7. Chapter 7

Chapter 7: The Tournament Begins!

Disclaimer: I don't own Loud House; all rights are owned by their respective owners and companies.

Los Angeles, California


In one of the locker rooms of the STAPLES Center, Lincoln and his sisters were getting ready for the tournament to officially start. Penelope had led Lincoln and his sisters to their locker room first, then led Ronnie Anne and her team to theirs. It's been around an hour, and they could hear the sounds of an audience out there.

'Should be anytime now.'

This was Lincoln's only thought while doing some shadowboxing by a corner of the locker room. He was now dressed in his Ace clothes. It seemed like a good idea to warm up for the fights, especially since his potential opponents were all strong in their own right. Honestly, it made him a little nervous. Which wasn't a bad thing since it got him excited too. It's been a while since he fought opponents like these guys. He heard stories and rumors of them, he even saw a few of them in action like Adam, Carlino, and Sekibayashi. From what he's heard about the rest of them, none of them were going to be easy to deal with.

'I've only fought a few fighters who were strong like them, and I've lost to far stronger fighters than them too.'

Suddenly Lincoln stopped his shadowboxing when he thought of that. He pulled down his mask to his neck, he then softly touched the scar on his chin with his hand. Closing his eyes and clenching his other hand into a tight fist, Lincoln remembered how he gained this scar. He got this while traveling and training with his third mentor, a grizzled and no-nonsense martial artist who happened to be an assassin too. Anyways, while he and his mentor were in Japan, Lincoln fought a very easygoing fighter who destroyed him in their fight. No matter how much Lincoln tried to attack him, the fighter would dodge or block his attacks easily. It felt like the fighter was an elusive floating cloud. In the end, Lincoln was broken and bloody. The fighter's final attack was what gave him this scar on his chin, but he returned the favor by breaking the fighter's nose before Lincoln lost consciousness.

On that day, Lincoln learned a valuable lesson. There will always be fighters out there that are far stronger than him, far stronger than he can imagine. That's why Lincoln keeps on fighting, so one day he could find more fighters stronger than him. And that he would fight them and win! That's what got him so excited about this tournament, getting the chance to fight strong fighters. It was what Lincoln loved about being a brawler. Still, Lincoln couldn't help but worry. Not that he was worried about himself, he was more worried about his sisters fighting in this tournament. He looked around the locker room to see what they were doing.

Leni was the first one he saw, who was dressed in her fighting gear and stretching for her warmup. An odd sight that Lincoln never thought to see. Leni dressed for a fight, from the looks of her boots and from what he's heard about her. She is a Savate practitioner. Lincoln's met a few Savate practitioners during his travels, they mostly focus on kicking and punching. They could be annoying to fight because of their striking reach with their kicks. Lincoln's eyes widened in amazement when he saw how far Leni could stretch her legs and arms. Leni stretched one of her legs up to her head.

'I never thought I'd see Leni like this, she seems so focused. It looks like her looks aren't the only thing that has matured. She really has grown up. But you need more than just looks to be a good fighter, I wonder how strong she is?'

Turning his attention to another sister in the room, Lincoln saw Luna sitting down on the locker room bleachers and silently praying. Which caused Lincoln to raise an eyebrow until he smiled. He saw her praying while holding onto Anglican prayer beads, Lincoln never thought he would see the day Luna became religious. She didn't seem like the type. Well, the old Luna he used to know didn't seem like the type. This Luna had been through so much, it was a miracle she turned her life around for the better. Lincoln wasn't all that surprised. After all, Luna was always a fighter. That's what Lincoln loved about her.

'If she can handle all the bullshit she went through, then she can handle anything.'

The next sister Lincoln looked at just happened to be the youngest but also the biggest one here. Lana seemed to be warming up too by doing pushups, but not any normal pushups. She was doing Planche pushups, which is an extremely difficult variation since you are only using your hands without resting your feet on the floor. To do this, the body's center of gravity must be kept over the hands while performing the pushup by leaning forward while the legs are elevated in the air, which requires great strength and a high level of balance. Lana looked to be building up a good sweat as she kept doing those pushups like they were nothing. For someone like Lana to be able to it with such ease amazed Lincoln.

'If anyone here truly has grown up the most, it would be Lana. She ain't the same little girl I remember her. To be able to lift her entire body weight like that is nuts. Still, it takes more than pure strength to win a fight.'

After taking his eyes off Lana, Lincoln looked to see Lucy sitting on her knees with her eyes shut. It seemed like she was meditating instead of warming up. Lincoln didn't find it that odd since he's seen different ways fighters do stranger things before a fight. Lucy wasn't in her regular clothes, now she was dressed in a black Gi. A uniform martial artist wears during training or fighting. It sort of made sense to see Lucy like this for Lincoln. She's always been very tranquil, even when they were younger she always stayed calm when things were always chaotic. Although Lucy looked pretty calm, the air around her told a different story. Lincoln could feel it from here. That dangerous killer intent, no doubt the others could feel it too.

'That aura around her… only killers and assassins can freely let out that much killer intent so easily. Lucy, you really have changed. In a way, I blame myself for how you ended up here, how you all ended up here.'

That's when Lincoln's eyes went towards the last sister in the locker room. Unlike the others who were warming up or psyching themselves up, Lynn was leaning back in a chair at another corner of the room while simply drinking a bottle of beer. When she was done, she burped loudly and got up from her chair. Once up she firmly placed the empty beer bottle on top of the palm of her hand. She then took a deep breath, her other hand formed into a knifehand, and she quickly struck the bottle in a blur. However, instead of the bottle shattering, the top of the bottle was cut cleanly in half! Like a sharp sword had just cut it! Walking over to the nearest trash bin, Lynn threw what was left of the bottle in the trash.

