8. Chapter 8

Chapter 8: The Demon Dancer VS El Dorado

Disclaimer: I don't own Loud House; all rights are owned by their respective owners and companies.

Los Angeles, California


The air in the arena was electrifying, the audience was restless and cheering loudly as they could. All eyes were focused down at the center of the arena, on the octagon-shaped ring. Where the tension in the air was focused. Two people were in the ring, both were carefully studying each other. These two people were none other than Leni Loud and Carlos Medel. Their names were well-known across the world for different reasons. Leni Loud, a famous fashion designer and international darling known for helping those in need like the impoverished and hurt masses. Carlos Medel, otherwise known as El Dorado, and a literal God of Boxing. They were total opposites, and they were about to fight each other.

For many watching, it looked pretty obvious who the winner was going to be. To an average person, it was impossible for a woman like Leni to fight on par with a legendary boxer like Carlos Medel. Especially if that woman was a simple fashion model and fashion designer. Although Carlos didn't look like how they remembered him. They still saw the upcoming fight ending in his favor. Were they ignorant and callous for writing Leni off too soon? A few people watching had different opinions. Like those watching in the VIP suites. One suite in particular, which happened to be where Clyde and the others were watching from.

"How do you think she'll fare?" Penelope asked standing next to her boss. "I know Lincoln guaranteed his sisters could prove a challenge for these fighters, but I'm starting to have some doubts."

"Don't write off Leni too soon, Penelope." Clyde smiled while keeping his eyes on the two fighters in the ring. "She might just surprise us."

Penelope looked a little surprised, but simply nodded and brought her attention back on the ring down below.

'I hope you are right, sir.'

The others occupying the suite were all watching the ring below with interest or in some cases with worry. One just happened to be Bobby as he was seated with Sid and Nikki.

"Geez, talk about a one-sided fight." Nikki shook her head. "Of all the people she had to fight it just had to be Ronnie's old trainer. Isn't he a boxing legend or something?"

"Oh, he's that and much more." Sid answered while looking at Carlos. "He taught Ronnie Anne everything about boxing and more. She sees him like another dad and if what's she told me in the past is true. Then I don't think Leni stands a chance."

Both girls couldn't help but look sympathetic for Leni since they couldn't see any way of her winning. Bobby frowned sadly when looking at Leni and then Carlos.

'Of all the matches to happen, Leni had to be unlucky to have this one. I have the utmost respect for Carlos, after all, he helped my Nini when she was going down a bad path. He's practically family in my book, but I can't help but worry for Leni. I've known her for a very long time even though it's been so long since we last saw each other. I can't believe she's going through with this. I hoped Lincoln or Lori would have talked her out of it… but it looks like I was wrong.'

Bobby looked over to where Lori was sitting which happened to be at the far end of the suite. Lisa and Luan happened to be sitting with her along with Carol and Haiku. Lori kept her attention down below at the ring with a serious look. She looked to be deep in thought because she didn't notice Bobby staring at her. As he kept his attention on her, Bobby could only think of one thing.

'She's still beautiful…'

It was obvious Bobby still had strong feelings for Lori, those feelings probably never went away. Even after what happened and how they parted ways. It was safe to say Bobby still loved her. Now, could the same be said for Lori? Suddenly Bobby broke away from his thinking when he heard a ping come from his phone which vibrated in his pocket. Pulling out his phone, Bobby looked to see someone had texted him. He smiled and chuckled at the text.

'Looks like he made it, and it seems he went down to the locker rooms to wish Ronnie Anne and his brother luck.'

Putting his phone away, Bobby slowly noticed something.

'Hmm, where did Lily go?'

The youngest of the Loud sisters was nowhere in sight, not near Lori's group or by Clyde's. While looking around, Bobby noticed Gen Shikano watching the fight about to happen from across the far side of the suite by himself. Unlike the others, he appeared to be standing while smoking a cigar. He had a very serious look on his face similar to Lori, it looks like he was deep in thought too.

'Gen Shikano, CEO of Gandai and a member of that spooky association Carlos told me about. I still can't figure out why a man like him would be interested in this sort of thing? Maybe he's looking for fighters for that association he's from? Either way, I better keep an eye on him.'

Bobbly slowly returned back to watching the match about to start, Shikano kept his attention focused on the fighters getting ready below in the ring. He carefully watched their slightest movements and their expressions. Being a former fighter and veteran Kengan Associate, Shikano knew a strong fighter when he saw one.

'Carlos Medel, he's a formidable fighter with an extraordinary fighting record. I can think of a few people who would want him under their payroll. He could give Sekibayashi a run for his money. If he's here then that means Purgatory has taken an interest in Lincoln Loud. I better inform the chairman about this later.'

Shikano focused his attention on Leni, although her reputation wasn't that of a fighter. He could see she was a fighter indeed. The aura emitting from her, and her slightest movements indicated that she was well trained. There's also this feeling he was getting from her that reminded him of someone. A certain someone he once faced a long time ago as a fighter.

'Shiraga… I can't help but wonder if your grandchildren have the same fire you once had. If they do then the world better brace itself.'

With a small smile, Shikano took a seat and got ready for the match to officially start. He had a feeling this match would be surprising. And he wanted to enjoy watching it.

Lori kept a neutral expression as she kept her attention on the ring. If she was worried, Lori didn't let it show. Luan looked very nervous as she looked down at Leni in the ring. Lisa had the same expression as Lori. However, her eyes told a different story.

'Leni, I hope you know what you're doing. The man you're facing is considered a legend in the underground fighting circles. I can only hope you can overcome him with help from your… special condition.'

Down on the ground level, the crowd quickly got more restless because the referee for the match started to entered the octagon ring. The referee for this match happened to be Adelaide, Sid's little sister. She quickly got into position at the center of the ring, both Leni and Carlos walked over to join her. Adelaide stood on the side between both fighters, both of whom looked ready.

"Okay, you both know the rules. I want this to be a fair match, with no weapons or killing your opponent. If you break any of those two rules, you'll be disqualified and be taken away by security. Now, are you both ready?"


"Sí, señorita."

"Alright, go to your corners and take your stances!"

The crowd let out a loud and collective cheer when they heard Adelaide. Both Leni and Carlos took one last look at each other before walking back to their sides of the ring. They then turned to face each other while Adelaide raised her hand in the air getting ready to officially start the match. In the meantime, Leni took a typical Savate stance while Carlos got into a southpaw stance which favored the left hand.

Not too far, they were being watched by those close to them. On the side of the arena where Leni made her entrance, Lincoln along with his sisters participating in the tournament were watching the ring with various expressions from inside the tunnel. On the other side of the arena where Carlos came from, Ronnie Anne and Carlino along with Sekibayashi were watching inside the other tunnel leading out to the arena.

Both fighters looked focused, and yet Leni couldn't help but think about the conversation she had with Lincoln and others just before she left for her match.


"Since picking out number 1, your match is first." Rusty explained to Leni and her siblings as they were gathered around with tickets in their hands. "You have about 10 minutes to prepare before heading to the ring."

Leni looked at her ticket with a surprisingly chipper smile.

"Of course, just give me a moment to talk to my family and I'll be right out."

