, he passed residents of Little Tokyo and those who shopped or visited here as regulars. All of whom smiled and bowed at him with great respect, which Cass responded back with even greater respect. Many here respected him because he was Rikishi and had earned it by his helpful and caring attitude.

Many often wondered why such a talented Rikishi was here and not out winning tournaments, gaining ranks and renown along with such money on the line. Why would someone like that be here barley scrapping by and teaching sumo to those who are willing to learn? Few knew why but kept it secret out of respect for Cass.

Who was happy with his life.

Time went by as he got what he needed, Cass who was carrying bags of his stuff waited at a crossing where a mother was pushing a baby stroller while holding onto a little boy's hand while in his other hand he was holding onto a toy. The boy was looking up at Cassidy in awe because of how tall he was. Cass looked down and smiled at the boy. Who smiled back and waved goodbye as his mother guided him across the street.

Cassidy resumed his walk and head towards the street where another Uber was waiting for him. After that he'll head back to his home then the dojo. He had no idea when this upcoming match will start but he shouldn't slack off. He was looking forward to it.

Meanwhile, Across Town

Lincoln was enjoying some coffee at a nice little coffee shop that was not far from his motel. After waking up he saw that the waitress was gone, something he normally saw after a night of passion with someone. It was for the best that way. Right now Lincoln wasn't looking for a serious relationship. For now anyways. He just wasn't ready for that level of commitment yet.

It was still an amazing night though.

There was still some time to kill before he had to meet up with Clyde so he thought he should enjoy himself a little. Honestly it was going to be strange hanging around his best friend again. Not that he had a problem with it. While being on your own is fun there are time the road feels lonely. Guess that's why he would always find someone to share his bed. Last time he traveled with someone was when he was still training.

You see Diana Guzman was not his only mentor. For he's had 4 mentors in his life. The first was in boxing and was Diana Guzman. After going on the run he found himself training under different styles. Which he integrated into his own fighting style. All thanks to his 3 other mentors.

All this reminiscing got Lincoln thinking of his next match.

That's how its usually been for him. All about the next fight and then the next. In a way it was sad but that's what Lincoln's life was. Why should he feel sorry for himself? Anyways that's not who he is anymore. He now had a job, and that was being a bodyguard and personnel fighter to Clyde and he was not going to let him down.

Finishing up his coffee Lincoln left the money plus tip on his table and left. Today was a new day, yet that meant he still had to still do his usual workout before he would see Clyde. Better not slack off especially since this match could happen any day now. Truthfully Lincoln could not wait.

At that moment Lincoln and Cassidy who had no idea what the other even looked like or what their motivations were had a single similar thought going through their head.

'Whoever you are, I will win…'

Paris, France

Paris, The City of Lights and Love. Many would consider this place the capital city of art, culture and fashion. So it was no surprise two of the Loud sisters had made this place their second home. Leni Loud and Lola Loud, age 33 and 23. Just like Lori said that all of the Loud sisters spent most of their time away from home. Both were here because of their career choices.

Lola Loud had become very beautiful these last couple of years, with long flawless blonde hair and fair skin. It was no surprise considering she was a top model and former Miss America, the youngest one ever. She was wearing a petite lace high neck swing dress which was pink along with her high heels. Instead of having a tiara like she used to she had some diamond earrings with a priceless pearl necklace. At the moment Lola was in her private limo being driven by one of her drivers. She was heading off to pick up Leni, just this morning she got a call from Lori.

One that got her quickly out of bed.

Since then she's been trying to get into contact with Leni. Which proved very difficult since she was doing her lessons with her tutor. When those happen Leni is completely absorbed in them. Odd considering who Leni is, or rather who she used to be. After what happened to Lincoln and the realization of what they did all of them were affected on a deeper level causing changes.

Some bad and some very bad, for Leni it was difficult to figure out which. While still a complete air head at times and caring as always even to complete strangers, Leni wasn't the same all those years ago. Her skill with fashion had grown putting her on par with the world's most skilled fashion designers. Because of her their company had made millions and broken new ground in the fashion scene. The beauty and skin products she, Lola, and Lisa created together had also made them serious money.

Leni was also still such a big sweetheart. With more than enough money she already has, Leni did not see the point of having so much. So she happily donated most of it to charities from all over the world. The money she donated helped a lot of people. From cancer research, helping people in war torn countries or those hit by natural disasters, whatever would help those in need she would do it. She was also the sponsor for a lot of orphanages in America and abroad, but most importantly she was an advocate in finding missing persons. Not just in her home country but all around the world.

With their financial futures completely handled because of their company they decided to do what they wanted. Leni making fashion and helping Lola further her modeling career. It was what made them happy, at least for those who looked on the surface.

On the inside they were just as miserable as the rest of their family. All this success didn't matter to them unless they had their brother with them. Another reason they were in Paris was to keep a lookout for Lincoln in any of the European countries. So far they had only heard whispers and bogus sightings, still they held out hope.

"We have arrived my lady."

Lola looked to see that her driver was right. They had arrived at Leni's tutor's workplace, a ballet studio.

"Thanks, please park nearby and wait. We won't be long I hope."

The driver nodded as Lola got out of the limo and walked over to the studio's doors. Upon entering she was not surprised to see Leni practicing with her tutor. Leni had grown even more beautiful after all these years, her hair had gotten longer and was tied up in a long braid at the moment. She was wearing a baby blue crop top showing her midriff and tight bright blue yoga pants while wearing some special training boots.

Why you may ask? Certainly not for ballet, though she did know it very well. No, right now she was in a sparring lesson!

Leni performed a flying spin kick which her tutor blocked. Her tutor was a middle age lanky man with long, smooth, turquoise hair matching his eyes. He wore a black leather jacket emblazoned with a capital omega symbol and tight red pants while having the same kind of boots like Leni's. This man was Remy, a practitioner of Savate.

Which meant old shoe in French, in other words it was French kickboxing.

Savate is an old but very affective and dangerous martial art still practiced today. Having roots dating back to street fighting and how sailors would pass the time on long trips at sea. For that's another reason it was called old shoe because of what the sailors, dockworkers, and gang members back then wore when fighting. Many would consider the port city of Marseille the birth place of Savate since the sailors back then used it for sport and to settle disputes.

However Savate flourished in the slums of Paris and other cities during the 1800s when the industrial revolution had started. Many rushed into the cities looking for jobs and the swell of people gave birth to vicious street gangs. Who terrorized hundreds if not thousands. These gangs often used street fighting and weapons to terrorized the people. Eventually one man had enough and decided to do something about it. To help the people defended themselves against these criminals, a man opened the first ever Savate training school in 1825.

This man was Michel Casseux, who taught a hybrid style that took elements of street fighting and the version of Savate the sailors used back then to make his own style of Savate. Which he called it the art of Savate, named after the beat up boots the Parisian thugs would wear. While this was a shifting point for Savate it still couldn't shake off its vicious street fighting roots. That is until a pupil of Michel named Charles Lecour, who was exposed to English Boxing and even fought prized bare knuckle prize fighter. Seeing how English boxing could not only help further Savate, it would also make a legitimate combat sport. Charles was such an amazing fighter many consider him the early predecessor of Bruce Lee.

After tweaking some moves and time Charles had done it, he had brought Savate from its dark street fighting past to what it considered today. Savate is so wildly used that special forces of the French police use it and look for fighters to join the police. Savate really grew as time went on, in fact a Dutch Savateur named Gerard Gordeau made it to the finals of the first ever ultimate fighting championship event. Where legends like Royce Gracie and Ken Shamrock fought one another, its also where fighters from different backgrounds and style came together and gave it their all. From Savate, kickboxing, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, taekwondo, and even sumo.