'Heh, same old Lynn. She's a whole lot stronger and talented than the last time I saw her. It's such a waste to see her here like this. Lynn deserves to be a star athlete, winning medals, trophies, and breaking records in front of a cheering crowd with countless fans chanting her name. But here she is, a loner who spends more time drinking and fighting than with spending it with her own family or trying to make a life for herself. Still, I'm happy to have her and the others with me.'

Taking his eyes off Lynn, Lincoln decided to take a seat at the nearest bench. While sitting down, he saw that while Lynn and the others were still doing their own thing. They would all occasionally sneak a glance at him. It caused him to smirk and shake his head a little. Even though they've all grown into strong women and fighters, they were too afraid to approach him. Honestly, it was funny and kind of cute.

"You know, you guys can talk to me right?"

All the Loud girls stopped doing what they were doing to look over at Lincoln in surprise to see him smiling.

"I know I told you all we'll work out our family drama after this, but you can still talk to me." Lincoln explained softy. "Besides, I think we should talk about the guys we're facing."

Each of the Loud sisters still seemed surprised and a little confused. The first to snap out of it was Lynn and Lucy.

"Lincoln's right, the rest of you should know what's in store for us." Lucy announced getting everyone's attention. "You all know that our opponents are strong, but you should know more about them. Just in case whatever you learn might help you in your fight."

The rest of the Loud sisters slowly snapped out of it, they all looked at each other in agreement. Soon all the attention was placed on Lincoln again.

"Okay, first I should tell you about the guys you already know or at least heard of. The first is Ronnie Anne, you guys should already know her. She was one of my best friends when we were younger, she's also considered the greatest middleweight boxer in the women's division currently active. You might have already known that because she's won 3 title belts already. Which hasn't been done in a long time, especially in the woman's division. I haven't followed her career much, but I can say she's dangerous, in her whole career she's only once and that's because of a judge's ruling. Since then, Ronnie Anne has always made sure to win by knock out, which is how she always wins nowadays."

"I've seen a few of her fights already, I don't know much about boxing but she's a good one from what I've seen." Lana chimed in rather firmly. "And she's bloody fast, I could barely keep up with her punches and jabs. She's also pretty slippery, it's almost like no one can hit her."

"It's true… her speed and power make her a very dire threat." Lucy spoke in a low and serious tone. "I've seen few professional fighters that are dangerous like her. She's going to be a challenge."

"Speed and power aren't everything, she's not unstoppable. Anyone or anything can be beaten if you can figure out how." Lynn added in with a bored expression. "Still, she's going to be a pain in the ass to deal with."

Everyone came to an agreement that Ronnie Anne was a major threat. Sadly, Ronnie Anne wasn't the only threat they had to worry about. There are still 5 other fighters.

"What about the other boxer? Carlos Medel, that's his name right?" Lana asked curiously. "He used to be a real big deal back in the day, but he suddenly dropped off from the face of the earth. Do you think he'll be a big threat? I mean, he's really small."

"I don't know about that." Leni unexpectedly spoke up getting everyone's attention. "That Carlos guy… there's something off about him. I can't explain it, it's like he's hiding something. Maybe he's totally putting up an act so we can underestimate him?"

Pretty much everyone in the room looked rather shocked. None of them had expected Leni of all people to suggest such a thing. Eventually, Lincoln slowly smiled and looked over at Leni.

"Leni is right, Carlos Medel may not look it but he's probably more dangerous than Ronnie Anne. Years ago, Carlos left the world of public martial arts. There are a bunch of theories on why he left. Some say it's because he ran out of competition, others say it was because he had a terrible promoter. No one other than himself knows for sure. It really doesn't matter, all you need to hear is what he's been doing since disappearing. Tell me, have any of you heard of Purgatory?"

A few of the Loud girls seemed confused by the sudden question, the only ones who didn't look affected were Luna, Lynn, and Lucy.

"I've heard of it but only from what my teacher told me about it. It's one of the biggest underground fighting organizations in Japan." Luna spoke up this time surprising those who were still lost. "From what I've heard only the toughest or craziest dudes fight in places like that. If Carlos Medel is a fighter there then he's going to be trouble to deal with."

"That's not just it, Carlos is an A-list fighter in Purgatory." Lucy suddenly informed everyone catching them off guard. "Well, an A-listed Gladiator if you want to be technical. Purgatory likes to refer to their fighters as gladiators. Their gladiators are placed in categories, those in the lowest level are C-list, those in the middle are B-list, and the highest is A-list. A level that Carlos Medel has no doubt earned. The renown and prizes they win are on par with those on top of the sports world. Purgatory isn't known for matches to the death-like most underground organizations. However, that doesn't mean their gladiators are above killing."

The temperature in the room dropped a little when Lucy finished. Not just by that but the way she said it in such a cold and serious manner caused many of them to look at her oddly. Even Lincoln and Lynn were a bit put off by Lucy's expression. Both Lincoln and Lynn shared a sad look as they both had the same thought.

'Lucy… I'm so sorry.'

Wanting to change the subject, Lincoln cleared his throat getting everyone's attention back on him.

"On the topic of deathmatches, let's talk about our other major problem. I take it most of you probably know who Jun Sekibayashi is."

Soon as Lincoln said that name, both Lynn and Lana's expressions lit up.

"Oh, hell yeah I know who he is." Lynn proudly declared with a smirk. "The guy is an absolute legend. His nickname is Hell's Angel after all. There aren't many guys who take Pro Wrestling more seriously than him. His style of wrestling is considered really stiff and hardcore. He's been in a lot of Pro Wrestling deathmatches and hardcore matches, that's how he earned his nickname."

"The guy is a certified badass, I love watching his matches!" Lana exclaimed happily. "Seeing guys like him is why I rely on wrestling when I'm working with dangerous or rowdy animals."

"That may be how the public sees him, but there's more to him than what you know." Lincoln spoke up getting everyone's attention back on him. "Sekibayashi is also a fighter for the Kengan Association, which is an underground organization whose members are illustrious business owners, large corporations, and influential people from around the world. Where they settle business disputes and other problems by having affiliated fighters settle them in fights. Sekibayashi is one of the best Kengan fighters. Unlike Purgatory where they don't allow killings, the Kengan Association isn't so merciful."