Rusty looked caught off guard by how cheerful Leni was being. He quickly regained his professional composure and nodded, he then gave a slight nod to Lincoln and left the locker room. Leaving only Leni and her siblings since Clyde and Penelope left not too long ago. While Leni looked so ever cheerful, her siblings didn't feel or look the same. Taking a look around, Leni saw everyone had concerned looks on their faces except Lincoln and Lucy.

"What's wrong guys?" Leni asked innocently before having a look of panic on her face. "There's nothing wrong with my hair is there! Or is it my face!"

That got a few sighs from Lynn, Lucy, and Lana. And a few laughs or smiles from Lincoln and Luna.

"It's not that you dope." Lynn groaned in annoyance. "We're just worried about you. I didn't wanna say anything before but now I gotta ask. Are you sure you can do this?"

At first, Leni looked surprised, she then simply smiled and nodded.

"Oh, totally! I got this, whoever I'm fighting I'll do my best and I know—"


Everyone looked shocked by this sudden outburst, and they were even more surprised it came Lynn. She looked angry as she walked over to get in Leni's face.

"This ain't some limited contact sparring match, this is a real fight! A fight where anything goes! There aren't going to be any weapons and whoever it is might not try to kill you but they'll sure as hell do their best to take you down! They'll beat you down until you aren't even conscious anymore! You understand what that means! Do you even know what that fucking feels like!"

Somehow Leni kept a composed expression even with Lynn screaming in her face. It looked like Lana was going to step in and get involved, but she was stopped by Lincoln who blocked her path with his arm raised and slowly shook his head. Lana was surprised before she frowned and backed down. Lincoln then resumed watching the scene play out in front of him.

"Whoever you're fighting isn't going to go easy just because you're a chick. Once you step into that ring and when the fight starts, you're on your own. The guys we're fighting are well-known and infamous in the sports world and underworld. They're on a whole different level than anyone you've seen. Can you look me in the eye and tell me you can handle this. Because if you don't, I'm not letting you walk out there."

Everyone in the room remained silent as they saw how serious Lynn looked. She was dead serious about this. If she had any doubt Leni could do this, she wasn't going to let Leni leave. Speaking of Leni, she had a blank expression as she looked Lynn straight in the eye. She then did something very unexpected.

Leni's expression quickly changed into a kind and reassuring smile, she then grasped Lynn's cheek with a tender hand. Lynn looked shocked and flinched a little. Before Lynn knew it, she felt a light touch on her forehead. She looked to see Leni giving her a small kiss on her forehead. Leni then pressed her own forehead against Lynn's forehead. She kept smiling with her eyes closed.

"Little sister, I remember the day mom and dad brought you home. You were just a baby, and you kicked that ball Luna and Lori were playing with so hard and so far. Right then and there I knew that you were special, I might be a scatterbrain, but I remember the very moment I met each of you. My little sisters and baby brother. I should have been a better sister to you all, especially to you and Linky."

Leni stopped and pulled away from Lynn who was in shock. The others looked just as shocked, even Lucy.

"I don't know what's going to happen out there, I might totally lose or get really hurt. It doesn't matter because I plan to give it everything I got. I'm not fighting for any stupid prize money or to prove something… I'm fighting for you guys. My crazy and loud family. So, let your big sister handle this."

None of them knew what to do or say, all Lynn and the others could do is just stare at Leni in shock. Finally, it was Lincoln who did something. He snapped out of his daze and walked over to Leni. She looked at Lincoln with a slightly confused look since she had no idea what he was doing. Lincoln smiled before he gave Leni a smile peck on the forehead and surprising her. He pulled away to give her a very warm and comforting smile.

"Go out there and knock them dead, big sis."

Leni was left speechless when she heard that. It had been so many years since she heard Lincoln call her that. She thought she would never get to hear him call her that again, she knew she didn't deserve it after everything that happened. Leni almost started to cry as her heart swelled. Thankfully, Leni kept her composure to let out another warm smile.

"Don't worry Linky, your big sister promises to win!"

End of Flashback

A fresh and overwhelming resolve awakened in Leni as her expression became serious with an unyielding look in her eyes. She drowned out the noise from the audience and focused on her opponent. Carlos took notice as he narrowed his eyes a little bit at Leni.

'Now ain't that interesting… looks like this match might be worth my time. Too bad it won't last long.'

"Fighters! At the ready!" Adelaide called out loudly. She quickly dropped her raised hand rather firmly with a serious glint in her eye. "And fight!"

Soon as the match started, Leni quickly dashed towards Carlos in the blink of an eye! Before Carlos knew it, he saw a roundhouse kick coming right at his head! Carlos's eyes widened in shock as he quickly pulled his head back just far enough for Leni's foot to barely miss him! Leni followed up with another kick from her other leg, which happened to be a hard front kick! It seems Carlos saw this coming and quickly sidestepped to avoid the kick aiming for his chest! Leni quickly spun back to go for a reverse roundhouse kick that Carlos quickly ducked under it and pulled far back away Leni.

Carlos looked bewildered as he resumed his southpaw stance while being a safe distance away from Leni.

The crowd was in shock, the cheers and yells had died out. It looks like many of them couldn't believe what they just witnessed. Leni Loud, the lovely and famous model, and fashion designer just pushed Carlos Medel back! With such speed and kicks that most of them could barely see. A few in the crowd that were familiar with martial arts and the sports world knew what they saw was something very special.

Up in the VIP suite where the friends, family, and bosses of the fighters were watching. Everyone looked just as shocked, none more than Bobby and his group. Even the composed Shikano looked surprised by what he saw. The only ones not shocked were Lori and Lisa, Luan on the other hand looked shocked by what she just saw.

"Uh, since when could Leni do that?" Luan asked with a slight stutter at her two sisters. "I don't remember her being able to stuff like that."

"Keep watching."

Luan looked over to see Lori narrowing her eyes down below at the fight happening. She still had the same expression from before.

"You've only seen a little of what Leni can do."

That statement caused quite the stir amongst those who heard it. Was Lori being serious? Had they only seen the surface of what Leni is capable of?

Down on ground level, where Ronnie Anne and her group were watching. They all had the same reaction from what they just saw. Carlino was the first to speak and pretty much summed it up in two words.

"Holy shit."

Sekibayashi looked surprised before smiling wildly.

"Ha! Would you look at that! It seems that woman is more than just a pretty face after all! Those were serious kicks, all aimed for sensitive targets."

Ronnie Anne could only look on in pure shock. What she just saw was very difficult for her to comprehend. She knew Leni since she was a little kid, the older ditzy sister of Lincoln she once knew could not be capable of what just happened. The sheer speed Leni just performed was unbelievable. Those kicks Leni did were all solid and quick enough to overcome any unsuspecting fighter. If any of those kicks managed to connect, it would cause major damage. Thankfully, Carlos isn't your average fighter. Yet he looks just as shocked by what he just saw too. Ronnie Anne still couldn't believe what just happened.

'What the hell happened to Leni, there is no way that's the same airhead I know growing up. That speed and those kicks… there's no doubt about it. She's strong.'

"Man, that chick is pretty strong."