"Is that all you got… bring it Leni!"

Leni nodded and went on the attack, striking her tutor with a fury of jabs followed by some kicks. Remy was fast enough to dodge all of them, switching off the defensive Remy decided to go for a few straight punches and jabs to keep Leni at a distance. He then got ready to perform one of Savate's signature kicks.

The fouetté kick.

Literally a whip roundhouse kick going straight for the head. This kick is designed for maximum impact to the head, with the boots the kick was far more powerful too. This kick doesn't just have enough force to break an opponents nose for it could drive the nose bones back in the person's brain.

Thankfully Leni was able to duck under the incoming kick and give Remy an uppercut causing the man to smile as he backed up.

Keeping up her momentum Leni used her own fouetté kick but kept kicking causing Remy to back up some more. Finally he blocked her kicks and rushed her to give a jab to the chin! Yelping in surprise and pain from the hit, Leni started to give her opponent space.

Too bad her opponent wasn't just any normal savateur.

"Cold Blue Kick!"

Jumping high in the air Remy launched a powerful kick heading straight down at Leni. Seeing this Lola was about to warn his sister to dodge but stopped when she saw her did the most unusual thing.

She grinned.

Before Remy could hit her, Leni decided to do one of her owns moves. Something she based on one her tutor's other moves.

"Rising Loud Flash!"

Quickly doing a graceful backflip forward, using all her momentum Leni aimed both her heels at Remy. Not expecting this Remy failed to stop his attack or block. Leni's attack connected with a loud smack and so much force that sent Remy flying. Completing her flip in a graceful ballet stance Leni saw her tutor hit the floor with a thud.


Remy was on his back before he got up to shoot a small glare at Leni.

"Seems like you have progressed well enough Leni, you caught me by surprise." Remy sighed as he gave Leni a thumbs up and bored look. "You have mastered everything I have taught you. There is little for me left to teach you."

The seriousness aura Leni had around her instantly faded and was replaced with a bubbly and caring one. Letting out a gleeful squeal and smile she rushed towards her tutor to give him a hug. Remy shook his head at his pupil's antics, with another sigh he patted Leni's head earning him a bigger smile from the girl.

"Gosh, Remy that spar was totally crazy. You were so fast and you hit me so hard, you totes did that on purpose didn't you!"

Remy gave Leni a blank expression as she pouted and glared at him. Which was more cute than frightening. It was strange, Leni could be sweet and nonthreatening as can be one second and serious and calculating the next. Given what went on in their spar, Remy knew Leni was talented. If only she could be serious and smart as she is in a fight than what how she acts all the time.

Lola was still reeling from that amazing fight she just saw.

Leni was a completely different person when fighting, like another part of her takes control. All the kindness, cluelessness and klutziness is gone. It kind of scared Lola a little when that happened. Almost like her big sister wasn't even there anymore.

Everyone was shocked the moment Leni told them she was training in Savate all those years ago. Their parents and Lori lost it and everyone else thought Leni was nuts. But after telling them why she was doing it they couldn't really stop her. In fact it pushed a few of their other sisters to try and do something similar.

Leni blamed herself for what happened to Lincoln. She was supposed to be his big sister and be there for him but she wasn't. Because she was so naïve she failed to see she hurt her brother. Hurt him more than anything, they all hurt him. Since the day Lincoln left Leni saw herself as dumb blonde who was too naïve and weak to protect her brother.

For a long time she hid all her pain behind a fake smile. That is until she met Remy during a random street brawl when she was visiting Paris to further her fashion designer skills. Seeing such strength and gratefulness come from a fight like that made Leni realized she didn't have to be weak or naïve. She could change, the first step was convincing Remy to teach her.

Which wasn't easy.

Ever since seeing Remy fight, Leni hounded him day and night trying to get him to train her. Took a few weeks until Remy finally relented and agreed to teach her some moves. In time Remy saw something in Leni and took her as his pupil. Since Leni has seemed a lot happier but she wanted to find Lincoln more than anything.

"Okay, I got to admit that was impressive."

Leni and Remy turned around to see Lola walking over to them.

"OMG!" Leni happily exclaimed with a big smile as she rushed over to give her sister a hug. "Lola, what are you doing here?! Did you see my fight?!"

Lola giggled at her older sister's antics as she hugged her back.

"Yeah Leni I did, you sure know how to kick." Lola smiled. "Guess those ballet lessons all those years ago come in handy."

Still smiling Leni suddenly stopped hugging Lola.

"So what's up?"

The smile that Lola immediately got bigger as she softly grabbed Leni's hands. But before she could speak she took a look at Remy. Who soon got the message that this was meant to be private.

"I'll leave you girls to talk."

Remy left the room after that heading towards his office in the back. Leaving both sisters alone. Leni was giving Lola a confused look as she let out a smile.

"Lori called me earlier, she told me that they did it Leni. They finally found him."

The confusion Leni was feeling quickly turned to shock.

"A-are you sure?"

Lola started to cry a little as she nodded and smiled at her big sister. Who began to feel a flurry of emotions ranging from excitement and shock, but most importantly relief. Didn't take long for Leni to join Lola in crying, both girls then hugged each other.

This was something both have been dreaming about, a chance to get their brother back. Outside the room leading into the back, Remy was leaning against a wall around the corner with his arms crossed. Hearing everything Remy had a small smile on his face. He was happy for his pupil, it looks like all that nonsense she was spouting out years ago were coming true.

Flashback, 10 Years Ago

Remy was walking home from a local bar, a place where he was frequent lately since coming home. You see, Remy was traveling abroad and fought in battles against other fighters from time to time. After some time and thinking Remy decided to try a different path. Only using his Savate to defend himself from idiots, like that one idiot who heard he was a strong fighter back in the day. Some random brawler wanted to make a name for himself and got his ass handed to him. It sucked he had to use his Savate for such a weakling but what sucked more was that it caused a scene. Getting a lot of attention from onlookers, one of whom has been bothering non stop for weeks now.

Bugging him to train her.


Speak of the devil, Remy sighed as he turned around and saw the person who's been hounding him for weeks now. It was a 23 year old Leni, who was running towards Remy with her hand raised.

"Great…" Remy muttered before giving Leni a glare as she caught up to him while panting from out of breath. "What are you doing here girl? Thought I told you to leave me be."

Still panting a little, Leni gave Remy a sheepish smile.

"Like I'm totally sorry but I just need you to reconsider teaching me mister."

A snort came from Remy as he shook his head.

"Look kid I told you before I don't teach anybody." Remy scoffed as he started to walk away. "This world has enough idiots who want to get stronger for their own selfish reasons."


Stopping in his tracks Remy turned around to see Leni on the verge of crying as she clenched her hands into fists.

"I don't care about myself… I just want to get stronger for him."


"My little brother, like look. A long time ago my family and I did something terrible. We failed him and so he was taken away from us. After some time we tried to get him back and try to make everything up to him. But he ran away… its been about 10 years since that day. I'm not so good at remembering stuff but I remember that. My family and I have been looking for him. I know we are gonna find him but it's just… I don't wanna be weak anymore!"

Raising an eyebrow Remy was surprised by Leni's sudden change. The last couple times they met she was not so emotional, not so full of determination. He was also surprised by what she had said. The part about her brother though really got to him. Long ago the reason why he became a fighter was because of her, his sister.