Almost everyone looked shocked and horrified by what they've just heard. Leni and Lana didn't know such organizations existed, the allowing of killing only horrified them even further. However, the others didn't share their fellow sister's thoughts on the matter for various reasons. Lincoln is rather knowledgeable because of his travels with his mentors, which could be said the same for Lynn. Lucy's mentors were legendary martial artists, and one was a well-known assassin, each of them had connections with the criminal and fighting underworld. They made sure that Lucy was prepared for anything, they didn't want to have an unprepared and foolish student getting herself killed. Luna only knew because her mentor Mokichi Robinson is an affiliated fighter for the Kengan Association. Which was quite a shock for Luna when started teaching her.

'Didn't matter to me, Mokichi and his sister helped me when I was at my lowest. I owe them everything, Mokichi taught me everything and helped me. It doesn't matter to me if he's a fighter for this crazy association... or if he's a killer.'

It was weird for Luna to think such a thing, but it was true. Her mentor and friend wasn't always a good person. Mokichi had his demons, just like herself. That doesn't mean that they should define him. He turned his life around for his sister's sake. It's because of him that helped Luna believe she could do the same thing, for her brother's sake.

"Does this mean this guy's going to try and kill one of us out there?" Lana asked with a concerned look. "I thought there's no killing in these matches?"

A slight chuckle came from Lincoln causing everyone to look at him.

"Lana, you're new to this kind of world. In the world of underground martial arts, no rules are set in stone. I've been around the world, seen all types of fighting and matches. During that whole time, I learned death can be lurking around every corner, there's always a possibility you could lose your life in a fight. Whether it's allowed or not, you must always be prepared to face death when fighting. I learned that lesson from my 3rd mentor… if you can't handle that then you should leave."

The look of shock was apparent on all their faces. They didn't expect Lincoln to say such a thing, nor did expect how callous he said it. Even Lynn and Lucy were shocked by their brother's unexpected tone. It caused them to wonder what Lincoln's been through, and who the hell is his mentor.

Lana seemed lost for words, she looked nervous since she wasn't expecting Lincoln to say that. Still, Lana quickly recovered and gave Lincoln an unyielding look. Something Lincoln looked surprised to see.

"I'm not going anywhere. I don't care if these guys are killers or try to kill me." Lana affirmed with a determined expression that surprised everyone. "Besides, bigger things have tried to kill me before and I'm still here."

No one expected Lana to say that with such a lighthearted grin. On second thought, they should have expected it. They all knew Lana would take on any risk with a plucky attitude and grin. She was always like that, even when she was a little kid. Lincoln couldn't help but chuckle and smile.

"You never change, eh Lana?"

The only answer Lincoln got was a grin and thumbs up from Lana.

"You might feel differently about this next guy." Lynn chimed in with a bored tone. "A guy like Sekibayashi won't go for the kill because of his Pro Wrestling kayfabe. He lives and breathes Pro Wrestling, which doesn't allow killing. Jack Hanma, he's an absolute monster who will kill if it suits him."

"Jack Hanma… don't tell me it was that huge guy!" Luna exclaimed with a bitter sigh. "Bloody hell, that guy is bigger than Lana, I'm pretty sure he's taking steroids or something."

"You're spot on."

This time everyone looked over to Lucy with her ever-neutral expression.

"Jack Hanma is a ruthless pit fighter from Canada, who's made quite a name for himself in Japan. He's a legend in the Underground Arena beneath the Tokyo Dome ran by Mitsunari Tokugawa. He's a very rich and influential man who runs an underground fighting organization that rivals the Kengan Association and Purgatory. There was a rather big tournament not too long ago, and Jack Hanma was a part of it. He didn't win the tournament, but he was runner-up which is a very big deal. Anyways, Jack Hanma is known for his brutal fighting style that is more like a rabid animal. That doesn't mean he isn't very tactical. In the past, he's thought of clever strategies to win difficult fights. He's an elite fighter who has defeated many skilled and strong fighters. His sheer size and strength are impressive, but he didn't gain it naturally."

Lucy could see she got everyone's interest when she said that.

"I only know what my sensei has told me, he actually fought Jack at one point. My sensei is a very distinguished and formidable martial artist who has defeated countless opponents and mastered a variety of powerful techniques. One such technique has been called unstoppable, but Jack proved it otherwise. He almost killed my mentor in their fight… something that I thought to be impossible. Jack Hanma is no ordinary human, he strived to be the strongest but had a frail body. Even so, Jack trained every day without stop until he looked like a skeleton. All that changed when a scientist heard of Jack's exploits and wanted to help him become stronger. He did this by giving Jack experimental steroid cocktails that would kill any normal person. These steroids gave Jack his impressive size and strength, but these steroids caused him to become addicted to them. The continuous drugging not only made him stronger but made him very unstable too. In those early days, Jack could kill a fully grown polar bear with his bare hands."

The looks of shock and intrigue were apparent on all their faces. There was one face that quickly changed from shock into a silent rage, Lana tightened her hands into fists when he heard Lucy. She loves animals and hates anyone who kills them just for the hell of it. Still, to be able to kill a full-grown polar bear is frighteningly impressive. An average adult male polar bear can weigh up to 1,500 pounds and grow to nearly 10 feet tall, standing on its hind legs. To be able to take on one bare-handed is insane.

"If that weren't bad enough, I heard Jack has only gotten bigger thanks to an unforgiving bone lengthening surgery that would have killed anyone else." Lucy explained with a grim tone and expression. "In all honestly, a man like Jack Hanma has completely left humanity behind. There's no doubt in my mind Jack is the most dangerous fighter here."

None of them knew what to say after hearing that. Each of their faces was either grim or expressionless like Lincoln and Lynn's. Many would assume Lucy to be exaggerating, but her brother and sisters knew better. This Jack Hanma must be the real deal. Which meant whoever was going to fight him would be in a very bad position.

