2. Chapter 2(2)

From the silence and look Luan was giving her, Luna knew she messed up. She wasn't an idiot, she knew that she wrecked her life and pushed her family away. All of this was her own fault and hers alone. It almost cost her a lot, something every person fears. At that point Luna began to let everything out. How she was a poor excuse of a sister, friend, and a person. Saying she deserved everything that was happening to her, suddenly she was stopped when Luan embraced her in a tight hug.

Both girls began to cry shorty after that.

Luan stayed by Luna's side as she started to recover. Mokichi was happy to assist them and let them stayed as long as they wanted. When Luna was strong enough to travel Luan set up plans for them to go home and get some professional help with what was troubling her. Also being close to their family would help out a lot too. However Luna had other plans, she wanted to stay here at the church and have Mokichi help her. Luan was livid when she heard this but calmed down when Luna explained why she wanted to do this.

While Luna was recovering Mokichi was a big help, not just for letting her and Luan stay at the church but the talks and advice he have them. The prayers he gave oddly put Luna's mind at peace even though she wasn't religious. During one of these talks Mokichi told her about his past and that he was a skilled martial artist, there was also a time in his life where he was going down a dark path just like Luna. A life full of vice and loneliness, a life with no meaning or value. What changed was meeting his half-sister who changed his life for the better, because of her he became a better man but most importantly of all he became the brother she deserved.

Could she be like that?

Ever since Lincoln left, Luna has been lost. Doing what she thought was right for family and Lincoln but she was only doing what felt right for herself. Nothing like hitting rock bottom to get you some perspective. Right now Luna was at a crossroads on where to go. A path that was full of vice and emptiness or a path of redemption?

Luna of course chose the latter.

She wanted be a better person but also a better sister and daughter, for Lincoln and their family. To do that she needed to stay here and learn from Mokichi, who better to show her the right path than the man himself? Luan didn't know what to do after hearing this. She wanted what was best for her sisters but they weren't kids no more. For better or worse Luna was an adult now. Sure Luan could have made her come and take her home to be with her family and get proper help. But would that really be best for Luna?

Giving it some thought Luan came to a decision, she was going to let Luna do what she wanted. The ex-rocker was shocked but was soon ecstatic as she grabbed her little sister into a hug. Luan would agree to this only if Luna promised to check in on Luan and their family on occasion to make sure she doing okay. Immediately Luna promised but there was one other thing Luan needed which was for Mokichi to promise to take care of Luna while under his care.

They both came to Mokichi and told him everything, again Mokichi was happy to help and promise to take care of Luna. With all that out of the way Luan packed up and prepared to leave but not before she and Luna had a heartfelt send off. Luan went back to her life and Luna began her new one.

That was 7 years ago, now Luna was 32 and Luan was 31.

"So how have you been?"

"I've been pretty good Luan, these past 7 years have been rough but I can safely say I'm in a lot better shape than I was the last time you saw me. First few weeks were rough when you're going cold turkey but Mokichi and his sister were a big help. They got me through some real tough patches. I missed you guys of course, you most of all you sis."

Luan grinned and laughed.

"Thanks Luna, things haven't really been the same back home without you and the others."

Smiling sadly Luna decided it was time to ask some tough questions.

"How are things going at home?"

The grin Luan had dropped slightly as she let out a sigh.

"Mom and Dad are doing fine, they just miss everyone but they understand we aren't teens and littles kids anymore. Lori, Lisa, Lana, and me stop by to check on them and tell them what's going on. Its cool that you, Leni, Lola, and Lucy call when you can."

"What about Lynn and Lily?"

Whatever grin Luan had left was gone.

"Lynn has been… well, Lynn. She probably calls once a month or twice if we're lucky. At least she does call, Lily on the other hasn't spoken to us at all. Not since she found out. Man, I'm glad most of you weren't there when it happened. It was just a complete shit show Luna, god. We really messed up…"

Luan felt like crying, thankfully Luna was there to comfort her by putting a hand on her shoulder.

"What has she been up to? Last I heard from you guys is that she moved in with Auntie Ruth. How is that working out?"