A sudden voice called out from behind Ronnie Anne and the others. They turned around to see a young man walking towards them. He looked to be around 18 or 19 years old. He looked to be Hispanic with shoulder-length orange hair, he looked pretty good-looking and physically fit for his age. He was taller than both Ronnie Anne and Carlino but a little shorter than Sekibayashi. He wore a blue jean jacket over his white shirt, and he had on black cargo pants with some brown boots on.

"Looks like I missed the chance to wish Uncle Carlos luck."


Both Ronnie Anne and Carlino walked over to greet Carlitos, the youngest member of the Casagrande family. Who happened to be Carlino's little brother and Ronnie Anne's youngest cousin. Ronnie Anne was the first to give her cousin a small hug, which he accepted with a smile. Carlino came over and gave his brother a fist bump.

"I was wondering when you were going to show up, hermano." Carlino smiled while pulling his brother into a small hug. "How's the family?"

"They're doing good, mom and dad are watching over Abuelo and Abuela while CJ is manning the store. They would have come but Abuelo is getting a little old for such a journey. They send their love though. I decided to come out when Bobby asked if I wanted to come. Things were pretty boring at home, and I decided to come. Looks like I came just in time."

Carlitos had his eyes on the fight, Ronnie Anne and Carlino turned around and resumed watching the fight.

Nothing had happened yet, Leni got into her stance again while Carlos kept up his usual stance. His look of bewilderment was quickly replaced with a cocky smile.

"You're pretty fast señorita, you almost got me."

Leni didn't waste any time and went on the attack, she went for two quick jabs that Carlos easily dodged! Not wanting to give up her attack, Leni went for a quick series of kicks that Carlos effortlessly dodged with a smile.

"Even your kicks are pretty fast… you're good."

Still smiling without a care in the world, Carlos slowly walked over to Leni. She quickly got ready for another attack when something unexpected happened. Blood suddenly burst from Leni's nose like she had been punched! Leni quickly reeled back with a shocked look! She touched her nose and saw blood on her fingers, she then looked over at Carlos to see him smiling while showing off his left fist that looked like it was smoking.

"Too bad my speed is faster than light."

The crowd went nuts as they let out cheers, many couldn't believe what they saw. Some knew that this was something only Carlos Medel would do. Not far from the ring, Lincoln was watching the fight with her sisters.

"What the hell just happened!" Lana shouted looking on in shock. "I didn't even see him land a hit on Leni!"

"But he did."

Lana and others looked at Lincoln as he narrowed his eyes on Carlos.

"I've heard rumors of Carlos Medel's speed, I hear his jabs are faster than the infamous Thai God of War, Gaolang Wongsawat. A man whose jabs are so fast that they call it "The Flash". It looks like the rumors are true. Leni is going to have a tough fight ahead."

Lana looked shocked along with Luna while both Lynn and Lucy remained focused on the match. Both women were experienced fighters and were experienced in their respective martial arts. So, they knew when someone was strong or weak. And both of them could agree Carlos Medel was very strong, but they also saw that Leni was strong too.

Back to the fight, Leni slowly wiped the blood off her nose. She was caught off guard by that sudden jab, and the sheer speed of it scared her for a moment. However, she quickly shook it off. She knew if Carlos wanted to break her nose he would have with that jab, but he didn't. This means he either couldn't do it or maybe he just wanted to scare her. Leni quickly checked her breathing and found out that she could breathe from her nose just fine.

'He didn't really hurt me… this guy is on a totally different level. No doubt he's stronger than my mentor Remy.'

Leni glared over at Carlos before she got into her Savate stance. She wasn't ready to back down. Not even close. Carlos saw that Leni wasn't swayed to give up, he sighed as he got back into his stance and suddenly charged at Leni. The young Savate user barely had time to get her guard up as Carlos unleashed a barrage of jabs that struck Leni! Thankfully, Leni managed to put up a guard around her face and the upper part of her body. She winced in pain as she felt every jab! It was an odd feeling since she's only ever been hit during her spars with her mentor, and that was just training. This was an entirely different feeling, and it hurt like hell!

Once Carlos stopped his assault, Leni went on the offensive and started to go for a quick jab and then a right hook! Carlos saw this and simply dodged them. Leni followed up with a coup de pied bas, otherwise known as a low kick, aimed at the opponent's shin! To perform this Leni had to lean backwards a little to get the range to hit her target. Unfortunately, Carlos kept his focus on Leni's footwork and slight movements. Being an experienced fighter in the public and underground martial arts world. He knew what Leni was trying to do. Pulling his targeted leg back just in time, Leni's low kick missed! Before Leni could follow up with another attack, Carlos delivered a solid cross punch followed by a left hook!

'You ain't the first Savate practitioner I've faced, you're going have to do better señorita.'

At first, Carlos expected Leni to drop after those punches. Instead, Leni went in for another attack! Although those last punches she received did some damage. She had another bloody nose and a slight bruise on her left cheek. It hurt, but there was no way Leni was going to let that stop her.

Going for one more attack, Leni went for another reverse roundhouse kick that Carlos elegantly dodged by leaning backwards. Leni didn't let up as she performed a rather quick spin! Turning the reverse roundhouse kick into a 360-roundhouse kick, otherwise known as tornado kick! Carlos didn't expect that, but he was quick enough to lean backwards again to avoid the kick. Too bad for him, Leni was far from finished. Leni went back to punching, she went for a quick jab that Carlos easily ducked under. She then followed up with a rather quick front kick that Carlos barely managed to avoid!

The expression on Carlos's face didn't have the same bravado from before. He began to notice something as the fight continued on.

'Her kicks… now that's interesting.'

Carlos wasn't the only one to notice, quite a few experienced fighters or former fighters could see what was happening.

"That's right Leni!" Lana cheered on. "Out speed that little guy and you can win this!"

Lincoln and the others were watching the fight with serious and focused looks. They could see Leni's kicks were getting faster, but they noticed something else.

"Hey, Lucy."

Lucy looked over at Lynn who had her eyes focused on the match.

"Doesn't Leni's kicks feel off?"

The other Loud fighters looked over at Lynn.

"What do you mean?" Luna asked not entirely sure what Lynn meant. "If you mean they're getting faster than yeah, but what's so off about it."

Lucy took a closer look at the fight still going on, she focused on Leni's kicking and quickly noticed it.

"Her kicks, it looks like there's a bit of lag."

All eyes were on Lucy when she said that.

"Lag? What do you mean?" Lana asked in confusion. "Like it's slow? But aren't her kicks getting faster?"

"Yep, they are getting faster."

All the attention was on Lincoln, he had his arms crossed while he keeping his eyes on the fight.

"What Lynn and Lucy mean is that Leni's kicks could be going even faster." Lincoln finally explained with a small smile. "But something is holding her back… and I think I know what."

Lana and Luna looked confused since they had no idea what that meant. Why would Leni be holding back in a fight, a fight like this! Against a literal God of Boxing! It didn't make any sense.

Amongst the cheering and screaming crowd of fans, a certain someone was watching the fight with interest. This person was seated up high on one of the top rows. Which they had no problem with. They could see the fight just fine from here. This person knew Leni very well, that's how come they traveled all this way to see her fight.

'Leni, why are you still holding back?'