"You don't have to teach me much just please show me a few things. Maybe I could finally change and not be weak anymore. I failed my brother and I deserve whatever happens to me. I don't care what it take I just want to be the sister he deserves more than anything, even if he hates me I just want to show him. Please mister… I need to do it for him. I'm begging you!"

What Leni did next surprised Remy, getting down on her knees and bowed her head at Remy.

This wasn't a sight Remy thought he was going to see today. Man, this was such a pain. Normally he would have just scoffed and went home, yet something was stopping him. Perhaps it was how much emotion and determination she was showing? The fact she didn't want to get stronger for herself but for someone she loves, her brother. In a way he saw a bit of himself in this girl. To do anything for your family.

Just like how he did for his sister.

"Are you willing to do whatever it takes?"

Still on the verge of crying, Leni looked up at Remy who crossed his arms while giving her a serious look.

"Martial arts is no joke, its dangerous and the level of commitment is not easy. There will be times you will feel like giving up. Many often do after a week or two, my martial art will be very difficult learn. Are you willing to do whatever it takes? Because I will not waste my time on a lost cause."

Leni's eyes widened before she slowly got up, sniffling a little she wiped her eyes with her arm. Her eyes had a certain flare in them from what Remy saw.

"I totally promise mister, I won't waste your time!" Leni raised her fist in the air rather innocently. "I will get stronger for my little brother and when I find him I'll do everything to make it up to him!"

While Remy simply sighed and shook his head at Leni's sudden childlike enthusiasm. Deep down he couldn't help but believe what this bubbly girl was saying. Maybe he's gotten too soft?

"Alright kid, the name's Remy… I'll show you a thing or two."

End of Flashback

Its been years since that day and Leni has changed, improved in ways he never thought possible. Leni proved to him that she was more than capable to handle anything. Instead only teaching her a few things Remy ended up teaching her everything. Apparently she had a knack for fighting, so much that she made her own of style of Savate. A combination of regular Savate mixed with ballet and other types of dancing.

Her determination had paid off, Leni was close to reuniting with her brother. How that would go and end is up to them. Remy had taught her everything he knew, with nothing left to teach her she was free to do whatever she wanted. No doubt to try and do everything in her power to reunite with her brother.

Part of Remy wished he could do the same, but he had to let go of his sister. Better to let the dead rest in peace.

"Hopefully she won't go down the same path I went down…"

With that Remy went off towards his office.

Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo, the capital of Japan. A place full of activity from night to day. While known for many things it was also where martial artists and other fighters congregate. Be it for training or for fighting. Right now a certain person was here for training and one other purpose.

At a world renown place of martial arts , a special training was taking place.

In a large dojo, a group of people had congregated. Four men in white training uniforms while barefoot as they were facing a person, a woman. Who was also in a training uniform except it was all black, she was also barefoot except she had a black leather glove on her left hand. With creamy pale skin and long black onyx hair which was tied up in a ponytail that could barely hold it, she had bangs that hung to the left side only showing one eye. Her eye color was just was as the same as her hair, her eyeshadow was black just as well. This woman's expression as blank yet was slightly intimidating.

Sitting on the sidelines were three people, each of them were on cushions while on the floor.

One was an old and bald thin man in a simple white button shirt and pair of dark pants along with pair of glasses, one distinctive thing about him was that he had long unclipped fingernails that looked like they belong to a raptor. His eyes were also odd because he was wall eyed, the opposite of cross eyed. Another thing is that he was missing his left arm. Next to the old man was another elderly man with very short grey hair, this man also wore large frame tortoise shell made glasses. His clothes were an Aikido uniform consisting of a plain white keikogi shirt with a quilted design on bottom tucked inside his black hakama pants.

Finally the last person was a woman, she also had pale skin like the other woman. With a slender figure and long black hair that had a reflective shine to it. She had purple eyeshadow, while wearing a long dark purple classy business dress with sleeves and dark purple fingerless gloves.

"Well, things are in place so we can finally begin. What do you think Kunimatsu?"

The bald old man started laugh gravely while grinning largely.

"I think this going to be a quite spar, do think she's ready Shibukawa?" Kunimatsu asked with a sly smile. "The men before you are my most experienced students. With backgrounds from both military and police. This will be quite challenging for our disciple."

These two old men were no mere old men, for they were two of the most deadliest martial artists in the world.

Master Kunimatsu, a skilled master of his own martial art that he calls The Way of The Void. This martial art isn't something that could be described in simple words. Not just known as the art of the void but also of poison, resuscitation, of killing and binding. In other words they were just different ways of killing. Yes, The Way of The Void was a killing martial art. Given the dark origin of his martial art it was rare for him to get students from his home country. That's why many of his students were from abroad. Teaching members from the FBI, army, police, bodyguards and so on. He is well known abroad that Kunimatsu has received official certificates of thanks from dignitaries from all over the world.

Now for the man sitting next to him, Master Goki Shibukawa.

A mighty martial artist, founder of Shibukawa style Jujitsu. While he maybe over 70 years old and not too big many still consider him one of most dangerous men on Earth, he is considered a living legend for many things. He was also an assassin too from back in the day but is happily retired. Under his belt he had a variety of techniques and skill but the most well known would be the use of a technique called "Aiki". With this technique he is able to throw anyone no matter how strong or big they are.

Giants and the most deadly of opponents have fallen before him.

Jujitsu, a Japanese martial art known for the method of close combat for defending an opponent in which one uses a short weapon or none. During the Sengoku period and Muromachi period, a time in Japan taking place during the 1400s to 1600s. Jujitsu began by those who combining multiple martial arts together. Unlike Karate and other martial arts jujitsu focused on throwing, pinning and joint-locking. Many martial arts today have roots from Jujitsu. Martial arts like Judo, Sambo, Brazilian Jujitsu, Aikido, Hapkido, catch wrestling and so on. Goki used his own style that he dubbed Shibukawa style, in Goki's mind anything goes when fighting. Going for a head-butt or stomping on an opponent's toes. He also believes there is no need for a warm up when a martial artist is going to fight, because a martial artist should always be prepared for war. Many thought he was crazy, he probably was. Yet no one has tried to prove him wrong when facing him and his style.

Both of these men were mighty and dangerous martial artists regardless of age.

"Hmm… then we should begin."

Sending a nod to the men, all four nodded back and started to surround the woman. Each of these men were larger than the woman. All of them had experience in the world of combat, from the battlefield of war to the hard streets. They were warriors.

Now they were this woman's opponents.

Each of the men got into battle stances. While the woman simply sighed and got into a jujitsu stance, a stance meant for grappling and defending against grapples and throws.

"BEGIN!" Master Kunimatsu yelled.

The battle had begun!

One man charged at the woman hoping to get her into a grapple but the woman used her speed and small frame to gracefully sidestep him. She then went after the man closest to her. Who tried to strike her with a punch aimed at her head. However she shifted her head slightly as the fist missed by mere inches, she then grabbed his wrist and performed a wristlock!

Crying out in pain, the man was dragged to the ground as the woman used the man's own strength against him. When he was on the ground on his back the man could do nothing as the woman struck him at his throat with an open hand strike! All he could do was wheeze in pain while holding onto his throat in pain. With one opponent down the woman focused on the others who decided to attack her together at the same time.