"From what Auntie Ruth and Pop-Pop have been telling us she is doing pretty good. Lily is about to finish high school, heard she eyeing some good colleges. She likes to check on Pop-Pop all the time and talk about Lincoln and the old times. Anyways, what have you been up to?"

This time it was for Luna to grin.

"Like I said sis, I was in a bad place and Mokichi and his sister helped me out. Recovering from drug and alcohol problems were hard but they were there for me, talking to all of you guys helped out. Mokichi would let me join him in morning and evening prayer which were fun so that kept me busy for the first few weeks but it just wasn't cutting it. It led me to try and practice music again, what blows is that I just didn't have the heart for it anymore. Too many bad memories, eventually Mokichi noticed what was up with me and had an idea to help me. Which was for me to practice martial arts."

A look of surprise hit Luan, when she was about to open her mouth to speak but Luna beat her to it.

"I know, I know. it's nuts hearing me say that. Especially after I gave Leni so much crap about her doing it but now I can understand why she decided to do it." Luan started to explain with somber tone and expression. "What almost happened got me thinking, I was helpless when those guys jumped me. I fought and clawed as much as I could but it wasn't enough. If it wasn't for the mysterious dude I'd probably would have been in worst shape. Much as I hate to admit it Luan, I was weak."

"Luna, you weren't—"

"Come on Luan, you and I both no I was a complete wreck even before the booze, drugs, and other shit. I was a shit of a sister and person, probably still am. After what happened made me realize I needed to change. So I did, whether it was for the better or not only time will tell but I do know I'm ready to be with my family again. I'm ready to go home, and if god be willing, I want to help find our little brother."

A bright smile was on Luna's face as she looked at her sister, who looked ready to cry which she finally decided to do. As expected Luan grabbed Luna and pulled her into another hug. Luna laughed at Luan's antics and simply hugged back. Seemed like forever but Luan finally stopped crying and let go of Luna.

"Alright sis stop the water works, now tell me what's up. Why did you finally want to meet up face to face after so long. Not that I mind."

It was then Luan quickly became nervous, which was slightly making Luna nervous.

"What's wrong sis?"

It took a while but Luan finally got brave enough to talk.

"Well, you better sit down for this because I think what I'm about to say is gonna rock to your very core."

Both sisters shared a brief smile and giggle. Unfortunate that was all going to change once Luan told Luna why she decided to come visit.

Royal Woods, Michigan

It was a beautiful day with the sun shining brightly over the small city. Things seemed quiet and peaceful, one place in particular seemed very much so and that place would be Sunset Canyon Retirement Home. A nice nursing home located on the edge of Royal Woods. Back in the day the place used to be real strict but over the years the place has really mellowed out. All thanks to one old man and his grandson.

Years have past since then and that old man is still a resident.

Speaking of whom, let's check in on that old man.

Inside the retirement home and past the halls and other rooms, in a certain room that old man was enjoying a visit from one of his grandchildren.

"Your brother was such a scamp, just like myself when I was his age. When he was still little, probably around 3 or 4. The little guy was always getting into adventures. Often he would get in trouble and his older sisters would bail him out, sometimes he would rope them into whatever he was up to and they would love every second of it. I mean sure they would fight but that's what family does. Even as the years past Lincoln still got into adventures or trouble and he would rope his family into it. Sometimes it would end bad, but Lincoln always made sure everyone was okay even if he wasn't. Oh those were the days… it's too bad you weren't around back then or too young to remember."

The old man was Albert aka Pop-Pop, grandfather of the Loud children. Time has clearly caught up to the old man as he was a bit more skinny than he used to be but was still somewhat burly. A few more wrinkles were on his face and his hair had gotten greyer, his tattoo he got when he was in the service had faded a little more. Although he still had his old clothes, he now seemed to wear eyeglasses and was in a wheelchair.

A young lady was sitting on a chair next to him, she was very pretty with long blonde hair with a side bang and was down but she had a headband with a purple flower attached to it. She wore a sleeveless casual light purple shirt with a regular black shirt underneath, along with that she had a purple skirt and light purple leggings with black shoes. One more thing about her is that she had a beautiful necklace around her neck with a silver bunny charm.