"What about the other two guys?" Luna asked hoping someone would answer. "That Adam guy and the masked wrestler."

Some of those like Lucy looked caught off guard, it seems they completely forgotten about the last two fighters on the other team. Understandable after discussing fighters like Ronnie Anne and Jack Hanma. That didn't mean they should write off the last two members of the other team. Doing such a thing isn't only rude but might come and bite them in the ass later.

"Since I've been traveling around the United States, I've gotten to see them in action. Both of them have serious and infamous reputations." Lincoln spoke up getting everyone's attention back on him. "That masked luchador is Carlino Casagrande, he's Ronnie Anne and Bobby's cousin. He might be the youngest on their team, but don't think he's weaker because of his age."

The Loud sisters agreed with Lincoln, age doesn't mean a thing. Lana is the youngest one here, but that didn't mean she was the weakest just because of that. Lincoln continued where he left off about Carlino.

"Carlino goes by El Puma aka The Breathtaking Puma. He started Pro Wrestling not too long ago and has made a name for himself. His flamboyant style mixed with his Lucha Libre, and mixed martial arts is tough to beat. For such a small guy he's taken down larger opponents with ease. He's known for making a show out of his fights, sometimes treating his opponents like they don't matter. This means he's kind of arrogant, it makes sense he hasn't lost any matches so far. Still, you got to consider his training and strength. I heard his Pro Wrestling teacher is… kind of crazy but very skilled. There's a reason he hasn't lost any of his fights so far."

Lynn let out a small snort.

"That or he's smart in picking his opponents."

Hearing that got a few smiles from her brother and sisters. Lincoln went on to tell everyone about the final member of the other team.

"Last but not least is Adam Dudley, a street brawler who's been making a name for himself by going after already established street fighters. I heard he used to be an enforcer for the Texas Snowmens hockey team. Apparently, he's earned a name for himself by knocking out an entire opposing team at one point. After getting out of hockey he's been traveling fighting from one place to another. His style of fighting is mainly brawling, there's really no technique or planning into it. What he does is use his big size and strength to his advantage. From what I've seen he's been able to knock out his opponents with one or few punches. Which makes him a threat to look out for."

Each of the Loud sisters started to process all the information they've just learned. It seems everyone on the opposing team was serious threats.

"From what we already know, it seems Ronnie Anne, Carlos, Sekibayashi, and Jack are the ones to look out for. Still, that doesn't mean the last two aren't threats themselves." Lucy explained to everyone. "It's a shame the fights will be at random. With some planning, we would have been able to play this to our advantage."

"Come on guys, like lighten up!" Leni bubbled with a smile. "I know these guys sound totally strong and scary, but I know we can do this. I believe in us!"

Lincoln and the others couldn't help but be surprised by their sister's bubbly positivity. Eventually, it caused all of them to smile or chuckle, even Lucy smiled a little at Leni's antics.

"I love that enthusiasm!"

A familiar voice called out getting everyone's attention, they looked to see Clyde walking in with Penelope by his side. What caught everyone's attention was the oddly shaped box in Penelope's hands. His smile was bright and positive like Leni's. He walked to the middle of the locker room and had everyone's attention on him and Penelope.

"With that kind of energy and positivity, I know you guys are going to kick ass out there. If you're wondering why I'm here it's so I can make sure you guys are ready for the matches and show you the lottery you'll be drawing your numbers from. The place is packed out there, we got cameras and got an announcer at the standby. You guys will have a lot of eyes on you out there. So yeah, no pressure. Anyways, I think it's time to introduce you guys to one of our refereed who's a surprise I've been saving. Hey, you can come in now!"

The door to the locker room opened and a man walked in. This man was somewhat lanky and appeared to be in his 20s, he wore a light green and yellow beanie that barely contained his long orange curly hair. He had on a referee shirt and blue baggy jeans. His skin was fair, he also had buck teeth and freckles all over his face. When he reached the middle of the room where Clyde and Penelope were standing, he smiled at everyone.

"Hey guys, it's been a long time!"

It took a moment for Lincoln to finally recognize this man, and he was beyond shocked.

"Holy crap, Rusty!" Lincoln exclaimed happily with a smile. "Is that really you?"

Rusty Spokes, a good friend of Lincoln back when they were kids. Their old friend group consisted of Lincoln, Clyde, Liam, Zach, and Rusty himself. The hijinks they got into were fun and crazy. Lincoln never thought he'd see him here of all places. It was a welcomed surprise, Lincoln kept smiling as he walked over to shake his old friend's hand. When Lincoln got close, Rusty instead brought Lincoln into a big hug. A little surprised but not put off, Lincoln chuckled as he hugged his old friend back.

"I missed you, man!" Rusty almost choked out with a sob. "I didn't think I would see you again!"

"Hehe, I know buddy. I missed you too." Lincoln smiled while patting his friend's back. "How did you end up here of all places? Last I heard you were running your dad's shop with your girlfriend."

Both Lincoln and Rusty stopped hugging, Rusty smiled with a bit of embarrassment.

"Well, Polly Pain isn't really my girlfriend anymore. One thing led to another and we're going to be tying the knot soon. And yeah, I've been running my dad's clothing shop since he retired. My brother mostly runs it while I help on occasion. What I usually do is referee now, I mostly referee Polly's roller derby matches which can get pretty brutal. I also referee local boxing and MMA matches too. When things get bloody I'm about the only referee who can handle the blood. Clyde and I keep in touch along with the other guys. Imagine how shocked I was to have Clyde call me to say he needs a referee. I couldn't refuse an old buddy of mine. Not to mention the all-expense paid trip here for myself and Polly, also the fat paycheck courtesy of Clyde."

Lincoln couldn't stop smiling as he looked over at Clyde who gave a nod and a smile. Eventually, the sweet reunion had to be cut short, Clyde coughed to get everyone's attention.