Wasting no time the woman got into a defensive stance, the first one tried to attack with an open hand strike but the woman deflected with her own. She then tripped him and he went falling to the ground. The second one tried to grapple her, thankfully she was too quick and got the jump on him. From out of nowhere the woman stomped hard on the man's foot, before he could yell he was quickly taken down when the woman used another open hand strike. But this time she continued her attack by leg sweeping his leg and forcing him down to the ground with her open hand strike.


Hitting the floor with such force the man cried out, while his final comrade who was still up tried to catch the woman by surprise. It seems like he did as he was able to get one of his arms around her neck. This proved to be a mistake as the woman pressed her chin down applying pressure on the man's arm and held him in place, she then got her hands around his arm and shifted into a combination of a wristlock and arm lock. Then like it was nothing she shifted her weight to one side, using the man's momentum and weight the woman threw him over her and slammed him hard onto his down comrade.

The down man cried out once more as his comrade was slammed on top of him. Both men were done as they couldn't get up. Only one remained, the one the woman tripped earlier. When he got up he was shocked to his friends all down. Each of them all had history in military and law enforcement, now look at them. Getting their asses handed to them by this woman.

Giving a blank stare at the last opponent, the woman got into her stance and gestured a "bring it" motion with her hand. This got her opponent's attention and anger. With the anger and unease of it all the man charged at the woman. Something the woman was hoping for. Reaching his target he went for a hard side kick that managed to hit something. He smiled thinking he got her, but that smile quickly dropped when he saw the woman had somehow blocked his kick with her forearm.

Taking advantage of the man's shock the woman grabbed the leg that kicked her. She did a leg sweep taking the man off balance, he hit the ground but the woman still held on his leg. Suddenly the man cried out in pain as the woman put him into an ankle lock. Furthering the submission the woman started to bend his toes!


This was called pain compliance, in combat sports and martial arts involving grappling and submissions. It was normal for this to be used.

Trying to beak free of the woman's hold of him, the man was about to kick the woman away. This didn't happen as the woman stomped hard on his free leg. Pressing and holding it down the man could no longer try and use his legs. Letting out another cry of pain as the woman continued to twist his ankle and bend his toes.

Finally the man had enough.


The man let out a sigh of relief the woman let him go. Still reeling from the pain and exhaustion of the fight, he decided to just lay there. A few minutes, that's all it took.

This woman took down four large and experienced men who could give any pro fighter a run for their money.


Turning around the woman saw both Kunimatsu and Goki laughing like couple of crazy old coots. While the other woman next to them sighed at them, she then smiled very briefly at the other woman.

"Haha, now that was quite a bit entertainment my dear pupil." Kunimatsu chuckled looking at his student. "You have grown strong Lucy Loud, I dare say you've even become more powerful than me."

Goki closed his eyes and nodded with a slight chuckle.

"I must say the same, you are a far cry from the little girl you once were. While I don't usually like taking up students, especially one who dare to practice under two such drastic styles. A style which has caused me such great pain in the past but you proved me wrong."

Lucy Loud smiled for only a single moment as she bowed at her masters. Years have changed Lucy, no longer a small 9 year old goth anymore. At 25 years old Lucy was now a beauty and quite dangerous by the looks of it.

"Thank you masters, I wouldn't be were I am without your teachings." Lucy stated as her expression went back to a blank one. "This time I believe I am ready. That is if you both think I am."

The room got quiet as both old men's aura changed, it got so serious that the woman sitting next to them felt a chill run up her spine. Goki was the first to speak.

"I still think you should still wait a little longer, while you are indeed on a whole other level than most. There are still those out there that are stronger than you. If you plan to do what Kunimatsu and I think, then know that there is a difference between confidence and overconfidence. Like I said you are not the same little girl that came to me on. You have become a wonderful student of mine, I enjoyed our time together. You have my blessing and permission to do what you must Lucy Loud."

Seeing she got one of her master's blessing and permission, Lucy looked over to her final one. Master Kunimatsu was giving Lucy a serious look, far different from his usual off-beat and comical look he usual had.

"In all my years of training students, I have only met two who I consider geniuses. One of whom just so happened to be responsible for the loss of my arm. He was so skilled that he even surpassed me. I never would have thought I get to see another student of mine surpass me. You, who have bested my most experienced and strongest students. Who mastered all but one techniques in record time and at such a young age too. Hell, you even made your own technique and add to The Way of The Void. Way I see it you can do whatever you damn well please. Haha, so yes you don't need to have my permission Lucy Loud, just do it! Haha!"

Goki and the woman sighed and shook their heads at the old crazy old man. Lucy on the other hand gave another bow with a small smile that no one could see. Raising her head back up she locked gazes with her masters, her eyes full of respect and hidden fire that both men saw when she came to them.

"Thank you for everything."

Both old men didn't say a word because the look on their faces said it all. They were proud and knew full well that this would be the last time they would see their student for a long time. She came to them and shed sweat and spilled blood to reach a goal. A goal that was now in reach.

It was time to say goodbye.

Lucy started to leave to change back into her clothes. But not before looking back at the woman still sitting down.

"Let's go Haiku."

Haiku did as she was told and got up, before she left she gave a respectful bow to both Kunimatsu and Goki. Both woman left the room leaving only the two old men and the group of defeated students who started to slowly get up.

"She really has surprised me, not just with her progress as a fighter but also as an individual. I pity whoever gets in her way, though I must say I pity the person who set her down this path. Remind me again Goki, who was it that set her down this path?"

"Why I do believe it was her older sister, Lynn Loud. From what I've been hearing she has been causing trouble in the states looking for that brother of theirs who ran away. You remember hearing about him right? He was the one who was causing trouble here not too long ago.'

"Oh that's right! I can not wait to hear what goes down when that family have a reunion, it will probably be a blood bath. Haha!"

At that moment both men shared a laugh.

Lucy and Haiku had made it to the changing room where Lucy was changing out of her training clothes. Haiku was outside checking messages on her phone while she waited for Lucy.

As she was changing, Lucy started to remember her journey to get here. All the trials she face and overcame. That is except one.

Her older sister, Lynn Loud.

Flashback, 11 Years Ago

It has been about a 6 years since that nightmare of a day happened.

The day their family was torn apart, all because of some stupid superstition. A year since some of their family were sent to jail or juvie. Seemed like things were never going to go back to normal. That started to change when their parents got out, it would be a while but they slowly started to get their family back together. Still it wasn't the same without him, not without Lincoln.

They were all regretful about what happened, what they did. Some felt it more than but that didn't stop what they all felt.

Took a while but eventually Lynn. Sr and Rita loud were eligible to get their kids back. At first they wanted nothing more than try and get their son back. So they started with the youngest of the girls and went up from there. Finally as they got all their daughters back they knew it was time to get their son back.

Knowing it wasn't going to easy to convince Lincoln to rejoin their family, they decided to start slow by calling him. Which did not end well at all. Lincoln stopped accepting calls all together. So they started to write letters, all of them did even Lily who was about 5 years old at the time. She knew nothing about her big brother or why he was away. The only thing she knew was what her family told her and by the old photos of him.

The little girl longed to meet her older brother, so much that she would always draw about him. She even sent him one in a letter.

Although they sent letter after letter they never got a response. Eventually Lynn. Sr and Rita Loud knew it was time they get their son back, whether he liked it or not. They told the people in charge of the facility he was staying at that they were going to try and get custody of him again. After that they sent one final letter to him explaining everything to him.

Oh how they wished they would have never done that.

Wasn't long until they got word that Lincoln had ran away, which struck the Loud family with shock then sadness and regret. Shorty after they got word, both parents had left the Loud children under the care of Lori while they traveled to New York to see what happened and if they could find Lincoln.