"Haha, gosh Pop-Pop, your stories are so fun to hear."

"Yep, I got tons of stories about me and your brother. The trouble me and him would get into was nuts at times but we enjoyed every second of it." Albert laughed but soon started to cough hard. The young lady almost got up to check on him but was stopped by Albert who raised his hand. Thankfully he soon stopped coughing. "Oh boy, those coughing fits are sure something. Don't you worry about me Lily. Just my age catching up to me."

"You're my Pop-Pop so I have to worry about you." Lily stated with a kind smile. "You and Auntie Ruth are the only family I can count on."

A sad frown appeared Albert's face as he sighed.

Lily Loud, who is 18 years old, his youngest grandchild and granddaughter. Next to Lincoln, Albert had always had a special connection with her. She was the baby of the family which meant she was special to everyone even though she was no longer a baby. She was just about finished with high school, a grade A student and a beauty that many tried to win over. Thankfully she focused on her studies and hobbies rather than dating. Everything seems perfect in Lily's life but that was wrong because Lily's life was far from perfect.

It started with her family, for the longest time Lily knew her family wasn't exactly perfect but she didn't care. Lily loved her family more than anything. They did as well, they were supportive, loving, and perhaps a bit overprotective but they were always there for her. That's what family did, however as long as Lily could remember she knew that her family wasn't completely whole. Her older brother Lincoln had ran away when she was still a baby, even back then Lily knew the lost still affected her sisters and family. The same could probably be said for Lily for she longed to meet her only brother. It had been a dream of hers ever since her sisters and parents told her about Lincoln. They told her stories about him only causing her to want to meet her brother even more.

While growing up Lily always knew her family wanted nothing more than Lincoln to be back. Sometimes that would be all they think about, Lynn being the most out of all of them. She also noticed how people in school and in other public places would act towards them. With either looks of disgust or distrust, sometimes both. The hush whispers and pointing fingers. Every time that happened Lily would get antsy but often wonder why they were doing that. Lily would often ask her parents and sisters why people would do that but they would either quickly change the subject or stay silent. Of course Lily could ask the people themselves but back then Lily was too shy.

To make matters more complicated Lily saw her family slowly fall apart as time went by. Lori and Leni eventually left to go to college, Luna and Luan kept to themselves, Lynn and Lucy weren't even talking with each other. Everyone else were doing the best they could. Years went by until Lily finally found out why her family was broken as it is, why people would shun them, but most importantly why Lincoln ran away.

Lily discovered what her family did.

"Honey, when was the last time you talked or saw your parents or sisters?"

Instantly Lily's smile dropped as she brought her gaze out towards the window.

"I don't know, probably a few months ago? Usually they try to call me a few times a month but I just ignore them, I do the same thing when Lori sends me money through the mail or if any of them drop by at Auntie Ruth's. Honestly I wish they would just leave me alone."

"Now you don't mean that."

"But I do Pop-Pop!"

Things got really quiet after Lily's outburst, Albert gave Lily a very critical look causing her to frown.

"Pop-Pop, I can't just forgive them and act like nothing happened. Not after what they did to Lincoln, my brother who I never got the chance to properly know. They robbed me of growing up with him, to have him a part of my childhood. But no, that didn't happened. What they did was lie and hide the truth from me as long as they could but that didn't really end well did it? No, because I finally got tired of it. All the fighting, the lying and seeing my family slowly fall apart. When I finally found out what they did I couldn't stand the sight of them. At first I thought about running away… just like what Lincoln did but you and Aunt Ruth convinced me otherwise."

"I'm glad we did because I don't think I can handle having another grandchild of mine running away."

"I know Pop-Pop… but I can't just forgive them and forget what I know. How can I call them family after everything they did?"

Pop-Pop let out a sigh as he took a long look at his granddaughter.