"Rusty is here as a familiar face and a surprise, he's also a professional who comes highly recommended. To make things fair, I brought in another referee that came recommended from Bobby." Clyde explained to the others. "He'll be fair in the matches and outcomes. I'll let him go over the rules again and the matches, go ahead Rusty."

All eyes were on Rusty, who seemed a little nervous before speaking.

"Okay, the rules are the following. It's illegal to use weapons or anything like a weapon, like a chair or a belt for example. Before the match, I will search you to make sure there are no hidden weapons. Low blows and other techniques are allowed, pretty much anything goes except killing. If I see anyone going for a kill they will be disqualified immediately, and their opponent wins the match. There is no set time limit, the match is over when one fighter is unconscious or surrenders. If the fight somehow spills outside the cage, the first person to step out will be disqualified. The matches will be decided by drawing numbers from this lottery box if you could bring it here Penelope."

Everyone looked to see Penelope walking over with the strange box in hand. Now revealed to be a lottery box, Penelope handed the box over to Rusty.

"This box has tickets with odd numbers, the ticket number you have will be your place in the matches. Like if you have number one you'll be facing a fighter with the number two. If you all are ready, we'll get started."

The feeling in the room suddenly got serious as Lincoln and his sisters looked at each other. A few of them were nervous, which is normal but none of them looked ready to back out. Lincoln could only smile at how far his sisters were willing to go for him. To face fighters like Ronnie Anne, Carlos Medel, and the others. A little part of him wondered if they were like this during the bad luck incident would things have ended the same? It was a foolish idea that floated inside his head before he cleared it from his mind. Lincoln was ready, and so were his sisters.

"We're ready."

There was no backing out now.

In Another Locker Room

At another locker room, the other team of fighters was getting ready. If you could really call them a team, most of them were strangers. Ronnie Anne was dressed in her ring gear and had her hair in a ponytail. She wore a black and dark purple sports tank top with dark purple and black boxing shorts. She had on dark purple boxing shoes that prevent twisted ankles, jammed toes, and slipping on sweat or blood. Ronnie Anne saw no reason for boxing gloves and had on only white boxing tape wrapped around her hands. Right now, Ronnie Anne was shadowboxing to warm up. She tensed up and scowled every punch she threw, slowly she pictured all those punches were aimed at a certain white-haired guy's face.

"You look so tense Niña."

Ronnie Anne stopped her warmup to see who called her, she smiled to see Carlos Medel walking over to her with his laid-back smile. He was dressed in his fighting gear which was black and yellow boxing shorts with a Calavera imprinted on the left. He had no shoes or gloves, he only had white boxing tape wrapped around his hands and his ankles.

"What can I say, old man, I'm only here for one reason." Ronnie Anne spoke with a cold and calculating tone. "And that's to make that bastard pay."

Carlos looked a bit surprised before he chuckled.

"You haven't changed, you're still full of that same fire when I first met you. When your grandfather asked me for help with his unruly granddaughter, I didn't think I'd end up being a teacher for you or that crazy cousin of yours. It's funny how things happen like that."

Both Ronnie Anne and Carlos smiled, they were pretty close. Almost like family, Ronnie Anne saw him as a second father. After all, Carlos taught her everything about boxing. They met when Ronnie Anne was at her lowest, it was close to 16 years ago give or take. It happened right after Lincoln left, she and her family had to move in with their extended family. She hated it at first, but eventually, she came to love the chaos of living with such a big family. She even got to make good friends like Sid, Nikki, and others. However, that hole Lincoln left in her life never went away. It resulted in her legendary temper, which was one of the reasons for her family's move. She got into fights, even more so once they moved to Great Lakes City. It got so bad her dad came back to try and set Ronnie Anne straight, it worked… for a while. Eventually, Ronnie Anne's grandfather Hector called an old friend for help.

You're probably wondering how an old bodega owner like Hector is good friends with a legendary boxer like Carlos Medel? Let's just say when Carlos was younger he found himself in serious trouble and Hector got him out of it. The two have been good friends ever since. This is why Hector asked Carlos for help. Ronnie Anne was full of fire and anger, they thought it'd be best for her to have an outlet. That outlet just happened to be boxing. To say Ronnie Anne was a natural to boxing was an understatement, even Carlos was shocked by her potential. He put his boxing career on hold for a while to train her properly. He even taught Carlino a few things.

Carlos never thought he'd be a mentor of all things, especially to two little brats like Ronnie Ann and Carlino. They drove him crazy, and he trained them to the ground. Eventually, he heard the boxing ring calling his name again, so he left when he knew that Ronnie Anne and Carlino were ready. They kept in touch over the years, he even got to see some of their matches in person. He wasn't surprised to hear the accomplishments and glory they've earned for themselves. Still, that was the public fighting world. The underground fighting scene was far different, Carlos saw that firsthand when deciding to fight in the underground because of his boring public career.

"Are you sure you two kids really want to do this?" Carlos asked seriously while taking a seat on a nearby bench. "You two are entering a different world when you walk out there. At first, it might feel familiar out there, but you will be entering the underworld of martial arts."

Ronnie Anne gave her mentor an odd look before he took a seat next to him.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

A small sigh came from Carlos, he took a hard look at his student.

"The world of public sports is different from the underground fighting world. It took me years to find my place in the underground, I had to change my own body and fighting style to keep up. I had to learn a new martial art to be able to stand a chance. What I'm trying to say is that the world you and your cousin are about to enter is entirely different from what you've seen. Let me show you, take a look at the people in this locker room and I'll tell you."

At first, Ronnie Anne thought Carlos was messing with her but the look in his eyes told her otherwise. This is why she complied with her mentor and looked around. The first one she saw was Adam Dudley. He was probably the 3rd tallest and biggest in the room. His clothes were his red sport shorts and his ear piercings. Right now, he looked to be warming up by shadowboxing in front of a floor mirror. A cocky smirk could be seen on his face as he stopped to flex his muscles.