This person was Remy, Leni's mentor that taught her everything about Savate and fighting. He looked on at the fight with a deep frown.

'You're facing against a legend like Carlos Medel, and you're still afraid to give it everything you got? Your kind heart is going to be your downfall if you're not too careful.'

It seems both Remy and Lincoln knew something that no one else knew. However, there were quite a few special individuals in attendance watching the fight. Two happened to be seated pretty close but not too close to the ring. These two men had quite the imposing presence that those seated next to them were very nervous. One of the men looked to be around their early 40s, he was a tall and muscular man with dark messy hair and light facial hair. Oddly enough he wore a judogi with a black obi belt with a dark traditional haori over his judogi. For footwear, he had on Geta, traditional Japanese sandals. The other man was a tall muscular man with slicked-back light hair. His outfit consisted of a white tank top and black pants. He looked pretty bored with his arms crossed and his eyes closed.

"Rolon, shouldn't you be watching the match? After all, Toyoda sent us here to check on Carlos's progress."

The man known as Rolon kept his eyes closed and sighed.

"Jurota, I'll start watching when things get serious. We both know both Carlos and that girl are holding back. Once they stop, then I'll start watching."

Rolon didn't say another word, he then pulled his head back a little into a relaxed position. Jurota only gave his colleague a deadpan stare before turning back to watch the fight. He knew Rolon was correct, neither Carlos nor this Leni woman were giving it their all. Not yet at least. There was also something else Jurota knew, if he and Rolon noticed Leni was holding back then Carlos definitely knew too.

For you see, Jurota and Rolon are both gladiators for Purgatory. The same fighting organizations that Carlos works for. They were considered the best of the best, the rising stars of the whole organization. Some say they would become Kings of the whole organization. Which means they are really strong fighters. That also means they know a thing or two about fighting and judging a person's strength and fighting ability. It would seem this tournament has caught the attention of some interesting individuals, and the tournament was just starting.

The fight continued between Leni and Carlos. Leni sent a series of quick kicks towards Carlos, none of those kicks landed as he kept dodging and swaying his body to avoid them. His expression no longer looked laid back or cocky, now he looked a little annoyed.

"Oi, señorita!"

A kick that was aimed for Carlo's face stopped abruptly, Leni quickly pulled her leg back and got into a defensive stance. She had no idea what Carlos wanted or had planned, but she would be ready for anything.

Unlike Leni, Carlos didn't have a stance because his body was completely relaxed. It kind of irritated Leni a little. How could this man be so relaxed in their fight? Was he really looking down on her?

"Tell me, are you really giving it your all in this match?"

The irritated look on Leni's face quickly changed into a surprised one. What kind of question was that?

"What are you talking about?"

The annoyance on Carlos's expression remained as he sent a critical look at Leni.

"Little girl, I've been fighting for a very long time. I've faced many dangerous and challenging opponents. A few times I've come close to losing more than just a fight but my life as well. Do you honestly think I couldn't see it, the way you hold back your kicks. The look in your eyes, they don't have the same fire when we started. You're holding back."

Leni looked beyond shock as her stance faltered a little, Carlos smirked. That's when it happened! Carlos quickly launched a series of fast jabs! So fast that Leni didn't have enough time to defend herself, she quickly felt the jabs hitting her in the lower abdomen, upper body, and her face! The jabs were so fast, the audience simply saw Leni fall to the ground on her knees! For them, they never saw Carlos throw a punch.


Lola was watching the fight close by sitting on a chair outside the ring, she wasn't sitting any longer as she stood up to look at Leni with great concern. The audience was shocked by what they saw. Many quickly booed showing their displeasure of Carlos using such an underhanded tactic. A few applauded or remained silent, they knew this was still a fight with little to no rules.

After all, this was still a fight.

Leni winced in pain, she quickly spat out some blood. Those hits were fast and powerful, they left some damage. She was lucky Carlos didn't go for more powerful punches, he held back on purpose. Still, those jabs to her face caused some small cuts on her right cheek and above her left eye. She slowly got up and wiped away the blood coming from the cut above her eye.

"Looks like you realized it, I could have ended our fight then and there. I could still do it, because like you, I'm holding back."

Another look of shock graced Leni's face. Carlos kept smirking while still looking very relaxed.

"You haven't earned the right to face "The Real Carlos Medel". Your brother promised you girls could be a match for us, but I can only see a frightened little girl holding back. It seems your little brother was lying, too bad. Guess I'll defeat you and fight your brother for my prize along with the money. Maybe I'll teach that little bastardo a lesson for lying to my face."

Those words had a startling effect on Leni, her expression of shock remained. Until she slowly lowered her head that cast a shadow over her face. What happened next no one saw coming. Leni slowly bent down and undid her shoes, once done she took them off and grabbed both with one hand. She then threw them over in front of the referee. Adelaide looked confused by what Leni was doing, what happened next shocked her. The shoes landed in front of her with a very loud sound.


Adelaide did not expect the shoes to make such a loud sound. She bent down and tried to pick the shoes up but was shocked to feel how heavy they were! It was like trying to lift a big rock! Carlos watched this happen with a smirk. He suspected Leni had to be wearing some sort of weighted shoes. Her kicks were held back, now she should be able to kick more freely. Which should make this more interesting.

'Alright, show me what you got señorita.'

Carlos kept smirking as he got into his typical southpaw stance. His attention was focused on Leni. Unlike Carlos, Leni kept her head facing down and had no guard or stance up. She just stood there with a shadow cast over her face, hiding it. Then in the blink of an eye, Leni suddenly vanished from Carlos's view! The legendary boxer's eyes widened in shock as he felt a gust of air pass right by him! He then felt a sharp pain coming from his chest, looking down he was shocked to see a long cut slashed diagonally across his chest! It almost looked like he got slashed by a sharp blade! The cut wasn't very deep, but it caused some bleeding and it hurt a little. Suddenly, Carlos felt something wet drip from the right side of his face. He touched his right cheek with his hand, he pulled it back to take look at what it was. He looked shocked to see that it was blood! He had been cut on his right cheek somehow! But how was that possible!

"You were right… I was holding back."

Carlos quickly turned around and placed his guard up, he looked to see Leni standing a few feet behind him. She had no guard or stance up while she faced him. Her head was still lowered, hiding her face. Blood dripped down to the mat from her face, no doubt from the injuries she got from Carlos. Slowly, Leni raised her head to look at Carlos. She had a very deep frown and a menacing glint in her eyes. With the blood coming from her nose and cut, it gave her a very sinister look.

Leni looked like a vengeful demon!

"People get really hurt when I don't hold back… I don't like hurting people. But I'm totally okay with hurting you. You threatened my Linky… I won't allow that to go unpunished. Which means I'm going have to hurt you really bad."

Leni slowly got into her usual stance and raised her right leg up ready to perform her kicks. Carlos looked to see Leni's right foot had blood on her toes, but there were no injuries on her feet or toes. That could only mean the blood didn't belong to Leni, it belonged to Carlos. Looking closer at Leni's feet, Carlos took notice of something interesting.

'Her feet, they look rough and strong. Feet that look like they've been put through intense training. Feet that don't belong on a simple fashion model. Just what sort of training have you been through, señorita?'