"Sweetie, what they did was horrible. When I first heard what they did I couldn't believe it. I thought I was finally going senile but sadly I wasn't. Good thing you were still a baby at the time and don't remember much because I gave your parents and sisters such a talking. Wouldn't be surprise if your grandmother rolled in coffin after hearing what I told them, god rest her soul, hell I almost killed your dumbass of a dad right then and there. Only thing that stopped me was the thought of you kids and your mother. I'm man enough to admit that a part of still doesn't forgive them but that also doesn't mean I don't still love them. Well, maybe except your dad."

That earned a smile and giggle from Lily causing Pop-Pop to smile back.

"Look what I'm trying to say you might hate them but deep down we both know you still love them."

Lily stopped smiling to give Pop-Pop a small frown.

"You think Lincoln would feel the same way?"

Everything became silent in the room, only noise that could be heard was from outside. Soon Lily knew that was she probably went to far and was about to apologize but Pop-Pop spoke first.

"Your brother… I saw so much of myself in him even when he was just a little scamp. He loved his family and friends, he would do anything for them. I'm pretty sure did as he grew up. You girls were the world to him even if sometimes your parents and sisters treated wrong. But that didn't stop him from loving them, sure there were times he thought about it and I'm damn sure he thought long and hard when all this bad luck business happened. Maybe your brother hasn't forgave them but I can tell you right now I'm sure a part of him still loves them. Love and family are strange that way. Another thing I'm sure of is that he still loves you sweetie."

The reaction Pop-Pop saw was the one he expected, Lily smiled sadly and was on the verge of crying. The old man knew that's what Lily needed to hear. Her life, all his grandchildren's life were rough. Perhaps not as rough as his when growing up but still they deserved better. Still he was glad to see that they were still not giving up as they went on with their lives. Of course some of them would stumble and were too stubborn but Albert knew they would make it in the end.

Suddenly a loud rang could be heard coming from Lily's pants pockets. She dug down to retrieve her phone from her pockets and when she got she looked at it with a depressed frown.

"Time for me to head to my part-time job Pop-Pop." Lily announced as her frown turned to a small smile when she got up. "It was nice talking to you, especially when it was about Lincoln. I'll be sure to come back tomorrow or the next day as quick as I can."

"Ah don't you worry about this old sailor sweetie, you have a life and you shouldn't spend most of it hanging around this crazy old coot."

"Well this old coot is my family and I love him with all my heart." Lily smiled as he got down a little to give her grandfather a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Try to stay out of trouble Pop-Pop and be safe."

"Ha, me and trouble are old friends but I'll try to make sure nothing crazy happens so don't worry. You just worry about yourself sweetie. Go out there and live your life… just no boyfriends or girlfriends."


"What? It's not like the old days, you kids can go crazy about seeing whoever you want. Just as long as you play it safe… also if I get to meet them I get to scare the pants off them."

While it was a bit embarrassing to hear all this is also funny too. Lily couldn't help but contain her giggles.

"God you are crazy Pop-Pop, I'll see you later."

"Yeah, you be safe and have fun out there honey."

Lily smiled with a nod before she left her Pop-Pop's room. She was glad Pop-Pop was happy even though he didn't have much strength as he used to. His eyesight had gotten worst resulting in him wearing glasses now and he didn't have much strength in his legs as he used to so he needed to sit in a wheelchair. Still that didn't stop Pop-Pop from living his way and having fun. He was still spry enough to have fun, especially with his girlfriend Myrtle who was a sweet heart. However Lily still worried for him given his age.

As Lily was walking she noticed someone towards walking her at the other end of the hallway. Normally people would come to visit their relatives and friends staying here and she would recognized them but she did not recognized this man. First thing she noticed about this man was his size.

He was taller than Lily with an imposing size and muscles. With a large mass of black hair atop of his head, thick facial hair along with a mustache and beard, and a stern hardened facial features. He was wearing a dark blue blazer jacket which was open showing a black shirt that was tight enough to show his muscles, he also wore pants that matched his jacket and black business shoes.

When Lily and the man both passed each other Lily stopped to look at the man as he continued on his way. For some reason the man had a very intimidating aura around him. Never had Lily seen or felt something like it. It should have frightened her but it didn't. Finally after looking enough Lily went back on her way thought that imposing man was still fresh in her mind.