"Adam Dudley, he's new to the underground fighting scene but that hasn't stopped him from decimating his opponents. Not too long ago he was in public sports as a hockey player, but he proved too brutal for the ice and left to make a name for himself. From what I've heard he has no formal tutelage of martial arts, which hasn't stopped him from beating well-known street fighters left and right. It's not just his size and strength that helps him, take a look at his back muscles. I only noticed it when he took his shirt off, his erector spinae muscles are incredibly strong from the looks of it. This increases the efficacy of his punches to the point that he can easily knock people unconscious with so little as a jab. Not only that, but his sense of balance is unnatural. With enough strength in his legs and feet from playing ice hockey that he can actually grip the ground with his feet. While he's a cocky pendejo, he has plenty of reason to be."

This was certainly a surprise for Ronnie Anne to hear. She thought Adam was nothing more than a cocky rookie fighter, but it looks like he's more dangerous than she thought. That didn't mean Ronnie Anne stopped thinking he was an asshole. The next person that caught Ronnie Anne's attention was Jack Hanma, no doubt the biggest and tallest man in the room. He only had on red and black sports shorts, with no shoes or anything. He sat on a bench that looked like it could barely hold his massive size. His expression was serious, he looked like he was mentally preparing himself. Suddenly, Jack reached down towards the backpack he brought in that was by his feet. He zipped it open and pulled out three medical syringes that were filled with an odd color fluid. Jack casually injected himself with all three syringes on his neck. He then got up and walked over to the nearest trash can, where he dropped the syringes without a care in the world.

"I think you can guess that wasn't any simple medication in those syringes." Carlos explained with a frown while staring at Jack. "Jack Hanma, he's a legendary underground fighter known for his brutal fighting style and excessive use of steroids. From what I heard he used to be smaller, but after a fight that almost destroyed his body. He went through a dangerous surgery to lengthen his bones. By all accounts, he shouldn't have survived but he did. He's on a whole other level than any fighters you've met so far."

Ronnie Anne frowned and looked at Jack with disgust. While people like herself, Carlino, and Carlos had to work hard for their skill and strength. People like Jack only took the easy way, he didn't rightfully earn his skill or strength. She's met plenty of fighters like Jack who used enhancing drugs to get ahead of the competition and she hated them with a passion. However, Ronnie Anne had never met someone like Jack.

The final person to get Ronnie Anne's attention was Jun Sekibayashi, the famous world pro wrestler from Japan. She doesn't know him on a personal level, but Carlino certainly does. That's probably why they were standing around and talking like good old friends. Carlino once told her that he and Sekibayashi worked together in Mexico not too long ago when SJPW did an international tour. From what Carlino has told her, he's one of the best pro wrestlers around. And that's coming from Carlino, a guy who believes in his hype too much. Sekibayashi had on his black wrestling briefs, black Pro Wrestling boots, and two red wristbands. Carlino himself had on his signature Puma luchador mask with white and purple wrestling tights, two black kneepads, and black wrestling boots. They both looked ready.

"Jun Sekibayashi, you might know him because he's a known public fighter. A lot of people say he's one of the best, in both the public world and underworld." Carlos explained while watching both Sekibayashi and Carlino closely. "What you probably don't know is that he's a skilled underground fighter like me from another underground fighting organization. He's one of the best and experienced fighters, he'll be in his element in this sort of tournament."

Yet again Ronnie Anne was surprised, she had no idea Jun Sekibayashi was an underground fighter like her mentor. Since being such a skilled and notable fighter, Ronnie Anne heard about the underground martial arts scene. After all her mentor happened to be an underground fighter. She never really thought much about it since she focused only on the public side of martial arts. Her main focus until now has been winning every middleweight title in each women's division. She's heard of some public fighters working in the underground or becoming underground fighters, but she didn't expect someone like Sekibayashi to be one. Suddenly it felt like Ronnie Anne's perception of fighting sports and martial arts just got bigger.

"I know Carlino is a good kid, he has talent and is a pretty good pro wrestler. But I don't think he'll be able to handle it out there. Especially if what I've heard about that boy and his sisters are true, you and Carlino need to be careful out there. Can you do that for me niña?"

Ronnie Anne never saw Carlos this serious before. She's known Carlos for a very long time to know that he wasn't messing around about this. Which meant she should heed Carlos's words, but before she could say anything. The locker room door suddenly opened to reveal Bobby and he wasn't alone. Walking in with him was someone carrying an oddly shaped box with a hole on the top.

It was a woman in her early 20s, she looked to be Asian with light skin and long brunette hair tied into a simple ponytail. She was rather pretty, she had on a typical referee shirt with black pants. Ronnie Anne recognized this woman immediately, and so did Carlino apparently since he looked horrified when he saw her.

"Ay Dios mío! What the hell are you doing here!" Carlino yelled out with a fearful tone while he slowly backed away. "Shouldn't you be in college or something! What are you doing here Adelaide!"

Adelaide smirked innocently while sending a small wave towards Carlino, causing the quivering luchador to back away a bit more. Adelaide Chang, the little sister of Sid Chang. Who happens to be Ronnie Anne's best friend. Everyone looked on at the scene with confused looks except Ronnie Anne and Bobby. Ronnie Anne couldn't help but smirk and chuckle while Bobby smiled. Bobby decided it was time to introduce her to the others.

"Everyone, this woman is Adelaide Chang and she's going to be one of the referees for this tournament. She's a qualified referee and is somewhat knowledgeable of martial arts. Clyde thought it'd be best to have two referees, one that's familiar to Lincoln's team and one from your team. Both Ronnie Anne and Carlino know Adelaide very well."

"Hi everyone! It's good to see you again Ronnie Anne!" Adelaide smiled brightly, then it got rather devious when she looked over at Carlino. "It's really good to see you too, El Puma."

That look sent a shiver down Carlino's spine. The others couldn't help but look on with confusion or amusement.