When they returned they were alone.

During that time the Loud house got a lot quieter, it felt more empty. Of course they still actively tried to look for him and held up hope. Overtime though things started to get worse. Each of them held great regret and sadness, with the exception of Lily. Who still felt sadness that she would not get to see her brother. At that time the girls of the Loud family were all dealing with this the best they could.

Most of them dealt with the only way they could, diving straight into work or school, acting on impulse or becoming recluse or lashing out. The worse was yet to come.

It all started when Lucy, age 14 was having a heated argument with her older sister Lynn, age 19. It was on a weekend and in the afternoon.

"Lynn, don't do this."

Lucy was watching her older sister packing up clothes and other things into a duffel bag. Times had changed in the Loud house, both Lori and Leni had left to go to college, which was hard at first because they did not want the family to be more separated but they eventually settled in. Luna, Luan, and Lynn were either finishing high school or trying to figure out a plan. Lucy, Lola, and Lana were in middle school while Lisa and Lily were going through elementary school.

Things around Loud house was not the same without Lincoln, but they all did their best to get back their normal lives. Sadly none of them were able to do it except Lily, who was just starting to socialize and make friends but the others they were not as fortunate. It was no secret what happened to them and Lincoln. Pretty much all the girls faced social backlash because of what happened.

Many of the girls friends avoided them like the plague, they were pretty much cast out of their social circles with only a few friends left to stand by them. Friendships and relationships were broken but new and unexpected ones were formed. What bothered many of the girls was the fact they faced countless bullying.

They learned to ignore it and did the best when being bullied, but Lynn could not handle it so she lashed out. Sometimes it would get ugly, real ugly. Just last week Lynn was suspended the 3rd time for beating up Chandler and his buddies for talking smack about her. She could have handled that but they went too far talking about her family and most of all Lincoln. It was amazing the cops didn't take Lynn in after what she did to them.

She ended up in trouble and was grounded for a month, something which was becoming very frequent. Lynn of course didn't care one bit. Now the old Lynn would have been livid missing all her sports practices but that was no longer a problem seeing she had stop doing sports. After what happened with Lincoln, Lynn stopped doing sports. She of course still kept up her own personnel training like weights, cardio, other things, and oddly wrestling, karate, and other fighting styles.

Why you ask?

Well, Lynn wanted to be prepared for her mission to find her little brother.

Originally her plan was to wait until she had graduated and save enough money for this plan. Something that she kept secret until now. Not being the brightest at times or the most patience, Lynn knew full well that her family would call her plan crazy and try to stop her. Maybe they were right but Lynn didn't care. She was going to find and bring Lincoln back so they can finally be a family again. Whether he wanted to or not.

However now plans have changed, Lynn couldn't stand being here. Being an outcast, no friends or having the drive to do what she loved. All this guilt and anger. In her mind there was no choice but to leave and try her best to bring back Lincoln then maybe everything would go back to normal. Beginning her plan early she gather all the money she could and catch a ride out of town.

Too bad she didn't take her little sister's snoopiness in account.

Somehow Lucy managed to catch wind of her plan. Thankfully she hasn't told a soul yet because she wanted to try and convince Lynn not go through with her plan.

"Lynn this is crazy, please don't go through this."

Letting out a sigh Lynn kept on packing.

"You can't talk me out of this sis, I'm going through with this." Lynn stated as she finished packing. Taking a look at Lucy she could see the goth was no happy. "The last 6 years have been hell for all of us. Nothing has been same since Lincoln… I have to do this Lucy, for all of us."

Silence fell upon the room as both sisters stood facing each other.

"That's bullshit and you know it Lynn…"


Taken of guard by Lucy's sudden outburst, Lynn was at a lost for words as Lucy did something even more unexpected. The young goth slid her hair and bangs back, revealing two cold black eyes that were glaring daggers into her. Lynn just froze there.

"Admit it, this is all because you're still feeling guilty about what happened. You blame yourself more than anybody here. Don't you dare think its all on you! We are all to blame for what happened. How stubborn can you be? Stop being an idiot and think you're doing this for us, because deep down you're doing this for yourself. You aren't going away to just go look around for Lincoln but to run away. Are you going to abandon your family just because you're too guilty and scared—"


Lynn finally snapped out of shock and slammed her pack on the floor as she gave Lucy a heated glare and scowl. Any normal person would be intimidated by this sudden act of aggression. Not Lucy Loud, she knew her older sister's aggressive side all too well.

"If you aren't then why are you running away?" Lucy asked coldly as she got up in Lynn's personal space. "When are going to grow up, Lynn? You've got to stop blaming yourself. It wasn't your fault—"


Again the room fell in silence, Lynn was shaking in anger and clenching her fists. What made Lucy stop was that Lynn seemed so close to crying.

"All of this is my fault, can't you see that!? None of this would have happened if I loved him enough. If I had picked my little brother over my love of winning and my stupid superstitions then he would still be here. Our family would be whole, you guys would not have to deal with everyone's bullshit, Lily would actually know her only big brother and not just know the lies we've told her. I hurt him Lucy even before all that bad luck crap! I'm a terrible sister, I'm one of his older sisters! I was supposed to protect him and take care of him but I didn't! Don't you see that's why I have to bring him back!?"






Before Lynn knew what happened she found herself on the floor landing on her butt. Giving a look up she saw that Lucy breathing heavily in frustration, that's when Lynn remembered what happened. Her little sister had shoved her. What happened next shocked Lynn, Lucy tried to kick her with a straight kick to the face!

Fortunately given her training Lynn was able to block it with her forearm, then Lucy went for a roundhouse kick surprising Lynn but she was able to block it with her forearm again. Not wanting to be a sitting duck Lynn quickly got up and got into a defensive stance. Good thing she did because Lucy went for a sidekick of all things! Lynn wasn't able to stop or block this unexpected attack as she was hit on the side, the kick didn't hurt since it didn't have enough power given Lucy size and strength but it was still a bother.

"You aren't the only one who's been training!" Lucy yelled as she went for another roundhouse kick. "If you bothered to stop feeling sorry for yourself and getting into trouble you would know I've been taking Taekwondo lessons!"

Hearing this was certainly news to Lynn, while not a threat Lucy had perfect form. Unfortunately she lack a few things, one of which was something Lynn knew quite well.

The will to do anything.

Lucy saw Lynn rush at her at fast speeds that she couldn't keep up with her eyes, suddenly Lucy let out a pain filled wheeze as she fell to her knees. What brought her down was the sudden pain that knocked the wind out of her. She couldn't believe Lynn kneed her in the stomach.

"Stay down sis, that was the softest attack I could have gave you. You can't beat me, don't make this more difficult than it already is."

Still wheezing a little and trying to catch her breath, Lucy had enough strength to look up at Lynn, who was giving her a downcast stare. Her eyes were filled with so much regret and pity. Lucy hated it. So much that Lucy somehow willed her way past the pain to give one last attack. She didn't know what she was doing until it was too late.

Letting out a yell Lucy lunged herself at Lynn who was again shocked by her little sister's tenacity. Guess that's why she was so slow to react to the sudden attack which was Lucy trying to claw Lynn's face, somehow Lynn managed to move out of the way. However not fast enough as Lynn felt a bit of pain coming from her right cheek. Bringing up her hand up to her cheek, Lynn felt something wet. Bringing her hand close she saw that it was blood.

Lucy had scratched her, so deep that she drew blood. Hell, she even felt a bit come down her face. Both girls were completely shock by what happened, neither one said a word.