Once Lily was far enough away the man stopped long enough to get a brief look at Lily as she turned a corner and left his sight. Seeing she was no longer in sight the man resumed walking.

After some walking the man finally reached where he was heading. Opening the door to the room he reached he walked in and saw the person he came to visit. Pop-Pop was sitting on his wheelchair reading a book but stopped when he noticed the man entering his room. Putting his book away he gave the man a big grin.

"Well I'll be damned, wasn't expecting you this soon. Good old Gensai Kuroki."

Gensai Kuroki, a name both feared and revered in the criminal underworld even to those who aren't associated with the underworld. A man well connected among business persons, marital artists, and assassins. For a man in his profession it only seems right given that Gensai himself was also a experienced and skilled assassin. His fighting prowess in his Kaiwan style Karate made him dangerous and given him a reputation, earning him the nickname: The Devil Lance. Many compared him to the strongest fighters in this day and age, some even say he is the strongest.

The stern assassin kept his hardened expression as he walked over to Pop-Pop and what he did next was shocking. This most feared assassin gave a polite bow and smiled very slightly that it was almost invisible.

"It is good to see you again, sir." Gensai stated with great respect as he rose up from his bow. "I can see the years have treated you fairly."

Pop-Pop smiled with a shake of his head.

"All I can say is I'm still alive and spry enough to have some enjoyment in my life. You look good as well, guess the killing business is going good for you." Pop-Pop casually said earning him a unsmiling look from Gensai. "Don't give me that look, I'm not going to give you crap about what life you choose. You aren't a brat anymore and I'm not your father or master. Not stop giving me that look before I make you… boy."

In that moment the atmosphere got heavy as both men glared at one another. It was very strange and terrifying to see Albert aka Pop-Pop having a stare down with a deadly trained assassin. This went on until Pop-Pop started to laugh rather loudly while Gensai shook his and smiled briefly at the old man's antics.

"Gensai, it is good to see you again. So tell me what brings you here?"

"We have much to talk about sir, but what brought me here is your grandson."

"Hmm, is that so? So tell me Gensai, how is my grandson doing?"

Meanwhile with Lily who was now outside and walking to her part-time job. She worked Flip's Food and Fuel a local gas station and minimart. With little work experience it was just about the only place Lily could get a job. If a 4 year old Lisa could work there then so can she. At first it was rough and the pay isn't really much but Lily didn't mind. She needed the experience and gave her something to do on her off time when she wasn't at school or studying.

Just as Lily was about to leave the premises of the nursing home she stopped when she saw someone leaning back against a green and white park jeep parked at the curb. There she saw a young woman giving her a small smile.

"Hey there Lily, been a while hasn't it?"

Lily was surprised to see this woman but that surprise quickly turned into anger. Closing her eyes and letting out a sigh, she then sent a glare at the woman.

"What do you want Lana?"

Lana Loud, age 23 and twin to Lola Loud. Just like the rest of her sisters she had indeed changed. Probably the most drastic out of all of them for she had grown taller than her twin and was possibly the most fit out of the rest of her sisters given her physique. She was buff with short blonde hair which was tied up and had scars scattered along her arms and legs, along with those scars were three on the side of her cheek. All these scars seemed to be have given by a large animal, a predator most likely. She wore a dark beige button shirt with a white shirt underneath with blue khaki shorts, she also wore a pair of white socks and dark brown boots.

"Come on, is that how you greet your big sister? Someone you haven't bothered to see or talk to for god knows how long." Lana sheepishly smiled but stopped seeing Lily was not amused. "Look, I know you hate our guts. You should after everything we did but I just want to say whatever beef you have with us should be put aside. At least for a while, Lori wanted to call or text you but thought sending me would be better."

Growing impatient and wanting this awkward reunion to end, Lily sighed.

"What do you want Lana, if you guys want to convince me to come back to mom and dad then I could tell my answer hasn't changed."

A light snort came from Lana as she shook her head.

"Yeah this isn't about that Lily… it's about our brother."