Before Carlos could think any further, Leni quickly rushed towards Carlos in a sudden burst of speed! Carlos barely managed to duck his head under a hook kick aimed for his head! Leni followed up with a spinning roundhouse kick!


Carlos barely dodged the spinning roundhouse kick targeting his face! Unfortunately for Carlos, Leni's kick managed to cut his other cheek causing him to bleed! This caught everyone by surprise, especially Carlos!

Leni somehow managed to make Carlos Medel bleed once more!

The sudden surprise look Carlos had slowly turned into an excited grin! Leni switched it up by going for a right cross that Carlos dodged while going for his own cross that resulted in a counterpunch hitting Leni square in the face! The punch caused her head to reel back slightly, but she still had that serious look in her eyes! Quickly recovering, Leni went for a quick right hook that Carlos dodged. However, Carlos barely dodged another roundhouse kick aimed for his face! He did this by bending his head and upper body backwards!

Leni followed up with a barrage of quick jabs and kicks! Carlos narrowly dodged each attack! He did this while grinning excitedly. Each attack he dodged gave Carlos a feeling he'd never thought he would feel. Not against this girl, not in a fight like this! A feeling he's been searching for desperately!

'I can't believe it… this feeling! This immeasurable tension! The one thing I've been searching for! This isn't some novice fighter I'm fighting! This girl is something else entirely! Come Leni Loud, give me everything you got!'

The audience couldn't believe what they were seeing. This fight had completely changed! It looks like Leni had changed into a completely different person! Her attacks and speed were on a totally different level than before! She was managing to keep up with Carlos Medel, a living legend with years of experience. The audience responded in the only way possible.

They cheered these two fighters on with everything they could!

Watching from above in the VIP suites, those in Clyde's suite were shocked or astonished by what they were seeing.

"Whoa, that chick is keeping up with Carlos." Nikki stated in shock and awe. "The only one I know who could do that is Ronnie. Just who the hell is this chick!"

Sid had the same question on her mind as she sat next to Nikki. Bobby could only look down at the scene in clear shock. Never did he expect this to happen. He of all people knew the pure strength and skill Carlos had. Carlos taught Ronnie Anne how to be the amazing fighter she is today. And now that man was being matched by Leni Loud!

'I can't believe this. There's no way that's the same Leni I used to know. The way she's moving and attacking, it's like there's a totally different person out there! She somehow got three hits on Carlos, nothing too major but Leni somehow cut him three times. Just what the hell happened to you, Leni?'

While Bobby and his group were watching on in shock, Clyde was watching with a small smile. Penelope had a similar shocked look like Bobby and the others. Shikano watched the fight with a serious yet interesting look. With the Louds and their group, Luan looked at the fight with a very shocked look that both Carol and Haiku shared. Like Bobby, they all knew Leni. Luan more than any of them knew her better because they were sisters. However, Luan was having trouble comprehending what she was seeing.

Luan always tried to stay close to her family, especially after what happened with Lincoln. The aftermath of the whole thing was really hard to deal with. It all affected them differently than others. For Luan, she lost all reason to smile or tell a joke or pun. That is until she found the love of her life, Maggie. The others were a different story. They all dealt with it in their own ways. For Leni, she did her best to hide the pain behind a fragile smile. Just like the rest of her sisters, Leni lost friends and was ostracized by those in her town. Still, Leni managed to stay the same kindhearted and klutzy person she's always been. She did it for her family and tried to be there for them. Eventually, Leni ended up being the person she is today. A famous international fashion designer and model, who was loved by millions and helped those in need. A kind and caring woman who loves her family and friends more than life itself.

That's who Leni Loud was to Luan.

Whoever Luan saw fighting in the right wasn't the same Leni she knew. For Luan, it almost looked like someone else was controlling her sister's body. Like something had possessed Leni. Because the Leni she knew would never hurt anyone, even if they deserved it. It's like something caused Leni's mind and personality to completely change. Luan knew Leni practiced in Savate, at first she thought it was something for Leni to pass the time. She didn't expect this.

'What the hell… what happened to you, Leni?'

Luan and the others resumed watching the fight, while both Lori and Lisa watched on with expressionless faces. That changed when Lisa sent Lori a slight glare.

'Lori, no doubt you are pleased this is all going accordingly to your plans. I'm ashamed to admit I helped you get here. We both knew what would happen if we brought everyone here. Our sisters would stop at nothing to reunite with our brother, which means they would do anything to protect him. Out of the 10 of us Loud sisters, we both knew there were only 5 of us that were capable of facing such strong individuals in terms of skill and strength. Both Lynn and Lucy are exceptional individuals well versed in combat and martial arts. Luna and Leni spent time abroad searching for Lincoln until they found a reason to practice martial arts. And Lana's pure size and strength are extraordinary. That's not including all of their unique conditions and abilities. Combine that with everything they know and could do, they are truly exceptional fighters. That's why you sent them to that bar instead of letting all of us go. You knew Lincoln would realize how strong and capable they are.'

Lisa could only sigh and shake her head slightly, she then resumed watching the match.

'Days before this tournament began, I've been researching and going overall information on those competing. I even delved into the dark web to find information on all fighters here. The only one I couldn't get much info on was on our dear brother. In terms of statistics, this fight should be a clear win for Carlos Medel. His speed and power are that above regular professional boxers. That's only including his boxing and specs from before he became an underground fighter. It should be a clear and cut match, but Leni has yet to show everything she's capable of. Since taking off the shoes I created for her, her speed and overall kicking strength will be double what they used to be. And she still has more in store for her opponent. This fight is far from over.'

Meanwhile, down below with Lincoln and the other Loud sisters. They all stood and watched the fight rage on. Except for Lincoln, Lynn, and Lucy. Both Luna and Lana watched the fight in awe.

"Okay, someone wanna tell me what the hell just happened?" Lana asked in clear shock with eyes wide open. "Leni was struggling against this guy a second ago, and now she's pushing him back!"

"It was her shoes."

Lana and the others looked over at Lincoln, his focus still clearly on the fight.

"For some reason, Leni was wearing some sort of weighted shoes. That's how come her kicks seemed to lag behind before she took off her shoes. She intentionally kept those shoes on to slow herself down. I don't know why she held herself back, but now that they are off. I think Leni is going to give this fight everything she's got."

Both Luna and Lana were shocked, they didn't expect to hear that. Neither of them could understand why Leni would do such a thing. Also, how did Leni obtain those kinds of shoes? They both remembered the shoes Leni had on before she left for her match. The shoes looked very slim and didn't seem to be weighted. They were shoes specifically made for Savate users. While Luna and Lana were still at a loss. Both Lynn and Lucy weren't that baffled by what they saw.

Lynn knew a thing or two about weight training. Even when she was a kid, she would practice all of the time with them. Over the years, Lynn would use all sorts of weight training and equipment. She was no stranger to weighted clothes. She's actually used them on occasion. A person would wear such weighted clothes for training but doing such a thing would be risky too. Weighted clothing is good for gaining strength, but it could also cause great strain to your muscles or bones. In some cases, wearing weighted clothing is impractical. So, why would Leni wear such a thing?