"W-why are you two being mean to each other?"

Both girls turned to look at the door to see a little girl with short blonde hair with a bit of tuff on top of her hair, this was 5 year old Lily who crying softy as she held onto her light purple blanket.

That's when things started to get worse.

End of Flashback

Everything changed again after that day, little Lily at the time only did what a 5 year old could do: cry and call for her parents, which end as well as you think. They were shocked to see what their daughters had did to each other. What happened went far from than just simple roughhousing or arguing. Both parents immediately grounded both girls before they could say a word, even when they tried to explain what happened. Things only got worse when Lucy blurted out about Lynn's plan.

Safe to say Lynn. Sr and Rita Loud were shocked and livid beyond belief.

Things went south quick as Lynn did her best to explain things, soon explaining went to arguing and things just got real worse. So much that the whole family was dragged into it. Poor Lily couldn't handle it anymore and cried all the way to her room. Everything stopped after that, both Loud parents send everyone to their rooms as they went to go try and calm Lily down. They of course separated Lynn and Lucy in different rooms for the time being, Lucy would be sent to her and Lynn's room while Lynn herself was sent downstairs.

From then on things would only get rougher for the Loud family.

Lynn and Lucy would stop being roommates and would stop talking to each other until Lynn barely managed to graduated. Shortly after that she would take off and try to do her crazy plan. 17 years later, Lynn would not find a thing, chasing rumors and ghosts. Her and Lucy's relationship would never recover, even after Lucy graduated Lynn was no where to be found. To be honest Lucy wanted it that way.

While not hating her older sister, Lucy couldn't stand it when Lynn acted like a stubborn child. Unfortunately that's how Lynn acted all the time since going through with her stupid plan.

After graduating from high school at 18, Lucy decided not to join college like her only remaining friend Haiku. Because Lori somehow roped everyone into joining her company, while being a board member. A simple title so Lori could make sure each of them were cared for and had money to spend. Lucy gave up on being an undertaker or being a vampire, only a little bit on the latter though. Who wouldn't want to be a part of the undead? Lucy shockingly followed in her older sister Leni's footsteps in training in martial arts.

Though already a black belt in Taekwondo at 16, Lucy decided to find a martial art that suited her. Not that she didn't like Taekwondo it's just she wanted more options. Only reason she took Taekwondo was because she wanted to have something to similar to Lynn's Karate and other fighting styles. She wanted something they could probably talk about and grow closer, like they used to be. Sadly that did not happen.

She traveled a bit around the globe searching for a style which suited her. On her travels she picked up Haiku as a traveling companion after she graduated college. Her fellow goth soon became her personal assistant, just so Haiku could actually have a job and make some money while they traveled. While Haiku was a bit reluctant at first, Lucy got her to agree to it. Afer traveling for about a year Lucy and Haiku found themselves in Japan where Lucy didn't just finally found what she was looking for but found two styles that appealed to her.

The Way of The Void and Shibukawa-ryu Jujutsu.

First she approached Master Kunimatsu, who didn't mind taking another student. Goki Shibukawa was harder to convince since he never took on students, it took a fight and some talking before he started to consider it. Of course Lucy lost the fight against him yet somehow she got the old master's attention. After a talk and telling Goki why she needed to get stronger he relented and accepted her as a student.

The real challenge was convincing both that he wanted to learn both styles. Both old masters were hesitant but after Lucy showed them she was determined they both decided to see how it would go.

As Lucy trained under them both were very surprised by her progress. Not only was she advancing along at a fast pace then most students, especially at such a young age. She was advancing further than many of the older and experienced students, studying and mastering almost all techniques. A lot of her peers grew to see her as genius. She even invented her own technique and added it to the other techniques of The Way of The Void. A technique similar to a technique called Poison Hand, a technique so dangerous and painful. The user would rather cut their arms off then live with the pain.

This technique of hers required her to wear a glove on her left hand constantly so she wouldn't accidently hurt anyone.

5 years have past since Lucy began her training, she felt confident in her abilities. That's why she asked for that spar in the first place. To show her masters and convince herself she was ready for her goal. All hard work, just so she could finally snap her sister out of it.

Yep, her goal is to be able to stand up to her older sister.

Lucy knew that her family was broken, what they did was unforgivable. They hurt Lincoln, betrayed his trust and they paid for it. Still she knew what happened to them didn't compare to what they did to him. She and rest of her family knew full well they caused Lincoln pain, pushed him to run away than rather wanting to be with them again. Unlike them Lucy wasn't constantly trying to find him like Lynn or Lisa, holding out hope he would return and they could be a family again like the rest of them. She knew Lincoln didn't want anything to do with them and she had to accept that.

It wasn't something she wanted, far from it but she had no choice. Now that did not mean she didn't want Lincoln back or that she stopped loving him because she didn't. She wanted nothing more in the world than have Lincoln back and be a family again but that's not how life works. She still loved Lincoln and hoped he was happy wherever he was.

They lost that chance.

Lincoln will always be her big brother, the one who would take listen to her poems and help her with rhymes despite how she always managed to scare him at times. He took the blame for her when she accidently clogged the toilet even if it meant he would be humiliated and grounded. He was always there for her, always there for his family no matter if he would get hurt or humiliated or something worse. Lincoln would always put his family ahead of himself, and look what they did for everything he did. Threw him and casted him out of their family because of some stupid superstition.

Sometimes Lucy wondered if things would be different if she stuck up for Lincoln. Would he still be with them, would their family have threw him out anyways? Would their family still be whole and happy? Often she let her mind think about these what if scenarios.

Sadly that's all they were, what ifs.

Nothing could make their family whole again, Lincoln was gone and Lynn was dead set on trying to get him back by any means necessary. Didn't matter what happens to her. Lynn got into constant fights on her search and had little restraint. The only reason she was not in jail was because of Lori and her money, and Lisa covering her tracks. One of these days Lynn's luck was going to run out. That's why Lucy needed to snap her out of this wayward mission before she gets serious hurt or worse. She wanted the old Lynn back, the one she made memories with good and bad.

Her old bunk mate.

If it meant she had to get knocked around for her to snap out of it. Lucy had no problem with that, that's why she trained hard for these past 5 years. To be able to try and convince her stubborn older sister to stop from ruining her life. So she can actually be happy and have a regular life, maybe one where she isn't always alone.

It was not going to be easy but Lucy was dead set on saving Lynn from herself.

"Lucy are you finished?"


Walking out of the changing room, Lucy had gotten out of her training clothes. Now she was wearing a black goth shirt with puff sleeves and mesh inserts, with a regular pair of black jeans and dark grey running shoes along with another black leather glove that was fingerless. Her figure had changed, no longer a little girl Lucy had some modest muscles that showed through the mesh of her shirt.

"How soon can you get a plane charted so we can head back to the states?"

"Actually your sister Lori has already arranged one for us."

"Really?" Lucy said surprised. "Hmm, wonder if she wants to put together another board meeting. Makes things easier since that's the only way Lynn actually stops her pointless mission."

"No, she sent me a message and it says she needs to talk to you as soon as possible. I have her on speed dial if you want to talk to her now?"

Lucy simply sighed and nodded, better to get everything out of the way first. Little did she know that phone call wasn't just going to affect her in a big way but also all the Loud sisters.