Quickly after hearing that set something off in Lily as she rushed up to her big sister and got all in her face with seething scowl.

"You got some nerve calling him brother after what you all did to him!" Lily shouted at Lana who towered over her. "Give me one reason why I should listen to anything you have to say?!"

Things got quiet between both sisters. Many would think Lily was nuts yelling and glaring down her giant of a sister, who's size would intimidate most people. However the youngest Loud sister was not easy to intimidate. Lana gave Lily a hurt look but soon replaced with a serious one.

"Well, for starters Lisa finally found him."

Again both girls grew silent as Lily's eyes widened in shock as Lana gave a coy smile.

"Interested now?"

Los Angeles, California

"Geez, he sure weren't kidding about this hotel."

Lincoln had finally gotten around to going to meet up with Clyde at the hotel he was staying at. Right now he was in the lobby. It took some time finding it but he finally found it. He could have called Clyde for directions or used his moblie phone but there was one small problem with that seeing he did not own a mobile phone. Still he somehow found the place and he was surprised to see the sheer size and appearance of the place.

The place looked very expensive.

"Reminds me of the places my sensei used to have us stay at." Lincoln whistled as he took a look around the place. "I better go find Clyde's room… now what room did he say he was staying at?"

"Hello Lincoln."

Surprised to hear his name, Lincoln turned around to see an attractive woman with smart glasses dressed in a dark red and grey business secretary top, with a matching skirt and black heels. This woman had reddish brown poofy long hair that was down, she had pale skin with freckles on her face and had buck teeth but they were barely visible. She seemed vaguely familiar somehow but Lincoln couldn't figure out why, it took a while but soon he realized why. This woman was an old classmate of his and Clyde's back in the day.

"Penelope? Man, it's been ages." Lincoln smiled brightly before taking one last look at Penelope's figure. "This a surprise I didn't expect to see you here of all places. Hmm, given how you look and that this can't be a coincidence. I'm gonna guess you work for Clyde?"

"Seems Clyde was right, you have indeed changed." Penelope smirked as her eyes wandered up and down Lincoln's body from head to toe. "I must say your physical changes are quite impressive if I must say."

Chuckling a little, Lincoln sent Penelope a sly smile.

"Well I can say the same for you."

Both shared a laugh after that but soon Penelope became all business.

"My employer is waiting for you at The Presidential Suite, if you would so kindly follow me."

Not seeing a problem with it Lincoln gave a nod and started to follow. Penelope led him through the massive lobby and pass staff and guests. Both reached the main elevator and entered it. After pushing the highest number both stood in silence as the elevator reached the top. They both disembarked and found themselves in a hallway, at the end of that hallway was two nice looking doors most likely the doors to The Presidential Suite.

Still following Penelope's lead Lincoln followed her to the end of the hallway, there she opened the door and gave a gesture for him to enter. Which he did and he was surprised by the mere size and décor of the room. Looking around Lincoln finally saw his best friend sitting on a large couch which was placed in the middle of the room typing away on his phone. He looked up to see who entered and smiled upon seeing his buddy.


Clyde got up and walked over to give Lincoln a hug which Lincoln accepted the hug. The both of them ended it in a fist bump and smiled.

"Come on let's take a seat, we got a lot to talk about. I had Penelope dig up some stuff on this fighter Nasbro has in their pocket and from what we have gathered on him is that he is really something else."

This should have caused Lincoln some concern by seeing the look of worry on Clyde's face. However Lincoln grinned and chuckled.

"Good, I can't wait to meet this guy."

Unbeknownst to Lincoln his sudden reappearance was already being noticed. Wouldn't be long until he get a lot of peoples attention, from the underworld or not, or if they were good or bad. Lincoln was going to make himself known with upcoming fight whether he would like it or not.

To Be Continued

AN: hope you enjoyed it, as you can see there are some characters from other types of media. Can you guess where most of them are from with out looking it up? Anyways expect the chapter whenever I'm done updating the rest of my stories. Next time we get to see more of Lincoln's past and get a look at his opponent Cassidy, we will also get to see them finally throw down. Thanks for reading, please leave a review. See ya!