"Um, what's up with those two?" Carlos whispered over to Ronnie Anne. "I've never seen the little niño so scared before."

A small chuckle came from Ronnie Anne as she leaned over to whisper back.

"Oh, those two have history. I'll fill you in later."

Carlos had no clue what that meant, but now he was very interested in hearing the story.

"Anyways, I'm here to go over the tournament rules and match selection with you all." Adelaide explained before bringing the box in her hands to everyone's attention. "You'll be drawing tickets with even numbers from here. The other team has already finished picking their tickets. When you guys are ready we'll begin."

Immediately the air in the room became very thick that caused Adelaide to quiver a little and Bobby to smile. Adam Dudley had a cocky smirk, Jack Hanma looked ready to kill as it almost looked like his eyes glowed red. Jun Sekibayashi was smiling and laughing wickedly, Carlino's expression quickly changed from fearful to a rather swaggering one. Carlos simply smirked as he got up, he looked over at Ronnie Anne who was still sitting.

"You ready niña?"

Ronnie Anne's hands tightly became hardened fists as she got up. With that fire in her eyes, she smirked.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

It was time to begin!

STAPLES Center Arena

The famous STAPLES Center Arena was packed to the brim with people, around 20,000 people were here. From up to the VIP lounges where the wealthy and famous were watching with anticipation. To down below where the average fans were screaming and cheering. All of them were vastly different from one another, but they were all here for the same reason. They all heard about this event from many different sources, this event was so sudden that many didn't expect to be let into the arena. Some were the same sort of people who frequent underground fights, others had connections to the underground fighting scene, and most were simply here to see a fight.

They were all gathered here to see a tournament take place, not just any kind of tournament mind you. They were to see a fighting tournament! Not the sort of tournament you usually see like with MMA or Pro Wrestling. This tournament felt very different for all those watching, the feeling in the air felt different. It almost felt like there was electricity dancing in the air, but there was also this overbearing feeling that was suffocating. Like the dreaded feeling before a natural disaster struck. It should have caused them to cower in fear or run away, but it did the opposite. Everyone was glued to their seats while waiting with anticipation. They all had their eyes down on the octagon ring in the middle of the arena, which was surrounded by rows of seats filled with fans who wanted to see the action up close. It was quite a familiar sight if you frequent boxing, MMA, or Pro Wrestling matches. Outside the ring were event workers that are required for an event like this. Most of them were security to keep the fans from messing with the ring, event workers, or fighters. People were holding onto camera equipment and working on other technical equipment so those far from ringside could see the matches through the large scoreboard above the arena for all to see, medical staff was on standby, and ring attendants to open the doors to the octagon and repair it if needed.

Unlike most MMA rings used for fights, this ring was custom-built for this sort of tournament. It was reinforced to handle more wear and tear than most rings. Clyde knew that some of the fighters were too strong and destructive for a simple octagon ring. There were two entrance gates on opposite sides of the octagon, which mean one fighter would enter the arena from one side of the arena while the other fighter would enter from the other side.

Suddenly, the lights began to turn off all over the arena. Many were confused by what happened and thought it was a technical problem. It took a few moments before the lights above the octagon turned on, and everyone was shocked to see a person standing in the middle of the ring.

It was Lola Loud, but she wasn't in her usual outfit. She wore a rather revealing low-cut, high-slitted dark red evening gown that showed her voluptuous hourglass figure and flawless skin with her beautiful long blonde hair down. Many in the audience were shocked by the sudden appearance of this beautiful woman. Slowly a few of them began to recognize her. Being a former Miss America pageant winner and famous model will do that. What caught everyone's attention was the microphone in Lola's hand. Which she slowly brought up toward her mouth.

"Good evening everyone, I will be your announcer for this unexpected but amazing event! The event's sponsor asked if I would like to be the event's announcer, and I happily accepted. Because this event is going to phenomenal. Taking place is a fighting tournament between two teams filled with diverse fighters and martial artists from all over. Some you will know very well from the public world of sports and martial arts, while others you might recognize from the underworld of martial arts. And there will others that will be a complete mystery to you, but don't let that fool you. Each of the fighters competing tonight are worthy to enter this ring! Tonight, we will have 6 intense matches, but to make things interesting it has been decided that all matches will be a surprise not only to you the audience but to the fighters as well! When the 6 matches are over, the winners will have the right to challenge any of the other competitors to a bonus match. Now, I think it's time for this tournament to begin don't you think?"

The sounds of cheering and screams caused Lola to smile. The audience was all in agreement. Lola closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, there was a look of sheer tenacity in them. Suddenly a few spotlights were turned on and were placed over an arena tunnel entrance from one side of the arena. That's when music suddenly began to play for all to hear.

[Conteo By Don Omar!]

"Introducing our first competitor, a man that effectivity became a legend in not only the boxing world but the entire sports world! He would dominate each of the boxing weight divisions from middleweight to the heavyweight division, it didn't take long for him to become an undisputed champion! Eventually, there was no one left worthy or brave enough to challenge him, which is why he faded from the public eye to join the underground fighting scene in Brazil before making his way to Japan! His legend only grew from fighting in the underground! Now he has returned! He goes by many names like El Dorado or The Don Juan of Acapulco! His name is akin to godhood in Mexico, many consider a genius of boxing! Introducing… Carlos Medel!"

The spotlights slowly turned a dark green as a man could be seen walking out of the tunnel and slowly entering the arena. The reaction from the audience was almost deafening, it felt like the whole arena was shaking! Carlos Medel dressed in his fighting gear walked out with a casual swagger and a smirk. Those in the audience couldn't believe they were seeing Carlos Medel, many were shocked to see how much he had changed than when they last saw him. When he left the public eye, Carlos was a hulking and imposing figure like a heavyweight should be. The man they all saw now was close to a bantamweight. This caused a few whispers and doubts that it was really Carlos Medel, but they were overcome by the sheer excitement of those who recognized him.