Liverpool, England UK

Our sights were on a simple church in Liverpool, where a fancy limousine pulled up in the parking lot. An attractive woman came out from the back. She had short light brown hair chin length hair that was in a bob style with baby blue eyeshadow for makeup, she had prominent buck teeth that didn't really take much of her beauty. Her attire consisted of a yellow stylish turtleneck sweater where a pink gag flower was located on her chest, she also wore a yellow skirt with a checkerboard pattern along with light yellow with a line pattern that went all the way up over her brown stylish shoes.

The woman smiled at the sight of church, it has been a while since she was here. As she began to walk over towards the entrance she was surprised to see a large man standing there.

The man standing there was a tall muscular man with long flowing blonde hair, gentle blue eyes and overall serene expression on his face. He was in Anglican priest garments and held a bible in his hand. There was a warm and powerful aura coming from him that made it comforting in a strange way.

"Miss Luan Loud, we've been expecting you. I hope your journey hasn't been too rough."

"I didn't mind the flight, I'm quite used to them by now. It's good to see you again Mokichi and for the last time just call me Luan."

"Of course, forgive this forgetful Vicar." Mokichi chuckled cheerfully as he opened the doors to the church for Luan. "Shall we go?"

Luan nodded and entered the church with Mokichi close behind.

Inside of the church was quite beautiful for such a simple one. Luan looked over and saw a woman sitting on the far right of the front row pew. By the looks of it she was praying. Both Luan and Mokichi walked over to the woman, eventually both were standing over her.

"Luna, you appear to have a visitor."

Luna stopped praying and looked up surprised to see Luan.

Time had changed Luna, she was slightly taller than Luan and had short brown hair which was a faded pixie cut. She was wearing a purple jacket which was open showing she was also wearing a short black shirt that showed off her midriff and abs, along with that she had on tight grey pants and black running shoes.

"Hey sis, it's been—"

Luan didn't get to finish as Luna got up and hugged her. The surprise Luan had on her face faded away and was replaced with a smile as she hugged back. A smile graced Mokichi's face, thinking it would be best to let the pair of sisters have some privacy he quietly left.

Eventually after some time both sisters stopped hugging but both were still emotional.

"Luan, it's so good to see you here sis. I haven't seen you in a hot minute. Not since you… um, you know."

Luna began to smile sadly.

Ever since that faithful day, life has not been easy for Luna and Luan. When the police and Child Services came knocking things turned ugly real quick. Luna caused a fuss with Lori and Lynn causing them to be sent to juvie while Luan and the other were taken by Child Services.

All because they threw their brother out for being bad luck.

At first both thought nothing of it and blamed everything on Lincoln but as time went by they finally realized what they've done. They both fell in a deep depression upon realizing what they done. When things finally settled down and they were reunited with the rest of their family. That is when both were dead set on trying to get their brother back and try to forgive him. Out of everyone they probably sent the most letters and calls however not one got a response from Lincoln.

Their spirits however were still high as they got news their parents were going to do everything to get back custody of Lincoln. The both of them along with their sisters could not wait for that to happen. Sadly that did not happen because Lincoln had ran away. After that both Luna and Luan drastically took a turn for the worst.

Luna would still play and practice music yet there was something different about the sound. There wasn't much spirit in her music anymore, when Lincoln ran away it felt like he took a part of her with him. How could he not? She loved him, he was her little brother, her best friend and they threw him out and broke his heart. Because they were too ignorant and let their superstitions get the best of them. As time past Luna found herself all alone as her friends and fellow band mates stopped talking to her, even Chuck her roadie. What hurt most though her best friend and secret crush Sam Sharp avoiding her but also the looks she would give her:

Looks of disappointment and pity.

At that point Luna started isolate herself from everyone at school and even her own family. She still loved music which at the time was the only thing she felt she had left. Spent most of her time in her room or the garage, she was pretty much a shut in. Still, she held up hope maybe one day they would find Lincoln or he come home. This hope drove her to hone her music and if she gets good enough to be famous then maybe she could find Lincoln.

The sound of her music changed again but this time it was different, it did not have the same spirit it used to and yet it was close.

Eventually Luna graduated and found herself in a new band, while they weren't her old band mates or had Sam. They were the ones who helped her get a shot at the big times. Catching the eye of a lot of shrew and greedy producers who offered her contracts and a chance to be a part of a big label. Luna wasn't stupid, she knew that they would say anything to make money but she couldn't refuse. The chances of finding Lincoln drove her to make a deal with one of the, sadly that meant leaving her newly formed band and her family. Her family took the news the hardest, Luan especially but they understood this was something to do. Besides she was 21 at the time so legally was an adult and could do what she wanted.

Unfortunately her new band mates didn't seem to understand and saw Luna's contract deal as a betrayal. They argued and then they all left on bad terms. Luna regretted what she did, yet another thing to add on that list. At the time all that mattered to her was her goal to make it big and find Lincoln. When the time finally came to leave she said her goodbyes to her family and whatever friends she had left.

The label she signed with gave her pretty much everything to start her career: a fancy recording studio, new equipment and instruments though Luna still held onto her own guitar, new bandmates and other staff to help around, and of course awesome digs for her to crash at. It was all amazing but it still didn't feel right. She missed the good old day, the simpler days that were now becoming distant memories.

Nevertheless, Luna pressed on and did her best to make it work. It didn't take long for Luna to begin making music under her new band her producer dubbed Luna Eclipse. The name was a bit much but Luna ran with and slowly but surely her career took off.

During this time Lori had got her to company going and talked into Luna and their other sisters joining her board. Pretty sure it was just an excuse so she could make sure they had cash even when they weren't working. She didn't really mind the extra cash and attending those board meetings were a nice excuse to see her family while on the road or making music.

At a steady pace Luna and her band began to release some hit singles and then finally their first EP, which she dedicated to Lincoln. More hits and albums followed, then the collaborations and finally they were doing tours. Making appearances on talk shows and going to award shows. Speaking of which, Luna Eclipse won their first award on their 3rd single, not long until more awards came coming.

Life on the road was fun but that's when things started to get rough for Luna.

Rarely seeing or keeping contact with her family was taking a toll on her. Luna wanted to visit and she did for time to time but after a while her producer and managers convinced her to focus on her music. Again she knew they were full of shit and were just trying to fill their pocket but the thought of trying to find Lincoln was too compelling.

Even at 25 years old, Luna still searched for her little brother. She was an advocate for searching for runaways and missing persons. Because of her fame she had people and fans keep a look out for Lincoln, which were sadly unsuccessful. It was probably around that point Luna's took a real bad turn for the worst.

Her bandmates let the fame go to their heads and would do pretty much everything from sex, booze, and to drugs. Back then Luna was the only one to keep everyone in line and not partake in the bullshit. Sadly life on the road and the constant failure of not finding Lincoln took a lot of Luna who started drink and sleep around with random groupies and eventually one or two of her bandmates. Her attitude changed too, she wasn't full of spirit or hope anymore.

She was just Luna, vocalist and lead guitarist of Luna Eclipse.

Her attitude changed, no longer was Luna talking to her family or attend those board meetings or even call them anymore. Slipping into her music and fame, while still making music and the occasional hit Luna just kept going down her downward spiral. She began to go to wild parties and doing drugs, that's when the paparazzi and tabloids got to her and she had a full blown breakdown at a live concert.

With her image being damaged and fame diminishing, Luna's producer and label dropped her and her band. They split up after that going their separate ways. Luna decided to try and start a solo career but her drinking and partying got in the way. It had gotten so bad that Lori and the others froze her bank accounts, causing Luna to lash out and cut all contact with them.