'Why the hell were you wearing those weighted shoes Leni? It doesn't make any sense. The weight alone would slow down your attacks and movements. Unless you knew that and still decided to wear them. Whatever the reason, it looks like you have the upper hand at the moment. For right now at least.'

Crossing her arms with a serious look, Lynn watched the fight with great interest. And she wasn't the only one, Lucy kept a blank expression while watching the fight. Her eyes were focused on Leni and her movements.

'It seems I'm not the only one holding back with unorthodox equipment. Your shoes and my gloves are almost the same. Which means you probably holding back not for your own sake, but for the safety of others. Just like myself. Leni, you truly have blossomed into a fine woman and fighter.'

"Wow, I never knew Leni could do that."

A sudden yet very familiar voice called out from behind Lucy and the others. They all turned around to see Lily walking towards them with a surprised expression. Lincoln and the others looked very surprised since they didn't expect Lily to be here.

"What are you doing down here?" Lincoln asked as Lily stop to stand next to him. "Shouldn't you be up in the VIP suite watching the fights?"

"Oh please, you really think I'd just sit all the way up there when the action is down here. I wanted to see you guys fight up close. Besides, I didn't want to leave you down here alone with these guys."

Everyone looked surprised before their expressions quickly changed. Lincoln smiled sadly while sighing. The others either frowned sadly or looked hurt. It looks like Lily still had bitter feelings towards them. Not that any of them could blame her. They all knew they deserved it. Nevertheless, there was a fight still going on and their sister was still fighting. Lincoln, Lily, and the other Loud sisters went back to watching the fight.

Across the stadium, Ronnie Anne and her group were watching the fight with very shocked expressions.

"What the hell is going on!" Carlino exclaimed in shock. "How did she managed to get 3 hits on Carlos! I didn't even see her hit him!"

Sekibayashi narrowed his eyes on Leni's kicks and movements. They were faster and more fluid than before. He also remembered how much trouble the referee had lifting up Leni's shoes once she took them off.

"Hmm, it looks like girly was wearing some weighted shoes and when she took them off. Her speed and movements were restricted but now they're free from those weighted shoes. I gotta say that's a new one for me."

Ronnie Anne and the others listened to Sekibayashi's explanation. It made sense once he explained, but they were still having trouble understanding what they were seeing. None of them saw this fight becoming like this. None more than Ronnie Anne, she frowned and kept her eyes on the fight.

'Come on Carlos, you got this. You still haven't used everything you know yet. Who would have thought Leni freaking Loud would be pushing you into a corner. I sure as hell didn't.'

Leni kept on trying to land a solid hit on Carlos. But he wasn't making it easy. Given his smaller frame and weight, Carlos still managed to dodge each of Leni's attacks. After Leni's punches and kicks would miss, Carlos followed up by delivering quick jabs that no one could see, and they would hit Leni every time. However, that didn't hinder Leni's resolve. No matter how many times Carlos would land a punch to her face, her upper body, or abdominal area. Leni did not waver and would keep attacking!

All the while Carlos grinned in excitement!

'Leni Loud, I never would have thought I'd find a fighter like yourself! To give me this tension, the one feeling I've been longing for. I should thank you, but I'm afraid it's time to end this. No matter how fast you get, you won't be able to beat me. We're similar in frame and weight, but I'm far faster than you. After losing my excess muscle I can move far faster than my original speed during my time as a heavyweight. I may have lost the offensive power of a heavyweight, but that is no problem. Not with my speed.'

Carlos pulled his head far back to avoid a fouetté kick, otherwise known as a roundhouse kick! Leni quickly spun around and went for another reverse roundhouse kick, but he ducked under it just in time! He kept grinning as he pulled back to get some distance from Leni.

'It's such a shame, but I must end this fight. I'd love nothing more than to keep fighting with you. However, I'm not foolish to overlook your kicking speed and kicking strength. All you need is one solid hit on me with your kicks and I would be at a disadvantage. I better end this now before that happens. Such a shame too. Goodnight Leni Loud, I'll end this one solid punch.'

Disappearing in a flash, Carlos dashed his way over to Leni! He revved up his arm and got ready to throw a quick but devastating jab aimed for the jaw. In boxing and fights, hitting the jaw of a person with sufficient power and the perfect angle will cause the head to rotate around. This causes maximum movement of the skull and thus affecting the brain. Any experienced boxer or fighter would know that. Which is why Carlos planned it perfectly. With his overwhelming speed, he would end this fight once and for all. Throwing his signature jab, Carlos smiled as he knew this was the end.

What happened next caused the whole stadium to go quiet.

Carlos Medel threw his jab, but he didn't hit anything! Just like before, Carlos threw his jab before anyone could see him do it. But he hit nothing but empty air! Suddenly, Leni vanished from everyone's view including Carlos's! His smile quickly changed into a shocked expression.

'That jab was supposed to hit! There's no way she saw it coming and dodged! Where the hell did she go!'

All of a sudden, Carlos felt an overwhelming murderous aura coming from behind! He quickly turned around and expected to see Leni standing behind him. Unfortunately, Carlos was half correct. Leni was behind him, but she wasn't standing. Leni was on the ground in a very unique pose, she was in a reverse tabletop pose or the crab pose! Where the person is on all fours but in the reverse direction! Leni had her whole front body facing upper wards in the air and her back body facing down!

'She's on the ground!'

Before Carlos could do anything, Leni quickly pushed her legs up in the air and ended up in a handstand. She then went for a quick front kick that Carlos saw coming but couldn't dodge it time! He quickly pulled his guard up and his arms took the powerful kick in full force! Reeling back and wincing from the pain, Carlos quickly moved away to get some much-needed distance from Leni. Looking down at his arms, Carlos could see they were heavily bruised, but nothing was broken. It sure hurt like hell. He then looked over to see Leni had hop off her handstand and got into a very familiar stance he recognized.

With Leni's feet flat on the ground, she squats her knees to her chest to close her body, she then covered the side of her torso and head with one hand while the other is flat on the ground to the side for support.

'Ah, the Cocorinha stance. It looks like you don't know just Savate, but Capoeira as well. You are certainly full of surprises if I hadn't blocked that kick. You'd probably ended this fight. It looks like you left me no choice now.'

Another grin graced Carlos's face, he then dropped his guard and started doing some odd footwork. He started to rock back and forth that it almost looked like he was dancing. He then moved towards Leni with a smirk.

"Muy Bien! You've surprised me! Now it's time you meet "The Real Carlos Medel"! Let's see who's Capoeira is better!"

Carlos rushed toward Leni, and he did something no one saw coming! The legendary boxer and former heavyweight champion went for a front snap-kick with the ball of his foot. It is performed by lifting the knee and quickly extending the leg with toes pulled back while tilting the torso slightly backwards to strike the opponent in the abdomen, chest, or face. It seems Leni saw this coming as she simply fell backwards into a crab-walk position, followed by quickly scurrying backwards and away from the opponent. The kick missed, and Leni quickly performed an elegant acrobatic move called Valdez, otherwise known as Back walkover! It's a move where the user's back is increasingly arched and abdominal muscles are stretched until the hands touch the floor and all hands and feet are flat on the floor, thus forming a gymnastic back bridge. While in the bridge position, one leg. The leading leg is rapidly raised from the floor to impart momentum to the lower body. This momentum lifts the trailing leg from the floor so that only the hands are left touching the floor. Both hands remain on the floor while the body revolves backward through a handstand position, until the foot of the leading leg, followed by the foot of the trailing leg, reaches the ground. When both feet are on the floor, the user returns to an erect standing position.