'Well, who would have thought I'd end up back here? It's been so long since I fought in front of the public eye that I almost forgot this feeling. I've grown so used to fighting in the underground, it all feels like a new experience to me. I hope I can put on a good show before putting down my opponent. Speaking of whom, I can't help but wonder who it is?'

While making his way toward the octagon, Carlos slowly blocked out the noise all around him and thought about his potential opponent. Eventually, he found himself walking up to the door of the octagon which was opened by an attendant. Carlos kept smirking as he entered the octagon, the door slowly closed shut behind him securely.

'Hmm… I wonder if I'll be able to feel it finally… that tension I've been looking for?'

The music died down along with the cheers from the fans. That's when more spotlights turned on and were placed over the other tunnel entrance on the other side of the arena. Music began to play again but it was a different song this time. Lola looked a little uncertain, but she quickly got her act together and got ready to announce the next fighter.

[Dancing With The Devil By Demi Lovato!]

"Our next competitor is known far and wide as the rising star in fashion! Her designs are on par with legendary fashion designers like Tom Ford, Marc Jacobs, and Donna Karan! A few years ago, she became Time magazine's Person of The Year for her outstanding contributions to charities and humanitarian aid across the world. Not only that but she's a world-class model in her spare time! Don't let her elegant beauty or her heavenly reputation fool you, our next competitor is well trained in martial arts! But will she be able to go toe to toe with Carlos Medel? Introducing… Leni Loud!"

Just like before the spotlights changed color but this time becoming an elegant sky-blue color. Slowly a figure could be seen walking out of the tunnel, it was Leni Loud dressed in her fighting gear. Suddenly, Leni stopped with the lights shining over her. She slowly closed her eyes and smiled, a smile that was graceful and very kind. Such a smile caused many in the audience to be smitten by her beauty and grace.

That's when she began to dance.

With her eyes still closed, Leni elegantly danced like a ballet dancer and slowly danced her way towards the octagon. Her movements and sways matched with the music perfectly. The audience watched in awe at Leni, none of them could say a single word as they were captivated by her graceful beauty and dancing. The attendant at the cage door had to snap out of his awe to open the door for Leni. Eventually, Leni danced her way up the steps to the octagon where she entered the cage with such grace that many couldn't believe she was a trained fighter. Carlos watched Leni with a smirk and intrigue, while Lola kept on an impassive expression, but her eyes were filled with worry. How could she not be? Here was her older sister getting ready to face off against a boxing legend.

'Leni, I know you're far stronger than what most people would think. But can you handle this man? A man considered a boxing god...'

When the song finally ended, Leni finished her dance with an elegant bow and a loud round of applause and cheering came from the audience. Leni stopped bowing to look up at her opponent with that graceful and warm smile still on her face.

"I hope you don't mind my little performance. My body moved on its own when that music started playing, it also helps me focus before doing something big like this. Sometimes I'm a little ditzy and I didn't want to mess up. Especially not in front of this many people."

"Oh, it's fine señorita whatever helps you focus." Carlos smiled charmingly. "I must ask are you sure you want to face me? I have no problems fighting women, but I hate to hurt such a lovely beauty like yourself. Would it be too much to ask if you'll forfeit before we begin?"

Lola frowned over at Carlos, Leni only giggled and smiled.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't do that." Leni apologized with a sheepish smile. "Because I'm not fighting for myself… and I have a promise to keep."

When Leni finished saying that she thought of her family and her little brother as she pulled her hand over her heart. She then looked Carlos straight in the eye with an undaunted look in her eyes. At first, Carlos frowned, but he smiled and shook his head slightly.

"You are brave señorita, let's give these people a good performance."

Leni smiled back still having that undaunted look in her eyes.

"Like I totally agree with you!"

The only thing to do now is to wait for the referee to come and for Lola to leave the ring. When that happens, it will finally begin.

The first match of the tournament will officially begin!

To Be Continued

Important AN: Hey guys, sorry if this took a little too long but I've been busy with my online classes and dealing with other stuff. I hope you liked the chapter even if was short. Well, shorter than my usual chapters. I'm sorry for no fights in this chapter, but I promise there will be plenty of action in the next one. It's Leni Loud VS, Carlos Medel! Who do you think is going to win? Let me know in a review. If you're curious to see fanart of the fight go to my Loud House Amino or my Tumblr. I go ChubbySnorlax on Amino and chubbysnorlax619 on Tumblr. I post all the fanart for my stories on Amino and Tumblr. Speaking of my other stories, I'm going to be working on and rewriting a few of them next. So, I'll be busy for a while. I'm also announcing I'm no longer accepting OC fighters. I have more than enough for what I have planned, and I would like to thank everyone who participated. The OC fighters will eventually show up when the tournament is finished. In the meantime, I'd like all of your help with something. I've been trying to think of entrance songs for all the fighters in the tournament happening right now, but I can't think of any good ones. If you have any suggestions for entrance music for Lincoln and the other fighters I'd be happy to look at them. Here's the list of fighters if you've forgotten.

Lincoln Loud

Luna Loud

Lynn Loud

Lucy Loud

Lana Loud

Ronnie Anne Santiago

Carlino Casagrande

Adam Dudley

Jun Sekibayashi

Jack Hanma

Either leave your music suggestion in a review or PM me. I'm fine with whatever. I hoped you liked the chapter, expect the next one whenever I'm finished with my other fanfics. If you have anything to say leave it in a review or PM me. Sorry for any mistakes or grammar errors, I'm using Grammarly now so hopefully it's better. Take care and see ya!

Also, be sure to check out coldblue2015's fanfic Kengan Ashura- A Loud Spiral! And AustralianBeast17's fanfic Tekken X Kengan Ashura: The Prince of Purgatory Cody Anderson! And TheNexus97's fanfic An Asura Is Born! Those are amazing stories to read if you like fighting stories like mine. All three writers are amazing and a whole lot better than me. Be sure to check them out!