At the time Luna was living in the UK, so it wasn't easy to just stop by and check in but finally it was decided someone should check in on her. Luan was the one who decided to go.

When hearing how Lincoln ran away, all the joy in Luan's life went along with him. Luan wasn't the same pun cracking, pranking jokester she was anymore. Every last one of her friends left her side, Giggles, her comedy and stage buddies and school friends ignored her existence. No one would longer hire for any humorous activities or special occasions so her little business Funny Business Inc. completely failed.

After that Luan stopped making jokes, pranks and puns much to her family's shock. While they were relived they would no longer need to watch their backs on April Fool's Day and her terrible puns. Each of them were worried for Luan as she would just hang around the house and only left when they had a family outing which was rare and only for school. She faced bullying and contempt just like the others, she became quiet and keep to herself.

Things started to change right around high school, during when a trio of cheerleaders got the drop on her in the girl's bathroom and started to push and call her names. Luan was used to it at the time but still found it unpleasant. Just as things were about to take a turn for the worse someone shockingly got involved and chased off them off.

Her savior was someone she didn't expect, Maggie.

Maggie was an emo girl who's birthday party Lincoln almost ruined, if it wasn't for Luan's mime skills then that might have happened. Luan didn't why she helped her out. When she asked why all she got was a side way glance and then Maggie left.

From then on whenever Luan was in trouble Maggie would come to the rescue. She would even sit with her during lunch, Luan didn't mind it though she found it strange how quiet and aloof how Maggie was. Probably because she was emo but Luan didn't mind. It gave her a chance just to talk and for Maggie to listen. Overtime both girls somehow became friends, during that time Luan's life started to change for the better.

Sure she still got picked on from time to time but it didn't feel as worst as it used to. Maybe it was because she wasn't alone. Eventually Luan started to smile and talk more she even let the occasional joke or pun if she was having a good day. Maggie at first was aloof and rarely talked or smile, it took some time but Luan was finally able get past her broody emo façade.

Contrary to what everyone thought, Maggie had a good sense of humor. Luan liked to make her laugh and Maggie liked how Luan tried her hardest to make her laugh. Going through high school was a lot easier for Luan with Maggie by her side. Wasn't long until Luan was acting like her old self but she still didn't feel same. Not without Lincoln.

Luan held out hope that her baby brother would return or be found just like the rest of her sisters.

It hurt whenever Luan thought about him and what they did, what she did but it hurt a little less with Maggie around. Both had grown so close that Luan failed a grade on purpose just so they can be in the same grade. Her parents and some of her sisters weren't happy that she did that but were glad at least she was happy.

Both Luan and Maggie's friendship took an unexpected turn when Maggie invited her out for prom. At first Luan was shocked but thought it was just so they would be going as friends. Luan found out that wasn't the case when at the end of the night of prom Maggie with an embarrassed expression kissed her on the lips. Now that was something Luan didn't expect to happen. After that happened Maggie went on to explain in blushing and stuttering mess, that over how she developed a crush on her since they had become friends.

Maggie had expected a lot of things to happen after she confessed, for Luan to get grossed out, run away or kindly reject her. She was so focused on what could go wrong that the emo girl didn't even think about what Luan did next. While still trying to explain why she did what she did, Maggie suddenly found herself in unexpected kiss from Luan.

When it was over Luan had a bright and caring toothy smile, she then went on to say she felt the same way.

Everything was history after that.

The both of them officially became a couple, both told their families and few friends they were now seeing each other. Their families were accepting and happy that both Luan and Maggie had someone. Luan's sisters were all too thrilled that she was in a relationship. A few of their friends didn't agree or accept their relationship, which was fine for the both of them.

Luan and Maggie cared for each other and they didn't care what anyone else felt or said.

After graduating both Luan and Maggie went to the college at Great Lakes City together and got an apartment to live in. Luan was taking courses in improv-comedy, stage and drama while Maggie took up writing and other things that interested her. She didn't have to worry about money for tuition and other stuff since she and the rest of her sisters joined Lori's company. Things were looking pretty good for Luan but that changed when Luna started to act out.

Since Luna focused all her time on music and wanting to find Lincoln, she never had time for Luan as much as she used to. Which most likely resulted why Luan was the way she was before meeting Maggie. The sisterly bond both Luan and Luna had diminished when Lincoln left. It may not have been as bad like Lynn and Lucy's. It was pretty apparent it was going to get worse if Luan didn't do something about it. That's why she decided she would be the one to check on Luna and hopefully stop her from ruining her life.

Taking a break from college Luan took a flight, courtesy of Lori, to Liverpool where Luna was currently living at. Before she did that she had a heartfelt goodbye with her girlfriend. Maggie wanted to come but Luan convinced her to stay and keep taking her courses.

Besides, this was a family thing.

Once Luan got there she spent a good few days looking for Luna. Who wasn't at her apartment, from what she got from Luna's neighbors she hasn't been home for days. This only got Luan more worried as she looked everywhere for her sister. Just as she was about to go to the police suddenly she received a mysterious call from a man whose voice she didn't recognized. The man told her where she could find Luna and quickly hanged up before Luan could question him.

When she tried to call him back all she got was nothing. Luan had no idea why she listened to the man but she went where he said to go. Imagine how surprised she was to see it was a church. She was more surprised to see that she found someone expecting her.

The priest of the church, Mokichi Robinson.

He led her inside and towards the back where she was shocked to see Luna resting on a bed cot in Mokichi's office with an IV drip hooked up to her. Luna looked terrible, she looked like she hadn't bathed in days and her clothes were messy or gone. There were needle marks faded and new around on her arms, she had bruises and cuts which were bandaged on her neck and face and was very thin. It looked like she went through hell. Luan quickly demanded what happened and why Luna wasn't in the hospital.

Managing to calm Luan down, Mokichi explained that a professional doctor who was a friend of his came and took care of everything. Other than the IV drip, bandages, and some much needed rest Luna was fine. How she ended up like this was a whole other story. A stranger had brought Luna here to get help, after this stranger saved her from getting ganged raped.

Hearing that was so hard to hear, Luan was so horrified that she broke down and cried beside Luna's cot. Mokichi comforted her and told her they were welcome to stay as long as they wanted. Luan took up that generous offer and was beside Luna's side the entire time before she woke up. When she did she was shocked to see a relived and crying Luan sitting beside her holding her hand. Luna soon found herself being questioned after that from Luna.

Too tired to argue with her sister, Luna went on to tell her what happened.

After Lori froze her bank accounts Luna went on a bender, she ended up partying hard and taking some hardcore drugs that messed her. This lasted for days until Luna started to slowly snap out of it. She was in some sketchy drug den and tried to leave but a group of mean nasty looking dudes stopped her. They wanted compensation for the drugs Luna took. Luna would have paid them if her wallet wasn't missing. She told them she had no cash but they didn't mind, they wanted a little something else special from her. When she refused things got physical and they got the jump on her. They started to rip and pull her clothes off, held her down and smacked her around.

Luna haven't been so afraid in her life, she screamed and did her best to fight back but was too weak. It reminded her of how they took her family and how she pushed Lincoln away. Just as they were about to rip off her pants something shocking happened. Someone came to her rescue, while she couldn't see their face because they were wearing an orange hoodie up but she could tell they were a man.

Her rescuer appeared from out of nowhere and started to fight off her would-be rapists. He was so swift as he dodged the gang's attacks, none of them stood a chance as he laid them all out with precise punches and grappling locks. When it was all over the mysterious man picked her up and took her away from that place. It was at that time Luna lost consciousness.