Back on her feet, Leni started doing the same footwork Carlos used! She kept a focused glare on Carlos while rocking back and forth, he simply smirk and did the same footwork. For many, it looked like they were dancing.

Those watching were completely stunned by what they were seeing. The audience had grown silent by what they just witnessed. Over where Lincoln and the others were watching, they looked just as stunned as everyone else. Eventually, it was Lynn who broke the silence.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me."

"Uh… are they dancing?" Lana asked in clear confusion while pointing at both Leni and Carlos. "I don't know anything about martial arts, so can someone explain this to me?"

"Believe it or not, that is martial arts."

Everyone looked over to Lincoln, his stunned expression was replaced with an amused one.

"Unless I'm seeing things, both of them are using Capoeira." Lincoln explained with a smile. "Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that uses elements of dancing, acrobatics, and sometimes music. Long ago it was founded and practiced among the slaves of Brazil in the 16th century. It's well known for its acrobatic and complex maneuvers, often involving hands on the ground and inverted kicks. It emphasizes flowing movements rather than normal fighting stances. The Ginga, a rocking step, is what we're seeing now."

The others looked surprised at this information, except both Lucy and Lynn. Both of them were experienced in the martial arts and combat sports world. Which means they were familiar with it.

"From what I've read and studied while abroad, Capoeira isn't really practiced as a martial art that often." Lucy spoke up getting everyone's attention. "It's been mainly focused on for its dancing and its cultural appreciation, many today see it simply as an art form rather than a martial art."

"Oh, trust me when I say guys still use it for a martial art." Lynn grunted while frowning. This shifted everyone's attention to her. "Let's just say I've met a few assholes who practice this shit. There are two main styles of Capoeira, called Angola and Regional. The ones you have to watch out for are the guys who practice Capoeira Regional. They're the assholes who focus on Capoeira as a martial art. Not a lot of guys practice it, especially in public martial arts. Guess it's different in the underground fighting world."

Luna, Lana, and Lily looked impressed or surprised by this newfound information. They didn't expect to hear of such a martial art existed. Lily watched the movements and footwork, Leni and Carlos, doing with wonderment in her eyes.

"I don't know what's crazier, the fact Leni dodged that jab no one saw coming or that she and Carlos both know this crazy martial art." Lana sighed while looking over at the fight. "Did any of you know that either of them could do that?"

It seems no one had a clue as everyone remained silent. That silence was broken when Luna spoke.

"So, what happens now?"

Once again, no one uttered a word for a moment. That is until Lincoln finally spoke in a serious tone.

"Something tells me we're about to find out."

With that said, Lincoln and his sisters resumed watching the fight with anticipation. On the other side of the stadium, Ronnie Anne and her group were talking amongst themselves.

"It's crazy, I never thought Carlos would resort to using his version of Capoeira. Not in a place like this, not against someone like this." Carlino stated with a troubled expression. "This Leni chica, she's on a whole different level than I thought. Not only does she know Capoeira, but it looks like she saw Carlos's jab coming! How is that possible?"

No one knew what to say, all they did was watch on in silence.

Carlino wasn't the only one with a troubled look because Ronnie Anne had one as well. All her focus was on her mentor and father figure, Carlos.

'I can't believe you'd be pushed this far Carlos. I've known you for a good part of my life, and I've learned everything you know. From boxing to your own Capoeira, even if I haven't had the need to use Capoeira yet. It's harder to believe that Leni of all people pushed you this far. It's like Carlino said, she's on a whole different level than I thought too. Too bad it won't make a difference. Leni, you're no longer facing the Carlos Medel you've heard of. You're about to face something beyond that, you're up against a true genius. I'm don't envy what you're about to face.'

Ronnie Anne and the others went back to watching the fight. Meanwhile, in the audience, a certain someone had now taken interest in the match. Rolon had now opened his eyes and was watching the match. His companion, Jurota looked over at Rolon with a faint smile.

"What do you think, Rolon?"

Rolon had the same serious expression when he spoke.

"I think… I'd like to see what happens."

Up at the VIP suite, everyone else was stunned or interested in what they just saw. There's one person who was watching the fight with a slight smirk. And that happened to be Lisa.

'It appears the time has come, Leni. Show everyone what you've been hiding from them. Show them that there's more than one genius in the Loud family!'

Down below in the ring, both Carlos and Leni kept up their footwork otherwise known as Ginga in Capoeira. Their movements were quick yet graceful, they looked prepared for any sort of attack. But neither of them attacked, not yet. Carlos kept smirking at Leni, while Leni glared at Carlos. They weren't the only ones in the ring, for the referee Adelaide wasn't that far. She looked extremely nervous as she watched both fighters. So far this fight has been anything but normal. She expected these fights to be like an exhibition match, not a real fight but more like a show. Oh, how wrong she was. What she's seeing now, words could hardly describe it. She watched both Leni and Carlos, their movements and expressions. The intense aura forming between them was almost suffocating. It caused Adelaide's legs to get weak, this was no longer a simple fight. She carefully watch both fighters and could only think of one thing.

'Which one… which one of them is stronger!'

This fight was far from over, and it was only the first match of the tournament! It seems this would a tournament no one would forget!

Royal Woods, Michigan

Sunset Canyon Retirement Home

Meanwhile, far from the amazing tournament taking place. A certain old man sitting in a rocking chair in his room while watching the night sky from out his window. He should be in bed since it was late, a nurse would have told him this already. But this man wasn't tired yet. And the nurses and staff knew when to leave this man alone. He would go to sleep eventually, but right now he had a lot on his mind.

'Hmm, I can feel it… tonight is special.'

Albert, also known as Pop-Pop to his grandchildren the Louds siblings. Matter of fact, that's who has been on his mind lately. His grandchildren, all of them. It was very obvious they've had a hard time in life. One could say it all happened when that bad luck incident happened. Who would have guessed such a rash and superstitious decision would forever change a family. It broke Albert's heart when he heard of what happened. Never had been more ashamed of his daughter and granddaughters except for Lily. He also felt the immense need to murder his stupid son-in-law, and he came close to unleashing another side of himself he's kept hidden all these years. Thankfully Albert didn't have to act on his primal desire to teach his foolish son-in-law a lesson. He saw the regret and pain in not Lynn. Sr's eyes that day but in his daughter Rita's and his granddaughters. It broke his heart seeing them like that, to have his family broken. Beating Lynn. Sr wouldn't have made things easier or right for what they did. They needed to learn and regret what they did. No matter how much he wished they didn't have to go through that.

