Lisa's nerves grew even worse knowing that prom was the next day.
"I can believe it's tomorrow" she muttered quietly as the stars shined brightly in the sky through the opened window of her room.
She was really stressing her mind about it and only wished for everything to be over soonest.
All preparations were already made for the event cause she had been to the school's hall where the dance would be held.
The hall is very spacious with lots of beautiful decors, disco lights and the painting was so exotic.
Everyone was thrilled to see how the hall was being prepared.
Earlier that morning, the principal held a meeting with the students to officially announce the opening of the event which was scheduled for the next day.
Betty and Henry were already showing off their plans for the special night as they were seeing discussing with their friends. Betty had already bought her dress from one of the most expensive designers in town and she brags about how epic the gown is.
"Y'all are going to love my exquisite dress. My father personally ordered it from the BEST fashion house in Los Angeles" she bragged with a smirk on her face.
She's known for her proud nature so basically no one expected less from her.
She called Lisa to ask about her preparation for the dance cause she knows her friend isn't much of a party type.
Lisa never said she was going to need a dress for the dance, since her wardrobe was already choked up with so many dresses. But her Dad was already getting an exotic dress from her favorite designer unknown to her.
The door bell rings as Lisa quickly runs downstairs to see who it was.
"Hey girlfriend!" Betty said as she pushed the door open.
"My girl, how are you preparing for prom night she asks in a singing tone.
"Oh that, well nothing much just preparing" Lisa replies as she picks up the TV remote.
"Are you being serious right now? like girl.....this is prom not a high school convention or something" Betty jolted.
"I know but what else do I need other than a dress, shoes, and accessories. It's not like I'm going for a high school date?" Lisa said curtly.
"Argh, You need to loosen up girl, you're no more in the eight grade" Betty responded.
"Oh please, don't start with your speech of me acting like a twelfth grader, I'm not in for it today!" Lisa slammed back at her just as she offers her a chilled glass of orange juice.
"I only want you to be happy and at least for once love yourself, you're such a beauty but you hardly pay attention to your body" Betty continued to talk about Lisa's attitude of not wanted to loosen up a little.
"Okay I've heard your sermon again and I promise to change. Lisa exclaimed as they both laughed loudly.
"Meanwhile Henry and I are all set for tomorrow, girl you need to see my dress plus he got an expensive jewelry for his princess! Betty brags as she stands to demonstrate her expressions.
"Oh here we go again with all the bragging rights" Lisa says with a tired look.
"I know you would say that, girl you're such a kill- joy" she replies loudly as they both laugh at their own comments.
They both have a close relationship but sometimes Betty finds it hard to understand her friends especially with her kind of attitude. After their seemingly endless conversation, Betty offered to take Lisa for a make over and a hair-do just for her to look stunned up for prom.
"You really need this makeover, don't worry I got this" Betty said smiling.
"Who am I to say No to her royal majesty" Lisa responded in a funny tone.
"So tomorrow by noon, I'd come pick you up after school okay?" She replies
"Yes Ma'am!" Lisa said as they both laugh loudly while they had their drinks.
"Oh my!" Lisa exclaimed as she gets up from the bed to notice that it's already morning.
"It's morning already? Today is the DAY" she hollers as she quickly remembers to get her dress, shoes and jewelry ready in preparation for the dance.
"I'm so confused to which dress to wear or even shoes and I can't even find my jewelry box" she continues to lament.
She almost turns the room upside down trying to figure out what to wear.
"Thank God school was cancelled today because of the dance tonight. At least I will have enough time to prepare" she said to herself.
Meanwhile Lisa's Dad gets a call from Mr Baylor that the dress for Lisa is ready and he would deliver it by evening as planned.
Lisa was so frustrated after trying out almost all the dresses in her wardrobe but couldn't find the best one to wear. Unknown to her, Mr Baylor had already made her an exotic dress fit for a princess.
"Ain't you going to your high school prom?" Mrs Courtney asked.
"Yes mum I will" Frederick replies.
"Who's the lucky girl? Huh" She continues with her eyes fixed on him.
"Uhmmm......someone you know" He responds nervously.
"Ohhh....I think I have an idea who she is" Mrs Courtney said curtly as she clears her throat.
"You do??" He responds in a staggering voice.
"I'm your mother remember!. Besides your countenance is screaming her name already....I know its Lisa!" Mrs Courtney said with a grin on her face.
At this point Frederick couldn't believe his ears and the expression on his face made his mum laugh hilariously.
"Mum did Lisa tell you I asked her out to prom?" Frederick begins to ask his mother so many questions.
"No she didn't but like I said I'm your mother. Besides it's very obvious you have feelings for her. The way you always talk about her, your shyness each time she comes around and the manner you look at her whenever you both are in the study room. Who wouldn't figure it out that you're actually in love with her ".
" you've been watching us even in the study room? Mum...." Frederick jolted.
"You have to tell her how you feel before its too late" Mrs Courtney responds.
"But I'm scared what if she rejects me or even hate me.... I don't want her to think I want to take advantage of her innocence"
"Lisa is a good girl but you can't keep hiding your feelings....use this opportunity to confess your feelings to her" Mrs Courtney advised.
"I think you're right mum, I really need to tell her how I feel" Fredrick obliged.
"Prom is the best place to tell her, don't worry it will all be fine okay?"
"I've never felt so relieved, thank you mum. You're the best" Frederick replies as he hugs her while they both sit together on the sofa to watch a movie.