Over the years Albert has kept tabs on all his grandchildren, even his grandson Lincoln. He did this by asking for favors from powerful and resourceful friends. In fact, he caught wind of Lincoln's whereabouts just as he finished his training with his pro wrestler mentor. Albert thought of notifying his family of Lincoln's whereabouts or even notifying the authorities. But he didn't when he heard of what Lincoln was doing. After leaving Mick Foley, Lincoln decided to travel around and fight in underground matches and pro-wrestling matches. From what Albert heard, his grandson had no intention of returning home to his family. Not that Albert blamed Lincoln, he couldn't imagine what his grandson had been through. That's why he decided to leave Lincoln alone on his journey. And hope that one day Lincoln finds the strength and resolve to reunite with his family and friends.

'Looks like I was right, that grandson of mine sure knows how to cause a ruckus. Guess he got that from my side of the family.'

The news of his grandson's apparent return had reached Albert rather quickly. He suspected Lincoln would try and do something like this. Especially after the brutal training, he's gone through on his journey. Trained under 4 mentors from various styles and martial arts. Going through training that would kill most. It wasn't luck or a higher power at hand that led Lincoln to some of them. Albert had a hand in it. Of course, Albert had no hand in Lincoln receiving training from his first two mentors. Even though Albert knew Mick Foley through various friends or acquaintances. Lincoln earned the right to train with Diana Guzman and Mick Foley. It was Lincoln's last two mentors that Albert had a hand in.

'Two of my oldest friends, former rivals back when I was still kicking ass. I reached out to them to give Lincoln a chance. It seems he impressed them from what I've heard. That boy, he sure is something.'

A smile appeared on Albert's face as he looked over to the stand next to his bed. Where he saw three framed photos, one of which happened to be when Albert arrived in Japan after the war to start his journey. Back in his 20s, the picture was old and withered. In the picture, he was young and wore his Seaman uniform, the same one he fought Yuichiro Hanma in. The second photo showed his late wife, it was taken right before he asked her to marry him. She looked very beautiful with her elegant and long blonde hair. He often got lost in her sea-green eyes. And finally, the last photo was of his grandchildren, before everything terrible happened.

'I still can't believe how fast they've all grown up. All my granddaughters have grown into very beautiful women, like their mother and grandmother. God, how I wish their grandmother could have met them. After everything that happened, they all lost their way, thankfully they managed to come out of it okay. Well, okay as can be I guess.'

Keeping tabs on his granddaughters was fairly easy, a lot easier than with Lincoln. The only ones that gave him trouble were Lynn and Luna. It was difficult to keep an eye on Lynn after she left home to begin her journey to search for her brother. She traveled very often, and it got hard to get word on her whereabouts, at least until she would get into trouble. Albert heard of Lynn's exploits while traveling. The brawls and drinking. Soon as he got word of it, Albert called in an old friend to hopefully get Lynn back on track. Lynn's first mentor, Doppo Orochi.

'Good old Doppo, the fond memories I have of us. Not to mention the scars. You were truly one of the hardest opponents I've ever faced. I owe you for teaching Lynn a thing or two. God knows she needed to be humbled. Still, I don't know if it did any good.'

After Lynn finished her training with Doppo, she resumed her journey and eventually met her two other mentors. One he knew rather well but hoped Lynn would never have met. An infamous martial artist/killer that practiced all styles of Chinese Kenpo, especially strong styles. The same could be said with Lynn's last mentor, the rumors about this guy were troubling. A man who shared a famous name with many others but was a ruthless martial art from Japan. Hearing of this almost got Albert to leave and intervene in whatever this last mentor had planned. Thankfully it never came to that, it seems Lynn got what she wanted from those two mentors and left. From what Albert has heard, Lynn is very strong. And that's just what he knows what Doppo taught her combined with her natural abilities. She's most likely reached farther in terms of skill and strength.

Lastly, the one to give him trouble was Luna, it happened when she became a celebrity and rockstar. She distanced herself from everyone, her family. The aftermath of everything hit Luna harder than anyone. Sadly, it all accumulated into the mess she got herself in. The booze, the drugs, and other terrible things. Albert thought Luna only needed time and that eventually, she would come home. Oh, how wrong he was. When he heard what happened to his granddaughter, the attempted rape of his granddaughter. It took everything in his power not to leave and hunt down the animals who dared harmed Luna. That time he came close to returning the man he used to be.

'Thank god those animals never got the chance to go any further. Looks like someone saved Luna just in time and taught those punks a lesson. Hmm, I can't help but wonder who that person was.'

It warmed Albert's heart to hear that Luna was safe and sound. He was also happy to hear that she had found the help and care she needed. Imagine how surprised Albert was when he heard Luna was under the care and tutelage of Mokichi Robinson. Apparently, Luna's mysterious savior had taken her there after the attack.

'Robinson, I recall I fought his father at one point during my travels. Tough son of a bitch used that crazy style of theirs. Luna found a rather tough mentor, a man of faith too from what I heard.'

The rest of his grandchildren followed their own paths. His eldest granddaughter Lori found an immeasurable strength after a profound loss, now she's a powerful CEO providing for her family. Leni still remained the same talented sweetheart he remembered, but she found a willing mentor that helped find her an unexpected but very much needed part of herself to grow stronger. Luan found a reason to smile and laugh again thanks to a very special person in her life. Lucy traveled a very difficult path, a rather dark one resulting in her not only becoming stronger but more deadly. All thanks to two old friends of his, two former rivals. Lana found her true calling and became stronger from it. Lola became the star she always said she would be. Lisa only got smarter and is out there changing the world. And finally, his youngest granddaughter Lily, a girl ready to discover what she's wants in life.

'My grandkids… I'm happy that they're finally back together again.'

Suddenly Albert began to cough very violently, he covered his mouth and the coughing quickly stopped. He sighed in relief, that is until he looked at his hand. He could see a little bit of blood on it. The old man stared at the blood for a moment before smiling sadly. He wiped the blood off his pants and resumed watching the night sky.

"What a beautiful night…"

To Be Continued

AN: Hey guys, sorry if it's been a while but I've been busy with classes and beating this bad cold. Thankfully I've gotten better and I'm still writing on weekends or whenever I can find free time. I just wanna thank you all that are still reading this fanfic of mine. I know I'm not that good of a writer, but I really appreciate it. Anyways, I want to let you guys know I still plan to finish this story so don't worry. Also, I got more fanart coming. If you wanna see them, check out my Tumblr and Amino. For Tumblr check out chubbysnorlax619, there you can find fanart for this fanfic and my other fanfics. For Amino go to the Loud House Amino and look for ChubbySnorlax. Keep an eye on those if you wanna see previews of the fights to come.

Another thing, I'm always open to reviews or PMs. I love feedback, doesn't matter if it's negative or positive. I'm happy to look it over. I really like your guys feedback because I'm writing this to entertain you all. That's what being a writer is all about.

One more thing, do you guys wanna see more of Albert during his youth? When he was Shiraga and making a name for himself. His past fights and struggles against legendary fighters and assassins. How about old friends and rivals paying him a visit in his old age? What do you think? Let me know in a review or PM.

One last thing, for the guys who submitted their OCs. I have things planned and I have those I accepted written down. Eventually, they will have a role to play for something huge. And who knows, some might show up early for an appearance. After all, this tournament is attracting all sorts of characters.

There you have it. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. The next one will be out as soon I'm done updating my other stories. Don't be afraid to leave a review, I love your guys feedback. Take care and stay safe, see ya!